(2008), "Diary", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 22 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
RESERD 2008 Regional Conference on Human Resource Development – “Gearing Dynamic Human Capital”14-16 January 2008, Primula Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
The 1st Regional Conference on Human Resource Development (RESERD 2008) is jointly organized by the Department of Human Resource Development Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Terengganu Development Institute (TDI) and Terengganu state government together with the cooperation Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia. The conference serves as a good platform for HRD community to meet and exchange ideas. It is expected more than 250 national and international participants will attend this conference.
The objectives of the conference are to provide a forum for researchers, academics, industrial professionals and graduate students from all over the world to discuss and exchange ideas, present their research findings and experience in various fields of human resource development. This conference provides opportunities for delegates to exchange new ideas and experiences face to face, to establish research and academic relations and to find partners for future collaboration.
Contact: RESERD 2008 Secretariat, Department of Human Resource Development, Faculty of Management and Human Resource Management, Malaysia University of Technology, 81310 Skudai, Johor. Tel: 607-5532492/607- 5531803; Fax 607-5566911; e-mail: reserd2008secretariat@ Web site:
HR Directors Business Summit 200829-30 January 2008, Hilton Birmingham Metropole, UK
This event should not be missed by anyone involved in strategic human resource management and business strategy. The HR Directors Summit is established as the event for top-level HR professionals to hear the latest thinking in HR. Bringing together Europe’s leading HR experts, the conference showcases the newest ideas and innovations in HR.
Event features:
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Three stream conference with in depth presentations from the HR Directors who are making a difference.
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Case studies from experts providing practical advice and insights into best practice.
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Discussion tables, including lively debate and interaction with your peers.
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Networking opportunities, including one-to-one meetings and an evening reception.
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Exhibition where you can learn about the latest technologies and services that are streamlining HR practices.
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Workshops, 360° practical and in-depth workshops from the industry experts, including interactive participation, specialist advice and Q & A sessions.
Contact: Tel +44 (0)20 7202 7509; Fax +44 (0)20 7202 7600
E-learning and Blended Learning19-20 February, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Since the cost of utilizing eLearning tools is decreasing, more corporations are diving into the web-based training pool. This event will provide you with the necessary knowledge to stay afloat by discussing top trends, issues and strategies with senior-level eLearning experts. This conference brings together top US experts from Fortune 500 companies to share their experience and knowledge about making eLearning part of their everyday business life.
Contact: Carla Arguelles. Tel: +34 934 524 276; Fax: +34 934 510532; e-mail: carla.arguelles@ Web site: generate_page.php? page_id =1013