(2008), "New training facility for electronics companies in north and east of region", Circuit World, Vol. 34 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
New training facility for electronics companies in north and east of region
New training facility for electronics companies in north and east of region
Electronics Yorkshire has assisted in the set up of a new electronics training workshop facility for Derwent Training Association at its newly extended premises at Malton, North Yorkshire (Figure 2).
The new workshop facility has been equipped to the highest standards following expert advice from staff at Electronics Yorkshire and includes benches, tools, parts and stock components for trainees to carry out practical training.
2 Pictured (left to right) are Peter Brooks, deputy chief executive
Electronics Yorkshire, David Sanderson MBE, chief executive Derwent Training
Association and Peter Aspin, CoVE project manager
The dedicated facility, which can cater for up to six students at a time, will give electronics companies in the North and East of the region even greater access to the wide range of courses on offer from Electronics Yorkshire, without trainees from the area always needing to travel long distances.
In addition, the new facility will enable Derwent Training Association to further enhance its own electronics- related apprenticeships, GCSEs and evening classes.
Peter Brooks, Electronics Yorkshire's deputy chief executive said: “This new partnership with Derwent Training Association will allow us to extend our support of the region's electronics businesses, bringing our services closer to those based in the North and East of the region.”
Electronics Yorkshire, an internationally-recognised IPC Official Certification Centre of training, now offers more than 20 courses covering industrial entry-level soldering to advanced, certified IPC trainer courses, all of which are designed to support industry growth and development.
In addition to its main training and technology centre at its headquarters in Leeds, Electronics Yorkshire also has a training facility located within TWI's premises on the Advanced Manufacturing Park at Catcliffe, Rotherham for companies from the South Yorkshire area to access training.
David Sanderson MBE, Chief Executive at Derwent Training Association said: “We are pleased to work with Electronics Yorkshire on this project which will offer training to existing employers within the electronics industry and attract new companies into the area – I am sure they will be impressed.”
Derwent Training Association was founded in 1988 to promote and extend training opportunities for people throughout industry and commerce. Its success has led to rapid growth and relocation to a purpose built modern headquarters in Malton. Derwent Training Association offers an employer- led training centre of excellence that provides an engineering training service of the highest quality to both member and non-member companies.
As part of its popular Envirotronix programme, Electronics Yorkshire will be running an environmentally focused seminar dealing with WEEE, RoHS and related issues at the new facility at Malton on Tuesday October 16, when delegates will have the chance to bring themselves up to date with the latest environmental regulations.
Electronics Yorkshire, the not-for- profit organisation supporting and promoting growth of electronics in Yorkshire and Humber, is funded by Yorkshire Forward, the Learning and Skills Council and EU ERDF and ESF.