Call for papers for foresight

Business Strategy Series

ISSN: 1751-5637

Article publication date: 3 July 2009



(2009), "Call for papers for foresight", Business Strategy Series, Vol. 10 No. 4.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Call for papers for foresight

Article Type: Call for papers From: Business Strategy Series, Volume 10, Issue 4

The journal of future studies, strategic thinking and policy.

Futurists often remind us that the purpose of thinking about the future is not to predict what will happen but rather to consider alternatives. Although we cannot know the future, we can propose a range of alternative futures and make judgements about the assumptions that underpin them. Futures research provides a powerful framework and set of techniques that allow us to test the credibility of possible futures. Through a better understanding of what is likely to happen we should be able to make better decisions in the present.

Businesses, organizations and policy makers face real problems that require real solutions. Futurists should be at the forefront of discovering practical ways to manage twenty-first century life under growing complexity, providing a long-term perspective and greater clarity for decision-makers.foresight provides a much-needed forum for sound thinking about the future and focuses on themes and issues which demand a strategic and long-term view. It draws on the established tools, techniques and methodologies of futures studies (e.g. scenario planning, Delphi, environmental scanning etc.) as well as those of other social science disciplines, and will be informed by systems thinking and theories of postmodernism and complexity.

Key benefits

foresight is published six times a year. Key benefits to authors include:

  • Substantial and rigorous review of submissions.

  • World-wide dissemination via Emerald Fulltext.

  • Liberal and evolving copyright policy which serves the best interests of authors.

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