(2001), "Knowledge management for improved efficiency", Assembly Automation, Vol. 21 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited
Knowledge management for improved efficiency
Knowledge management for improved efficiency
Keywords Knowledge management, Efficiency
Knowledge trading (KT) involves electronic delivery of information and knowledge from validated expert sources to support industrial end users. KT reduces time and cost for obtaining expert assistance and is potentially a valuable resource for industry, particularly SMEs, as the services involved can be obtained at low cost and instantaneously when the user requires them. These developments are part of the wider field of knowledge management, which is evolving rapidly and promises a huge impact on national competitiveness.
Growth of this new market area depends on availability of appropriate knowledge content for KT Internet sites, as well as on market pull from end users. As neither a critical mass of content nor market pull is available yet, development of KT requires actions at both the supply and demand sides of the market.
TWI has been an early entrant to this field with its development of JoinIT®, an information and knowledge Internet trading product covering materials joining and allied technologies.
JoinIT, TWI's online information and advice service, is designed to boost efficiency through improved access to technical information (see Figure 1).
Figure 1
Sample best practice guide on arc welding aluminium
Using conventional communications, engineers can use around 25 per cent of their time unproductively in searching for information. With Internet technologies it is possible to reduce these times substantially.
JoinIT incorporates a range of information and know-how. The main knowledge content is structured to replicate a typical face-to-face interaction with an expert:
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FAQs – frequently asked questions – a simple starting-point to an expert consultation.
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Knowledge summaries – further essential knowledge, and risks and benefits relevant to the technical area.
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Best practice guides – a broader comparative look across the field (Figure 1).
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Software toolkits – which allow you to input your own data and to evaluate "what if" scenarios.
To become a registered user of JoinIT simply select "Register" from the homepage, found at and complete and submit the registration form. Registration details will be confirmed back to you by e-mail within 48 hours.
Contact: Jayne Sherwen, Project Manager, e-commerce Group, TWI, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB1 6AL, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1223 891162 ext. 2594; e-mail:; Web site: