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Development of accountability for academic performance model based on management information system

Laser Narindro, Wahyu Hardyanto, Tri Joko Raharjo, Kardoyo Kardoyo

VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems

ISSN: 2059-5891

Article publication date: 10 March 2020

Issue publication date: 13 February 2021




This study aims to evaluate and develop a model for an internal quality assurance system for school self-evaluation based on a management information system (MIS) for Vocational High Schools based on National Education Standards. MIS has been implemented by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia since 2016, which is called SIAP-PADAMU NEGERI Application. Although that MIS has been running, it still needs analysis and development in terms of both MIS and education management function. The purpose of the development model of self-school evaluation is to manage data and information online, real-time and integrated to control educational quality as a baseline for stakeholders to make further strategic policies.


This research methodology uses Research and Development (R&D) with a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology as a research approach where research techniques use triangulation techniques. The education management function uses the POAC approach (planning, organization, actuating and controlling).


The achievement of standar nasional pendidikan (SNP) quality in the education level of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) in Semarang City Central Java Province in 2016 is generally categorized to SNP level 3. Thus, SNP internal quality achievement in SMK education level in Semarang City in the year 2016 has not reached SNP. For SMK education level, the best quality achievement is at the lowest standard of content and quality achievement in the assessment standard. In theoretic integrated MIS model makes it easy in quality data reconnaissance and accreditation school. All of the process flow has been integrated into one framework so as to facilitate the monitoring of internal and external quality of school conducted by stakeholders.


SNP quality achievement in SMK/Vocational High School Education Level in Semarang City is categorized in SNP quality achievement in level of 3 from 5 of SNP. Because of that, the internal quality achievement of SNP in SMK/Vocational High School in Semarang City in 2016 does not reach SNP yet. The achievement of quality for SNP in vocational high school education level in central Java still above of quality achievement of vocational high school in Semarang City.



Narindro, L., Hardyanto, W., Joko Raharjo, T. and Kardoyo, K. (2021), "Development of accountability for academic performance model based on management information system", VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 51 No. 1, pp. 47-63.



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