Rebelo, T. (2017), "Introduction to the Book and Media Review Section", The Learning Organization, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 70-71.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited
We are delighted to announce the addition of the Book and Media Review section, a new section in The Learning Organization (TLO) journal. Just as the name suggests, it aims to introduce books and other materials (such as websites, blogs, conferences, diagnosis and tools) related to the themes of the learning organization and organizational learning.
“A book is still a book”. A book, as a detailed and in-depth exploration of a particular subject, based on a compilation of work and reflection spanning over a number of years, has its place in the body of knowledge. Thus, having a book review section in TLO will allow it to cover this important part of knowledge production.
Nevertheless, we are living in an increasingly digital era, characterized by the high-speed dissemination of information and knowledge, and where the internet has become a ubiquitous presence. The decision to extend this section to other materials, such as websites or blogs, aims to share insightful and useful information and debates that exist on the internet, with TLO readers.
In accordance with TLO’s editorial objective of engaging both practitioners and academics in progressive inquiries and critical dialogue about the learning organization and organizational learning, it is also our wish to publish books and media reviews that fit these two key journal audiences. This will be done trying to alternate the presentation of more academically oriented with more practitioner-oriented books and media reviews, as well as reviews that are of interest to both audiences.
Book reviews will be published in TLO mainly to introduce recently published books on the learning organization/organizational learning or related topics. However, we welcome reviews of all relevant books, whether recently published or older. Concerning special issues, our intention is to include a review of a book or a media related with the topic for the special issue.
Book reviews will include a brief background on the book topic, a brief summary of the book and its aims, an overview of the contents (structure, chapters) and the reviewer’s thoughts on the book, in terms of added value and implications for theory/research, practice and/or society.
Media reviews will follow a similar structure, with a description of the material, an overview of the goals and the contents and the reviewer’s opinions, namely in terms of added value and implications.
To fulfill our vision and aims, we would very much like to develop this section together with the contributions from TLO readers. We welcome information about interesting books and media that possibly could be reviewed for TLO, and readers who wish to engage in the role of book or media reviewer are welcome to contact Teresa Rebelo, TLO’s Book and Media Review Editor.