Bajer, J. (2016), "Editorial", Strategic HR Review, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 149-149.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2016, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Dear colleague,
I am sure that you heard that applying Neurosciences to the world of human resources (HR) is becoming ‘strategic’. So why are most organizations not changing how they manage people using the breakthrough findings from this field, improving how they attract, hire, develop and manage in better ways?
Most organizations are still oblivious of new realities. For example, the fact that our needs to develop meaningful relationships are at a par with our physical needs, that we are not motivated by money in the way we thought of before or that we are a lot more irrational than rational when making decisions.
In this edition of our journal, we are proud to share the following articles:
In Understanding the Human at Work – How Neurosciences are Influencing HR Practices, Peter Cheese and Jan Hills describe the relevance and application of neuroscience on HR practice and thinking, affirming the importance of using a better understanding of human behavior to drive more effective people management and development practices.
In Apply These Six Tips to Stop Wasting Time on Performance Reviews, Shelly Row offers a concrete application of neuroscience in an HR setting, demonstrating how recent research on the topic can help employers make performance reviews of their workers more efficient and effective.
In Neuroscience as a Basis for HR Practices, Sue Paterson links the effectiveness of a wide range of HR practices with understanding how the human brain works, with special emphasis on the impact of emotions related to escape/avoidance and attachment/growth.
And in The Neurology of Professional Performance, Liaquat Lal reviews research into intrinsic motivation and neuroleadership to explore approaches to performance leadership that reflect insights into the actions and reactions of the human brain.
At Strategic HR Review we want to ’nudge’ the world of HR so that it incorporates latest findings from Neurosciences (and Behavioral Sciences) into HR policies, processes and tools. I passionately believe that these insights will help us in our quest to bring people and organizations to work better together, making a difference to society.
I see a world where people engage with what they do because they want to add value. A world where people collaborate with others because they realize it is the best way to make things happen. A world where work and life no longer need to be balanced. The good news, it appears, is that our brains have been designed to do exactly that!
Enjoy the reading and have a go at bringing these ideas into your own organization.
Warm regards,
Dr Javier Bajer