(2016), "Competitive horizons", Strategic Direction, Vol. 32 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Competitive horizons
Article Type: Competitive horizon From: Strategic Direction, Volume 32, Issue 3
Business reforms increase in many world economies
The latest annual World Bank ease of doing business report shows a significant rise in the number of reforms implemented. The trend is especially strong within developing economies, reports. Improvements to regulations and starting a business accounted for a majority of the modifications. Countries including India and Kenya were among those to help entrepreneurs by simplifying many of the procedures involved in starting a business. Attempts to make legal frameworks stronger were less evident, with Sub-Saharan Africa accounting for almost half of the reforms introduced. The report points that quality of regulations helps to improve overall efficiency. Analysis shows that economies in Europe and Central Asia have performed better over the past year than those in North Africa and the Middle East based on new quality benchmarks. Singapore remains the best nation for doing business in, with New Zealand, Denmark, Korean Republic and Hong Kong completing the top five. Top improvers over the year introduced three reforms or more and Costa Rica headed this list. Uganda, Kenya and Cyprus were among others to make significant strides. On a regional basis, the highest number of improvers was found in Sub-Saharan Africa, while economies in Europe, Central Asia and South Asia likewise introduced a significant number of reforms.
Marketing mistakes impede firms in European food supplements market
The market for food supplements in Europe in set for strong growth and reach €9 billion by 2018, recent research claims. But a report published by warns that many companies will fail to exploit the opportunities provided by this growth. Failure rates for new products are put at 80 per cent, and the report cites ineffective marketing as a major cause. In particular, organizations are accused of focusing too intently on health claims of their products. Overestimating the size of their potential market is another inadequacy, along with being too premature in attempts to target mass market audiences. Some companies are failing to properly align their brands with the benefits promised and formats offered. The report recommends that marketers should instead aim to properly ascertain which consumer segments are likely to need the product and ensure they understand how it can benefit them. Communication should also focus on persuading target consumers to accept the ingredients used and to build and enhance trust in the brand.
Service industry to become major driver of Chinese economy over coming years
Greater demand for leisure services among consumers in China is predicted by the Guangdong Bath Industrial Association. The industry body anticipates that growth in the country’s spa and pool sector will be especially robust. Increased leisure consumption is cited as a major reason for this expected surge in demand. One significant development is the rise in the number of people who regard massage bathtubs and other leisure products as essential requirements within the household. As reported by, it is forecast that the industry should also continue to benefit from ongoing foreign investment that has become a significant feature of recent years.
Massive growth predicted for global bioplastics industry
Worldwide production of bioplastics is set to increase by 360 per cent over the next few years. Capacity will reach around 7.6 million tons, industry body European Bioplastics claims. In 2014, approximately 1.7 million tons were produced. The report, as published by, notes that growth will be largely driven by different bio-based, non-biodegradable plastics. By 2019, such plastics will account for over 80 per cent of production capacity. Steadier growth is anticipated for biodegradable plastics, which could almost double by this time from the 0.7 million tons produced in 2014. A shift toward more mainstream status is cited as a key reason for the growth in compostable plastics. Asia will produce more than 80 per cent of total capacity, further strengthening its position as a key production hub. Europe currently lacks the ability to significantly increase production, and policymakers in the European Union are urged to implement policies that will enable companies to exploit the potential evident within the industry.