
Transport and Pandemic Experiences

ISBN: 978-1-80117-345-2, eISBN: 978-1-80117-344-5

ISSN: 2044-9941

Publication date: 17 October 2022

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(2022), "Index", Attard, M. and Mulley, C. (Ed.) Transport and Pandemic Experiences (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 17), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 323-336.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Maria Attard and Corinne Mulley


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

, 40

Accessible transportation
, 211

Active transport
, 9, 90–91, 95, 304, 307–308, 315–316

Active travel (AT)

communicate, educate, celebrate, and document results
, 179

COVID-19 as opportunity to overcome the political barriers to implement AT
, 176

COVID-19 induced cities and governments to investing in cycling infrastructures and financed acquisition of bicycles, e-bikes and e-scooters
, 178

, 165–166, 166–171

cycling infrastructure
, 179

increased appreciation of
, 314–316

ingredient for resilient urban mobility and integrated to city transport guidelines
, 177

lessons for policymakers
, 176

policy initiatives promoting AT during COVID-19
, 171–176

research needs
, 179–180

thorough evaluation of temporary measures
, 178–179

transform emergency/temporary measures to permanent ones
, 178

walking-friendly city concept
, 177–178

Activity behaviour
, 78, 108, 123

Activity pattern
, 78, 86, 111, 113

Activity space
, 86–87


changes in travel and tourism revenues and employment
, 275

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
, 7

tourist workforce
, 275

Agency operations
, 211–121

Air freight
, 152

Air India Express (AIE)
, 156

Air navigation service providers (ANSPs)
, 222

Air pollution
, 307–308

Air Transport Action Group (ATAG)
, 222

Air transport industry

commercial air transport regulators
, 222–223

economic and financial policies to support air transport operators
, 230–232

global commercial air transport industry
, 221–222

policies for freight
, 228–229

policies for passengers and crew
, 225–228

policies to protecting international public health
, 223–225

Airline passengers
, 223, 225

, 229

, 152

, 156

, 222

financial position
, 231

operational and logistical challenges for
, 225

, 260

, 229


distance and association with COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 22–24

policy in UK
, 226

volume and association with COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 25

, 158

Amazon Pay
, 155

American Airlines Cargo
, 260

American Community Survey (ACS)
, 19

American history, COVID-19 deadliest outbreak in
, 17

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
, 210

App-based payments/cashless transactions
, 155

Asia-Pacific nations

(im)mobility policies and practices across
, 130–137

travel behaviour effects in
, 137–143

Asian Flu
, 4

Association of Southeast Asian Nations countries (ASEAN countries)
, 145

Atmanirbhar India
, 154, 156


congestion and public transport crowding in
, 11

COVID-19 pandemic in
, 186

immobility policies and practices
, 128, 132

island nations of
, 121

lockdown restrictions
, 191

public transport in
, 312

working from home
, 294

Auto ownership
, 62

auto ownership and automobility during pandemic
, 64

future of auto ownership in North America
, 64–66

pre-COVID auto ownership
, 62–64

Automated future
, 47–48

, 290, 298

automobile ownership
, 56–57, 62

Automobility during pandemic
, 64

Autonomous vehicles
, 258–259, 261

, 128, 137

, 307

Bharatmala Pariyojana Project, 156

BHIM (app-based payments/cashless transactions)
, 155

, 178

‘Big data’ analysis
, 129

, 169–170, 177

Bilateral Air Service Agreements (BASAs)
, 229

Bio-security, 253n2

Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 253n6

Boeing 707
, 224

, 139, 142–143

Built environments
, 308, 311

, 44, 90, 169

, 60

automation of
, 48

expense of bus service
, 57

regular activities
, 195

C40 network
, 289

California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
, 207

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
, 207


auto loans
, 64

COVID-19 in
, 8, 56

extended-term loans
, 64

IATR, regulators in
, 206

investment across transit modes
, 57

region’s transit financing approach in
, 69

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)
, 231

Canadian National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health (NCCEH)
, 208

, 40, 47, 111–112, 144, 152, 192, 310, 313–314

Car, mode shift from public transport to
, 312–314

Car dependency
, 294, 307, 311, 313–314

Car sharing
, 49

Car-reduced future
, 49

, 290

Carbon monoxide (CO)
, 307

Cargo airlines
, 152, 156

Caribbean Cruise Tourism, COVID-19 effects in
, 278

, 19

Cashless payments
, 192

Cashless transactions
, 155, 157

Central business district (CBD)
, 144, 195, 249–250


coronavirus in
, 5

domestic aviation traffic
, 138

‘eradication’ policy measures used in
, 145

in infrastructure development
, 150

lockdowns in
, 290

pandemic in
, 187, 276

public transport
, 137

‘Choice’ ridership
, 58–60

Chronic diseases
, 306

Cities under lockdown

access and mobility inequalities during pandemic
, 113–123

COVID-19 and urban mobility
, 110–111

data analysis
, 112–113

data collection
, 111–112

literature review
, 109

, 111

structural urban inequalities in Latin America and Colombia preceding pandemic
, 109–110

Climate change
, 110

Co-modality of community transport
, 195–196


future recovery in
, 109

lockdown in
, 111, 117

online shopping in
, 117

pandemic in
, 9

structural urban inequalities in
, 109–110

urban forms and mobility in
, 123

Communicable diseases
, 224

Communication and education initiatives
, 176

Communicative mobility
, 129, 142

Community Transport (CT)
, 195

co-modality of
, 195–196

Commuting behaviours
, 129

Commuting trips
, 84–85

Comparative analysis of COVID-19 effects on tourism markets
, 279–280

Complementary measures
, 10

Computable General Equilibrium model
, 277

Confidence intervals
, 274–275

, 137

challenges and opportunities to managing congestion
, 249–251

, 258

Contestation of road space
, 193

parking policies
, 194–195

pop-up cycle lanes
, 193–194

support for shared transport
, 195–198

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)
, 230

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
, 5–7, 16–18

airport distance and association with COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 22–24

airport volume and association with COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 25

availability of COVI D-19 vaccines
, 34–35

cases and deaths
, 21–22

data and methods
, 18

data and sample size
, 18–19

, 11–13

future waves of COVI D-19 virus
, 33–34

infections and deaths
, 16

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 by region
, 7

impact of other factors and racial composition of counties
, 26

racial composition of counties and association with COIVD-19 cases and deaths
, 26

regional disparities in COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 26–33

, 21

statistical analysis
, 20–21

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

transport and
, 4–5

variable measurement
, 19–20

Coronaviruses (CoVs)
, 5

Corporeal mobility
, 129

, 131

Costs, revenues and
, 293

Country case studies
, 276–280

COVID Mobility Works
, 171

, 4, 128, 165–166, 186, 203, 221–222, 225, 236, 288

and AT
, 166–171

comparative analysis of COVID-19 effects on tourism markets
, 279–280

crisis management
, 155

effects in Caribbean Cruise Tourism
, 278

effects in GCC countries
, 277–278

effects on Australian inbound tourism
, 276–277

effects on Indian tourism
, 277

effects on tourism demand in Italy
, 278–279

effects on tourism market
, 276

equity effects
, 293

across Europe
, 78–81

evolved in Europe
, 78

investing in cycling infrastructures and financed acquisition
, 178

policy implications of COVID-19 on tourism
, 280–281

policy initiatives promoting AT during
, 171–176

private schemes to counter effects of COVID-19 on tourism
, 281–283

on public transport sector
, 186–187

revenues and costs
, 293

ridership and mode share
, 291–293

strategies to combat
, 291

in Switzerland
, 42

symptom screening
, 209

and urban mobility
, 110–111

, 213–215

, 274

Cox regression
, 20

Crew, policies for
, 225–228

Critical infrastructure
, 203


challenges and opportunities to managing congestion and crowding
, 249–251

pre-COVID-19 levels of crowding on public transport
, 244–248

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
, 203

Cycle lanes
, 49, 171, 175, 178

advantages or benefits of
, 194

, 193–194

, 95–96, 175

, 179

Day-to-day transport practices
, 304

de facto regulatory
, 206

, 295–296

Decline public transport
, 89

Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFC)
, 156

Delta variant
, 130, 144, 191–193

, 215, 258

Department for Transport (DfT)
, 226–227

Department of For-Hire Vehicles (DFHV)
, 212

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
, 17

Descriptive analysis
, 129

Descriptive statistics
, 112

Desk-based jobs
, 304

, 45, 59, 222, 229, 258, 277–279, 281, 311

Digital activities
, 93–94

Digital adaptations
, 92–94

Digital infrastructure
, 159

Digitalisation strategies
, 158

, 261–262

, 16, 18, 110

Dock-based bike-sharing system
, 95

Doodh Duronto
, 155

‘Downward spiral’ scenario
, 297

‘Drones’ deliveries
, 263–265

, 178

, 258–260

E-retail logistics
, 151

, 150

East and South-East Asia

in ‘Shifting Streets’ database
, 143

immobility policies and practices
, 128, 132–134

, 49

, 274

Economic policies to support air transport operators
, 230–232

Economic relief
, 212–213

‘Educate and encourage’ approach
, 206

, 7

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

Electric and autonomous delivery vehicles

Electric scooter (e-scooter)
, 166, 178

Electric vehicles
, 258–259, 261

Emerging economies
, 142, 159

, 12, 40–41, 48, 196, 288

End-to-end offering
, 260

Environmental and health benefits
, 166

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
, 210

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
, 21

, 289, 293, 297–298

Essential workers
, 12, 56, 58, 59–60, 111, 137, 175–176, 190, 194–195, 204, 214, 291


changes in travel behaviour in
, 77–96

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

European Commission (EC)
, 231

Exploratory data analysis
, 112, 113–117

Face masks
, 207

COVID-19 symptom screening
, 209

social distancing and shared or group rides
, 209

vehicle partitions
, 208–209

, 82, 155

Fare revenues
, 291, 293, 296–298

Federal Government

‘15-minute city’ concept
, 175, 178

Financial challenges
, 296

Financial incentives
, 169, 171, 175, 196

Financial policies to support air transport operators
, 230–232

, 58, 69, 178, 267, 295, 299

First and last mile (1LM)
, 194

Fiscal policy
, 280

Flexible working (flexwork)
, 66

Flu viruses
, 305

Food insecurity
, 110

For-hire ground passenger transportation
, 204

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 156


coronavirus in
, 78

COVID-19 in
, 78–79

subsidised bicycle repairs
, 175

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

Freight, policies for
, 228–229

Freight networks
, 260

, 258

‘cities’ challenges integrating freight policies
, 263–265

, 258–259

pandemic lasting effects on freight networks solutions
, 260–261

shape of future industry strategy
, 261–262

social acceptability
, 265–266

Freight transport modes

air freight
, 152

ocean freight
, 152–153

pandemic impact on
, 150

warehousing and road freight
, 151–152

Freight transport networks
, 4

Frequency changes in public transport
, 189–191

Generalised costs (GC)
, 40

Geographic disparities
, 16–35

GetFoodNYC Food Delivery Programme
, 213

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
, 169

Global South
, 171

Global supply chains
, 150

, 258

Goods and Services Tax (GST)
, 156

, 130

Google COVI D-19 Community Mobility
, 88–89

Google Location
, 82

Google Pay
, 155

Google Scholar
, 130

Governance model
, 266

Governmental support
, 293

‘Great Walk’ project
, 175, 179

Green space
, 91–92

Grocery shopping
, 59, 131

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 150

Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC countries)
, 277

COVID-19 effects in
, 277–278

H1N1 influenza
, 225, 305

H1N1 influenza A virus
, 4

H2N2 virus
, 4

H3N2 virus
, 4

H5N1 influenza
, 225

H5N8 bird flu viruses
, 305

Hand sanitisers
, 150


, 304

increased appreciation of active travel and local neighbourhood
, 314–316

increased working from home
, 310–312

long-term impacts of pandemic on transport practices
, 310

mode shift from public transport to car
, 312–314

pandemic impacts on
, 304

transport impacts
, 304–309

Health and safety

plans and procedures
, 209–211

regulations and guidance
, 205–207

Health behavior
, 304, 311

Hong Kong flu
, 4

, 274, 287

Hubei Province
, 131

, 307

ICAO’s Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART)
, 228, 230

, 128

approach and methods
, 130

changes in street occupation/use
, 143–144

‘mobilities’ to explore pandemic response
, 129

policies and practices across Asia-Pacific nations
, 130–137

travel behaviour effects in Asia-Pacific
, 137–143

Incidence rate ratios (IRR)
, 20

Independent variables
, 19–20


air cargo market
, 156

Atmanirbhar India
, 154

Bharatmala Pariyojana Project, 156

e-commerce industry
, 155

emerging economy of
, 9

strategies to combat COVID-19
, 291

support from Indian government
, 156

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

Indian government, pandemic support from
, 156

Indian logistics and freight industry, pandemic impact on
, 153–156

Indian Railways (IR)
, 155


flexible policies with lesser mobility controls
, 130

immobility policies and practices in
, 136

indoor markets in
, 143

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
, 7

pre-Delta outbreak period
, 131

Induced demand

effects of lower GC materialise
, 41

for vehicles
, 47–48

Industry aid
, 212–213


in LAC countries
, 108

, 159

in urban mobility
, 8

Infectious disease
, 225, 274, 305–306

Information and communication technologies
, 258

Infrastructural and regulatory measures
, 175

Infrastructure Australia (IA)
, 251

, 307–308

, 155

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI)
, 156

Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database
, 19

Intermodal transport networks
, 259

International Air Transport Association (IATA)
, 222

International Association of Transportation Regulators (IATR)
, 206–207

International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
, 222, 229

International Health Regulations (IHR)
, 224

International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation
, 224

International travels
, 19, 33, 108, 138, 214, 225, 305–306

Istituto Superiore di Formazione e Ricerca per I Trasporti (ISFORT)
, 170


COVI D-19 cases in
, 28, 78

infection rates in spring 2020
, 94

lockdowns in
, 79

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
, 7

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5


COVID-safe operations
, 143

road vehicular transport in
, 138–139


air cargo transportation in
, 152

immobility policies and practices in
, 135

lockdowns in
, 137

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
, 7

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5

Jet aircraft
, 224

Jet-powered commercial aircraft
, 224

Job furlough scheme
, 231

Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
, 18–19

Kisan Rail
, 155

, 40, 282

, 261

informal and unskilled
, 115

‘Laissez faire’ approach
, 225

Land-use zoning
, 263

Latent class analysis (LCA)
, 109, 112–113, 117–123

Lateral flow testing
, 225

Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)
, 108

Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC)
, 228

, 307

Leisure trips
, 85

Light rail transit (LRT)
, 292

Literature review
, 81–82, 109–110

Local neighbourhood
, 314–316

, 12, 67, 78–79, 108–109, 115, 137, 191, 193, 290–291, 314–315

, 150

, 157–158

Lufthansa Cargo
, 260

, 21, 26, 33

Managed future
, 48

, 128

Mask mandates
, 207, 291, 295, 298

Mask wearing
, 186

in public transport
, 192–193

Mass cargo transport
, 258

Mass transport hubs
, 306

Material handling automation
, 158

Medical equipment
, 152, 155, 156, 222, 225, 228

Medical ventilators
, 150

Mental health
, 309

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)
, 156

, 290

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
, 5, 225, 274

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-Cov)
, 305

Mitigation strategies
, 205

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs)
, 83

Mobile phone data
, 82

Mobilities paradigm
, 129

Mobilities to explore pandemic response
, 129

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
, 41, 48, 250, 290

Mobility change
, 79–80

Mobility pricing
, 43

Mobility typology
, 129

Mobility-as-a Service (MaaS)
, 10

, 42–43

Modal adjustments
, 88–91

Mode choice
, 48, 70

Mode share
, 291–293

, 129

Monetary policy
, 280

Multifunctional zones
, 264

Multimodal integration
, 258

Narrative approach
, 188

change in operation of transport services
, 189–191

contestation of road space
, 193–195

mask wearing in public transport
, 192–193

physical distancing in public transport
, 191–192

Narrative Policy Framework (NPF)
, 187

National Health Service (NHS)
, 176

National Highway Authority of India (NHAI)
, 156

National Recovery and Resilience Plan
, 176

Nearest airports
, 35

Negative binomial regressions (NBRG)
, 20, 21

Neighbourhood, increased appreciation of active travel and local
, 314–316

‘New mobility system’ scenario
, 297

New normal

challenges and opportunities to managing congestion and crowding
, 249–251

and COVID-19 transport policy
, 192

developing and implementing digitalisation strategies
, 158

, 166

before new normal
, 66–67

taxi and ridesourcing regulators
, 215

for telecommuting
, 69

New South Wales (NSW)
, 191

New Zealand

during COVID-19 pandemic
, 128, 144

immobility policies and practices in
, 132–136

lockdown restrictions
, 191

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 6

New Zealand

COVID-19 pandemic in
, 186

immobility policies and practices
, 128, 132

island nations of
, 121

lockdown restrictions
, 191

Nitrogen oxides (NO)
, 307

Non-communicable diseases
, 307

North America, auto ownership in
, 64–66

North American telecommuting
, 66–67

North American transit during COVID-19
, 58–60

North American transportation during COVI D-19

auto ownership
, 62–66

COVI D-19 pandemic in
, 56

public transit
, 57–62

, 66–69

Nuclear accidents
, 150

Object mobility
, 129

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
, 205, 209

Ocean freight
, 152–153

, 9

COVID-19 virus in

number of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19
, 7

, 6

Online shopping
, 93

Oxygen Express
, 155

, 4, 150

access and mobility inequalities during
, 113

auto ownership and automobility during
, 64

disruption across geographies and transport modes
, 7–11

exploratory data analysis
, 113–117

, 11–13

impact on modes of freight transport
, 150–153

lasting effects on freight networks solutions
, 260–261

latent class analysis
, 117–123

logistics and supply chain sector worldwide
, 157–158

long-term impacts of pandemic on transport practices
, 310–316

pandemic impact on Indian logistics and freight industry
, 153–156

pandemic-induced shifts
, 12

support from Indian government
, 156

telecommuting during
, 67–68

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

transport and
, 4–5


, 186

, 194–195

Particulate matter (PM)
, 307


policies for
, 225–228

, 16, 19, 25, 33

, 8–9, 12, 137, 139, 141–142, 186, 189, 190–191, 193, 196, 237–238, 312–313

, 155

Personal protective equipment (PPE)
, 150, 154, 228

Personalisation of travel opportunities
, 289–290

Physical activity
, 85, 306–307

Physical distancing
, 186

in public transport
, 191–192

Points of interests (POI)
, 40

Policies for public transport

COVID-19 impact on public transport sector
, 186–187

methodological approach
, 187–188

short-term policy responses
, 188–198


, 187

for freight
, 228–229

implications of COVID-19 on tourism
, 280–281

initiatives promoting AT during COVID-19
, 171–176

for passengers and crew
, 225–228

to protecting international public health
, 223–224

, 307

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
, 225

Pop-up cycle lanes
, 193–194


auto ownership
, 62–64

levels of crowding on public transport
, 244–248

transport system
, 238

, 112

Presidential Proclamations
, 18

Private ride-hailing services
, 289–290

Private schemes to counter effects of COVID-19 on tourism
, 281–283

Private sector
, 157, 199, 251, 266

, 7, 16, 18, 20–21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 157, 196, 283, 307

Public health

, 209

protection measures
, 224

Public Health Agency of Canada
, 205

Public Health Corridors (PHCs)
, 225

Public policy research
, 187

Public transit
, 57

before COVID-19
, 57–58

light rail-centric strategies
, 61–62

North American transit during COVID-19
, 58–60

transit riders leave during pandemic
, 60–61

Public transit ridership
, 57

Public transport
, 44, 128, 186, 288, 290

COVID-19 impact on public transport sector
, 186–187

effects on long-term trends
, 296–298

mask wearing in
, 192–193

mode shift from public transport to car
, 312–314

before pandemic
, 288

during pandemic
, 290–293

beyond pandemic
, 293–296

physical distancing in
, 191–192

pre-COVID-19 levels of crowding on
, 244–248

return to
, 94–95

, 291–292

sustainable transport systems
, 288–289

, 131

Public transportation
, 16, 19–21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 32, 207, 212, 305

Quantum of uncertainty
, 238

, 274

, 209

Race and ethnicity
, 20

Racial composition
, 26

rail freight
, 151–152

Real-time web-based COVID-19 dashboard
, 4

‘Regional Airline Network Support Program’
, 230

Regional disparities in COVID-19 cases and deaths
, 26–33

, 207

Rehabilitation Act
, 210

Remote work
, 67–69, 110, 158, 215, 240, 294

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
, 156

, 7, 9, 11, 150–151, 157, 177–178, 281–282

‘Responsible Transport’
, 187

, 151–152

‘Return’ scenario
, 297

Revenues and costs
, 293

, 290

, 291–293

, 203

agency operations
, 211–121

face masks
, 207–209

future for transportation regulations and regulated entities
, 215–216

health and safety plans and procedures
, 209–211

health and safety regulations and guidance
, 205–207

industry aid and economic relief
, 212–213

, 204

policies and regulatory
, 204–205

, 213–215

Road congestion
, 138, 198, 236, 237, 248

Road freight, warehousing and
, 151–152

Road space
, 10, 49, 143, 166, 176, 179, 189

contestation of
, 193–195

Road transport
, 176

Road vehicular transport
, 137

, 265

Safety measures
, 78–79, 82–88, 93–96, 206, 274, 283

Sanitary conventions
, 223

, 5

genome sequences
, 79

Scopus database
, 81, 130

, 34, 81, 204, 209, 223

Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
, 156

, 265

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
, 5, 225, 274, 305

, 142

commuters and telecommuters percentage in different industries in
, 140

commuting mode change before and during COVID-19 in
, 141

passenger surveys in
, 139

public transport system
, 137

Shared mobility
, 297

Shared or group rides
, 209

Shared transport

co-modality of community transport
, 195–196

support for
, 195

support for Taxis/TNCs
, 198–197

impact of working from home
, 197–198

, 261–262

Single parents
, 68

Skype (internet video software)
, 142

Smartphone-based GPS tracking app
, 43

Social acceptability
, 265–266

Social distancing
, 109, 204, 209, 227

Social inequalities
, 89, 94, 97, 177

Social media platform
, 155

Social sciences
, 187

, 131

Spanish flu. See H1N1 influenza A virus

Spatial segregation
, 110

Spatial-temporal adjustments
, 86–88

Statistical analysis
, 20–21

Stay-at-home orders
, 204

Strategic management practices
, 283

Streets as Shared Spaces programme
, 143

Studying from home (SFH), 254n15

Subprime auto lending
, 62, 66

Subscription-based packages of transport
, 290

supply chain disruption
, 9, 157

Supply chain management
, 150

, 157–158

, 297

, 17

COVID-19 cases in
, 78

COVID-19 Context in Spring 2020
, 80

physical activities in
, 85

Swine flu
, 4

Swiss-based SkyCell
, 260

Switzerland, COVID-19 pandemic in
, 42

changes brought about by pandemic in Switzerland
, 42–47

Tactical urbanism
, 129, 143, 171

, 203, 290

agency operations
, 211–121

future for transportation regulations and regulated entities
, 215–216

health and safety plans and procedures
, 209–211

health and safety regulations and guidance
, 205–207

industry aid and economic relief
, 212–213

, 204

policies and regulatory
, 204–205

taxis/TNCs, support for
, 198–197

, 213–215

Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC)
, 208–209

, 9, 66–69

North American telecommuting
, 66–67

prospects for
, 68–69

telecommuting during pandemic
, 67–68

, 67, 82, 87, 92–93, 94, 115–116, 122

Temporary measures

thorough evaluation of
, 178–179

transform emergency/temporary measures to permanent ones
, 178

, 143, 196

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5

‘The Block’ (TV programme), 254n16

Ticket validation
, 291, 293, 299

Tokyo Olympics
, 144

TomTom Index
, 137


COVID-19 effects on tourism market
, 276–280

future of tourism travel after COVID-19
, 283–284

policy implications of COVID-19 on
, 280–281

private schemes to counter effects of COVID-19 on
, 281–283

Traffic congestion
, 309

Transit riders leave during pandemic
, 60–61

Transport and pandemics
, 4–5

Transport for London (TfL)
, 208

Transport impacts health
, 304–309

Transport narratives
, 188, 190, 194

Transport network companies (TNCs)
, 10

Transport Opinion Survey series (TOPS)
, 246

Transport Planning
, 49

Transport policy
, 8

Transport policy making

changes brought about by pandemic in Switzerland
, 42–47

CO2 reduction
, 39

COVID-19 pandemic in Switzerland
, 42

dilemma after accelerated changes in light of possible futures
, 47–49

, 41–42

Transport system
, 128

Transportation regulations and regulated entities
, 215–216

, 307–308

Travel activity
, 236

Travel behavior
, 9, 78

changes in modal share based on survey studies
, 103–106

COVI D-19 evolved in Europe
, 78

COVID-19 across Europe
, 78–81

digital adaptations
, 92–94

effects in Asia-Pacific
, 137–143

first insights into long-term behavioural impacts
, 94–96

literature review
, 81–82

new out-of-home activities
, 91–92

reduction in mobility and activities
, 82–91

, 82

Travel Demand Management (TDM)
, 191

Travel distance
, 78, 86, 180

Travel patterns
, 45, 56, 176, 248

Travel regulations
, 294–295

Travel restriction
, 4, 10–11, 16–18, 130, 141, 153, 212, 274, 314–315

Travel time
, 78, 88, 115, 138, 144

, 58

Trip frequency
, 78, 88, 291

Trip making
, 141, 144

, 150

, 225

‘2 metre rule’
, 227

, 110

United States
, 16–35

COVI D-19 infections and deaths in

Unmanned delivery vehicles
, 261–262

Urban Air Mobility (UAM)
, 263–264

Urban and peri-urban forests (UPF)
, 92

Urban mobility, COVID-19 and
, 110–111

Urban roadways
, 128

, 258

US Census regions
, 16

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
, 205

US Department of Labour
, 209

US Federal Government
, 17

US Food and Drug Administration
, 214

US National Household Travel Survey
, 145

, 290

, 213–215

Variable measurement
, 19–20

, 33, 144, 166, 306, 316

Vehicle kilometers travel (VKT)
, 308

Vehicle miles travelled (VMT)
, 41–42

Vehicle ownership
, 58, 66, 111, 180

, 7, 130–131, 133, 137, 143–144, 196

Virtual mobility
, 143

Virus anxiety and travel regulations
, 294–295

, 95–96, 175

‘Walking bus’ concept, 175, 181n2

Walking-friendly city concept
, 177–178

Warehousing and road freight
, 151–152

Web of Science (WoS)
, 81

West Coast, COVID-19 in
, 17

, 155

White Non-Hispanic (WNH)
, 20

Working close to home (WCTH)
, 250

Working from home (WFH)
, 9–10, 12–13, 43, 45–47, 84, 92–93, 117, 129, 186, 197, 236–237, 295, 304, 310–312

impact of
, 197–198

challenges and opportunities to managing congestion and crowding
, 249–251

change in incidence of WFH compared to commuting
, 238

changing commuting and non-commuting travel
, 240–244

continuing to
, 96

employer and employee view on work from home policy
, 239

pre-COVID-19 levels of crowding on public transport
, 244–248

World Health Organisation (WHO)
, 205, 224, 306

World Travel and Tourism Council
, 274–275

, 5, 17, 130–131, 137

novel coronavirus from
, 78

ocean freight
, 152–153

pandemic arose in
, 9

timeline of selected events during COVID-19 pandemic
, 5–6

Zoom (internet video software)
, 142