Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
ISBN: 978-1-78635-224-8, eISBN: 978-1-78635-223-1
ISSN: 2044-9941
Publication date: 18 April 2018
(2018), "Prelims", Lord, D. and Washington, S. (Ed.) Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 11), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxxii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
Series Page
Transport and Sustainability
Series Editors: Stephen Ison, Jon Shaw and Maria Attard
Recent Volumes:
Volume 1: | Cycling and Sustainability |
Volume 2: | Transport and Climate Change |
Volume 3: | Sustainable Transport for Chinese Cities |
Volume 4: | Sustainable Aviation Futures |
Volume 5: | Parking: Issues and Policies |
Volume 6: | Sustainable Logistics |
Volume 7: | Sustainable Urban Transport |
Volume 8: | Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future |
Volume 9: | Walking: Connecting Sustainable Transport with Health |
Volume 10: | Transport, Travel and Later Life |
Title Page
Transport and Sustainability Volume 11
Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
Edited By
Dominique Lord
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
Simon Washington
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Department of Criminal Justice Sciences, Illinois State University, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2018
Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78635-224-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78635-223-1 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78714-892-5 (Epub)
ISSN: 2044-9941 (Series)
Dedication Page
For Dominique Lord:
“For my wife Leah and our son Javier, and to my mother Diane and my brother Sébastien and his family.
And especially for my father Laurent, who sadly passed away shortly before this book was finished.”
For Simon Washington:
“I’d like to dedicate this book to my sister Karen, who is the most kind, compassionate, and loving sister–thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement over my career and life.”
List of Tables | x | |
List of Figures | xiii | |
Editorial Board | xviii | |
List of Contributors | xix | |
Acknowledgements | xxxi | |
Chapter 1. Introduction | ||
Dominique Lord and Simon Washington | 1 | |
Driver Behaviour: Challenges and Solutions | ||
Chapter 2. Driver Education and Licensing Programs | ||
Lyndel Judith Bates, Ashleigh Filtness and Barry Watson | 13 | |
Chapter 3. Aggressive Driving and Speeding | ||
Kara Kockelman and Jianming Ma | 37 | |
Chapter 4. Driver Distraction and Inattention | ||
Mitchell L. Cunningham and Michael A. Regan | 57 | |
Transport Network: Challenges and Solutions | ||
Chapter 5. Urban and Suburban Arterials | ||
Tom Brijs and Ali Pirdavani | 85 | |
Chapter 6. Controlled Access Facilities (Freeways) | ||
Francesca La Torre | 107 | |
Chapter 7. Rural and Urban Intersections | ||
Richard Tay | 127 | |
Chapter 8. Roundabouts | ||
Alfonso Montella | 147 | |
Chapter 9. Real-Time Traffic Safety and Operation | ||
Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Qi Shi, Anurag Pande and Rongjie Yu | 175 | |
Vulnerable Road Users: Challenges and Solutions | ||
Chapter 10. Providing for Pedestrians | ||
Per Gårder | 207 | |
Chapter 11. Providing for Bicyclists | ||
Narelle Haworth and Jacqueline Fuller | 229 | |
Methods for Understanding and Predicting Safety Performance | ||
Chapter 12. Cross-Sectional Modelling | ||
Fred Mannering | 257 | |
Chapter 13. Time-Series Regression Models for Analysing Transport Safety Data | ||
Mohammed Quddus | 279 | |
Chapter 14. Safety Prediction with Datasets Characterised with Excess Zero Responses and Long Tails | ||
Dominique Lord and Srinivas Reddy Geedipally | 297 | |
Chapter 15. Crash Severity Methods | ||
John N. Ivan and Karthik C. Konduri | 325 | |
Chapter 16. Detecting High-Risk Accident Locations | ||
Simon Washington, Amir Pooyan Afghari and Mohammed Mazharul Haque | 351 | |
Chapter 17. Surrogate Measures of Safety | ||
Andrew P. Tarko | 383 | |
Methods for Evaluating Safety Impacts of Countermeasures | ||
Chapter 18. Before–After Evaluations | ||
Bhagwant Persaud | 409 | |
Chapter 19. Meta-Analytic Methods | ||
Rune Elvik | 425 | |
Summary and Conclusions | ||
Chapter 20. Conclusions and Future Directions | ||
Dominique Lord and Simon Washington | 451 | |
Index | 459 |
List of Tables
Chapter 3 | Table 1 | Safety Effects Associated with a 10 mph (16 kmph) Speed Limit Increase on High Speed Roads | 42 |
Chapter 4 | Table 1 | Selected Distraction Activities and Associated Odd Ratios | 70 |
Chapter 6 | Table 1 | Human Factors Design Mistakes in 1,400 Crashes in Brandenburg, Germany | 120 |
Chapter 7 | Table 1 | Roadway Characteristics and Intersection Crash Frequency | 131 |
Table 2 | Roadway Characteristics and Urban Intersection Crash Frequency | 132 | |
Table 3 | Roadway Characteristics and Rural Intersection Crash Frequency | 134 | |
Table 4 | Roadway Characteristics and Intersection Crash Severity | 136 | |
Table 5 | Roadway Characteristics and Urban Intersection Crash Severity | 138 | |
Chapter 8 | Table 1 | Mini-Roundabouts Design Characteristics | 154 |
Table 2 | Single-Lane Roundabout Design Characteristics | 156 | |
Table 3 | Multi-Lane Roundabout Design Characteristics | 158 | |
Chapter 9 | Table 1 | Existing Real-time Safety Studies and Corresponding Findings | 190 |
Chapter 13 | Table 1 | Poisson- and Poisson-Gamma-based GLARMA Model Estimation | 292 |
Chapter 14 | Table 1 | Frequency and Predicted Values for the Poisson and NB Distributions | 306 |
Table 2 | Estimation Bias for the Dispersion Term Based on the Sichel Simulation | 309 | |
Table 3 | Single-Vehicle Fatal Crashes on Divided Multilane Rural Highways between 1997 and 2001 | 315 | |
Table 4 | Modelling Results for the Indiana Data | 316 | |
Chapter 15 | Table 1 | A Typical Haddon Matrix for a Vehicle Crash | 330 |
Table 2 | Human Factors Related to Crash Severity | 330 | |
Table 3 | Vehicle and Crash Factors Associated with Crash Severity | 331 | |
Table 4 | Environmental and Road Factors Associated with Crash Severity | 332 | |
Table 5 | Factor-Level Proportions for Model Covariates | 340 | |
Table 6 | Comparison of Log-Likelihood, AIC and BIC | 342 | |
Table 7 | Covariate Comparison of Model Results | 343 | |
Table 8 | Aggregate Holdout Prediction Mean Absolute Percentage Error Values | 344 | |
Table 9 | Model Estimation Summary | 344 | |
Table 10 | Percent Difference in Elasticity Estimates between Full Sample and Under-Reported Sample Using MGOL and MMNL Model Formulations | 346 | |
Chapter 17 | Table 1 | Models of Conflict-Collision Relationship | 395 |
Chapter 18 | Table 1 | Input Data for the Before–After Study Example | 416 |
Table 2 | Development of Yearly Trend Factors when a Treatment May Affect Logical Reference Sites | 422 | |
Chapter 19 | Table 1 | Summary Estimates of Risk Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 437 |
Table 2 | Summary Estimates of Coefficients for Traffic Volume Based on Different Methods of Analysis | 445 |
List of Figures
Chapter 3 | Fig 1. | Speeding Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Age and Gender, 2006 US Data | 45 |
Chapter 6 | Fig 1. | Typical Freeway Segment | 109 |
Fig 2. | Freeway Grade-Separated Interchange | 110 | |
Fig 3. | Comparison of Freeways vs All Roads Risk for Different Countries, Year 2012 | 110 | |
Fig 4. | Freeway Risk Trends in Italy from 2001 to 2014 | 111 | |
Fig 5. | Speed Diagram According to the Italian Design Standard | 113 | |
Fig 6. | Section Speed Enforcement Principle | 114 | |
Fig 7. | Freeway Section Control Signs in Italy | 115 | |
Fig 8. | High-Friction Wearing Course | 117 | |
Fig 9. | Field-of-View Improvement for Engaging a Sharp Curve after a Straight Section | 119 | |
Fig 10. | Vehicle to Infrastructure Cooperative ITS Tools and Applications | 121 | |
Fig 11. | Estimated Safety Impacts on Fatalities (%) of 16 In-Vehicle Systems | 123 | |
Chapter 8 | Fig 1. | Recommended Roundabout Design Process | 151 |
Fig 2. | Example of Single-Lane Roundabout | 155 | |
Fig 3. | Example of a Double-Roundabout | 160 | |
Fig 4. | Procedures to Construct the Fastest Path Radius | 167 | |
Chapter 9 | Fig 1. | Speed Profile Before and After Crash Occurrence | 180 |
Fig 2. | Time and Location of Data Collection Stations | 182 | |
Fig 3. | Framework for Real-time Traffic Operation and Safety Monitoring | 197 | |
Chapter 10 | Fig 1. | Paved Sidewalk along an Exurban Arterial Highway in Readfield, Maine, US | 213 |
Fig 2. | Unpaved ‘Primitive’ Walking Path along an Arterial Highway in Connecticut, US | 214 | |
Fig 3. | Walking Facilities on Mount Desert Island, Maine, and in Skâne, Sweden, Separated by Barriers | 215 | |
Fig 4. | Walking Path along Dangerous Drop-off, on Mount Desert Island, Maine, US | 216 | |
Fig 5. | Example of a Narrow Travel Lane that Slows Drivers Down | 219 | |
Fig 6. | Speed Cushion, Refuge and Marked Pedestrian Crosswalk | 220 | |
Fig 7. | Speed Enforcement at a Crosswalk in Helsinki, Finland | 221 | |
Fig 8. | Yield Line at Crosswalk in Amherst, Massachusetts, US | 222 | |
Fig 9. | Embedded Pavement Lights and Overhead Flashing Light in Old Town, Maine, US | 224 | |
Chapter 11 | Fig 1. | A Marked Bicycle Lane Leading to an Intersection in Brisbane, Australia; Unfortunately the Marked Lane does not Continue Through the Intersection | 235 |
Fig 2. | An Off-Road Bicycle Path in Brisbane, Australia | 237 | |
Fig 3. | Off-Road Bicycle Path Where Riders Need to Give Way to Motor Vehicles to Cross Freeway On- and Off-Ramps | 239 | |
Fig 4. | A Shared Off-Road Bike Path in Brisbane, Australia | 240 | |
Fig 5. | Sign Encouraging Cyclists to Use the Street Instead of the Footpath in Washington, D.C. | 241 | |
Fig 6. | Directional Signage on a Long-Distance Cycling Route near Cologne, Germany | 243 | |
Fig 7. | Location Map on a Popular Shared-Use Path in Brisbane, Australia | 244 | |
Fig 8. | Bicycle Parking Facility at Amsterdam Railway Station | 245 | |
Fig 9. | Bicycle Parking as Part of End-of-Trip Facilities in a New Office Building | 246 | |
Fig 10. | Bikeshare Docking Station in Gothenburg, Sweden | 247 | |
Chapter 13 | Fig 1. | Time Sequence Plots for Monthly Airproxes and Air Transport Movements (1999–2011) | 291 |
Chapter 14 | Fig 1. | Percentage of Zero Responses When Changing the Time Scale | 304 |
Fig 2. | Texas Dataset (Rural Multilane Highways) for 1997–2001 | 305 | |
Fig 3. | Boxplots of Estimated Values for Dispersion Term under Different Scenarios Based on the Sichel Simulation | 307 | |
Fig 4. | Cumulative Residual Plot for Indiana Data | 317 | |
Chapter 15 | Fig 1. | Example of (a) No PO Rejection and (b) PO Rejection | 341 |
Chapter 16 | Fig 1. | A Schematic of BSI Approaches Discussed in the Literature | 359 |
Fig 2. | The CRP Approach to Identify Blackspots: (a) Hypothetical Roadway Segment with the Fixed Window for Assessing CRP and (b) CRP for the Hypothetical Roadway Segment | 371 | |
Chapter 17 | Fig 1. | Aetiology of Surrogate Events and Crashes | 389 |
Fig 2. | Time to Collision TTC=D/‖△V‖ with Consideration of the Point of Physical Contact at Collision of Vehicles (adapted from Hayward, 1971) | 391 | |
Fig 3. | Post-Encroachment Time (t2−t1) | 392 | |
Fig 4. | Behavioural Measures as Surrogate Measures of Safety | 398 | |
Chapter 19 | Fig 1. | Forest Plot of Studies of the Risk of Accident Involvement Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 428 |
Fig 2. | Funnel Plot of Estimates of Effect on Property-Damage-Only Accidents of Converting Intersections to Roundabouts | 433 | |
Fig 3. | Cumulative Meta-Analysis of Risk of Accident Involvement Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 437 | |
Fig 4. | Relationship between Number of Confounding Variables Controlled for and Model-Predicted Estimate of Risk Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 438 | |
Fig 5. | Funnel Plot of Estimates of Risk Associated with the Use of Benzodiazepines – Adjusted for Publication Bias | 440 | |
Fig 6. | Sensitivity Analysis to the Presence of Outlying Data Points in Studies of the Risk Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 441 | |
Fig 7. | Relationship Between Study Quality Score and Estimate of Risk Associated with the Use of Antidepressant Drugs | 442 | |
Fig 8. | Combined Funnel Plot of Estimates of Effect of Porous Road Surfaces | 443 |
Editorial Board
Maria Attard | Director of the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development, University of Malta, Malta |
Lucy C S Budd | Senior Lecturer in Air Transport, School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK |
Becky Loo | Director, Institute of Transport Studies, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong |
Corinne Mulley | Chair in Public Transport and Director of Public Transport Programs, Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies The University of Sydney Business School, Australia |
Robert B. Noland | Professor of Transportation Planning and Policy, Director, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center E.J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, USA |
Dr Joachim Scheiner | Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany |
Joe Zietsman | Head, Environment and Air Quality Division, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, USA |
List of Contributors
Dr. Dominique Lord is a Professor in the Zachry Department of Civil Engineering at Texas A&M University. Over the last 20 years, Dr. Lord has conducted several research studies in the United States, Canada and across the world. His work has led to the identification of important issues in highway safety research and the development of new and innovative methodologies for analysing crash data. The results of his research have been used by researchers across the world and several areas, including medicine, accounting, mathematics, statistics, biology and most engineering disciplines among others. Dr. Lord’s primary interests are conducting fundamental research on accident analysis methodology, new and innovative statistical methods for analysing motor vehicle collisions and before–after evaluation techniques. He has published more than 110 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and presented more than 100 papers at international conferences. He is also the recipient of numerous and prestigious awards.
Simon Washington is currently Head of School and Professor, School of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland. He is recognised internationally for his contributions in the fields of behavioural econometrics applied in the areas of transport safety and risk across travel modes, transport and urban planning and travel behaviour. He is associate editor or Editorial Advisory Board Member for six leading international transport journals. At the time of this book’s completion, Simon has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and a second edition of a textbook, which has been adopted in over 20 countries, and six book chapters. Simon has been lead investigator on more than $26 Million of externally supported research and has secured nationally competitive research grants both in the United States and Australia. Prior to joining UQ, Simon served on the faculties of the Queensland University of Technology, UC Berkeley, Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Dr. Lyndel Judith Bates is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and Griffith Criminology Institute at Griffith University. She is an award-winning researcher who has completed work in the areas of road policing, procedural justice, third-party policing, graduated driver licensing and novice drivers. Dr. Bates has been awarded a significant amount of competitive funding from government and industry. She has published her work widely including in the respected journals Accident Analysis and Prevention, Policing and Society and the Journal of Safety Research.
Dr. Ashleigh Filtness is a Lecturer in Transport Safety at Loughborough Design School, Loughborough University, UK. She specialises in safety implications for road user behaviour, with particular expertise in driver sleepiness, impaired driving and using driving simulators for research. Following the completion of her PhD Dr. Filtness has worked at Monash University Accident Research Centre, Australia; The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland, Australia; and Loughborough University, UK. During her career she has worked on a range of road safety research projects funded by both industry and competitive grant schemes. She has published her work widely in the respected journals within both the transport safety and sleep fields including Journal of Sleep Research and Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Professor Barry Watson is a Global Road Safety Expert and a Research Professor at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, Australia. From 2015 to 2017, he was the Chief Executive Officer of the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), which is hosted by the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva, Switzerland. In this role, Barry was responsible for GRSP’s overall strategic direction and the management of its activities in over 35 countries worldwide. Prior to this, Barry worked in the road safety field for over 30 years in government, academic and civil society organisations. Between 2008 and 2015, he was the Director of the Centre for Accident Research & Road Safety at QUT. Barry is a member of the Executive Board of the International Council on Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety and a Fellow of the Australasian College of Road Safety.
Kara Kockelman is a registered Professional Engineer and holds a PhD, MS and BS in Civil Engineering, a master’s of city planning and a Minor in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Kockelman has been a Professor of Transportation Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin for the past 20 years. She is primary and co-author of over 140 journal articles (and one book) across a variety of subjects, nearly all of which involve transportation-related data analysis. Her primary research interests include planning for shared and autonomous vehicle systems, the statistical modelling of urban systems (including models of travel behaviour, trade and location choice), energy and climate issues (vis-à-vis transport and land use decisions), the economic impacts of transport policy and crash occurrence and consequences.
Jianming Ma holds a Ph.D. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Ma coordinates connected and automated vehicle activities at the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), whether demonstration, pilot projects, national studies and university research. Dr. Ma has over twenty years of professional and research experience in connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), econometric modeling, human factors, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), systems engineering, traffic engineering, and traffic safety. He has over 40 technical papers and reports published in the above mentioned areas. Dr. Ma co-chairs the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) CAV Impacts Committee. He is the Research Coordinator for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation (ANB20), a member of TRB’s Traffic Signal Systems (AHB25).
Mitchell Cunningham is a Graduate Psychologist with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree from The University of Sydney, and a Master of Research Degree in psychology from Macquarie University. Mitch currently holds the position of Behavioural Scientist (Human Factors) at the Australian Road Research Board in Sydney, Australia. Mitch has published in a number of areas including driver inattention and distraction, as well as how human drivers interact with automated vehicles. Mitch has specialist skills in the analysis, and interpretation, of behavioural and psychological data.
Dr. Michael A. Regan is the Chief Scientist-Human Factors at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) and holds an honorary appointment as Adjunct Professor with the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. He is a past President of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia. Mike has BSc (Hons) and PhD Degrees in Experimental Psychology and Human Factors from the Australian National University and more than 20 years’ experience in transportation human factors and safety – as a Researcher, Research Manager and Policymaker. He has specialist knowledge and expertise in driver distraction and inattention and driver interaction with vehicle automation. He has authored and co-authored around 180 peer-reviewed publications, including 3 books.
Dr. Tom Brijs graduated in 1997 from the Limburg University Center (now, Hasselt University) as Engineer in Business Informatics. From 1997 until 2002, he was active at the Limburg University Center as a PhD. He obtained his PhD title in data mining in 2002. Since then, he started working for Hasselt University’s Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) as an FWO Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer with road safety as his core research area. Currently, he is Full Professor in Road Safety, Vice Director of IMOB and coordinates scientific research in the areas of road safety, human-centered road design and driving simulation. He published over 85 scientific articles in peer-reviewed ISI-ranked academic journals or conferences of which 74 in road safety more specifically. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Scientific Open-Access Journal Safety and member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Prof. Dr. Ali Pirdavani graduated in 2007 in Road and Transportation Engineering. From 2008 until 2012 he was a PhD Scholar at the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) of Hasselt University, Belgium. He obtained his PhD in Transportation Sciences in 2012. In 2013 he obtained an FWO Post-doctoral Scholarship and continued working at IMOB with road safety as his major research domain. In 2016 he was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Technology of Hasselt University. Prof. Pirdavani published over 30 scientific articles in peer-reviewed ISI-ranked academic journals and international conferences over the last seven years of his academic career in the areas of road safety, infrastructure and road design, microsimulation and driving simulation. He is also the Academic Coordinator or Lecturer of several courses in the Bachelor–Master Programs in Transportation Sciences as well as Construction Engineering, such as road design and road ergonomics 1 and 2, introduction to construction engineering, research and communication: construction engineering, road safety evaluation: methods and applications, microsimulation models, internship, bachelor thesis and master thesis.
Prof. Francesca La Torre is a Full Professor of Roads Railways and Airports at the University of Florence (Italy). She obtained her PhD in 1998 at the University of Rome and she served as an Assistant Researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). She is a member of the EC Horizon 2020 Advisory Group for ‘Smart, Green and Integrated Transport’. She is the Infrastructures Representative for Academia in ERTRAC and a Research Area Leader for Safety and Security in FEHRL. She is a member of the TG Road Safety of CEDR. She has served as member of several Committees of the US Transportation Research Board and of the US Task Force for the development of the Highway Safety Manual. She has been a member of the OECD/ITF WG on Assessment of the Effectiveness of Road Safety Measures. She has served as Coordinator in several European transnational funded projects.
Dr. Richard Tay specializes in multidisciplinary theory and evidence-based approaches to improve transportation safety, efficiency, accessibility and sustainability. He has published extensively and serves on the Editorial Boards of many journals, including Accident Analysis and Prevention, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Australian College of Road Safety Journal, Open Transportation Journal, Canadian Journal of Transportation, Asian Transport Studies, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, International Journal of Transportation, Urban, Planning and Transport Research and Analytic Methods in Accident Research. He has been invited as a Keynote Speaker and Chair of various technical sessions at many international transportation and road safety conferences. He has also been invited to many government expert panels, technical committees, advisory boards and task forces on transportation policy and road safety in USA, Canada, Australia and Asia, and invited to comment on transportation and safety issues by major news agencies around the world.
Alfonso Montella is Associate Professor (with Scientific Qualification as professor) at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy, where he Teaches Highway Design and Highway Safety. He got a PhD in Transportation Engineering at the University of Rome La Sapienza and a MSc in Civil Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. He taught Highway Safety at USEK, Lebanon and CU, Egypt. He participated in several national and international research projects on highway design and safety and coordinated the EU-funded projects HiT4Med and HDMCuRF. He has been member of the Italian National Council of University. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Accident Analysis & Prevention, the Transportation Research Board Committee Transportation Safety Management and the Joint International Research Laboratory of Transportation Safety of Tongji University. His main areas of expertise include highway design, highway safety management, highway safety modelling, road safety audits and inspections, and drivers’ behaviour investigations by driving simulator experiments.
Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, PE is Trustee Chair, Pegasus Professor and Chair of the Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering Department at the University of Central Florida. He is also the Deputy Director of the Transportation Center. His main expertise and interests are in the areas of traffic safety analysis, simulation, big data and data analytics and Intelligent Transportation Systems. In the last 20 years, Dr. Abdel-Aty has led more than 50 research projects. Dr. Abdel-Aty has published 450 papers, more than 240 in journals (Citations 9700, H-Index 51). He supervised the graduation of 62 PhD and MS students. Dr. Abdel-Aty is the Editor-in-Chief of Accident Analysis and Prevention, the premier journal in safety. He and his students received multiple awards for their research from Transportation Research Board, WCTR, Intelligent Transportation Systems Florida and FL section ITE. He has been invited to deliver many keynote speeches in conferences around the world, including in Belgium, Brazil, China, Korea, Turkey, KSA, Jordan, Qatar and UAE.
Dr. Qi Shi is currently working as an Assistant Researcher at the Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport (RIOH, MOT), in Beijing, China. Dr. Shi graduated from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Transportation Engineering. He came and continued his graduate study at University of Central Florida (UCF) from 2011 to 2014 under the supervision of Dr. Abdel-Aty. He earned his PhD Degree in Civil Engineering in Fall, 2014, with a focus on traffic safety and efficiency using Big Data. After graduation, he continued his research as a postdoctoral researcher at UCF for one year. Since he came back and started working in China from 2016, he endeavoured to implement the technologies and experiences he learned in the US to solve China’s transportation problems. He wishes to create a safer environment for road travellers through his research, making the world a better place for living.
Dr. Anurag Pande is Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Cal Poly State University. Dr. Pande’s research interests include traffic safety and crash data, driver behaviour, observational data applications in traffic safety, emergency evacuation, service learning and scholarship of teaching. He serves on two Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committees as a member: Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation (ANB 20) and Emergency Evacuation (ABR 30). He was recognized with “Young Researcher Award” by the Safety Data, Analysis, and Evaluation committee in 2007. He has co-authored more than 30 manuscripts that have been either published or are forthcoming in peer-reviewed journals. He is the Editor of the recently released 7th edition of Traffic Engineering Handbook (TEH) published by ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). Dr. Pande received his BTech in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in Mumbai (India), and MS and PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Central Florida.
Dr. Rongjie Yu is an Associate Professor at the College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University. His main research area is traffic safety analysis, safety improvement countermeasures and driving behaviour analysis. Focussed on the research area, he is now the PI for several projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and other organizations. Dr. Rongjie Yu has published and co-authored 21 SCI/SSCI indexed journal papers, such as Accident Analysis and Prevention, Transportation Research Par C. And he is also the reviewer for a number of key academic journals in the traffic safety field.
Per Gårder is a Professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maine since 1992. Before that he was a Lecturer at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. He received his PhD Degree in 1982 from the University of Lund, Sweden, with a Dissertation on Pedestrian Safety at Signalized Intersections. His research interest is focussed on forecasting, designing and evaluating facilities with emphasis on traffic safety. Dr. Gårder has been conducting research since the mid-1970s in four main areas: the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, roundabout design and safety, the safety of signalized intersections, and fatigue/distraction and the effectiveness of continuous rumble strips. Lately, he has been researching advance technology, so-called Intelligent Transportation Systems, and pedestrian safety, among other places at VTT in Finland, where he was a Fulbright Fellow for the fall of 2012. He is currently also working on traffic safety on bridges.
Professor Narelle Haworth is the Director of CARRS-Q, the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety-Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. She has 30 years of experience in road safety research. Her special interest is in improving the safety of the most vulnerable road users – pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists – and other groups such as road workers.
Jacqueline Fuller currently works for Queensland Government in strategic policy. She has a range of experience in research and in public policy, with a background in criminology and criminal justice. She is currently undertaking her PhD at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia.
Fred Mannering is currently a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (with a courtesy appointment in economics) at the University of South Florida. He previously held academic appointments as the Charles Pankow Professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University, Professor and chair of Civil Engineering at the University of Washington and Assistant Professor at the Pennsylvania State University. He received his Undergraduate Degree from the University of Saskatchewan, Masters from Purdue University and Doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Mannering’s expertise is in the application of statistical and econometric methods to study a variety of subject areas including highway safety, transportation economics, automobile demand and travel behaviour. He has published over 130 refereed journal articles, 2 text books, over 60 other publications (conference proceedings, project reports, book reviews and commentaries) and has given over 120 invited lectures and presentations at professional conferences.
Mohammed Quddus is a Professor of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Head of Transport Studies Group within the School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough. Professor Quddus received his PhD in ITS from Imperial College London in 2006. Over the last 15 years, Professor Quddus has conducted cutting-edge research leading to innovative, influential and transformative outcomes in the area of transport and safety modelling as well as in ITS. His seminal papers on map-matching algorithms have been very highly cited by researchers worldwide. He has directed more than 20 national and international research projects funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Highways England, Department for Transport (UK) and the European Union. So far, he has authored/co-authored over 80 journal articles, 70 conference papers, 4 book chapters and 12 technical reports.
Dr. Srinivas Reddy Geedipally received his Doctorate from Texas A&M University and has been with Texas A&M Transportation Institute since 2005. He is currently the Associate Research Engineer in the Center for Transportation Safety and has more than 11 years of experience in traffic safety research. He has more than 45 papers published in high-standard international journals and conferences. Dr. Geedipally has participated in numerous traffic safety research projects with state and federal governments and international sponsors. He has been a key contributor in the development of the Highway Safety Manual. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas. Dr. Geedipally is a two-time recipient of the Young Researcher Award and a Fred Burggraf Award winner from Transportation Research Board.
John N. Ivan is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut and served as Associate Head of the Department for 10 years. He served in 2016 as a Research Civil Engineer at the Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center of Federal Highway Administration in the Office of Safety Research and Development. In 2009 he was a visiting researcher at Lund University, Sweden, and in 2002–2003 he was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Karlsruhe in Germany, and a Research Engineer at the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University. He has earned BS, MS and PhD Degrees in Civil Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Northwestern University, respectively. He is an Associate Editor of Accident Analysis and Prevention, and in 2011 was elected for the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
Dr. Karthik C. Konduri is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut. He received his BTech in Civil Engineering from the Institute of Technology at Banaras Hindu University, India, in 2004 followed by his MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Kentucky, in 2006 and finally his PhD in Civil Engineering from Arizona State University in 2012. His primary research interest is in the field of transportation systems with an emphasis on econometric and statistical modelling methodologies. Papers he co-authored have received best paper awards including the 2015 Transportation Research Board’s Committee ANB20 (Safety Data Analysis and Evaluation) Young Researcher Paper Award and the 2012 Transportation Research Board’s Pyke Johnson Award for the best paper in the field of transportation systems planning and administration. He also serves as the associate editor of the Transportation Letters journal.
Amir Pooyan Afghari is a PhD Candidate in Transportation Engineering at the University of Queensland in Australia. He received his Bachelors in Civil Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology (Iran) and his Masters in Transportation Engineering from Concordia University (Canada). Amir has worked at several research centres around the world and has been involved in globally developed research projects. To name a few, he participated in a stated preference study at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in Iran, a structural design study at the University of Wuppertal in Germany, an automated safety study at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal and McGill University in Canada. He is currently conducting fundamental research in transportation safety and crash data analysis at the University of Queensland in Australia. Amir’s research interests cover a variety of topics in transportation engineering including transportation data analysis, transportation safety, econometrics, discrete choice models, intelligent transportation systems and transportation asset management.
Dr. Md. Mazharul Haque is a Senior Lecturer in Transportation Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. He is a specialist in statistical and econometrics applications in transportation engineering and traffic safety. His research interests include traffic safety analysis, blackspot identification techniques, microscopic traffic flow models, travel behaviour and human factors and driving behaviour. Dr. Haque has published more than 50 peer-reviewed research articles in top-class journals and international conferences. His journal papers are published in journals like Accident Analysis & Prevention, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Safety Science and Transportation Research Record. Dr. Haque is an Associate Editor of the ASCE – Journal of Transportation Engineering, a prestigious journal within civil engineering published by the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is also a member of the Committee on Statistical Methods (ABJ80), Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, USA.
Dr. Andrew P. Tarko is Professor of Civil Engineering, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, and Director of Purdue Center for Road Safety at Purdue University and Research Director of the International Laboratory on Transportation Safety at Tongji University, Shanghai, China. His research interest includes transportation safety with focus on fundamentals of safety measurement and on safety management methods. Dr. Tarko teaches transportation courses at Purdue University and short courses and seminars in USA and overseas. He is a member of Editorial Boards of several international journals. Dr. Tarko was a Principal Investigator of research grants and awards for the total amount of nearly eight million dollars. His team has developed two safety management computer tools implemented to transportation practice. Dr. Tarko has published many journal and conference papers, chapters in six books and numerous research reports. His team received the AASHTO recognition for high-value research in 2012, 2013 and 2017.
Bhagwant Persaud, a Professor of Civil Engineering at Ryerson University, conducts research in statistical methods in highway safety analysis. Dr. Persaud has been, and is currently involved, in several safety-related research projects for the Federal Highway Administration, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and many North American road agencies. He has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed papers, three of which won awards for TRB’s Annual Meeting outstanding paper in the field of operation, safety and maintenance of transportation facilities. He has held appointments on two TRB committees: as a member of ‘Statistical Methods’ and as Co-Chair and now Emeritus Member of ‘Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation’. He has been a member of the TRB Task Force for the Development of a Highway Safety Manual and has been involved in research projects for several chapters of this manual.
Rune Elvik is a Political Scientist from the University of Oslo. He attained the Degree of Doctor of Political Science (Dr. Polit) in 1993 and the Degree of doctor of Philosophy (Dr. Philos) in 1999. In 2007, he was awarded a Doctoral Degree by Aalborg University in Denmark. His main areas of research include evaluation of the effects of road safety measures, research synthesis by means of meta-analysis and cost-benefit analysis. During the years 1997–2004 he was an associate editor of Accident Analysis and Prevention. From 2005 to 2013 he was one of the Editors-in-Chief of the journal. From 1999 to 2008 Elvik was a member the Committee for Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation (ANB20) of the Transportation Research Board.
This book would never have come to fruition without the contributions from numerous influential and inspirational individuals. This book project was an arduous endeavour fraught with setbacks and various delays beyond our control, but perseverance prevailed.
First and foremost, we would like to thank all of the authors who participated in the writing of this book. Without their time, consider efforts and perseverance, this book would not be possible. The authors are also very grateful to the following individuals at Emerald Publishing Group: Jennifer McCall, Rachel Ward and Cristina Irving Turner. Particular thanks goes to Dr. Stephen Ison, from Loughborough University, who first contacted us about writing this book 4 years ago and provided important feedback and encouragement throughout the preparation of the manuscript, along with a dose of good humour which was always welcome and appreciated. Dr. Jon Shaw from Plymouth University provided invaluable feedback at the beginning of the project. The production of this book would not have been possible without the meticulous input and feedback of Mrs. Hannah Murphy, who spent several hours editing the preliminary drafts of each and every chapter. Finally, in the spirit of peer review and to achieving a quality manuscript, the book has greatly benefitted from the following reviewers:
Tom Brijs
Mitchell Cunningham
Rune Elvik
Per Gårder
Mazharul Haque
Narelle Haworth
Paul Jovanis
Francesca La Torre
Jianming Ma
Fred Mannering
Bhagwant Persaud
Ali Pirdavani
Mohammed Quddus
Michael Regan
Nicholas Saunier
Venky Shankar
The constructive comments provided by these individuals surpassed our expectations and reminded us of what a wonderfully supportive and collaborative discipline to which we have chosen to associate ourselves.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Driver Behaviour: Challenges and Solutions
- Chapter 2. Driver Education and Licensing Programs
- Chapter 3. Aggressive Driving and Speeding
- Chapter 4. Driver Distraction and Inattention
- Transport Network: Challenges and Solutions
- Chapter 5. Urban and Suburban Arterials
- Chapter 6. Controlled Access Facilities (Freeways)
- Chapter 7. Rural and Urban Intersections
- Chapter 8. Roundabouts
- Chapter 9. Real-Time Traffic Safety and Operation
- Vulnerable Road Users: Challenges and Solutions
- Chapter 10. Providing for Pedestrians
- Chapter 11. Providing for Bicyclists
- Methods for Understanding and Predicting Safety Performance
- Chapter 12. Cross-Sectional Modelling
- Chapter 13. Time-Series Regression Models for Analysing Transport Safety Data
- Chapter 14. Safety Prediction with Datasets Characterised with Excess Zero Responses and Long Tails
- Chapter 15. Crash Severity Methods
- Chapter 16. Detecting High-Risk Accident Locations
- Chapter 17. Surrogate Measures of Safety
- Methods for Evaluating Safety Impacts of Countermeasures
- Chapter 18. Before–After Evaluations
- Chapter 19. Meta-Analytic Methods
- Summary and Conclusions
- Chapter 20. Conclusions and Future Directions
- Index