
Transport, Travel and Later Life

ISBN: 978-1-78714-624-2, eISBN: 978-1-78714-623-5

ISSN: 2044-9941

Publication date: 1 December 2017


(2017), "Prelims", Musselwhite, C. (Ed.) Transport, Travel and Later Life (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 10), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxiv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Transport, Travel and Later Life

Series Page

Transport and Sustainability

Series Editors: Stephen Ison and Jon Shaw

Recent Volumes:

Volume 1: Cycling and Sustainability
Volume 2: Transport and Climate Change
Volume 3: Sustainable Transport for Chinese Cities
Volume 4: Sustainable Aviation Futures
Volume 5: Parking: Issues and Policies
Volume 6: Sustainable Logistics
Volume 7: Sustainable Urban Transport
Volume 8: Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
Volume 9: Walking: Connecting Sustainable Transport with Health

Title Page

Transport and Sustainability Volume 10

Transport, Travel and Later Life

Edited By

Charles Musselwhite

Swansea University, Wales, UK

United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2018

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited

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ISBN: 978-1-78714-624-2 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-78714-623-5 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-78714-998-4 (Epub)

ISSN: 2044-9941 (Series)


For all those who inspire me I’ve had the pleasure to work with and especially for my daily inspirers William, Art and Claire and also my mum and dad.


List of Tables ix
List of Figures xi
List of Contributors xv
Editor xvii
About the Authors xix
Preface xxiii
Introduction: Conceptualising Travel, Transport and Mobility for Older PeopleCharles Musselwhite 1
Chapter 1 Older People’s Travel and Its Relationship to Their Health and WellbeingRoger Mackett 15
Chapter 2 Are Older People Safe Drivers On the Roads, Testing and Training?Kit Mitchell 37
Chapter 3 Old Age: What Are the Main Difficulties and Vulnerabilities in The Transport Environment?Deborah Mifsud, Maria Attard and Stephen Ison 65
Chapter 4 The Travel Needs of Older People and What Happens When People Give-Up DrivingCharles Musselwhite and Hebba Haddad 93
Chapter 5 Public and Community TransportCharles Musselwhite 117
Chapter 6 Creating A Convivial Public Realm for an Ageing Population. Being A Pedestrian and The Built EnvironmentCharles Musselwhite 129
Chapter 7 Cycling Beyond Your Sixties: The Role of Cycling in Later Life and How It Can Be Supported and PromotedTim Jones, Kiron Chatterjee, Ben Spencer and Heather Jones 139
Chapter 8 Older Driver Needs and Issues: Using Grounded Theory to Elicit the Driving Needs of Older PeopleCharles Musselwhite and Hebba Haddad 161
Chapter 9 Technologies, Education and Training to Improve Older Driver BehaviourCharles Musselwhite 171
Chapter 10 Virtual and Imaginative Mobility: How Do We Bring the Outside Indoors and What Happens When Mobility Is No Longer Available?Charles Musselwhite 197
Chapter 11 Future Transport Technologies for an Ageing Society: Practice and PolicyDavid Metz 207
Index 221

List of Tables

Chapter 1 Table 1 Number of Trips and Total Distance Travelled per Person in km by Age in England in 2015......17
Table 2 Percentage of People with or Without Mobility Difficulties by Age in England in 2015......17
Table 3 Trips per Person per Year by Age and Mo-bility Status in England in 2015......17
Table 4 Percentage of Population Groups with Impairments in 2010–2011 (Prevalence)......18
Table 5 Average Number of Trips (Trip Rates) per Person by Age and Purpose in England in 2015......20
Table 6 Average Total Distance in km Travelled per person by Age and Purpose in England in 2015......21
Table 7 Barriers to Activities for People Aged 60 and Over......23
Table 8 Average Number of Trips per Person by Age and Mode in England in 2015......24
Table 9 Average Total Distance in km Travelled per Person per Year by Age and Mode in England in 2015......24
Table 10 Proportion of People Aged 60 and Over that Have Difficulty Using Current Modes......25
Table 11 Full Car Driving Licence Holders by Age and Gender in England in 2015......26
Table 12 Full Car Driving Licence Holders by Age and Gender in England over Time......27
Table 13 Use of Internet and/or Email by Age and Sex in 2012–2013......30
Table 14 Mean Walking Speed (m/s) by Age and Sex in 2012–2013......31
Chapter 3 Table 1 Vulnerability Framework Adapted for Older Road Us-ers......72
Table 2 Exposure Factors and Threats Related to the Health Status of Older People and the Role of Road Infrastructure......74
Chapter 5 Table 1 Most Frequent Barriers for Respondents Aged over 70 Years......119
Table 2 Travel Anxieties When Using a Bus Reported by Older People Who Don’t Often Use One......120
Chapter 6 Table 1 Designing Streets for Older People Based on CABE (2011) Princi-ples......133
Chapter 7 Table 1 Characteristics of Older Cyclists (60–69 Years of Age) in Great Britain in 2008–2010......143
Table 2 Attitudes to Cycling among Different Age Groups in England in 2009–2010......144
Chapter 9 Table 1 Typical Older Driver Errors and Changes in Cognition, Eyesight and Other Physiological Issues that Contribute to These Er-rors......174
Table 2 Overview of Cognitive and Physical Tests and Training and Relationship of These to Cognitive and Physiological Changes Asso-ciated with Crashes......185

List of Figures

Introduction Fig. 1 New Approaches to Transport Studies Showing Social Understanding of Mobility and Relationship to Health and Wellbeing......5
Fig. 2 Domains of an Age Friendly Transport System Utilising an Ecological Approach. Source: Adapted from Musselwhite (2016)......6
Fig. 3 Hierarchy of Travel Needs in Later Life. Source: After Musselwhite and Haddad (2010)......7
Fig. 4 A Continuum of Modes for Connectivity. Source: Adapted from Parkhurst et al. (2014)......11
Chapter 2 Fig. 1 Percentage of Population of Retirement Age in Great Britain in 1998 and 2014......39
Fig. 2 (a) Number of Car crashes by Driver Age in Great Britain in 2014. (b) Number of Car Crashes per Driver by Driver Age in Great Britain in 2014. Reported Road “Casualties Great Britain 2014 (DfT, 2015)......40
Fig. 3 (a) Fragility – The Percentage of Male and Female Car Occupant and Pedestrian Casualties Who Die in 2010–2014. (b) The Fragility Index (Fragility Relative to that for Persons Aged 40 to 49) of Male and Female Car Occupant and Pedestrian Casualties in 2010–2014. Reported Road Casualties Great Britain (Special Tabulation)......41
Fig. 4 (a) Car Driver Casualty Rate per Driver License in 2013 by Driver Age and Severity. (b) Car Driver Casualty Rate per Mile Driven in 2013 by Driver Age and Severity. Reported Road Casualties Great Britain DfT (a) and National Travel Survey DfT (b)......43
Fig. 5 Crash Involvement for Different Driver Ages, Controlling for Annual Mileages. Source: Langford et al. (2006)......44
Fig. 6 (a) Older Driver and Car Driver Casualties of All Severities per Licence. U.S. Data is for all Drivers, Including Motorcycle Riders; Québec Excludes Motorcycles. (b) Older Driver and Car Driver Fatal Casualty Rates per Licence. U.S. Data is for all Drivers, Including Motorcycle Riders; Québec Excludes Motorcycles; France Assumes Licence Holding the Same as Britain. Road Safety Foundation, 2016, Research Report section A.10......45
Fig. 7 Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes in which Speed was a Causal Factor. DfT Road Safety Research Report 75, Clarke, Ward, Truman, and Bartle (2007)......46
Fig. 8 Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes Involving Right of Way Violations. DfT Road Safety Research Report 75, Clarke et al. (2007)......47
Fig. 9 Percentage of Car Driver Crashes at Junctions in Great Britain in 2012–2014. STATS19 Road Accident Data (DfT (c))......47
Fig. 10 Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes by Type of Junction in Great Britain in 2012–2014. DfT STATS19 data (DfT (c))......48
Fig. 11 Small Roundabout at a T-Junction......49
Fig. 12 (a) Percentage of All Injury Car Crashes of All Severities by Crash Type and Driver Age in Great Britain in 2013 (DfT STATS19 data, DfT (c)). (b) Percentage of Fatal and Serious Car Crashes by Crash Type and Driver Age in Great Britain in 2013. DfT STATS19 data (DfT (c))......50
Fig. 13 Number of Pedestrian Fatalities Hit by a Car from 2010 to 2014. Recorded Road Casualties in Great Britain, Special Tabulation (DfT (a))......51
Fig. 14 Pedestrian Casualty Rate per Car Driver per Year from 2010 to 2014. Recorded Road Casualties in Great Britain, Special Tabulation (DfT (a))......52
Fig. 15 Large Third-Party (TPI) Claims in 2014 and 2015. Road Safety Foundation (2016), Research Report section A.3......52
Fig. 16 Ratio of the Number of Drivers in Accidents for which Contributory Factors were or were not Assigned in Great Britain in 2005–2006, Lang (2011)......53
Fig. 17 Dedicated Entry Lane; A32 Northbound from the M3 Junction 10......54
Fig. 18 High-Contrast Backing Plate for Road Sign......55
Fig. 19 Spiral Lanes, Clear Lane Markings on a Large Roundabout (M4 Junction 11)......56
Fig. 20 Hazard Perception Reaction Times, after Levin et al. (2009)......58
Fig. 21 Overall Score in On-Road Tests from DfT Road Safety Research Report 29. (Rabbitt & Parker, 2002, 1 = dangerous, 3 = adequate, 5 = good)......60
Chapter 3 Fig. 1 Framework for Understating Vulnerability in Old Age (Schröder-Butterfill, 2013; Schröder-Butterfill & Marianti, 2006).....70
Chapter 4 Fig. 1 Hierarchy of Mobility Needs and How They Are Satisfied by Each Mode of Transport......100
Chapter 5 Fig. 1 Miles Travelled by Rail for the over 70s in the United Kingdom. Source: After DfT (2014)......123
Chapter 6 Fig. 1 Use of Local Stone Give Pavements Character and Break Up the Public Realm......132
Fig. 2 Shared Space in Hereford, United Kingdom......135
Chapter 7 Fig. 1 Average Distance Travelled by Bicycle (Miles) by Different Age Groups in England in 2013. Source: Department for Transport (2014)......142
Fig. 2 Bicycle Ownership and Use in Great Britain 2008–2010. Source: Department for Transport (2016a)......143

List of Contributors

Maria Attard Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Malta, Malta
Kiron Chatterjee Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of the West of England
Hebba Haddad Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
Stephen Ison Transport Studies Group, Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK.
Heather Jones Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of the West of England
Tim Jones School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University
Roger Mackett Centre for Transport Studies, University College London
David Metz Centre for Transport Studies, University College London
Deborah Mifsud Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography, University of Malta, Malta
Kit Mitchell, retried Formerly Transport Research Laboratory
Charles Musselwhite Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University
Ben Spencer School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University


Dr Charles Musselwhite is Associate Professor in Gerontology at the Centre for Innovative Ageing (CIA) at Swansea University and heads-up the groups Environments and Ageing research strand. He is Operational Director of the Centre for Ageing and Dementia Research (CADR) programme, an initiative to develop and enhance research, policy and practice for older people across Wales. Prior to joining Swansea he was Senior Lecturer in Traffic and Transport Psychology at University West of England’s Centre for Transport & Society between 2006 and 2013. He completed his PhD at the Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton in 2004. His research interests involve ageing, travel and transport, and he has run research projects for various funders addressing the (1) road user safety and ageing; (2) older people, travel behaviour change and health and wellbeing; (3) giving-up driving for later life and; (4) attitudes to transport and travel. Charles has advised the United Kingdom (UK) parliament on older people’s transport issues and is an Executive committee member of the British Society of Gerontology (BSG), where he is editor of their journal, Generations Review. He has appeared on BBC TV and internationally across radio stations discussing his research. Charles is an Associate Editor for Journal of Transport & Health and for the Ageing and Society journal.

About the Authors

Maria Attard is Head of Geography and Director of the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the University of Malta. She specialises in urban transport, policy and project implementation. Between 2002 and 2009, she served as a consultant to Government on transport strategy and policy. She was involved in major transport projects in the islands and implemented road pricing, park and ride and pedestrianisation projects in Valletta. She studied at the University of Malta and completed her PhD in 2006 at UCL (London) and has published in the areas of urban transport policy, GIS and human geography. She has recently co-edited a book on Sustainable Urban Transport (published by Emerald) and journal special issues on urban transport policy. Maria is currently the co-chair of NECTAR Cluster 2 and co-chair of SIG G3 and Steering Committee member of the WCTRS. She is co-editor of the journal Research in Transportation Business and Management and co-editor of the Emerald Book Series on Transport and Sustainability.

Kiron Chatterjee is Associate Professor in Travel Behaviour at the Centre for Transport & Society at UWE Bristol. Kiron’s research seeks understanding of the way in which people travel and how this is influenced by the transport system and social, economic and technological change. He has a particular interest in using longitudinal data to understand changing travel behaviour over the life course and has pioneered the use of biographical data collection methods. Current research is investigating how commuting influences personal wellbeing, reasons for the declining car use of young adults and the design, implementation and evaluation of sustainable transport interventions.

Hebba Haddad is an environmental psychologist at the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London. Between her MSc and PhD, she worked as a research associate for four years at the Centre for Transport & Society, University of the West of England, Bristol where she worked on projects funded by the EPSRC, BBSRC, and the DfT. Her PhD was funded by the ESRC and the Met Office and looked at climate change communication. Broadly, her research uses mixed (qualitative and quantitative) research methods, to better understand the psychological and social dimensions of transport and environment issues. Hebba’s current research is investigating how new technologies (such as air quality sensors and phone apps) may have in changing travel behaviour and engaging the public with the topic of air pollution.

Stephen Ison is Professor of Transport Policy within the School of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University. He has published widely in the area of transport policy and economics and has edited, authored or co-authored 10 books and 120 peer reviewed Journal papers. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research, editor of the Journal of Research in Transportation, Business and Management [Elsevier] and Book Series Editor of Transport and Sustainability [Emerald].

Heather Jones was a Research Associate on Cycle Boom. She came to the project having worked in Public Health for the NHS, in consultancy as a health specialist on regeneration projects and had most recently completed a PhD using biographical methods to understand individual development of walking and cycling behaviour through the life course. Heather is currently training to be a nurse.

Tim Jones is Reader in Urban Mobility at the Faculty of Technology Design and Environment at Oxford Brookes University. Tim’s research focuses on how the social, cultural and physical environment can support and promote healthy and sustainable urban mobility. He is particularly interested in how the combination of methodological approaches can reveal the physical, social, and cultural factors that influence everyday travel decisions and how this affects journey practice and experience. Tim was Principal Investigator for the EPSRC cycle BOOM study.

Roger Mackett is Emeritus Professor of Transport Studies at University College London. He has researched into various aspects of transport policy including ways of overcoming the barriers to access for older and disabled people, the use of the car for short trips, the effects of car use on children’s lives and the impact of the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway on levels of walking and cycling. He chairs the Transport Working Group of the Age Action Alliance and is a member of the Disabled Persons’ Transport Advisory Committee (DPTAC) and chairs DPTAC’s Research and Evidence Group. He is also a member of the U.S. Transportation Research Board’s Standing Committee on Accessible Transportation and Mobility. He has published articles in academic journals about the benefits of improving accessibility for older people, assessing the success of the policy of concessionary bus travel for older people in Britain and the health implications of inequalities in travel.

David Metz is honorary professor in the Centre for Transport Studies, University College London, where his research focuses on how demographic and technological factors influence travel demand. He spent part of his career as a senior civil servant in a number of UK government departments, both as policy advisor and scientist, including 5 years as Chief Scientist at the Department of Transport. He has a particular interest in ageing, co-authoring the book ‘Older richer fitter: identifying the customer needs of Britain’s ageing population’ published in 2005. He has been visiting professor at the Centre for Ageing and Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His recent research has been summarised in a short book entitled ‘Transport Fast or Smart?’ published in 2016.

Deborah Mifsud is a current PhD candidate within the Department of Geography at the University of Malta. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Geography and a Master of Science in Sustainable Development, both obtained from the University of Malta. Her specialisation area is transport mobility and travel behaviour of older people. Her PhD deals with understanding the determinants of travel behaviour for the older population in Malta. She is also a Research Support Officer I at the Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Her PhD supervisors are Prof Maria Attard from the University of Malta and Prof Stephen Ison from Loughborough University.

C. G. B. (Kit) Mitchell is an aeronautical engineer by training, Dr Mitchell worked at the Road Research Laboratory/Transport and Road Research Laboratory/Transport Research Laboratory from 1970 to 1994, working on public transport, transport planning and the social effects of transport policies. From 1982 he was Head of the Environment Division. From the early 1980s he also ran TRRL’s research on transport for disabled people and led the group that drafted the first DPTAC specification for local buses in 1988. He co-chaired the U.S. Transportation Research Board Committee on Accessible Transportation and Mobility 2003–09 and is an Emeritus Member of TRB. In 2010, he produced a review of research on older drivers for the RAC Foundation. He was a member of the Road Safety Foundation’s Older Driver Task Force which reported in 2016, leading the Working Group that provided evidence to support the work of the Task Force. He also serves on the Hampshire Older Driver Forum, which coordinates police and road safety activities to support older drivers.

Ben Spencer is a Research Fellow in the School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University, with a background in Urban Design, Health and Wellbeing, Mobility and Gerontology. He has experience of mixed-methods research with a particular interest in mobile methods applied to walking and cycling. Following his PhD on Playful public places for later life Ben worked on the RCUK cross-council funded cycle BOOM project on older people’s cycling before moving on to the Healthy Urban Mobility project. This aims to understand the impact of everyday (im)mobility on health and wellbeing with a variety of social groups living in different neighbourhoods in Brazil and the United Kingdom.


Ageing societies are almost a universal phenomenon due to a combination of falling fertility rates and substantial increases in life expectancy. Not only are there increasing numbers of older people but we are creating a fitter, more aspirational group of people ageing than ever before. An ageing population who may still be working, have caring responsibilities (for other older people, for children or grandchildren, for example) and social and recreational networks that span over wide geographical distances. Coupled to this, we have a growing hypermobile society, one designed around the car where services, shops and family and friend connections are more dispersed than ever meaning older people more dependent on vehicles than ever before (see Chapters 2 and 4). The result is a large increase in older drivers and a large increase in mileage driven by older drivers. Unsurprisingly, much evidence suggests being mobile in old age is linked to quality of life and in particular, giving-up driving has repeatedly been shown to related to lead to a decrease in wellbeing, an increase in depression and related health problems, feelings of stress, isolation and increased mortality.

We need to ask are older drivers safe? The stereotype of older driver is one that is dangerous, has poor reactions, poor eyesight, drives over cautiously and slowly and can’t cope with demands of modern busy traffic. There are calls for older drivers to be tested regularly or at least have training to help them improve. But research suggests that in countries with more stringent testing, older people have no fewer collisions than in countries with more relaxed rules (see Chapters 2 and 9). While training and education might improve knowledge and attitudes toward driving and improve some specific sets of driving skills, no research has yet be found that suggests it makes any difference to road collisions for older drivers (see Chapters 2, 8 and 9).There is a need to take a step back. Are older drivers actually really that unsafe at all? Statistics suggest those killed or seriously injured do increase in number (especially per mile driven) but studies into fragility and frailty suggest this may be an explanation for increases; older people are more likely to be a casualty of their collision because of their susceptibility to injury (see Kit Mitchell’s excellent analysis in Chapter 2).

There is a need to help older people think about alternative transport at an earlier stage in their life. For example, those who are successful at giving-up driving (i.e. those with little to no pain after giving-up driving) are those who have planned to give-up driving and begin to use alternative transport before it becomes a necessity to do so. Providing suitable alternative transport is also crucial to this, taking into account a proper analysis of the needs of older people (Chapters 3 and 4). Chapters 5, 6 and 7 show what can be done in terms of transport provision but also in terms of the public realm to keep people connected without using a car.

And what about the future? We are constantly reminded about increased automation in transport, not less the driverless car. Naturally, this will suit older people unable to drive but wanting the freedom and independence the car can give. But what about our journey to getting to the driverless car? Can changes in society, virtual reality (Chapter 10), the sharing economy, improvements in real time personalised information, better more comfortable and accessible mobility (Chapter 11) mean driverless cars may not ever actually be needed?

Hope you enjoy the read and let’s make transport and mobility great for us all as we age.

Dr Charles Musselwhite Swansea University