Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
ISBN: 978-1-78635-226-2, eISBN: 978-1-78635-225-5
ISSN: 2044-9941
Publication date: 28 September 2016
(2016), "Index", Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 425-445.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2016 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
ABC/M methodology, 129
Aberdeenshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
ACCESS 65+ , 65
Accessibility, 9, 66, 302–304
to citizens in rural areas, 292
full wheelchair, 91
indicator, 314
low-floor, 324
transport, 211
Accessible vehicles, 382, 386–388
ACCESS Paratransit in Pittsburgh region, 65
Access Services Incorporated (ASI), 186
Activity-based costing (ABC) systems, 129, 139–142
Activity-Based Cost Management (ABC/M), 129, 139, 141
cross, 141–142
cross application to paratransit, 142–144, 147–148
Activity drivers, 6, 129, 141
ADA paratransit services, 36, 47, 57, 67, 84, 349, 379
LAVTA wheels, 47–48
in metropolitan area, 47
paratransit industry, 36
paratransit ridership, 39
Additional income streams, 237
advertising, 238–239
bulk purchase discounts, 239–240
business diversification, 239
service diversification, 240
subsidies, 237–238
‘ADEPT7’ software, 259
‘Adopting distinctive brands’, 325
Advertising, 238–239
Affordable Care Act, 4
After-the-fact complaint investigation, 384
Aged and Community Services programmes, 265
Agency type, 191
AGETU (Agence de Gestion du Transport Urbain), 228
American Public Transportation Association (APTA), 36
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 36, 56, 134, 154, 173, 184, 191, 193–194, 199, 264, 378, 388
ADA-only services, higher cost of, 192
complementary Paratransit, 169
operators, 169
regulations, 387
TNCs, 387
Amortization, 131, 132
Application Programming Interface (API), 212
Apps market, 211
Area Agency on Aging (AAA), 143–144
Arlington County, xiii, 381, 383, 385, 386
Astra-project, 58
Atende Service, 65
“Aterik-Ate” service, 176, 190
Australia community transport (ACT), 264
development of, 264
formal transport planning processes, 265
funding, 272–278
geography impact, 269–272
jurisdictional issues, 278–280
organisational structure, 268
premier, 267
valuing community transport, 269
volunteers use, 280–284
welfare issue, 266
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 270–271
Autodrive programme, 26
Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), 233
Automobility (disruption in), 406
equitability, 407–408
sustainability, 406–407
Autonomous agent technology, 114
Autonomous tourist passenger shuttle vehicle trials, 26
Autonomous vehicles, 16–17, 25–26
cars, 409–410
PRT systems, 25
Avoidable costs, 6, 135, 157, 159–160, 163, 165
golden rule, 161–162
inputs to, 158
scenarios, 158, 160–161
traditional vs., 156
Barcelona, IMD service in, 189
“Basic Mobility”, 67–68
Belbus, 67–68
Belgium, 67, 68, 69
Bilboa, PMR service in, 190
Blood Transfusion Service and Age Concern, 256
Britain. See Great Britain (GB)
Brokerage model, 37, 41–42, 273, 279
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
broker paratransit service, 39–41
demand response ridership, 36
merging transportation funding sources, 48–50
MTM’s approach to, 41–45
MTM’s paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
in NEMT, 36, 38–39
technology to supporting brokerage success, 45–46
Brokered paratransit systems, 49–50
Broker paratransit service, 39
balanced demand fluctuations, 40–41
cost savings, 39–40
improved service quality and accountability, 41
Bulk purchase discounts, 239–240
Bürgerbus, 5, 79, 91, 99, 100
association, 90
basic options for initiatives, 88–89
community transport and paratransit, 79–81
critical characteristics for development, 87
drivers, 90
economic advantage, 91
reasons for involvement in Bürgerbus activities, 89
regional umbrella associations, 85
service, 5, 85
spatial distribution across Germany, 92–96
Bürgerbus spatial distribution across Germany, 82, 83, 92
main service types, 93–94
state support for Bürgerbus initiatives, 92–93
town service in Wendlingen, 95–96
Business-to-Administration (B2A), 207
Business-to-Business (B2B) services, 207
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) services, 207
Business diversification, 239
Business model, 17–18, 25, 205, 358
of FMOD, 359, 363–365
“station-based”, 339
TNC, 383, 398
Business planning, 144
adding feedback loop, 149
agencies sponsoring rides, 144
boardings per revenue hour, 148–149
boost performance, 149
Bus operation
conventional, 248, 308
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
marketing and service quality in, 323–326
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), 208, 223
best practice, 229
corridors, 226, 227
full specification, 223, 225
implementation, 228
standard specification, 225–226
Bus service, 309, 318, 341, 353
standards, 27
Buxi system, 58
Call-n-Ride, 65, 67
Call Connect services, 258, 259, 321
DR services in Lincolnshire, 321
Lincolnshire Call Connect case, 322
management, 260
Minibus, 322
Canadian Urban Transport Association (CUTA), 62
Capacity planning, 234
Cape Town
BRT projects in, 226
on-vehicle advertising, 238
paratransit industry, 227
paratransit vehicles in, 221
Capital costs, 91, 160, 228
Car-pooling. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Car2Go, 9, 208, 212, 340, 344, 351, 400, 401
Carbon dioxide emissions. See CO2 emissions
Carma Carpool, 396
Carma Technology Corporation, 396
Carsharing, 10, 345, 399
app, 339, 345
dynamic, 9, 228
free-floating, 400
industry, 339, 344
motivations, 401
operational models, 400
P2P, 402–405
round-trip, 401
schemes, 338, 339
station-based, 340, 344
way, 401
Zoom, 401
Cars on demand, 10, 393
commercial car share, 399–402
commercial lift share, 396–399
disruption in automobility, 406–408
‘form of transit involving collaborative use of car’, 394
P2P carsharing, 402–405
P2P liftsharing, 394–396
regulation, 405–406
shifts in valuing of cars, 393
technology, 393
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
Cash-based systems, 235
Casual ad hoc liftshare, 395–396
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 38
Central Coast of California, 169, 174, 181, 184, 187
Centralized brokerage, 41
CETUD (Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar), 228
Cleric, 107
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
Cloud services, 210
CO2 emissions, 4, 18–19
Coasthopper service, 325
Commercial car-based passenger services, 397
Commercial car share, 399, 407
carsharing operational models, 400
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
round-trip carsharing, 401
Commercial lift share, 396
taxicabs, 396–397
TNCs, 397, 398
Uber in Australia, 398–399
Commonwealth Government, 268, 278
Community Passenger Networks (CPNs), 278–279
Community transport (CT), 58, 69, 79–81, 98, 255–256, 259
See also Australia community transport (ACT)
Community Transport Association (CTA), 268, 273, 284
Community transport in Australia. See Australia community transport (ACT)
Community Transport Organisation (CTO), 105, 115, 266, 267, 282
Community transport volunteers, 282
Complementary paratransit, 36, 378
ADA, 169
Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD), 233
Computer scheduling, 249–251
Concessionary travel, 112, 313, 314–315
free, 317
Concessions. See Route–based licences
Congress of Democratic Taxi Associations (CODETA), 239
Consolidated Transportation Services Agencies (CTSAs), 169, 171, 186, 188, 192, 194, 195
CTSA-related programs, 182
Consortium for Advanced Management International (CAM-I), 139
CAM-I Cross, 140
Constraint relaxations, 6, 118, 120
Coordinated DRT, 55
Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan, 194
Coordinated Plan, 168, 194
Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM), 133
Copenhagen region, 64
Cost-allocation in paratransit, 129
Price–Waterhouse cost analysis, 129–133
three-variable model, 130–131
Cost-allocation model, 128
ABC/M cross to paratransit, application of, 142–144
ABC systems, 139–142
allocation of shared costs in paratransit, 134–138
business planning, 144–149
coordination, impact of, 133–134
cost-allocation in paratransit, 129–133
shared-service paratransit provider, 128–129
Cost-effectiveness, 193, 194
indicators, 317–319
paratransit, 182
Cost drivers, 6, 129, 133, 141
‘Cross-sector’ benefits, 320
Cultural influences, 253
Danish Model, 53
Decentralized brokerage, 42
Dedicated FMOD resources, 364–365
Dedicated FMOD service, 365
Defining paratransit, 22–24
De Lijn, 67–68
Belbus, 67, 68, 71
Basic Mobility, 67–68
Deloitte, 60
studies for the Danish Ministry of Finance, 60
Demand Response (DR), 61
Demand Response Taxi, 61
Demand-responsive public transport services, 80, 308
concessionary travel, 314–315
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
development of rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
indicators of cost-effectiveness and user benefits, 317–319
marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323–326
option values and relative valuation, 320–323
recent developments in Britain, 326–327
rural area, 309–312
Demand-responsive services (DR), 248, 252, 308, 309, 318, 319, 320, 326, 327, 328
option values and relative valuation, 320–322
Demand adaptive service (DAS), 349, 351, 352
Demand forecasting and route selection, 234
Demand responsive transit. See Demand responsive transport (DRT)
Demand responsive transport (DRT), 3, 5, 21, 54, 55, 154, 204, 246, 290, 335, 358, 392, 407
accessibility and exclusion, 302–304
applications, 205–206
CallConnect services, 258
comparative table of case study schemes, 301
conceptual framework, 291–292
Coordinated DRT, 55, 64
different services, user groups and experiences, 298
DRT-type services, 353
implementation, factors inhibiting, 247
institutional resistance, 251–253
Integrated DRT, 55
Lincolnshire Callconnect network, 257–260, 319, 321–323
older people, 299
Open DRT, 55, 60
passenger characteristic in ‘Half Past’ model, 300
personalization, 254–255
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
regulatory system, 247–249
Special Needs (SNT), 55
supply curve, 345–348
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
telematics, 249–251
three public transport organisational models, 295–297
total transport approach, 255–257
See also Cars on demand; Flexible mobility services (FTS); Large-scale DRT
Denmark, 60
Flextrafik, 60
Flextur, 60, 65
FlexDanmark, 60
national competence center, 60
North Jutland region, 60
Denver RTD, 61, 67
Department for Transport (DfT), 312, 318
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), 19
Department of Motor Transport, 266
Department of Social Services, 272, 274, 280
Department of Veteran Affairs Transport Scheme, 272
Depreciation, 131, 135
expense, 132
vehicle, 323
Destination-specific services, 23–24
Deutscher Verband der Erogotherapeuten (DVE), 172
Dial-A-Bus (DAB), 55, 56, 58
Dial-A-Ride (DAR) services, 57, 169, 248, 250
Direct Payments (DPs), 254, 255
mobility for people with, 381
paratransit services for people with, 378
rights, 387–388
Dispatching, 384
Donations, 84, 91, 280
Door-to-door services, 104
Driverless vehicle technologies, 25, 29
buses, 328
cars, 328
taxi, 29
Driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
Dynamic car-sharing schemes, 208
Dynamic liftsharing. See Casual ad hoc liftshare
E-services, 207
Economic framework, 155
avoidable costs, 157, 159–161
costs and revenues, 165
FTS service, 158
inputs to FTS service and avoidable cost, 158
‘lumpy’ costs, 155
peak services and peak costing, 163
role of risk, 163–165
shared costs, 159–160
traditional approach, 156
traditional vs. avoidable cost, 156
Eligibility criteria, 114, 117
Empresa Municipal de Transporte de Valencia (EMT-Valencia), 190
Entrepreneurial opportunities, 237
advertising, 238–239
bulk purchase discounts, 239–240
business diversification, 239
paratransit industry, 237
service diversification, 240
subsidies, 237–238
Escapable costs, 316
Essential Fleet Passenger Services, 259
EU (European Union), 248
European Commission, 205
Evaluation criteria, 309, 318, 319
ex-National Health Service (NHS), 257
Exclusion, 302–304
Fare service
eligibility, 59
(“färdtjänst”), 59, 66
Fare structure, 112, 113
FASTRAN – Fairfax County Virginia’s FASTRAN service, 138, 143
Feasible product, 361, 362, 366
Federal Community Employment Program, 266
FITS visualisation tool, 107–108, 114–115
fare structure, 112, 113
General Information sub–system, 108–109
operating area, 109–111
passenger eligibility, 111
state–of–art mapping tools, 108
surcharge structure, 112–114
Fixed-route mini-bus service, 359
Fixed-route operation, 308
Fixed-route service, 309, 319, 327
option values and relative valuation, 320–323
Fixed costs, 130, 133, 135, 156, 157, 393, 407
FlexDanmark, 60, 71, 347–348, 351, 365
Flexible Integrated Transport Services (FITS), 5, 105, 106
See also FITS visualisation tool
Flexible mobility on demand (FMOD), 359, 360
business model, 363–365
case study, 365–369
choice of travelers, 372
experimental results, 369–373
fleet, 360
innovative system, 359–360
menu, 359
modeling framework, 362–363
offers, 361–362, 371
profit and consumer surplus, 370
reservation procedure, 362
services, 361
Flexible mobility services. See Flexible transport services (FTS)
Flexible transport services (FTS), 1, 2, 6, 17, 55, 104, 154, 204, 246
agency concept, 205–207
implementation, 208
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT); Golden rule
Flexlinjen, 66
Automated Call-Back Function, 66
performance, 66
Flextrafik, 60
FlexTur, 60, 65
For-hire transportation services, 378
Free-floating car sharing, 339, 344–345, 354, 400
Frequent vehicle inspection, 386
‘Full specification BRT’, 223, 225
Fully flexible DRT services, 250
Fully open DRT, 67
Funding, 272
ex-community transport passengers, 277–278
HACC programme, 276
passenger trip, 273, 274
principles and factors, 275
vehicle kilometers, 275
Future Internet PPP, 211
GAPTE (Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive), 228
General Information sub–system, 108–109
General market, 53
Geography impact, 269
ABS, 270
factors, 271
repair and maintenance costs, 272
Bürgerbus services, 80, 82, 83
car-sharing industry, 344
professional qualification requirements for public transport operators, 88
public transport services, 79, 82–83
spatial distribution of Bürgerbus, 92–96
GIRO/ACCES software, 107
Global positioning system (GPS), 339, 393
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
Golden rule, 154
decision rule, 161–162
determining shared costs, 162–163
economic framework, 155–161
Gothenburg, 58, 61, 66
Flexlinjen, 66
PLANET-system, 58
Special Needs Travel, 66
Great Britain (GB), 309, 312
costs and benefits, 317
recent developments in, 326–327
rural bus services development in, 312–314
Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Ltd (GMATL), 250
Grenoble metropole, 188
Grocery shopping, 303
‘Half Past’ model, 299, 300, 302
service in Tolga, 299
Handistar, 188
HandyBAT service, 60
HASTUS sector, 250
Health authorities, 252, 257
Health sector patient transport services, 256–257
‘Heineken’ system, 20
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, 394
Hino city in Tokyo
map of, 365–366
snapshots from simulation, 369
Home and Community Care (HACC) programme, 266, 276–278
funding, 267, 272, 274
transport services, 277
Home Care Packages, 272
Hourly boardings, 373
Houston Metro contracts, 382
Human Service Transportation Coordination, 133
Hybrid brokerage, 42
Hybridity, 223
BRT investments, 228–229
capacity of institutions, 228
comparison of three case study cities, 224–225
‘fostering’ approach, 227
‘full specification BRT’, 223, 225
national and municipal treasuries, 229
paratransit associations, 228
paratransit vehicle passenger boarding, 225
standard specification BRT, 225–226
Sub-Saharan African BRT planning activities, 226
Sub-Saharan African cities, 223, 229–230
Hybrid services, 230
technology, 41
travel time, 368
Information and communications technology (ICT), 205
elements, 206–207
role of ICT and new technologies, 209–212
support, 70
technologies, 6–7, 207
tools, 8
Information technology (IT), 24, 156
Institutional framework, 70, 71
Institutional resistance, 16, 247, 251–253, 256
Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad (IMD), 189
Insurance, 130, 385
Integrated DRT, 55
Integration, issues with, 230
electronic fare payment systems, 233
formal operations, 232
formal services, 232
historic distrust of government, 233
informal operations, 232
mixed traffic congestion, 231
route structures, 230
trunk and feeder system, 234–236
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), 211
Inter-urban routes, 309, 313
Interchange services, 22
International collaboration, 54, 70, 71
standards, 61, 71
Jurisdictional issues, 278
address transport disadvantage, 279
state/territory laws, 280
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Call-n-Ride, 65, 67
Call Connect services, 258, 259, 321
DR services in Lincolnshire, 321
Lincolnshire Call Connect case, 322
management, 260
Minibus, 322
Canadian Urban Transport Association (CUTA), 62
Capacity planning, 234
Cape Town
BRT projects in, 226
on-vehicle advertising, 238
paratransit industry, 227
paratransit vehicles in, 221
Capital costs, 91, 160, 228
Car-pooling. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Car2Go, 9, 208, 212, 340, 344, 351, 400, 401
Carbon dioxide emissions. See CO2 emissions
Carma Carpool, 396
Carma Technology Corporation, 396
Carsharing, 10, 345, 399
app, 339, 345
dynamic, 9, 228
free-floating, 400
industry, 339, 344
motivations, 401
operational models, 400
P2P, 402–405
round-trip, 401
schemes, 338, 339
station-based, 340, 344
way, 401
Zoom, 401
Cars on demand, 10, 393
commercial car share, 399–402
commercial lift share, 396–399
disruption in automobility, 406–408
‘form of transit involving collaborative use of car’, 394
P2P carsharing, 402–405
P2P liftsharing, 394–396
regulation, 405–406
shifts in valuing of cars, 393
technology, 393
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
Cash-based systems, 235
Casual ad hoc liftshare, 395–396
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 38
Central Coast of California, 169, 174, 181, 184, 187
Centralized brokerage, 41
CETUD (Conseil Exécutif des Transports Urbains de Dakar), 228
Cleric, 107
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
Cloud services, 210
CO2 emissions, 4, 18–19
Coasthopper service, 325
Commercial car-based passenger services, 397
Commercial car share, 399, 407
carsharing operational models, 400
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
round-trip carsharing, 401
Commercial lift share, 396
taxicabs, 396–397
TNCs, 397, 398
Uber in Australia, 398–399
Commonwealth Government, 268, 278
Community Passenger Networks (CPNs), 278–279
Community transport (CT), 58, 69, 79–81, 98, 255–256, 259
See also Australia community transport (ACT)
Community Transport Association (CTA), 268, 273, 284
Community transport in Australia. See Australia community transport (ACT)
Community Transport Organisation (CTO), 105, 115, 266, 267, 282
Community transport volunteers, 282
Complementary paratransit, 36, 378
ADA, 169
Computer Aided Dispatching (CAD), 233
Computer scheduling, 249–251
Concessionary travel, 112, 313, 314–315
free, 317
Concessions. See Route–based licences
Congress of Democratic Taxi Associations (CODETA), 239
Consolidated Transportation Services Agencies (CTSAs), 169, 171, 186, 188, 192, 194, 195
CTSA-related programs, 182
Consortium for Advanced Management International (CAM-I), 139
CAM-I Cross, 140
Constraint relaxations, 6, 118, 120
Coordinated DRT, 55
Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan, 194
Coordinated Plan, 168, 194
Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM), 133
Copenhagen region, 64
Cost-allocation in paratransit, 129
Price–Waterhouse cost analysis, 129–133
three-variable model, 130–131
Cost-allocation model, 128
ABC/M cross to paratransit, application of, 142–144
ABC systems, 139–142
allocation of shared costs in paratransit, 134–138
business planning, 144–149
coordination, impact of, 133–134
cost-allocation in paratransit, 129–133
shared-service paratransit provider, 128–129
Cost-effectiveness, 193, 194
indicators, 317–319
paratransit, 182
Cost drivers, 6, 129, 133, 141
‘Cross-sector’ benefits, 320
Cultural influences, 253
Danish Model, 53
Decentralized brokerage, 42
Dedicated FMOD resources, 364–365
Dedicated FMOD service, 365
Defining paratransit, 22–24
De Lijn, 67–68
Belbus, 67, 68, 71
Basic Mobility, 67–68
Deloitte, 60
studies for the Danish Ministry of Finance, 60
Demand Response (DR), 61
Demand Response Taxi, 61
Demand-responsive public transport services, 80, 308
concessionary travel, 314–315
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
development of rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
indicators of cost-effectiveness and user benefits, 317–319
marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323–326
option values and relative valuation, 320–323
recent developments in Britain, 326–327
rural area, 309–312
Demand-responsive services (DR), 248, 252, 308, 309, 318, 319, 320, 326, 327, 328
option values and relative valuation, 320–322
Demand adaptive service (DAS), 349, 351, 352
Demand forecasting and route selection, 234
Demand responsive transit. See Demand responsive transport (DRT)
Demand responsive transport (DRT), 3, 5, 21, 54, 55, 154, 204, 246, 290, 335, 358, 392, 407
accessibility and exclusion, 302–304
applications, 205–206
CallConnect services, 258
comparative table of case study schemes, 301
conceptual framework, 291–292
Coordinated DRT, 55, 64
different services, user groups and experiences, 298
DRT-type services, 353
implementation, factors inhibiting, 247
institutional resistance, 251–253
Integrated DRT, 55
Lincolnshire Callconnect network, 257–260, 319, 321–323
older people, 299
Open DRT, 55, 60
passenger characteristic in ‘Half Past’ model, 300
personalization, 254–255
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
regulatory system, 247–249
Special Needs (SNT), 55
supply curve, 345–348
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
telematics, 249–251
three public transport organisational models, 295–297
total transport approach, 255–257
See also Cars on demand; Flexible mobility services (FTS); Large-scale DRT
Denmark, 60
Flextrafik, 60
Flextur, 60, 65
FlexDanmark, 60
national competence center, 60
North Jutland region, 60
Denver RTD, 61, 67
Department for Transport (DfT), 312, 318
Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), 19
Department of Motor Transport, 266
Department of Social Services, 272, 274, 280
Department of Veteran Affairs Transport Scheme, 272
Depreciation, 131, 135
expense, 132
vehicle, 323
Destination-specific services, 23–24
Deutscher Verband der Erogotherapeuten (DVE), 172
Dial-A-Bus (DAB), 55, 56, 58
Dial-A-Ride (DAR) services, 57, 169, 248, 250
Direct Payments (DPs), 254, 255
mobility for people with, 381
paratransit services for people with, 378
rights, 387–388
Dispatching, 384
Donations, 84, 91, 280
Door-to-door services, 104
Driverless vehicle technologies, 25, 29
buses, 328
cars, 328
taxi, 29
Driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
Dynamic car-sharing schemes, 208
Dynamic liftsharing. See Casual ad hoc liftshare
E-services, 207
Economic framework, 155
avoidable costs, 157, 159–161
costs and revenues, 165
FTS service, 158
inputs to FTS service and avoidable cost, 158
‘lumpy’ costs, 155
peak services and peak costing, 163
role of risk, 163–165
shared costs, 159–160
traditional approach, 156
traditional vs. avoidable cost, 156
Eligibility criteria, 114, 117
Empresa Municipal de Transporte de Valencia (EMT-Valencia), 190
Entrepreneurial opportunities, 237
advertising, 238–239
bulk purchase discounts, 239–240
business diversification, 239
paratransit industry, 237
service diversification, 240
subsidies, 237–238
Escapable costs, 316
Essential Fleet Passenger Services, 259
EU (European Union), 248
European Commission, 205
Evaluation criteria, 309, 318, 319
ex-National Health Service (NHS), 257
Exclusion, 302–304
Fare service
eligibility, 59
(“färdtjänst”), 59, 66
Fare structure, 112, 113
FASTRAN – Fairfax County Virginia’s FASTRAN service, 138, 143
Feasible product, 361, 362, 366
Federal Community Employment Program, 266
FITS visualisation tool, 107–108, 114–115
fare structure, 112, 113
General Information sub–system, 108–109
operating area, 109–111
passenger eligibility, 111
state–of–art mapping tools, 108
surcharge structure, 112–114
Fixed-route mini-bus service, 359
Fixed-route operation, 308
Fixed-route service, 309, 319, 327
option values and relative valuation, 320–323
Fixed costs, 130, 133, 135, 156, 157, 393, 407
FlexDanmark, 60, 71, 347–348, 351, 365
Flexible Integrated Transport Services (FITS), 5, 105, 106
See also FITS visualisation tool
Flexible mobility on demand (FMOD), 359, 360
business model, 363–365
case study, 365–369
choice of travelers, 372
experimental results, 369–373
fleet, 360
innovative system, 359–360
menu, 359
modeling framework, 362–363
offers, 361–362, 371
profit and consumer surplus, 370
reservation procedure, 362
services, 361
Flexible mobility services. See Flexible transport services (FTS)
Flexible transport services (FTS), 1, 2, 6, 17, 55, 104, 154, 204, 246
agency concept, 205–207
implementation, 208
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT); Golden rule
Flexlinjen, 66
Automated Call-Back Function, 66
performance, 66
Flextrafik, 60
FlexTur, 60, 65
For-hire transportation services, 378
Free-floating car sharing, 339, 344–345, 354, 400
Frequent vehicle inspection, 386
‘Full specification BRT’, 223, 225
Fully flexible DRT services, 250
Fully open DRT, 67
Funding, 272
ex-community transport passengers, 277–278
HACC programme, 276
passenger trip, 273, 274
principles and factors, 275
vehicle kilometers, 275
Future Internet PPP, 211
GAPTE (Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive), 228
General Information sub–system, 108–109
General market, 53
Geography impact, 269
ABS, 270
factors, 271
repair and maintenance costs, 272
Bürgerbus services, 80, 82, 83
car-sharing industry, 344
professional qualification requirements for public transport operators, 88
public transport services, 79, 82–83
spatial distribution of Bürgerbus, 92–96
GIRO/ACCES software, 107
Global positioning system (GPS), 339, 393
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
Golden rule, 154
decision rule, 161–162
determining shared costs, 162–163
economic framework, 155–161
Gothenburg, 58, 61, 66
Flexlinjen, 66
PLANET-system, 58
Special Needs Travel, 66
Great Britain (GB), 309, 312
costs and benefits, 317
recent developments in, 326–327
rural bus services development in, 312–314
Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Ltd (GMATL), 250
Grenoble metropole, 188
Grocery shopping, 303
‘Half Past’ model, 299, 300, 302
service in Tolga, 299
Handistar, 188
HandyBAT service, 60
HASTUS sector, 250
Health authorities, 252, 257
Health sector patient transport services, 256–257
‘Heineken’ system, 20
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, 394
Hino city in Tokyo
map of, 365–366
snapshots from simulation, 369
Home and Community Care (HACC) programme, 266, 276–278
funding, 267, 272, 274
transport services, 277
Home Care Packages, 272
Hourly boardings, 373
Houston Metro contracts, 382
Human Service Transportation Coordination, 133
Hybrid brokerage, 42
Hybridity, 223
BRT investments, 228–229
capacity of institutions, 228
comparison of three case study cities, 224–225
‘fostering’ approach, 227
‘full specification BRT’, 223, 225
national and municipal treasuries, 229
paratransit associations, 228
paratransit vehicle passenger boarding, 225
standard specification BRT, 225–226
Sub-Saharan African BRT planning activities, 226
Sub-Saharan African cities, 223, 229–230
Hybrid services, 230
technology, 41
travel time, 368
Information and communications technology (ICT), 205
elements, 206–207
role of ICT and new technologies, 209–212
support, 70
technologies, 6–7, 207
tools, 8
Information technology (IT), 24, 156
Institutional framework, 70, 71
Institutional resistance, 16, 247, 251–253, 256
Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad (IMD), 189
Insurance, 130, 385
Integrated DRT, 55
Integration, issues with, 230
electronic fare payment systems, 233
formal operations, 232
formal services, 232
historic distrust of government, 233
informal operations, 232
mixed traffic congestion, 231
route structures, 230
trunk and feeder system, 234–236
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), 211
Inter-urban routes, 309, 313
Interchange services, 22
International collaboration, 54, 70, 71
standards, 61, 71
Jurisdictional issues, 278
address transport disadvantage, 279
state/territory laws, 280
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
E-services, 207
Economic framework, 155
avoidable costs, 157, 159–161
costs and revenues, 165
FTS service, 158
inputs to FTS service and avoidable cost, 158
‘lumpy’ costs, 155
peak services and peak costing, 163
role of risk, 163–165
shared costs, 159–160
traditional approach, 156
traditional vs. avoidable cost, 156
Eligibility criteria, 114, 117
Empresa Municipal de Transporte de Valencia (EMT-Valencia), 190
Entrepreneurial opportunities, 237
advertising, 238–239
bulk purchase discounts, 239–240
business diversification, 239
paratransit industry, 237
service diversification, 240
subsidies, 237–238
Escapable costs, 316
Essential Fleet Passenger Services, 259
EU (European Union), 248
European Commission, 205
Evaluation criteria, 309, 318, 319
ex-National Health Service (NHS), 257
Exclusion, 302–304
Fare service
eligibility, 59
(“färdtjänst”), 59, 66
Fare structure, 112, 113
FASTRAN – Fairfax County Virginia’s FASTRAN service, 138, 143
Feasible product, 361, 362, 366
Federal Community Employment Program, 266
FITS visualisation tool, 107–108, 114–115
fare structure, 112, 113
General Information sub–system, 108–109
operating area, 109–111
passenger eligibility, 111
state–of–art mapping tools, 108
surcharge structure, 112–114
Fixed-route mini-bus service, 359
Fixed-route operation, 308
Fixed-route service, 309, 319, 327
option values and relative valuation, 320–323
Fixed costs, 130, 133, 135, 156, 157, 393, 407
FlexDanmark, 60, 71, 347–348, 351, 365
Flexible Integrated Transport Services (FITS), 5, 105, 106
See also FITS visualisation tool
Flexible mobility on demand (FMOD), 359, 360
business model, 363–365
case study, 365–369
choice of travelers, 372
experimental results, 369–373
fleet, 360
innovative system, 359–360
menu, 359
modeling framework, 362–363
offers, 361–362, 371
profit and consumer surplus, 370
reservation procedure, 362
services, 361
Flexible mobility services. See Flexible transport services (FTS)
Flexible transport services (FTS), 1, 2, 6, 17, 55, 104, 154, 204, 246
agency concept, 205–207
implementation, 208
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT); Golden rule
Flexlinjen, 66
Automated Call-Back Function, 66
performance, 66
Flextrafik, 60
FlexTur, 60, 65
For-hire transportation services, 378
Free-floating car sharing, 339, 344–345, 354, 400
Frequent vehicle inspection, 386
‘Full specification BRT’, 223, 225
Fully flexible DRT services, 250
Fully open DRT, 67
Funding, 272
ex-community transport passengers, 277–278
HACC programme, 276
passenger trip, 273, 274
principles and factors, 275
vehicle kilometers, 275
Future Internet PPP, 211
GAPTE (Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive), 228
General Information sub–system, 108–109
General market, 53
Geography impact, 269
ABS, 270
factors, 271
repair and maintenance costs, 272
Bürgerbus services, 80, 82, 83
car-sharing industry, 344
professional qualification requirements for public transport operators, 88
public transport services, 79, 82–83
spatial distribution of Bürgerbus, 92–96
GIRO/ACCES software, 107
Global positioning system (GPS), 339, 393
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
Golden rule, 154
decision rule, 161–162
determining shared costs, 162–163
economic framework, 155–161
Gothenburg, 58, 61, 66
Flexlinjen, 66
PLANET-system, 58
Special Needs Travel, 66
Great Britain (GB), 309, 312
costs and benefits, 317
recent developments in, 326–327
rural bus services development in, 312–314
Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Ltd (GMATL), 250
Grenoble metropole, 188
Grocery shopping, 303
‘Half Past’ model, 299, 300, 302
service in Tolga, 299
Handistar, 188
HandyBAT service, 60
HASTUS sector, 250
Health authorities, 252, 257
Health sector patient transport services, 256–257
‘Heineken’ system, 20
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, 394
Hino city in Tokyo
map of, 365–366
snapshots from simulation, 369
Home and Community Care (HACC) programme, 266, 276–278
funding, 267, 272, 274
transport services, 277
Home Care Packages, 272
Hourly boardings, 373
Houston Metro contracts, 382
Human Service Transportation Coordination, 133
Hybrid brokerage, 42
Hybridity, 223
BRT investments, 228–229
capacity of institutions, 228
comparison of three case study cities, 224–225
‘fostering’ approach, 227
‘full specification BRT’, 223, 225
national and municipal treasuries, 229
paratransit associations, 228
paratransit vehicle passenger boarding, 225
standard specification BRT, 225–226
Sub-Saharan African BRT planning activities, 226
Sub-Saharan African cities, 223, 229–230
Hybrid services, 230
technology, 41
travel time, 368
Information and communications technology (ICT), 205
elements, 206–207
role of ICT and new technologies, 209–212
support, 70
technologies, 6–7, 207
tools, 8
Information technology (IT), 24, 156
Institutional framework, 70, 71
Institutional resistance, 16, 247, 251–253, 256
Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad (IMD), 189
Insurance, 130, 385
Integrated DRT, 55
Integration, issues with, 230
electronic fare payment systems, 233
formal operations, 232
formal services, 232
historic distrust of government, 233
informal operations, 232
mixed traffic congestion, 231
route structures, 230
trunk and feeder system, 234–236
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), 211
Inter-urban routes, 309, 313
Interchange services, 22
International collaboration, 54, 70, 71
standards, 61, 71
Jurisdictional issues, 278
address transport disadvantage, 279
state/territory laws, 280
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
GAPTE (Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive), 228
General Information sub–system, 108–109
General market, 53
Geography impact, 269
ABS, 270
factors, 271
repair and maintenance costs, 272
Bürgerbus services, 80, 82, 83
car-sharing industry, 344
professional qualification requirements for public transport operators, 88
public transport services, 79, 82–83
spatial distribution of Bürgerbus, 92–96
GIRO/ACCES software, 107
Global positioning system (GPS), 339, 393
GoGet in Sydney, 401–402
Golden rule, 154
decision rule, 161–162
determining shared costs, 162–163
economic framework, 155–161
Gothenburg, 58, 61, 66
Flexlinjen, 66
PLANET-system, 58
Special Needs Travel, 66
Great Britain (GB), 309, 312
costs and benefits, 317
recent developments in, 326–327
rural bus services development in, 312–314
Greater Manchester Accessible Transport Ltd (GMATL), 250
Grenoble metropole, 188
Grocery shopping, 303
‘Half Past’ model, 299, 300, 302
service in Tolga, 299
Handistar, 188
HandyBAT service, 60
HASTUS sector, 250
Health authorities, 252, 257
Health sector patient transport services, 256–257
‘Heineken’ system, 20
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, 394
Hino city in Tokyo
map of, 365–366
snapshots from simulation, 369
Home and Community Care (HACC) programme, 266, 276–278
funding, 267, 272, 274
transport services, 277
Home Care Packages, 272
Hourly boardings, 373
Houston Metro contracts, 382
Human Service Transportation Coordination, 133
Hybrid brokerage, 42
Hybridity, 223
BRT investments, 228–229
capacity of institutions, 228
comparison of three case study cities, 224–225
‘fostering’ approach, 227
‘full specification BRT’, 223, 225
national and municipal treasuries, 229
paratransit associations, 228
paratransit vehicle passenger boarding, 225
standard specification BRT, 225–226
Sub-Saharan African BRT planning activities, 226
Sub-Saharan African cities, 223, 229–230
Hybrid services, 230
technology, 41
travel time, 368
Information and communications technology (ICT), 205
elements, 206–207
role of ICT and new technologies, 209–212
support, 70
technologies, 6–7, 207
tools, 8
Information technology (IT), 24, 156
Institutional framework, 70, 71
Institutional resistance, 16, 247, 251–253, 256
Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad (IMD), 189
Insurance, 130, 385
Integrated DRT, 55
Integration, issues with, 230
electronic fare payment systems, 233
formal operations, 232
formal services, 232
historic distrust of government, 233
informal operations, 232
mixed traffic congestion, 231
route structures, 230
trunk and feeder system, 234–236
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), 211
Inter-urban routes, 309, 313
Interchange services, 22
International collaboration, 54, 70, 71
standards, 61, 71
Jurisdictional issues, 278
address transport disadvantage, 279
state/territory laws, 280
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
technology, 41
travel time, 368
Information and communications technology (ICT), 205
elements, 206–207
role of ICT and new technologies, 209–212
support, 70
technologies, 6–7, 207
tools, 8
Information technology (IT), 24, 156
Institutional framework, 70, 71
Institutional resistance, 16, 247, 251–253, 256
Instituto Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad (IMD), 189
Insurance, 130, 385
Integrated DRT, 55
Integration, issues with, 230
electronic fare payment systems, 233
formal operations, 232
formal services, 232
historic distrust of government, 233
informal operations, 232
mixed traffic congestion, 231
route structures, 230
trunk and feeder system, 234–236
Intelligent transport systems (ITS), 211
Inter-urban routes, 309, 313
Interchange services, 22
International collaboration, 54, 70, 71
standards, 61, 71
Jurisdictional issues, 278
address transport disadvantage, 279
state/territory laws, 280
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 62, 129, 144
Kogarah Community Aid and Information Centre, 265
LAMATA (Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority), 228
Large-scale DRT, 53, 54, 56
agencies in World, 62
data collected for top-30 DRT organizations, 63–65
developments, 60–62
DRT in USA, 56–58
DRT solutions in Scandinavi, 58–60
future international collaboration, 70–72
global overview, 62–63, 69
international collaboration, 70–72
mobile data innovations, 54
preliminary domains for, 65–68
in Scandinavia, 58–60
small-and medium-scale DRT, 68–69
in USA, 56–58
Large-scale special needs transport, 65
Leased capital assets, 132
Lincolnshire, 247, 253, 258, 423
Callconnect network, 257–260, 319–323
County Council, 258, 322
InterConnect scheme, 22, 322, 329
Link Up service, 246–247
Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAVTA), 47, 48
Local authorities, 252, 255–256
Local-Link, 67
Local public transport services, 293, 294
London Dial-a-Ride (LDAR), 250
Long run, 157, 324, 328
Los Angeles County, 186
Low-demand settings, 105–106
Low-frequency fixed-route service, 321
‘Lumpy’ costs, 155–156
Lyft, 9, 72, 208, 211, 338, 342, 347, 350, 353, 358, 378, 380, 386, 408
“Optibus”, 176
public transit program, 187–189
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Malmator-system, 59
Marker, 295, 296–297, 298, 299, 302, 303
Market failure, 405
Marketing, 133
Marketing and service quality in bus operation, 323
driver-customer relationships, 325
net savings, 323
Norfolk Green operation, 325
Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (MTM), 36, 38
addressing provider noncompliance, 45
credentialing paratransit network, 43–44
monitoring paratransit network, 44–45
paratransit brokerage experience, 47–48
to paratransit brokerage model, 41
trip process, 42
‘M for Moray–Buckie Bus Service’, 118
operating area, 119
surcharge structure for, 120
trip demand, 119
Micro-transit, 340
services, 335, 338–339, 354
See also Paratransit
Mini-bus boardings, 373
Mini-bus service (B), 359, 360, 372
Ministry of Transport, 265, 266
Mission of CAM-I, 139
Mobile Apps, 211
Mobility, 3
management, 6–7, 264, 349
for people with disabilities, 381
See also Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs)
Mobility services, 53
Mobisoft scheduling software, 258
Mobisoft’s Mobirouter software, 107, 259
Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), 182, 185–186
Monterey conference, 2–3
Monterey County, 184
Morayshire, 115
demand generator, 115–117
FITS visualisation tool, 115
preliminary results, 118–120
shifting operating boundaries, 117–118
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) law, 133
Muni, 381
Municipal government treasuries, 229
Nairobi City, 240
National Centre for Mobility Management, 276
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), 277
National Taxi Task Team, 237
National Transit Database (NTD), 55, 57, 251
National Travel Survey (NTS), 309
Nationwide paratransit brokerage success, 48
Negotiated rates, 386
Netherlands, 59
RegioTaxi, 68
Net Neutrality argument, 142
Network Management, 41, 43, 45
Network services, 22
New Mobility Services (NMS), 24, 25, 208
New South Wales (NSW), 264, 265, 279, 282
New York City, 64
FMOD resources, 364–365
FMOD service, 365
service providers, 379
taxicabs, 383
Non-discrimination, 387–388
Nonemergency medical transportation (NEMT), 4, 36
paratransit brokerage model in, 38–39
Norfolk Green, 309, 324–326, 327, 328
North-Rhine Westphalia, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 99
Norway, 8, 291
See also Demand responsive transport (DRT)
‘Not invented here’ syndrome, 253
NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking), 387
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Object Codes, 512–516, 135
Offer, 150, 361, 362–363
On-service vehicle time, 373
One-way car sharing. See Free-floating car sharing
One-way models, 400
Online platforms, 393, 406
Open data, 7, 207, 212
Open DRT, 55, 60
Open service technologies, 212
Open urban DRT, 66
Operating costs, 24, 40, 60, 91, 128, 220, 230, 315, 316
Optibus, 176, 177, 188
Optimistic scenario, 383
Option values of DR, 320
low-frequency fixed-route, 320
and relative valuation of DR and fixed-route services, 320
smaller market towns, 322
Orange County Taxi Administration Program, 385
Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA), 134, 381
Orange County Transportation Authority. See Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA)
Organisational models, public transport, 291, 295
Marker, 296–297
Tolga, 297
Vaagaa, 296
Origin-destination (O-D) pairs, 230
Out-vehicle time value, 368
Outreach (non-profit agency), 382
Pace, 64, 67, 385
Pace in Chicago, 64, 65, 67, 385
PAM (Pour Aider á la Mobilité), 64, 189
Paratransit, 3, 5, 7, 16, 79–81, 154, 186, 221, 335, 358, 392
ACCESS Paratransit, 65
additional income streams, 237–240
brokerage model. See brokerage model
California, 184–185
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
CIRCA, 1974, 336–337
complementary, 378
cost-allocation model. See Cost-allocation model
defining, 22–24
DRT supply curve, 345–348
enhancing paratransit service model, 192–194
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
France, 187–189
future developments, 28–29
Heathrow Pod at Car Park Stop, 25
highlights from comparative surveys, 190–192
hybridity, 223–230
industry, 237
initiatives, 408
institutional change, suggestions for, 29–32
institutional inertia and new technology developments, 24–28
issues with integration, 230–236
large California counties, 186
median age and senior share of total population, 179–182
methodology, 173–174
modal-based institutional structure, 31
objectives, 396
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
one-way car sharing, 344–345
paratransit cost-effectiveness, 182–184
paratransit forms, 169
paratransit service productivity, 176–179
paratransit–transit balance, 191
paratransit vehicles, 221
PMR (persons with reduced mobility) (European term), 170, 171, 172
Public Light Bus in Hong Kong, 23
public transit intensity, 174–176
public transport challenges facing, 222
qualitative survey findings, 184
quantitative results, 174
regulatory context for transport of persons, 170–173
rides, 128
rise of technology platforms, 343
services, 3, 54–55, 192–194, 350–352
Spain, 189–190
Sub-Saharan African cities in, 220
survey instrument, 199–201
system, 16–21
Taxibus scheme, 24
taxis in, 379–380
technology’s impact on, 340
and TNCs, 383–387
TNCs impact, 381–383
transit services, 221
UberX service, 341–343
uptake, 21–22
vital issues of regulation, 22
Paris & Íle de France
, 188–189
Parking bays, 399
Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, 237
Partial brokerage, 42
contributions, 280
eligibility sub-system, 111
kilometres, 275
trip(s), 50, 57, 63, 67, 115, 120, 273, 274, 275, 321, 326, 346, 347, 379
Passenger Transport Act, 84, 88, 98, 281
Passenger Transport Executive Group (PTEG), 253, 256
Patient transport services (PTS), 249, 255, 256
Peak vehicles, 130, 131, 142, 150
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 208
carsharing, 402–405
liftsharing, 394–396, 398
transport arrangement schemes, 208
People of old age, 296, 301
Performance, 61
data, 61
productivity, 66
monitoring, 66, 70
Personal Budgets (PBs), 254, 255
Personalised Rapid Transit (PRT), 25, 26
Personalization, 254–255
Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), 256
Persons with Reduced Mobility (PMRs), 6, 168, 170, 171, 172, 193
affordable PMR fares, 172
comparison of PMR ridership productivities, 177, 178
Handistar, 188
paratransit service model, 192–193
program, 190, 191
provider, 172–173
TAG-PMR, 188
variable service spans, 172
Pittsburgh, 65
PLANET-system, 58, 60
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 210
Pods (Points of departure). See Parking bays
Port Authority of Allegheny County (PAT), 50
Price–Waterhouse report, 129, 130, 131–132, 133, 138, 139, 141
Primary health care, 293
Private door-to-door service, 359, 360
Private For Hire Transportation Innovation Pilot Program, 386
Private hire vehicle (PHV), 27–28, 312
Privately owned car, 392, 393, 403, 409
Private service providers, 212
Private vehicles, 28, 99, 397
Product, 361
Public hire vehicles, 27–28
Public policy-led paratransit systems, 24
Public Transport (PT), 55, 117
authorities, 5
BRT network implementation, 223
‘conventional’ public transport, 308
experience barriers, 298–299
FTS operators, 154–155, 163
geographical coverage, 246
Hong Kong Metro and High-Density Living, 19
modes, 16
organisational models, 295–297
policies and financing mechanisms, 21–22
‘public transport in rural areas’ programme, 304
reform strategies, 230
in rural Norway, 291, 292–295
services, 78, 290, 291, 299
Sub-Saharan African cities, 220–222, 229–230
system design of, 17–21
systems, 17, 96
TNCs as providers, 387
in Tolga, 300, 302
in urban areas, 208
volunteer involvement in, 78, 79
world organization for, 71
See also Bürgerbus; Community Transport (CT)
Public Transport Operating Grant regime, 237
Public Utilities Commission (PUC), 338, 378
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Quality Management, 41, 129
Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP), 189, 197
Regional Transport Authority (RTA), 59, 60, 64
RegioTaxi, 59–60, 66
Gelderland, 68
in Netherlands, 358
open form of DRT, 69
Regular public transport system, 80
Regulation(s), 17, 22, 28, 133, 405–406
ADA regulations, 387–388
controlling operation of taxis, 249
public sector regulation, 228
Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007, 294
in state/territory, 277
transport, 68
Regulatory context for transport of persons
comparison of mandates by type of program and country, 171
with disabilities, 170
formal screening, 172–173
highly variable measurements, 173
PMR coverage, 170, 172
PMR fares, 172
PMR variable service spans, 172
Regulatory cycle, 222
Regulatory system, 247
DRT schemes, 247–248
German regulatory system, 84
Transport Act, 248
UK regulatory system, 247, 313
voluntary services, 249
Relative valuation of DR, 320
and fixed-route services, 320
interchange at Town of Horncastle, 322
low-frequency fixed-route, 321
smaller market towns, 322
RelayRides, 404–405
Rennes metropole, 188
Research and Development (R&D), 56, 70, 73, 207
Réseau Express Régional (RER), 189
Revenue hours. See Service hours
Revenue sharing formulas, 235
Ridesharing. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Ring-and-Ride, 58, 61, 67
Road Traffic Act (1930), 247–248, 313
Round-trip carsharing, 401
Route–based licences, 88
Routing, scheduling, and dispatching (RSD) software, 46
Rural area(s), 80, 88, 104, 106, 179, 290, 309
cost structure of rural bus operation, 315–317
local bus services, 256
NTS data, 312
public transport in rural Norway, 292–295
rural bus services in Britain, 312–314
Rural Transport Market England, 311
See also Urban areas
Rural bus
cost structure of operation, 315–317
development in Britain, 312–314
Flintshire Council of rural bus funding, 326
rural bus routes, 68, 73
services, 309, 318
Rural Bus Challenge (RBC), 315
Rural Bus Grant (RBG), 315
Rural DRT, 65, 66
‘Rural hoppers’, 295–296
Rural Norway, 290
cases in, 290–291
public transport in, 292–295
Rural transport planning
digital maps, 106–107
FITS visualisation tool, 106, 107–108
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Sacramento County, 186–187
SAMPO project, 67
San Francisco Bay Area, 382
San Francisco Municipal Railway, 381
San Luis Obispo County, 180, 186
Santa Barbara County, 172, 184
Santa Clara County system, California, 337, 346, 382, 384
Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO), 228, 239
Scandinavia, 58
advanced DRT solutions, 58–60
Scheduling, 21, 22, 138, 147, 250, 336, 348, 349–350, 360, 364, 384
School transport, 255, 293, 294–297, 305
Self-regulation, 406
Semi-variable costs, 156, 159
Senior strategies, 191–192
Service des Transports de l’ Agglomération Rennaise (STAR), 188
Service diversification, 240
Service hours, 130, 137, 138, 373
Service oriented software applications, 212
Service provider, 24, 212, 250, 277, 279, 364
Service reliability, 235, 324, 342
Shared-ride taxi (SRT), 55, 56, 65
Shared-taxi-boardings, 373
Shared-taxi service (S), 359, 360, 361, 372
Shared costs, 157, 159–160, 166
charging agencies, 137–138
cost model, 135–137
determining, 162–163
in paratransit, allocation of, 134
TCRP Report, 135
transportation accounting fundamentals, 134–135
transportation chart of accounts, 136–137
Shared mobility
agency evolution, 208–209
services agency, 7, 205
Shared Use Mobility Service Centre, 209, 210
open data and open service technologies, 212
smart mobile platforms development, 211
software infrastructures, 210
Sharing of cars, 393, 394
Sharing of rides, 393–394
Short run, 157, 161, 316
‘ShropshireLink’ operation, 317
65+ services, 67, 68
Slugging. See Peer-to-peer (P2P): liftsharing
Slugs, 395
Small and medium scale DRT, 63, 68
‘Small city bus’, 94
Smartcards, 233, 240
Smartphone, 343
apps, 351, 397
one-way car sharing, 339
smart mobile platforms, 211
technology, 9, 233
Uber platform, 343
Uber smartphone application, 342
Social arenas, 291, 303
Social welfare centre transport, 293
Société Économie Mixte des Transports de l’ Agglomération Grenobloise (SEMITAG), 188
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer (SNCF), 189
Software as a Service (SaaS), 210
Software infrastructures, 210
South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO), 238, 239
South Australia, 273, 276, 278–279, 280, 281
Special needs, 53, 55
Special Needs Transport (SNT), 55, 80
Special Transport Services (STSs), 249, 293, 294–295
Stage carriage services, 24, 27
Standard specification BRT, 225–226
STAR program (Specialized Transit for Arlington Residents), 381
State of Victoria, 269, 278
State/territory laws, 280
“Station-based” business model, 339
Stockholm County, 59, 64
Sub-Saharan African cities, 236
additional income streams, 237–240
case study cities, 222
categorization of non-punitive measures, 241
entrepreneurial opportunities, 237–240
hybridity, 223–230
issues with integration, 230–236
paratransit in, 220, 221
public transport challenges facing, 222
transit services, 221
Subsid(ies), 6, 27, 73, 112, 237–238, 277, 292
public subsidy, 230, 337
subsidy-free BRT systems, 229
total public transport, 229
Substitute paratransit, 24
Suburban DRT, 66, 67
Supply-demand approach, 335, 340
DRT supply curve, 345–348
one-way car sharing, 344–345
rise of technology platforms, 343
UberX service, 341–343
Surcharge structure, 112–114, 118, 120
Sweden, 59
Sydney, 265, 266, 269, 276
GoGet in, 401–402
Syndicat Mixte des Transports pour le Rhône et l’ Agglomération Lyonnaise (SYTRAL), 188
Systematic collection of ridership data, 62
TAG-PMR service, 188
“Taxi-80”, 58–59
Taxi-boardings, 373
Taxibus scheme, 24
Taxicabs, 379, 381, 387, 396–397
Taxis, 6, 21, 27–28, 88, 266, 277, 297, 310–312, 379
in paratransit, 379–380
TNCs impact, 380–381
Taxi service (T), 256, 335, 359, 360, 367–368, 372, 380, 397
‘Taxi train’ services, 22–23
Technology changing market feasibility
DRT, 335
obstacles to paratransit in urban travel, 352–354
paratransit services, 350–352
supply-demand approach, 340–348
technology and paratransit, 336–340
technology to improving DRT forms of paratransit, 348–350
transportation network, 334
Technology platforms, 335, 343, 345–351
Telematics, 247, 249–251, 253, 402–403
Telephony systems, 46
Terminology, 54, 61
Time-of-day distribution of daily demand, 365–367
“Time calls”, 384
TMB (Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona), 189, 190
Tolga, 295, 297, 301
DRT service in, 302, 303
model developing in, 300
public transport service in, 299
Total transport
approach, 255
funding, 259
Health Authorities, 257
pilots, 260
PTEG, 256
in United Kingdom, 255
See also Public Transport (PT)
Town camps, 271
Trace indirect costs, 139
Traditional economic theory, 156, 157
Traditional paratransit systems, 49–50, 364
Traditional public transport model, 302
Traffic Commissioners, 27, 252, 258
Transfer of Undertakings legislation, 255
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), 48, 49, 134, 135, 138, 141, 144, 379, 381, 386
Transit intensity, 169, 175
Transparency in operations, 61, 69
Transport(ation), 252
authorities, 115
bureaucracy, 265
contemporary models of shared transport, 396
costs, 134, 138
demand-responsive, 404
in DRT, 71
economic framework, 155–161
funding sources, merging, 48–50
for London, 212
in NSW, 283
for people with disabilities, 293–294
Planning and Management, 275
policy, 100
provider, 87
public, 402, 405
regulations in Belgium, 68
and road authorities, 211
shift in transportation supply curve, 341
systems approach, 16
total transport, 255–257
transport analysis, 59
Transportation Accounting Fundamentals, 134–135
Transportation Chart of Accounts, 136
trend of shared mobility, 393
urban, 401
US Department of Transportation, 382
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
for younger people with disabilities, 277
Transport Act, 248, 249, 313
Transportation Network Carriers (TNCs), 397, 398
Transportation network companies (TNCs), 3, 9, 335, 338, 347, 358, 378
accessible vehicles, 386–387
dispatching, 384
driver screening and specialized training, 385–386
frequent vehicle inspection, 386
impact on paratransit, 381–383
impact on taxis, 380–381
insurance, 385
negotiated rates, 386
non-discrimination and disability rights, 387–388
paratransit programs and, 383–384
scheduling, 384
Transportation Research Board (TRB), 37, 48
Transportation supply curve, 341
Transport for London (TfL), 212, 251, 257
Trapeze software, 46, 107, 251
Travel dispatch centre (TDC), 158, 205
TRB-sponsored International Paratransit Conference, 2
Trunk and feeder system, skills for, 234–236
Two-way models, 400
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
in Australia, 398–399
model, 25
phenomenon, 334, 338
platform, 343
program, 385–386
UberX service, 341–343
United Kingdom (UK), 7, 246, 249–250, 251–252, 260
Climate Change Act (2008), 18
CTA in, 273
Dial-a-Ride operators, 251
direct payment schemes, 277
DRT in, 253, 292
Lincolnshire InterConnect scheme in, 22
prospects for DRT in, 253–254
rural parts, 258
service network in, 248
software packages, 107
voluntary sector/charity model, 58
United States (US), 2, 4, 23, 221
ADA approach, 173
ADA paratransit services in, 349
Americans with Disabilities Act, 264–265
DAB system, 56
data collection in, 169
DRT market, 348
DRT services, 56–58, 353
MTM, 47
National Volunteer Transportation Center in, 282
provision and delivery of paratransit in, 192–193
RelayRides, 404
slugging in, 395
smartphone usage, 339–340
TNCs, 378–379
UPTUs (Urban Passenger Transport Units), 228
Urban areas, 310
capital urban area, 294
DRT services, 205–206
mobility demand in, 80
public transport services in, 208
transport services at, 205
See also Rural area(s)
‘Urban–rural link’, 93, 94
User groups, 55, 72, 84, 296, 298
comparative table of features of case study schemes, 301
experience barriers, 298–299
‘Half Past’ service in Tolga, 299
Marker model, 300, 302
in Vaagaa, 299
User Needs, 70
Vaagaa, 290, 295, 296, 298, 299, 303, 304, 305
Vaagaamo, 296
Valencia metropolitan area, 169, 190
Value of in-vehicle time (VOT), 368, 369
Variable costs, 6, 134–135, 156, 157, 407
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), 392, 406–407, 410
Visualisation tool
Aberdeenshire and Morayshire examples, 115–120
Buckie Bus Service, 122
FITS in rural transport planning, 106–108
FITS visualisation tool, 108–115
FTS, 104–105
novel tool, 105–106
for planning passenger transport services, 104
Bürgerbus service, 5
organisations, 250
sector, 248, 250, 253
sector/charity model, 58
services, 249
Volunteer-based paratransit and public transport
‘Bürgerbus’ community transport and paratransit, 79–81
cooperation, 92
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87
evolution, 81–83
finance, 91–92
formalities, 87–88
institutions, 87
involvement in, 89
licences, 88–89
patience, 90
recruitment, 89
Section 19 and 22 services in Great Britain, 313, 314
state support for, 85
training, 90
Volunteer(s), 84–85
Bürgerbus across Germany, spatial distribution of, 92–96
Bürgerbus, community transport and paratransit, 79–81
co-ordination, 278
country service providers, 283
critical characteristics for Bürgerbus development, 87–92
evolution of Bürgerbus, 81–83
fully-rebuilt low-floor minibuses, 85–86
legality of charging community transport passengers, 281
as transport providers, 96–97
type of operation, 83–84
uses, 280–284
variations of concept, 83
volunteer–based paratransit and public transport services, in German, 78
working with, 78–79
Volunteering, 5, 78, 97, 283
in community transport, 282
NSW study, 284
Volvo Transport Systems, 58–59
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
Web-based smart phone applications, 46
West Midlands Special Needs Transport (WMSNT), 250, 251
‘White Paper’, 254
Working and educational transport, 293
Worst-case scenario, 383
Youth and Community Services (YACS), 265, 266, 267
- Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
- Transport and Sustainability
- Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future
- Copyright Page
- Editorial Board
- List of Contributors
- Introduction
- Section 1: Contexts
- Paratransit: The Need for a Regulatory Revolution in the Light of Institutional Inertia
- The Paratransit Brokerage Model: Removing Barriers and Containing Costs
- Development and Status for Large-Scale Demand Responsive Transport
- Section 2: Operational Aspects
- German Experiences with Volunteer-Based Paratransit and Public Transport
- A Visualisation Tool for Planning Passenger Transport Services in Rural and Low-Demand Settings
- Paratransit Cost-Allocation Model Adjustments to Promote Agency Ridesharing and Vehicle Timesharing
- Decision Making in Flexible Transport: The Importance and Application of the ‘Golden Rule’
- International Perspectives on Paratransit Policies and Approaches to Deliver Accessible Transportation
- From the Concept of Flexible Mobility Services to the ‘Shared Mobility Services Agency’
- Section 3: Case Studies
- Paratransit in Sub-Saharan African Cities: Improving and Integrating Informal Services
- UK DRT: From Niche Market to Total Transport?
- Community Transport in Australia
- Demand Responsive Transport and Citizen Experiences: Insights from Rural Norway
- The Roles of ‘Conventional’ and Demand-Responsive Bus Services
- Section 4: The Future
- Technology Changing Market Feasibility
- An Innovative Concept for Paratransit: Flexible Mobility on Demand
- Transportation Network Companies and Paratransit: Issues and Opportunities
- The Future of Paratransit and DRT: Introducing Cars on Demand
- About the Authors
- Index