ISBN: 978-1-83753-783-9, eISBN: 978-1-83753-782-2
ISSN: 2043-0523
Publication date: 13 September 2023
(2023), "Prelims", Seifi, S. and Crowther, D. (Ed.) Corporate Resilience (Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-vii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Shahla Seifi and David Crowther. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Corporate Resilience
Series Title Page
Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility
Series Editor: David Crowther
Recent Volumes:
Volume 1: | NGOs and Social Responsibility |
Volume 2: | Governance in the Business Environment |
Volume 3: | Business Strategy and Sustainability |
Volume 4: | Education and Corporate Social Responsibility: International Perspectives |
Volume 5: | The Governance of Risk |
Volume 6: | Ethics, Governance and Corporate Crime: Challenges and Consequences |
Volume 7: | Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Age |
Volume 8: | Sustainability After Rio |
Volume 9: | Accountability and Social Responsibility: International Perspectives |
Volume 10: | Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding |
Volume 11: | Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Governance: Concepts, Perspectives and Emerging Trends in Ibero-America |
Volume 12: | Modern Organisational Governance |
Volume 13: | Redefining Corporate Social Responsibility |
Volume 14: | Stakeholders, Governance and Responsibility |
Volume 15: | Governance and Sustainability |
Volume 16: | CSR in an Age of Isolationism |
Volume 17: | The Equal Pillars of Sustainability |
Volume 18: | Social Entrepreneurs: Mobilisers of Social Change |
Volume 19: | Socially Responsible Plastic: Is This Possible? |
Volume 20: | Achieving Net Zero: Challenges and Opportunities |
Title Page
Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility Volume 21
Corporate Resilience: Risk, Sustainability and Future Crises
Edited by
Shahla Seifi
Social Responsibility Research Network, UK
David Crowther
Social Responsibility Research Network, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2023
Editorial matter and selection © 2023 Shahla Seifi and David Crowther.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
Individual chapters © 2023 by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83753-783-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83753-782-2 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83753-784-6 (Epub)
ISSN: 2043-0523 (Series)
List of Contributors
Ajmal Bakerally | University of Mauritius, Mauritius |
Ambareen Beebeejaun | University of Mauritius, Mauritius |
Dianne Bolton | Western Sydney University, Australia |
Elaine Conway | Loughborough University, UK |
David Crowther | Social Responsibility Research Network, UK |
Shailja Dixit | Amity University, India |
Elda du Toit | University of Pretoria, South Africa |
Victor Ediagbonya | University of Brighton, UK |
Leana Esterhuyse | University of South Africa, South Africa |
Ana Maria Davila Gomez | University of Quebec, Canada |
Rajendra Parsad Gunputh | University of Mauritius, Mauritius |
Mohshin Habib | Laurentian University, Canada |
Parminder Johal | University of Derby, UK |
Md. Humayun Kabir | Sol Plaatje University, South Africa |
Terry Landells | Bolton Landells Consulting, Australia |
Fatima Mayowa Lukman | Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei |
Oren Mooneeapen | University of Mauritius, Mauritius |
Carlos Noronha | University of Macau, China |
Lukman Raimi | Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei |
Dineshwar Ramdhony | University of Mauritius, Mauritius |
Sabelo G. Sifundza | Ministry of Public Service, Eswatini |
AkanshaAbhi Srivastava | Institute of Hotel Management, India |
Amit Kumar Srivastava | Invertis University, India |
Comfort Tioluwani | University of Essex, UK |
Ruopiao Zhang | Macau University of Science and Technology, China |
- Prelims
- Part 1 Building Global Resilience
- Resilience, Dynamism and Sustainable Development: Adaptive Organisational Capability Through Learning in Recurrent Crises
- Social Aspects of Telework and Organisations During an Unforeseen Crisis
- Building Resilience for a Future Organisation
- Rethinking Sustainable Development Under Climate Change in Nigeria: A Strategic Analysis
- Socio-Cultural and Religious Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India
- Part 2 Corporate Resilience
- A Paradigm for Examining the Interplay of Environmental Investment, Environmental Disclosure and Firm Performance in China
- Choice of Law and Jurisdiction Uncertainties in E-contract's Commercial Governance: A Recommendation for Mauritius
- What Shapes Internet Financial Reporting in Africa? Exploring Firm v Country Factors
- Effectiveness of the Lean Service Principle in Controlling the Civil Service Wage Bill: A Case Study of the Government of Eswatini
- Towards Sustainable Prosperity for Host Communities: Appraisal of the Nigerian Petroleum Industry Act 2021
- Reporting on Human Rights by Large Corporates: Interplay Between Comprehensiveness and Narrative Manipulation