
Managing Destinations

ISBN: 978-1-83797-177-0, eISBN: 978-1-83797-176-3

ISSN: 2042-1443

Publication date: 4 March 2024


(2024), "Prelims", Scott, N., Guerreiro, M. and Pinto, P. (Ed.) Managing Destinations (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxi.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Noel Scott, Manuela Guerreiro and Patrícia Pinto. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited

Half Title Page

Managing Destinations

Series Title Page

Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice

Series Editors:

Jafar Jafari

Department of Hospitality and Tourism, University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA.

Noel Scott

School of Tourism, Edith Cowan University, Australia.

Recognizing the increasing gap between what is researched in academic community and what is practiced in industry, this series aims to bring together academic and industry leaders in their respective fields to discuss, exchange, and debate issues critical to the advancement of tourism. The book series intends to not only create a platform for academics and practitioners to share theories and practices with each other, but more importantly to serve as a collaborative venue for meaningful synthesis.

Each volume will feature a distinct theme by focusing on a current or upcoming niche or “hot” topic. It shows how theories and practices inform each other; how both have evolved, advanced, and been applied; and how industry best practices have benefited from, and contributed to, theoretical developments. Volume editors have both strong academic credentials and significant consulting or other industry engagement experiences. Chapter contributors will be identified through professional conferences and trade conventions. In general, the book series seeks a synergy of how concepts can inform actions, and vice versa. The book series will inspire a new generation of researchers who can translate academic discoveries to deliverable results valuable to practitioners.

Title Page

Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice Volume 14

Managing Destinations: From Theories to Practices

Edited by

Noel Scott

Edith Cowan University, Australia

Manuela Guerreiro

University of Algarve, Portugal


Patrícia Pinto

University of Algarve, Portugal

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL

First edition 2024

Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Noel Scott, Manuela Guerreiro and Patrícia Pinto.

Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.

Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-83797-177-0 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-176-3 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-83797-178-7 (Epub)

ISSN: 2042-1443 (Series)

List of Figures

Chapter 2
Figure 1. Sustainable Tourism Timeline Source. 11
Figure 2. Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne Steps. 14
Chapter 3
Figure 1. Travel to and Within Italian Cities in 2020. 39
Chapter 4
Figure 1. Geographical Periphery as an Experiential Core (Proposed by the Authors). 47
Figure 2. Conceptualizing Models of Experiential Core Development in a Cross-border Geographic Periphery (Proposed by Authors). 49
Chapter 7
Figure 1. Sociodemographic Characterization of the Respondents. 90
Figure 2. Satisfaction With Life and Satisfaction With the Visit. 91
Figure 3. Sociodemographic Characterization of the Clusters. 92
Figure 4. Experiences in the Destination by Clusters (C1, C2 and C3). 93
Chapter 9
Figure 1. The Intertwining Model (Original Version). 114
Figure 2. An Updated Intertwining Model. 116
Figure 3. Actors and Stakeholders in Gramado Tourism System. 120
Figure 4. Application of the Intertwining Model in Gramado. 121
Figure 5. Application of the Intertwining Model in Rovaniemi. 123
Chapter 10
Figure 1. Conceptual Model and Research Hypotheses. 131
Chapter 11
Figure 1. Comparative Analysis of the Functional Components of Image. 153
Figure 2. Comparative Analysis of the Psychological Component of Image. 154
Figure 3. Unique Image Comparative Analyses. 155
Chapter 12
Figure 1. Electricity Generation in Croatia (GWh), 2015. 163
Chapter 13
Figure 1. Model of Arbitration in Tourism. 182
Figure 2. Methodological Scheme. 185
Figure 3. Demand Segmentation. 186
Figure 4. Supply Organizations' Segmentation. 187
Figure 5. Knowledge About Arbitration. 188
Figure 6. Willingness to Pay for Arbitration. 189
Chapter 14
Figure 1. Adjoining South Coastal Areas of Algarve and Huelva Provinces. 195
Chapter 15
Figure 1. Community's Competencies. 231

List of Tables

Chapter 2
Table 1. Inner Areas Classification. 12
Chapter 3
Table 1. Manufacturing Workers 1971–2001, Provincial Data. 29
Chapter 5
Table 1. SWOT Analysis of Piave District. 60
Chapter 6
Table 1. TWS Items Ranking (N = 471). 74
Table 2. TWS Age Differences. 75
Table 3. TWS Qualifications Differences. 76
Table 4. TWS Job Situation Differences. 77
Table 5. First-Timers and Repeat Tourists Differences. 78
Table 6. TWS Ranking Items by Each Activity/Experience. 79
Chapter 7
Table 1. Kruskal–Wallis Test. 94
Chapter 10
Table 1. Demographic Profile of the Sample. 133
Table 2. Results of Measurement Model. 135
Table 3. Correlation Among Latent Variables. 136
Table 4. Hypothesis Testing Results. 136
Chapter 11
Table 1. Respondents' Profile. 146
Table 2. List of Attributes and Images. 147
Chapter 13
Table 1. Supply Organizations' and Demand's Willingness to Pay. 188
Table 2. Supply Organizations' Perception on Demand's Willingness to Pay. 188
Table 3. Supply Organizations' Perception on Demand's Willingness to Pay. 190
Chapter 14
Table 1. Sample Definition. 201
Table 2. Questionnaire Structure. 202
Table 3. Residents – Potential Market Calculation. 203
Table 4. Residents – Calculation of Intention to Travel. 204
Table 5. Residents – Intention to Travel Seasonality. 204
Table 6. Wind Speeds (Beaufort Scale) for Huelva and the Algarve. 207
Table 7. Estimated Demand (Number of People). 207
Table 8. Profiles of Future Algarve/Huelva Maritime Line. 208
Table 9. Process Followed in Estimating Demand (Number of People). 210
Chapter 15
Table 1. Definitions of Living Lab. 218
Table 2. Personal Competencies for Development and Innovation. 221
Table 3. Interpersonal Competencies in Development and Innovation. 223
Table 4. NEST's Resources and Activities. 229

About the Contributors

Juan José Albendín-Moya, PhD in Marketing, is a Lecturer at the University of Huelva (Spain) since 1993, in its Business Administration and Marketing Department. In recent years, he has developed his research activity through collaboration in a number of projects related to tourism and the application of new technologies to the marketing function of businesses. He is currently a part of the “Espomar” Project Working Group, in charge of studying the suitability, acceptability, and feasibility of potential maritime lines between the provinces of Cádiz and Huelva, in Spain, and the Algarve region, in Portugal.

Ali AlGassim, PhD in Tourism and Hospitality from Griffith University, Australia in 2015, is an Assistant Professor in Tourism and Hospitality Department at Umm AlQura University in Saudi. He has publications in peer reviewed journals in Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management domain. He has worked with many public and private companies in the sector. He recently worked on developing the historical village of Al-Juhfa for tourists, and published number of journal articles in tourism development. He is a member of Experts Program for Qualifying Specialists in UNESCO Conventions and Programs.

Diana Baus is enrolled in a PhD in Economics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. She holds a Master's degree from the City University of New York. She works as an Associate Consultant at the Institute for Tourism, Zagreb. Her research interests are in macroeconomic aspects of tourism, global value chains, development and application of circular economy in tourism, and transfer of new technologies. She has been involved in a number of Interreg Europe projects for the European Union and the Tourism Action Plan/Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism for the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board.

Alexandra Bec, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia, received her PhD from Southern Cross University in 2016. She is a skilled researcher and data analyst, with expertise in the areas of economic development, resilience, regional community development, community and stakeholder engagement, policy and planning, and change management. She has worked in industry, academia, and local government on research projects to inform regional community and economic development. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as supervised doctoral research candidates.

Monica Bernardi, Urban Sociologist with a PhD in Quality of Life in the Information Society, is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the Milano-Bicocca University where she teaches Urban Tourism and Environmental Sociology. Her research interests focus on smart and sharing cities, practices of social innovation, platform economy, and urban tourism. She has been a visiting scholar at the GRI-Gyeonggi Research Institute, Seoul (2015); at TUFTS University, Medford, Boston (MA) (2017); and at the Dimmons Research Group, Open University of Catalunya, Barcelona (2019).

Nunzia Borrelli is an Associate Professor at University of Milan-Bicocca. In 2005, she obtained PhD in Spatial Planning and Local Development, at Turin Polytechnic. Since completing PhD, she has both taught and been involved in various research activities. She conducted field research projects pertaining to local development, ecomuseums, cultural heritage, and governance processes in Italy, the UK, USA, and China. She was a visiting as Fulbright scholar at Loyola University of Chicago at Portland State University, at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and at Xiamen University (China). She has published several papers and three books.

Ana Cláudia Campos holds a PhD in Tourism, a MA in Tourism Management, and a BA in Philosophy. Currently, she is an Assistant Researcher at Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), University of Algarve, Portugal. Her research interests are in tourism marketing, tourist experience, tourist psychology, experience design, co-creation, storytelling, and living labs and innovation in tourism.

Guilherme Castela, PhD in Applied Multivariate Statistics, Economics Degree, Masters of Quantitative Methods applied to Economics and Management and Advanced Studies in Applied Statistics, is a College Professor since 1989, focusing on economics, statistics, business strategy, game theory, and data analysis. He is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal; Director of the MSC Program in Health Care Services Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve; and Member of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs). His research interests include data analysis, decision-making support, health management, management, economics, and tourism.

Vladislav Chernov, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Lecturer at the Department of International Communications, Service and Tourism in Far Eastern State Transport University, Russia; Pacific National University, Russia. His research interests include sustainable tourism development, tourism economy, the historical development of tourism in Russia, cross-border tourism, Sino–Russian relationship. He has over 200 academic manuscripts published including 8 books and has been recognized as one of the TOP 100 most cited tourism researchers in the Russian Federation. He is a member of the International Tourism Academy and a representative of the National Union of the Hospitality Industry Research Centre in the Far East of Russia.

Maria João Custódio holds a PhD in Management from University of Exeter Business School (UK) and Specialization in Marketing from ISCTE (Portugal). He is a researcher at CiTUR – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, and a Guest Professor at University of Algarve – School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism. His research interests focus on tourism, marketing, and management, particularly in the impact of events, image perception, sports tourism, and elderly tourism. He shows intense participation in EU and national fundamental and applied research projects, ERAMUS+ projects, and holds publications in international peer reviewed journals and books, being also reviewer of well-established journals and received two tourism research prizes.

Yoná da Silva Dalonso, Graduated in Tourism and Hospitality, Master in Communication Science, and PhD in Geography, is a Professor and Researcher specializing in Tourism. She is currently the Vice Rector for Extension and Community Relations at the University of the Region of Joinville - Univille, Brazil, and leader of the Research Group on Tourism and Territory at Univille. She is member of the Right to Food Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean (ODA-LAC) of FAO. Her publications include academic journal articles and books about tourism, gastronomy, public policies, events, tourism planning, and regional planning.

Saúl Neves de Jesus, PhD, is a Full Professor at the University of Algarve and currently Vice Rector. He is the Director of the PhD in Psychology and was a Director, President of the Scientific Board and President of the Pedagogical Council of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences. He was the President of CIEO, Research Center ranked “Very Good” by FCT, and was a doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships evaluator. He has supervised postdoctoral fellows more than 40 doctoral and 50 master's theses. He published scientific books, more than 200 scientific papers, and has won national and international distinctions.

Diswandi is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Lombok. He obtained his PhD in Economics from Murdoch University in 2018. His research interest includes environmental economics, natural resource management, payment for ecosystem services, tourism economics, ecotourism, and sustainable development. Since 2021, he is the Vice Dean for academic affairs in the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram.

Elham Falatoonitoosi, PhD, is a Sessional Lecturer in the School of Business and Creative Industries at University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Elham published 12 peer reviewed papers in Tourism and operational management journals over the past 6 years and her first book was awarded a Gold Medal in ISEBA, Malaysia 2016. Elham's current research focuses on using mixed methods to analyze the impacts of sustainable development on regional tourism destinations. She is particularly interested in understanding how environmentally friendly and sustainability practices can enhance people's prosperity.

Soraia Garcês, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at University of Madeira – Research Center for Regional and Local Studies, and a Member of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being – University of Algarve. She won a postdoc research fellow with the project “Tourist Wellbeing in Madeira Island.” Her research interests are tourism, creativity, innovation, education, and positive psychology. She has published in SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters journals, and was a team member of European research projects.

Manuela Guerreiro holds a PhD in Economics and Management Sciences, and an MSc in Cultural Management. She is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve (Portugal). She is the Vice President of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being (CinTurs) since 2018, where she is also an integrated researcher. She is the Program Leader of the Master of Marketing Management. Her current research interests include marketing and design, consumer behavior, consumer experiences, social media marketing, arts and events marketing, destination branding and destination image. She has published several articles in scientific peer reviewed journals, books, and international book chapters. She is also a coordinator or a participant in funded research projects in the fields of Tourism Management.

Damir Krešić has a doctorate from the Faculty of Economic and Business, University of Zagreb. He is the Managing Director, Institute for Tourism, Croatia, and Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb University, Croatia. His research interests include destination management and marketing, strategic planning in tourism, competitiveness and attractiveness of tourism destination, tourism sustainable and development, and application of ICT in tourism. He has completed numerous research projects in Croatia.

Júlia Maria Lourenço (In Memoriam) is a Civil Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering (University of Porto – FEUP); Postgraduate in Population and Development (ISS); PhD in Civil Engineering (Technical University of Lisbon – UTL); and a professor at the University of Minho. She conducted research and publications project mainly in the areas such as tourism planning and sustainable development policies for urban communities.

Ezio Marra is a Senior Professor of Environment Sociology at University of Milano-Bicocca. He is a Full Professor of Environment Sociology (University of Calabria 1994–2007, and University of Milano-Bicocca 2007–2018), Associate professor of Methodology of social research and Research and data processing techniques (University of Turin 1978–1994), Director of the degree course in Tourism management (2008–2015), Life member of ISA (International Sociological Association), Director of the Board of the Research Committee in «Urban Sociology» of the Italian Sociological Association – AIS (2001–2004), Director of the Computing Centre of the University of Calabria (1996–2000), and Director of the International Doctorate in “Sustainable Human Development” (2017–2018). His applied research is concerned with Sustainable Urban Tourism and Policies issues in metropolitan areas.

Teresa Medeiros is a Full Professor of Psychology at the School for Social Sciences and Humanities, University of the Azores, Portugal. She obtained her PhD in Education Sciences – specialization in Educational Psychology, at the University of Coimbra. She is a researcher at the Institute for Cognitive Psychology and Social and Human Development at the University of Coimbra's School of Psychology (IPCDSH). Her interest in topics related to psycho-gerontology, development psychology, educational psychology, senior tourism, and well-being has motivated her to conduct research and projects in this field.

José Mendes holds a PhD in Psychology (Health Psychology) and a PhD student in tourism at the IGOT-UL, Portugal. He is affiliated to INTELECTO – Psicologia & Investigação, Ponta Delgada, and to IPCDSH, University of Coimbra. His areas of interest in research include body image, aging, senior tourism, health and well-being in tourism, and ICT in tourist behavior.

Ana Isabel Moniz holds a PhD in Economic and Business Sciences. She is an Assistant Professor and the Head of Management Department at the School of Business and Economics, University of the Azores, Portugal, where formerly she was the Head of the BSc in Tourism. She is a founding member and a researcher at the Centre of Applied Economics Studies of the Atlantic. Her research interests and publications focus on sustainable tourism, destination image, tourism planning, senior tourism, consumer behavior, customer satisfaction, impulse buying behavior, and services marketing.

Miriam Mota is a PhD student in Tourism at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Algarve (Portugal). She is a member of the Doctoral Student Network at the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being (CinTurs). She has a Master's Degree in Tourism Business Management from the State University of Ceará (Brazil) and a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism from the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). Her research interests are in the areas of heritage tourism, cultural studies, destination branding and destination image.

Vanessa Oliveira, Master in Marketing and Bachelor in Tourism from the University of Algarve, is a Collaborator Researcher at CiTUR – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation, and Superior Technician of the Evaluation and Quality Office of the University of Algarve. Her research is focused on the themes of tourism, events impact, sustainability, and local communities. She participates in several applied research projects related with events impact monitoring, being an expert in the data organization and administration of fieldwork/surveys in tourism destinations to visitants and residents.

Alexandre Panosso Netto, graduated in Tourism and Philosophy, master's in History, PhD in Communication Sciences, and Post-doctorate in Tourism from Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (Spain), is a Full professor at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. His publications include academic journal papers and books about tourism, education, public policies, events, tourism planning, regional planning, and epistemology of tourism. He is the president of the Brazilian National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Tourism-ANPTUR (2020–2020). He has worked with Tourism Higher Education Institutions in several Latin American countries.

Luís Nobre Pereira is a Professor at the School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism of the University of Algarve. He is the Vice president of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs) since 2018. He is active in conducting funded research projects in the fields of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Professor Luis Pereira holds a PhD degree in Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics and Management. His research interests include tourism demand modeling and forecasting, decision support systems for tourism, sustainable tourism, revenue management, and dynamic pricing for the hospitality industry.

Mariia Perelygina, PhD, is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, Technological University Dublin in Ireland. Recently, she has obtained PhD in Hotel and Tourism Management from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2010, she obtained her Specialist's degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management from Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russia). In addition to teaching and research experience, Mariia has diverse practical experience in the travel industry. Her research interests include cross-cultural management in tourism, digitalization and smart tourism, strategic management in tourism.

Fernando Perna, PhD in Applied Economics, is a Full Professor at the University of Algarve – School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Researcher and National Director of CiTUR – Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation. His research interests focus on tourism, regional development, sustainability, impact of events, coastal zone management, and blue economy. He participates and coordinates national fundamental and applied research projects, and international research and educational projects in Europe, Africa, and Asia. He has publications in peer reviewed journals in Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management domain. He is an expert member of National Committee of Recreational Boating of Portuguese XXI Government Sea Ministry.

Patrícia Susana Lopes Guerrilha dos Santos Pinto holds a PhD in Quantitative Methods Applied to Economics and Business. She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal. She is the coordinator of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs) and member of the directive board of the PhD in Tourism of the University of Algarve. Her current research interests are in applied statistics and modeling especially in Tourism Management (Sustainable Tourism, Destination image and branding, Marketing segmentation, Consumer behavior). She is author or coauthor of about 90 scientific papers in journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science. She is also a coordinator or a participant in funded research projects in the fields of Tourism Management.

Margarida Pocinho, PhD, is an Associate Professor with Aggregation at Madeira University and is a Member of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being, University of Algarve. She is evaluator of project fellowships (FCT and H2020) and was a Fullbright fellow from New York University. Her research interests are tourism, creativity, innovation, education, and positive psychology. She has published in SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters journals and has supervised a large number of MA and PhD dissertations. She was Co-Guest Editor of indexed journals and is team leader of European Projects.

Paula Cristina Almeida Remoaldo is a Full Professor at the Department of Geography of the University of Minho (Portugal) and holds a PhD in Human Geography (with Louvain-La-Neuve University collaboration). She was the Director of the Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory, 2017–2020, Director of the Department of Geography (2000–2019), and Director of the Master of Geography (2013–2015) and of the PhD in Geography (2015–2017). She has 31 years of independent research in the demographic, social, and cultural analysis of heritage in small cities and rural territories. She conducts research mainly in the area of cultural and creative tourism and local/regional development.

Elisa Rossi is a student at University of Milan-Bicocca. Graduated in Science of tourism, she is currently specializing in Economy of tourism. During her studies she focalizes on tourism, in particular on the National Strategy of Internal Areas (SNAI). Her research interests include tourism in internal areas of Italy and the application of sustainability to the tourism sector.

Edson Santos is a PhD candidate in Tourism at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Algarve, a Research Member at the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs), and a faculty member at the School of Business and Governance of the University of Cape Verde. His line of study includes destination management and marketing, sustainable tourism development, small island tourism, resident perception of tourism development, and support for tourism development.

Maria Margarida Santos, PhD in Tourism, is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Marketing Department at the School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism of the University of Algarve and Researcher of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs). Her research lines include sustainability in tourism and hospitality, innovation in tourism, senior tourism, digital marketing, and gastronomy in tourism. She participates in funded Erasmus+ and research projects in tourism and hospitality and published in international peer reviewed journals and books. She is also Editor of the journal Tourism & Management Studies.

Akhmad Saufi, PhD in International Tourism and Hospitality Management from Griffith University, is a Senior Lecturer of Tourism Management in the Department of Management at the Faculty of Economic and Business University of Mataram, Chairman of the Monitoring Center of Sustainable Tourism Observatory of Lombok, Indonesia, member of Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Council, Master Assessor and Auditor Training Program for Sustainable Tourism Certification, and has publications in peer reviewed journals in the domain of tourism, leisure, and hospitality management. His research interests are in the areas of host community participation, sustainable practices in tourist destinations, tourism entrepreneurship, halal tourism, heritage, and cultural tourism.

Noel Scott, PhD, is an Adjunct Professor of Tourism Management, in the Sustainable Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. His research interests include the study of tourism experiences, destination management, and marketing. He is a frequent speaker at international academic and industry conferences. He has over 300 academic articles published including 16 books. He has supervised 23 doctoral students to successful completion of their theses. He is on the Editorial Board of 10 journals, a member of the International Association of China Tourism Scholars, and a Fellow of the Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education.

Bernardete Sequeira holds a PhD in Sociology. She is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve (Portugal). She is a member of the Board of the Masters in Sociology and subdirectory of the Degree in Sociology at this institution, and an integrated member of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA. She is also a collaborator researcher of CinTurs – Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being. She has published articles in scientific journals and international book chapters. Her current research interests include sociology of organizations and work, sociology of knowledge, knowledge management and tourism.

João Albino Silva, PhD in Economics, is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal; Director of the PhD Program in Tourism; Head of the Economics Department, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve; President of the Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Economics; Scientific Coordinator of CinTurs – Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being; President of the external evaluation committees (A3ES) of Tourism graduation and post-graduation; and Scientific coordinator of the Algarve Sustainable Tourism Observatory. His research interests include tourism planning, management and development, quality and management of tourism destinations, economics of tourism and environment.

Osvaldo Silva is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores, Portugal, and a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences of the University of the Azores and New University of Lisbon, CICS.UAc/CICS.NOVA.UAc. He holds a PhD in Mathematics – specialization in Probability and Statistics. His research interests and publications focus on multivariate data analysis and applied statistical methodologies, namely in social sciences (senior tourist, ICT in tourism, consumer behavior, human resource management).

Lorenza Sganzetta is a geographer, urban and sustainable food systems planner, researcher on the themes of urban regeneration, environmental sustainability, and circular economy. She worked as a consultant for FAO, IOM, and the Feltrinelli Foundation, as a fellow and postdoctoral fellow for Milan Polytechnic, Bicocca University and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, contributing to planning, participatory design and cartographic project analysis. Her research interests are sustainable urban planning, sustainable food systems, and circular economy.

Liubov Skavronskaya, PhD, is a Research Assistant and Sessional Lecturer at the School of Business and Creative Industries, University of the Sunshine Coast (USC), Australia. Prior to coming to USC, Liubov worked as a Research Assistant at Griffith University, Australia, and a Lecturer at Shunde Polytechnic University in China. She also graduated with a Master of Tourism Management from South China University of Technology and Bachelor (Hons) from Far East State Transport University in Russia. Liubov conducts research in English, Mandarin, and Russian languages. Her interests include emotions, memorable experiences, tourism experience design, cognitive psychology, and China tourism.

Olga Tzatzadaki is a PhD candidate in Urban Planning and Public Policy in the University IUAV of Venice. Her research interests focus on undertourism and overtourism (UNESCO: Venice-Mestre and the Dolomites of Belluno Province), as well as on the importance of narration and storytelling in urban planning documents and in literary works, as evaluation methods for urban planning practices. Her publications include academic journal articles and her work has been presented at national and international research conferences. She holds a BA in Urban Planning, a BA in Infrastructural Civil Engineering, and a Master's degree in Urban Planning.

Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, PhD in Business Administration, is a Full Professor at the University of Huelva (Spain), with research interests focused on strategic management, particularly of tourist companies and destinations. He has carried out academic activities, both in researching and teaching, in different universities and higher education institutions around the world, in the five continents, and authored a number of books and articles published in top-ranked national and international scientific journals. He has been the promoter and Editor-in-Chief of “Enlightening Tourism: A Pathmaking Journal”, listed in Scopus since 2018, during the period 2011–2022.

João Vidal, PhD in Tourism, PhD in Law, Law Degree, MBA in General Management, Lawyer, an Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal, is a member of Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (CinTurs); investigator in the R&D project called “Legal Treatment of Collaborative Tourism and Online Platforms,” funded by the Spanish Government, housed at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Balearic Islands; and referee in Jurismat, a law scientific journal of Lusófona University, Portugal. His research interests include tourism management, tourism law, civil liability in tourism, and decision-making support.


This work was supported by the National Funds provided by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology through project UIDB/04020/2020.