Conflict Prevention and Peace Management
ISBN: 978-1-83549-979-5, eISBN: 978-1-83549-978-8
ISSN: 1572-8323
Publication date: 14 January 2025
(2025), "Prelims", Chatterji, M., Chatterji, M. and Sharma, K. (Ed.) Conflict Prevention and Peace Management (Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, Vol. 34), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2025 Manas Chatterji, Madhumita Chatterji and Kshitiz Sharma
Half Title Page
Series Page
Series Editor: Manas Chatterji
Books in the Series
Military Missions and Their Implications Reconsidered: The Aftermath of September 11th, edited by G. Caforio and G. Kümmel
Managing Conflict in Economic Convergence of Regions in Greater Europe, by F. Carluer
Cultural Differences Between the Military and Parent Society in Democratic Countries, edited by G. Caforio
Conflict and Peace in South Asia, edited by M. Chatterji and B. M. Jain
War, Peace, and Security, edited by J. Fontanel and M. Chatterji
Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution, edited by G. Caforio, G. Kümmel and B. Purkayastha
Regional Development and Conflict Management: A Case for Brazil, by R. Bar-El
Crisis, Complexity and Conflict, edited by I. J. Azis
Putting Teeth in the Tiger: Improving the Effectiveness of Arms Embargoes, edited by M. Brzoska and G. A. Lopez
Peace Science: Theory and Cases, by P. Gangopadhyay and M. Chatterji
Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos (Two Volume Set), edited by Giuseppe Caforio
Arms and Conflict in the Middle East, by Riad A. Attar
Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives, edited by Benjamin E. Goldsmith and Jurgen Brauer
Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science, by Gordon Burt
Frontiers of Peace Economics and Peace Science, edited by Manas Chatterji, Chen Bo and Rameshwar Misra
Ethnic Conflict, Civil War and Cost of Conflict, edited by Raul Caruso
Governance, Development and Conflict, edited by M. Chatterji, Darvesh Gopal and Savita Singh
New Wars, New Militaries, New Soldiers? Conflicts, the Armed Forces and the Soldierly Subject, edited by Gerhard Kümmel and Joseph Soeters
Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World, Part 1, edited by Chen Bo, Manas Chatterji and Hao Chaoyan
Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World, Part 2, edited by Li Junsheng, Chen Bo and Hou Na
Nuclear Disarmament: Regional Perspectives on Progress, edited by P. M. Kamath
Understanding Terrorism: A Socio-Economic Perspective, edited by Raul Caruso and Andrea Locatelli
The Evolving Boundaries of Defence: An Assessment of Recent Shifts in Defence Activities, edited by Renaud Bellais
Business, Ethics and Peace, edited by Luk Bouckaert and Manas Chatterji
Emotions, Decision-Making, Conflict and Cooperation, edited by Urs Luterbacher
Integral Ecology and Sustainable Business, edited by O. Jakobsen and L. Zsolnai
Disarmament, Peace and Development, edited by Reiner Braun, Colin Archer, Ingeborg Breines, Manas Chatterji and Amela Skiljan
How Do Leaders Make Decisions?: Evidence from the East and West, Part A, edited by Alex Mintz and Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky
How Do Leaders Make Decisions?: Evidence from the East and West, Part B, edited by Alex Mintz and Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky
New Frontiers in Conflict Management and Peace Economics: With a Focus on Human Security, edited by Madhumita Chatterji and Partha Gangopadhyay
Technology, Society, and Conflict, edited by Elena G. Popkova and Manas Chatterji
Globalisation and COVID-19, edited by Manas Chatterji, Urs Luterbaher, Valérie Fert and Bo Chen
International Migration, COVID-19, and Environmental Sustainability, edited by Manas Chatterji, Urs Luterbaher, Valerie Fert and Bo Chen
COVID-19 and Public Policy, edited by Manas Chatterji, Rabindra Chandra Bhattacharya and Shambu Prasad Chakrabarty
Title Page
Binghamton University, USA
ABBS School of Management, India
ABBS School of Management, India
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.
First edition 2025
Editorial matter and selection © 2025 Manas Chatterji, Madhumita Chatterji, and Kshitiz Sharma.
Individual chapters © 2025 The authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83549-979-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83549-978-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83549-980-1 (Epub)
ISSN: 1572-8323 (Series)
About the Editors | ix |
About the Contributors | xi |
Foreword | xix |
Acknowledgements | xxi |
Distinguished Guest Introduction: Relevance of Gandhi in Today’s Times | |
Jagdish Rattanani and Sudarshan Iyengar | 1 |
Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Peace | |
Dominique Steiler | 9 |
Chapter 2: Weaving a Web of Nonviolence | |
Lester R. Kurtz | 17 |
Chapter 3: Education for Peace Through Workshops and Comics for Youths in Africa | |
Margit Stein and Koffi Emmanuel Noglo | 33 |
Chapter 4: Does Political Environment Impact Upon Government Effectiveness? – A Panel Data Investigation for Southeast Asian Countries | |
Dipangshu Dev Chowdhury | 43 |
Chapter 5: Leadership Challenges to Re-establish Office Culture Post-COVID-19 | |
Manish Wankhede and Kshitiz Sharma | 55 |
Chapter 6: A Tanzanian School Against Violence and Corporal Punishment: An Evaluation Report on the Basis of Interviews with Teachers, Social Workers and Pupils | |
Florian Koopmeiners, Margit Stein and Felista Tangi | 69 |
Chapter 7: Peace Economics: Behavioural Approach | |
Debdulal Dutta Roy | 83 |
Chapter 8: Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: Evaluating the Long-term Impact on the IT Sector Post-Covid-19 | |
Sunetra Chatterjee | 93 |
Chapter 9: Impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on Students’ Social and Psychological Health | |
Mihir Dash, Suprabha Bakshi and Arpana Muthyala | 105 |
Chapter 10: Education, Citizenship, and Governance: Sharing Experiences on Leadership Practices and Peacebuilding Challenges in Inclusive and Decentralised Governance in Tete | |
Domingos Juliasse Viola, Fr. Elton João Laissone and Eliseu Cosme Tito Njaico | 115 |
Chapter 11: Sovereignty and Political Recruitment in Nigeria: Promoting Peace Through Political Participation | |
Frederick Ifeanyi Obananya | 129 |
Chapter 12: Proverbs, A Conflict Management Tool Among the Tonga People of Southern Zambia | |
Jive Lubbungu and Pethias Siame | 145 |
Chapter 13: Pedagogic Dynamics of Peace Strategies in Economic Development: Applying Universal Human Values in Conflict Management | |
Sadhan Kumar Dey | 157 |
Chapter 14: Yogic Science in Organisational Management: Allowing for Sustainability, Mobility, Equality, and Personal Peace in Careers | |
Sowmya Ayyar | 169 |
Index | 179 |
About the Editors
Manas Chatterji is a Professor of Management and Adjunct Professor in Economics and the Asian and Asian-American Studies Programme at Binghamton University, State University of New York, USA; Guest Professor, Peking University, China; and Visiting Professor, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Distinguished Professor in Poznan University, Poland. He also served as a Richard P. Nathan Fellow in Public Policy at Rockefeller Institute of Government, SUNY. He is a Distinguished Fellow in the Programme in Political Psychology and Decision Making (POP-DM) at Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, Israel. He was also an Honorary Distinguished Professor at Indian Institute of Management-Calcutta, India and George Mason University, USA. He is an elected member of Polish Academy of Science – Committee on Regional Planning. He is currently a fellow of the international organisation Economists for Peace and Security. He previously taught at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and has held visiting appointments at Cornell University, Erasmus University, University of Karlsruhe, University of Munster and many other universities in the USA, Europe, Asia and South Africa. He established the Mahatma Gandhi International Research Centre on Conflict Prevention and Management in Bangalore, India.
He organised several events in the past. He has organised international meetings on peace science, disaster management, health care, technology management, disaster management, etc. in many countries including Japan, China and Russia. During his career, he has edited three journals and serves on editorial boards of many others. Presently, he is the co-editor of International Studies of Peace Economics and Peace Science published by Cambridge Scholars, UK. He is also the General Editor of a book series on Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development published by Emerald Publishing Company, UK. Twenty-seven volumes in this series have been published and two more are forthcoming. He has authored/edited more than 30 books and published about 80 scholarly articles in the areas of peace science, military spending, disarmament, economic conversion, conflict management, regional science, technology management, health care management and energy, environmental and urban management. He got his B.A. (with honours in Statistics) at Calcutta University, M.A. (Statistics) at Calcutta University and Ph.D. at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Madhumita Chatterji is the Director of ABBS School of Management. She specialises in organisational behaviour and human resource management. She has worked extensively in the areas of corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and business ethics. Her work also covers cross cultural management processes, business history and Indian ethos and culture.
She has earned M.A., M.B.A. with university rank and gold medal and completed her Ph.D. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. She has completed a programme in History, Politics and Society from the University of Oxford, UK. She was awarded a scholarship to attend a course on Participant Based Learning at Harvard Business School, USA. Books authored by her are: The Ksatriyas in Ancient India, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Leadership – Indian and European Spiritual Approaches and New Frontiers in Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Peace Science. She is the co-founder of the Mahatma Gandhi International Research Centre for Conflict Prevention and Management, Member, Advisory Board of European SPES Institute, Founding Board member of South Asian Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes. She is associated with various academic and non-academic bodies. She is involved in research and teaching as senior faculty in various management institutes and conducts training for senior executives in corporates on team building, emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, counselling skills, cross cultural understanding and other soft skills.
Kshitiz Sharma (Scopus ID: 57212200202) is a Professor and Coordinator – IQAC at ABBS School of Management, Bangalore. His past associations have been with Alliance School of Business (Alliance University), VIHTM (Saurashtra University), UEI Global (Berggruen Education Pvt. Ltd.), IIAS School of Hotel Management and Tourism, Radisson (Carlson Hospitality Worldwide, Le Meridien, etc. He is an author of books and many book chapters. He has published papers including research papers, articles and case studies in prestigious Springer Nature, Japanese Business Magazine, Case Center and ET Case, ABDC listed, Scopus listed and UGC listed journals. He is Reviewer for many journals, such as Journal of Creative Communications, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Amity Journal of Entrepreneurship, International Journal of e-government and e-Business Research, Cogent Journals, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Sage Open and many more. He received laurels for reviewing articles for these journals regularly. He has conducted several EDPs and MDP and organised International Conferences at ABBS as Convenor. He has been invited for panel discussions at iDRIM 2021, 2022.
His areas of interests are marketing, entrepreneurship and innovation, disaster and risk management, consumer behaviour, marketing research, strategy and analytics.
About the Contributors
Sowmya Ayyar is a Research Scholar at Malaviya Center for Peace Research at Banaras Hindu University, India. Her current focus is on Spiritual Women’s Sanghas impact on diplomacy and peace. She is also the author of Yoga, Peace, and Conflict in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict (e3, 2022). She is the Founder of Prafull Oorja, a Bangalore-based non-governmental organisation which trains yoga therapists to implement sustainable programmes with communities in vulnerable conditions. She teaches graduate level courses on yoga for international peace. She blogs on India, nature, spirituality, women, health and hygiene. She is also a poet, musician and composer, and a budding artist. Her life and work centres on the feminine.
Suprabha Bakshi is an Assistant Professor in the area of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at Amity Global Business School, Bangalore, India. She is an enthusiastic teacher and researcher with 23 years of experience in industry and academia. She has received her Ph.D. in Management from Alliance University, Bangalore, India. Her research interests are mainly in the field of human resource management and management education.
Sunetra Chatterjee is an esteemed Assistant Professor at IFIM College in Bengaluru, India, specialising in the realm of information technology (IT). With a dedication to advancing knowledge in her field, her current focus aligns with the theme of her paper, ‘Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: Evaluating the Long-term Impact on the IT Sector Post-COVID-19’. As the IT sector undergoes transformative changes due to the global shift towards remote work, she delves into the long-term implications of virtual collaboration in her research. Her commitment to understanding the evolving dynamics of technology and its influence on the IT industry is evident in both her academic pursuits and research endeavours. Through her exploration of remote work’s lasting effects on the IT sector, she aims to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse surrounding post-COVID-19 changes in the field of IT.
Dipangshu Dev Chowdhury obtained his Master’s degree from the Department of Analytical and Applied Economics, Tripura University. He researched on ‘Incidence of Poverty in Tripura: A Study with Money Metric and Multidimensional Approach’ for his Ph.D. in Economics at the Department of Economics, Assam University Silchar. His areas of interest are health economics, economics of social sector, and institutional economics and econometrics. He has several publications in different journals and edited books. At present, he is serving as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Management and Commerce, The ICFAI University Tripura.
Mihir Dash at present, he is serving as the Interim Associate Dean and an Associate Professor in the Alliance School of Applied Mathematics, Alliance University, Bangalore. He is a specialist in mathematical and statistical modelling. His research interests are diverse, touching several areas of management, and involving applications of quantitative methods in business decision problems.
Sadhan Kumar Dey ( completed Master degrees in English, English Language Teaching, Education and in History from different renowned state and central universities of India. His Doctoral thesis “Paradigms of English Language Teaching in Bengal” has got published by Pearson Education as Teaching of English which is a highly recommended text book or reference book for English teachers training programmes in several universities in India and abroad. He has authored/edited and co-authored/co-edited more than 108 books, 16 research articles and 18 book chapters with nationally and internationally reputed publishers. He has had UG and PG teaching experience for the last 27 years and he has been working as teacher trainer for the last 18 years simultaneously. Presently his research interests hover around the following domains:
- (a)
Digitised Pedagogy in English Literature and Language Teaching
- (b)
Universal Human Values
- (c)
Indian Knowledge System and
- (d)
Legal Ontological Interpretation.
Sudarshan Iyengar, Ph.D. in Economics, was Former Vice Chancellor of Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad (2005–2014) founded by Mahatma Gandhi; Former Director, Centre for Social Studies, Surat (2004–2005) and Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad (1999–2004); and Chair Professor, Gandhian Philosophy, at IIT, Mumbai (2016–2018). His research areas include decentralised planning, commons, Gandhian thoughts and practices, natural resource development and management, people and civil society institutions. He has served on committees of the Government of India and Gujarat. He has been a trustee and board member in several national and regional institutions. He has contributed more than 70 research articles and written 9 books. He is a working Trustee with Action Research in Community Health and Development and an active Director of the Board of Directors at Gandhi Research Foundation, Jalgaon, Maharashtra. He lives in Dharampur, Valsad, Gujarat and works among tribal people.
Florian Koopmeiners, an Educational Scientist, completed his academic career at the University of Vechta, Germany, in 2023. He predominantly concentrated on critical themes such as children’s and human rights, alongside the intricacies of inclusion and integration. His thesis encompassed a comprehensive evaluation of the impacts stemming from the non-violent pedagogical approach implemented at St Therese Secondary School, Tanzania.
Lester R. Kurtz is Professor at George Mason University and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago and a Master’s in Religion from Yale. He is the Editor-in-Chief of a four-volume Encyclopaedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict and Co-editor of a two-volume Women, War and Violence: Typography, Resistance and Hope; The Warrior and the Pacifist: Competing Themes in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam; The Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements; Peace Studies for Sustainable Development in Africa; Nonviolent Civil Resistance; Nonviolent Social Movements and other books and articles, including the award-winning The Politics of Heresy. He has chaired the Peace and Justice Studies Association and the Peace, War, and Social Conflict Section of the American Sociological Association. He has taught as a Visiting Professor at the European Peace University, the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, Delhi University and Tunghai University.
Elton João Laissone is from Tete city. He is a Diocesan Priest. He has studied Philosophy from the St Augustine Interdiocesan Seminary of Matola, and Theology from St Pius X Interdiocesan Seminar both in Maputo. He holds a Master’s degree in Project Development Management from the Faculty of Management of Natural Resources and Mining of the Catholic University of Mozambique in Tete. He is currently the Parish Priest of Tete Cathedral, the Coordinator of the Diocesan Commission for Peace and Justice, and the Director of Radio Mwadiya which belongs to the Diocese. He is a Lecturer at the Catholic University of Mozambique in Tete and has more than a dozen publications in national and international scientific events and indexed journals. He writes on issues related to development and the sustainability of development.
Jive Lubbungu is a Researcher, Author and Lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Kwame Nkrumah University, Zambia. His research interests lie in comparative literature, gender, education and contemporary issues. He has published seven books, five book chapters as well as several articles in internationally refereed journals. He has a strong passion for writing. He has worked with various stakeholders in his civic duties and academics. He was Convenor of Kwame Nkrumah University Golden Jubilee International Conference which was successfully held on 19–20 September 2018 in Kabwe, Zambia. He was the Chair of the International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development co-organized with Zeetarz Publishing Nigeria, which was held in Zambia on 28–29 June at Kwame Nkrumah University. He was also the Convenor of the 2021 Tilembe National Literary Festival which was hosted by Nkrumah University on 11–12 December. He was a member of the Senate of Africa Research University and currently serves as a member and Provincial Coordinator for Professional Authors International, Central Province. He is also a member of the Zambia Textbook, Academic and Non-fiction Authors Association and the Authorship and Career Network, Zambia and the Educational Research Association of Zambia, among others.
Arpana Muthyala is a communications professional with about 20 years of experience in the information technology industry. She has also been a visiting faculty in the area of communication and soft skills at different management institutes. Her research interests are mainly in the fields of communication and soft skills.
Eliseu Cosme Tito Njaico, Ph.D., is from Angonia District, Tete Province. He holds a B.A. honours in Philosophy from the University of Zimbabwe and Arrupe College, a Jesuit School of Philosophy and Humanities in Zimbabwe. He holds a Master’s degree in Project Development Management from the Faculty of Management of Natural Resources and Mining and a Doctorate in Innovative Education, both from the Catholic University of Mozambique in Tete. He authored several articles presented at international and national scientific events. He is currently a Lecturer of Ethics, Theories of Education and Pedagogue and Theories of Development and the Programme Manager at the Institute of Distance Learning of the Catholic University of Mozambique in Tete.
Koffi Emmanuel Noglo was born in Togo, studied political science and wrote his Doctoral thesis on the legitimacy of the state in a multi-ethnic context with a scholarship from ‘Bread for the World’ (‘Brot für die Welt’, Berlin). He worked as a programme manager in the field of international development cooperation, primarily in the Sahel. He is also a journalist. Between 2018 and 2022, he worked with EIRENE, a Christian peacebuilding organisation, and was the head of their ‘Peacebuilding Programme in the Sahel’ (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger). In addition, together with another former scholarship holder, he built up the Academie Bilimon, which contributes to peace and justice in the sense of a grassroots movement through workshops primarily with young people. So far, over 5,000 young people have been trained.
Frederick Ifeanyi Obananya, a member of the Catholic Religious Order, Dominicans, is the Assistant Chaplain of St Thomas More Catholic Chaplaincy University of Lagos; African Regional Promoter for Justice and Peace; Councillor for Justice and Peace at IAOP; the Director of Dominican for Justice and Peace, Nigeria and Ghana; a Contributor at The West African Transitional Justice Centre and a member of Africanist Scholars Forum. He has an interest in the interaction among justice and peace, education and governance. This interest has given birth, over the years, to the publication of several scholarly articles in Nigeria and beyond. This includes: ‘Protest and Political Development’ (2024); ‘Nigeria and Her Education at Crossroads: A Need for a Catholic Philosophy of Education’ (2024); ‘Post-conflict Peace Building in Nigeria and the Philosophy of Integral Education’ (2023), etc. He recently co-edited a book titled Politics, Religion and Education in the African Context and Culture (2024).
Jagdish Rattanani is a distinguished Faculty at the Mumbai-based management institute SPJIMR (S P Jain Institute of Management & Research,, where he offers courses in the areas of ethics, responsible leadership, business and society, systems thinking and business communications. He is a professional journalist and continues to practise in non-profit space as a Columnist and as Editor of the non-profit Foundation of The Billion Press in Mumbai ( He is a co-author of the book Abundant Love, a longform conversation with the UK-based eco-spiritual leader, Satish Kumar, the Founder of Schumacher College in Devon. This is the first in a series of conversations with leaders who challenge the dominant narratives of our times, published in the UK by Triarchy Press and in India by the Speaking Tiger group. He is Director at the UK-based Association of Sustainability Practitioners (, where he works with a team of co-directors to run an initiative called Earth Conversations. He has a Masters in Sustainability & Responsibility from the Ashridge Business School, UK.
Debdulal Dutta Roy, Ph.D., is a retired Head and Associate Professor of the Psychology Research Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Organisational Psychology from IIT Kharagpur and specialises in abnormal psychology. Currently serving as the Founder and President of the Rabindrik Psychotherapy Research Institute Trust, he focusses on advancing education and research for social welfare through Rabindrik Psychotherapy. He is an international speaker, renowned researcher and prolific writer with over 110 research papers and 2 authored books. He has received numerous awards for his contributions, including the ‘Innovative Scientist Award’ for research on Rabindrik Psychotherapy. As an influential academic, he has supervised Ph.D. and M.B.A. students, conducted workshops and trained over 500 individuals in research methodology and statistics. His diverse research interests span organisational diagnosis, psycho-informatics, agro-psychological counselling and quantum consciousness in mental health and language acquisition.
Pethias Siame ( received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa in April 2023. He is a Part-time Lecturer and Researcher at Kwame Nkrumah University in Zambia. He is also an author and a book writer. He is a member of Professional Authors International, a data collection research group, and the Language Teachers Association of Zambia. He teaches English Language, Linguistics and African Languages courses. His research interests include comparative linguistics, documentary linguistics, sociolinguistics, general linguistics, Bantu linguistics, theoretical linguistics, stylistics, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, linguistic landscape, translanguaging and contemporary issues in education. He has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals. He has also attended and presented papers at both local and international conferences. He is a peer reviewer of language papers and contemporary issues in education for journals such as: the Journal of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia, Kwame Nkrumah Multi-Disciplinary Journal and the Journal of Educational Research Association of Zambia. Some of his most recent publications include: Word Order of Noun Phrase by Modification in Mambwe Language (2023), Decolonization: Equity in the Management of Language Education in Zambian Secondary Schools (2023), A Morphophonological Analysis of the Applicability of Nasalization principles in Lungu, Mambwe and Namwanga Languages (2023) and Phonological Processes Governing Borrowing from English to Lungu, Mambwe and Namwanga Languages (2023). Some of the academic books in the press include: A Short Grammar and Common Orthography of Lungu, Mambwe, and Namwanga Languages and Comprehensive Grammars of the Lungu, Mambwe, and Namwanga Languages.
Dominique Steiler is a Doctor of Management and Psychology from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He is a Full Management, Leadership, and Psychology Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management and Chair Holder of the UNESCO Chair towards a culture of economic peace. He has devoted his research and consultancy focus on personal development and transformation, health, management, well-being and happiness, mindfulness and peace and their relationship to performance and life. He is also a Research Fellow at the Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ. A former Naval Fighter Pilot and Olympic Team Coach, he coaches senior executives in France and abroad.
Margit Stein is a Professor of Pedagogy at the University of Vechta, Germany. Previously, she served as a Professor of Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences in Nordhausen, Germany. She holds a Doctorate and a habilitation in Psychology and Education. Her academic and professional focus is primarily directed towards fostering value based and democratic coexistence within heterogeneous societies. She emphasises cultivating peaceful and solidary relationships among people of diverse ages, religions, cultural and ethnic origins. In this context, she leads and participates in various projects exploring themes such as the value orientations of children and youth, the dynamics of interethnic and interreligious friendships and the promotion of democratic competencies and tolerance. Additionally, she is involved in advancing sustainability skills and raising awareness for sustainable living practices.
Felista Tangi, originating from Tanzania, holds a Ph.D. from Vechta, Germany. She is a member of the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St Therese of the Child Jesus (‘Teresina Sisters’). Her previous academic engagement was at St Mary’s Mpanda Secondary School in Rukwa Region, Tanzania, where she held the position of Senior Academic Mistress. Currently, she is a Senior Lecturer at St Augustine University of Tanzania, specialising in educational management and school administration, curriculum development and evaluation, organisational development and professional ethics in education. Her research found that in schools where students experienced violence and corporal punishment, academic performance statistically declined. Together with the Teresina Sisters, she established the inclusive, non-violent St Therese Secondary School in Nyashishi, Mwanza Region, Tanzania. She was awarded the Peace and Justice Shalom Prize from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany, in 2021.
Domingos Juliasse Viola is from Macanga District, Tete Province. He is professional teacher, with a wide range of experience in government and non-governmental organisations. He holds a degree in teaching Physics from the Pedagogical University of Mozambique, Beira, and holds a Master’s degree in Project Development Management from the Faculty of Management of Natural Resources and Mining of the Catholic University of Mozambique in Tete. He is a peace activist and currently pursuing a political career as the Governor of Tete Province.
Manish Wankhede is a graduate student from Liverpool John Moores University, with specialisation in leadership and strategy. He is working for MNC based in India as a Business Development and Strategy Specialist.
This volume contains chapters from the International Conference on Peace Economics, Peace Science and Development held at the Mahatma Gandhi Centerfor Conflict Prevention and Management in Bangalore, India.
International scholars in Conflict Management and Peace selected the papers.
The world is filled with conflicts. In recent years, there have been increased international conflicts (e.g. Russia and Ukraine) and threats of nuclear war, ethnic conflicts, and disruption around the world.
In the last 20 years, many studies related to conflict and peace have been published.
This volume includes some such studies. However, most of them are descriptive and conduct qualitative analysis. During the last 30 years, high levels of quantitative research have been performed using socioeconomic and political variables. This area is known as Peace Science and Disaster Management, and it includes sophisticated work in computer science, such as artificial intelligence.
Some of the topics are as follows:
Peace Economics
Peace Science and Disaster Management
Innovation, Conflict, and Peace Science
Standard Resource Allocation
Macroeconomic Stability Analysis
Modern Growth Theory
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Samuelson Gun Butter Model
Klein: Macro and Microeconomic Effect of Militancy Spreading
Leontief I-O model
Econometric Models
Arms Spending and Economic Growth
Culture and Social Organisation and Leadership
Individual and Group Behaviour
Game Theory
Cognitive Science, Psychological, and Sociological Approaches
Negotiation and Arbitration
Coalition and Bargaining Theory
Principles of Negotiation – Qualitative and Quantitative
Probability Theory and Probability Distributions
Statistical Inference
Analysis of Variance and Covariance
Nonparametric Testing of Hypothesis and Chi-square Test
Multivariate Distributions
Disaster Management
Please refer to the ‘Books Published in the Series’ for other topics, on Page ii.
Manas Chatterji
Emeritus Professor, Binghamton University, USA; formerly Guest Professor, Peking University, China; and formerly Honorary Distinguished Professor, Poznan University, Poland
This volume contains the chapters presented in the international meeting ‘Peace Economics, Peace Science and Development,’ held at the Mahatma Gandhi Center for Conflict Prevention and Management in Bangalore, India, on 21–23 July 2023, which I established about 15 years ago in association with Prof. Madhumita Chatterjee at ABBS. Liyang Dong, my research assistant, is pivotal.
I greatly appreciate the ABBS faculty’s assistance in sponsoring and holding the meeting.
The meeting was funded by the generous grant received from the Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation.
This volume is also dedicated to my lifelong dear friend and colleague, the late Dr. Padmanabh Kamath, formerly a professor in Mumbai, India.
Manas Chatterji
Emeritus Professor, Binghamton University, USA; formerly Guest Professor, Peking University, China; and formerly Honorary Distinguished Professor, Poznan University, Poland
- Prelims
- Distinguished Guest Introduction: Relevance of Gandhi in Today's Times
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Economic Peace
- Chapter 2: Weaving a Web of Nonviolence
- Chapter 3: Education for Peace Through Workshops and Comics for Youths in Africa
- Chapter 4: Does Political Environment Impact Upon Government Effectiveness? – A Panel Data Investigation for Southeast Asian Countries
- Chapter 5: Leadership Challenges to Re-establish Office Culture Post-COVID-19
- Chapter 6: A Tanzanian School Against Violence and Corporal Punishment: An Evaluation Report on the Basis of Interviews with Teachers, Social Workers and Pupils
- Chapter 7: Peace Economics: Behavioural Approach
- Chapter 8: Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: Evaluating the Long-Term Impact on the IT Sector Post-Covid-19
- Chapter 9: Impact of The Covid-19 Lockdown on Students' Social and Psychological Health
- Chapter 10: Education, Citizenship, and Governance: Sharing Experiences on Leadership Practices and Peacebuilding Challenges in Inclusive and Decentralised Governance in Tete
- Chapter 11: Sovereignty and Political Recruitment in Nigeria: Promoting Peace Through Political Participation
- Chapter 12: Proverbs, A Conflict Management Tool Among the Tonga People of Southern Zambia
- Chapter 13: Pedagogic Dynamics of Peace Strategies in Economic Development: Applying Universal Human Values in Conflict Management
- Chapter 14: Yogic Science in Organisational Management: Allowing for Sustainability, Mobility, Equality, and Personal Peace in Careers
- Index