
Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Sustainability Measures on Wellbeing

ISBN: 978-1-83549-461-5, eISBN: 978-1-83549-460-8

ISSN: 1569-3759

Publication date: 20 May 2024

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(2024), "Index", Sharma, R., Bhardwaj, I., Grima, S., Sachdeva, T., Sood, K. and Özen, E. (Ed.) Sustainable Development Goals: The Impact of Sustainability Measures on Wellbeing (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 113B), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 211-215.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Ridhima Sharma, Indira Bhardwaj, Simon Grima, Timcy Sachdeva, Kiran Sood, and Ercan Özen


Adaptable learning (see Online learning)

Affective motivation (see Cognitive motivation)

Affordable and green energy
, 180–181

Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030)
, 24–25

Agri-Food Cooperative Sector
, 45

Agriculture quality
, 175

Air quality
, 175

Akaike Criterion
, 100

Altruistic motivation
, 80

, 5

Attitude towards brand
, 81

and self-brand connection
, 82

Attribution theory
, 80

Audit committee
, 144

Augmented Dickey–Fuller procedures
, 99–101

Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag model (ARDL model)
, 93

Average shared variance (ASV)
, 131

Average variance extracted estimate (AVE estimate)
, 114, 131

, 133

Bariloche Model
, 168

, 45

Board independence
, 147

Board size
, 145

Brand connection
, 83

Brand credibility
, 80–81

Brand distinctiveness
, 81–83

Brand loyalty
, 83

Brand perception
, 81–82

Brundtland Commission
, 168, 170

, 59

, 96

Cause-brand fit
, 79

Cause-related marketing (CRM)
, 76

conceptual background and proposition development
, 79–84

conceptual framework
, 83

, 81–83

, 79–81

effective marketing strategy
, 78

limitation and future scope
, 85

literature review
, 77–79

managerial contributions
, 84–85

self-brand connections
, 78–79

theoretical contributions
, 84

Clean water and sanitation
, 180

Climate action
, 183

Cognitive motivation
, 193–194

Cointegration approach
, 99

Common method bias
, 8–9

Common method variance (CMV)
, 199

Confirmatory factor analysis
, 198

Conformance to specifications
, 173

Consumer behaviour
, 4

Convergent validity (CR)
, 131

Corporate credibility
, 80

Corporate governance (CG)
, 144

, 146

identification of keywords and databases
, 146

literature review
, 144–145

objectives of study
, 145

, 146

, 158

research methodology
, 145–146

results and interpretation
, 146–159

COVID-19 epidemic
, 109, 125

, 80

CSIR-NPL (see Indian National Metrological Institute)

, 76

, 124, 169

Digital FI
, 124

Digital Natives
, 191

Digital sustainability
, 44

literature review
, 45–46

research methodology
, 46–52

Digital technologies
, 44

, 44


, 50

conversion to ISM model
, 50

Discriminant validity
, 10

Driving forces of SHRM
, 35

, 109–110

Early childhood care and education services (ECCE services)
, 174

Economic development
, 109

Economic development goals (EDGs)
, 136

Economic dimension
, 23

Economic growth (EG)
, 124

Economic sustainability
, 34

, 22

Education, quality in
, 174

Employee outcome
, 36–37

, 92

Environmental attitude
, 14–15

Environmental constraints
, 170

Environmental dimension
, 23

Environmental sustainability
, 35

Environmental values
, 3

European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA)
, 110

Eviews 7 software
, 99

Exchange rates
, 58

Fashion consciousness (FC)
, 191–193

as moderator
, 196–197

Fashion vloggers
, 191

Fashion-conscious consumers
, 191

Financial development (FD)
, 125

Financial inclusion (FI)
, 124

data analysis
, 130

implications of study
, 134–135

literature review
, 126–127

objective of study
, 129–133

reliability of individual variables
, 130

research methodology
, 129–130

SDG and
, 127–129

structural equation model
, 131–133

Financial services
, 127

Financial system
, 124

Financial technology (FinTech)
, 126–127

Fitness for use
, 173

Flexible learning
, 109

Foreign exchange rate
, 59

Forest Resources Assessment (FRA)
, 183

Fourth modern transformation (4IR)
, 134

Gandhian values
, 4

empirical results
, 8–14

, 15–16

limitations and future research
, 16

literature review and hypotheses
, 4–6

mediating role of sustainable consumption intention
, 6

, 6–8

research hypothesis
, 4–5

research questions
, 4

sample and data collection
, 6–8

Gas-fired plants
, 93

, 93

Gen Z
, 191, 198

Gender equality
, 180

Global currencies
, 58

, 60

literature review
, 59

, 60–73

, 58

Good health
, 179

Granger causality
, 99

Granger test
, 102

, 169

Harman’s single-factor test
, 9

Health care, quality in
, 174–175

Hedonic browsing
, 194

Hedonic motivation
, 191, 193–194

Hedonic products
, 79–80

Higher education
, 109

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 108–109

Human resource (HR)
, 33, 36

Human resource management (HRM)
, 28, 30

(see also Sustainable human resource management (SHRM))
Hypothesis testing
, 11

Impulse buying intention (IBI)
, 191, 193–194

Indian economy
, 58

Indian National Metrological Institute
, 175

Industrial Revolution 4.0 technologies
, 44–45

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
, 181–182

Industry 4.0
, 53

, 182

Inflation rates
, 58

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
, 108

Infrastructure quality
, 176

, 5

, 38–39

Interest rates
, 58

International Energy Agency (IEA)
, 93

International Monetary Fund
, 125

Interpretive structural modelling (ISM)
, 45–52

, 52

Johansen Cointegration technique
, 99–101

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test
, 8

Learning management systems (LMS)
, 109

, 58

Life below water
, 183

Life on Land
, 183–184

List of values (LOV)
, 3

Matrice d’Impacts Croises Multiplication Appliqué a classement (MICMAC)
, 52

Maximum shared variance (MSV)
, 131

Measurement model
, 199

Mediation effect
, 14

Medium and small-scale enterprises (MSMEs)
, 44–45

deterrents to adoption of digital sustainability in
, 46

identify barriers in adoption of digital sustainability in
, 47

Microsoft Groups
, 109

Millennium development goals (MDGs)
, 108, 171–172

Mixed learning
, 109

Monetary inclusion method
, 135

Multivariate normality distribution
, 8–9

Natural gas
, 92–93

Natural gas consumption (NGC)
, 93

analysis and result
, 100–102

data collection and variables
, 99

information and techniques
, 99

literature review
, 94–96

objectives of study
, 98

present scenario of consumption of natural gas in India
, 97

study’s rationale and scope
, 97–98

, 170

Newey–West estimator
, 100

No poverty
, 178

, 59

Online education
, 109

data analysis
, 112

implications of study
, 116–117

literature review
, 110–111

objective of study
, 111–114

reliability of individual variables
, 112

research methodology
, 111

structural equation model
, 112–114

Online learning
, 109–110

, 110

Organisational outcomes
, 37–38

Ownership structure
, 144

Parasocial interaction (PSI)
, 192

data and methodology
, 197–204

, 205–206

and impulse buying intention
, 194–195

limitations and future scope
, 206

literature review
, 193–197

theoretical framework
, 192–193

Partnership for goals
, 184

Personal values
, 3, 5

Phillips–Perron procedures
, 99

Piece justice and strong institutions
, 184

PROCESS macros
, 198–199

Product quality
, 176

, 79–80

Quality education
, 108, 179–180

Quality management (QM)
, 172

Quality of Life (QoL)
, 174

Quality-centric approach

, 169

dimensions of quality
, 174–176

evolution of sustainable development goals
, 170–172

implications of study
, 185

, 172

objective of study
, 172

, 169

sustainable development
, 170

sustainable development goals and quality
, 177–184

triple bottom line
, 176–177

Reachability matrix (RM)
, 47

, 48–49

into separate levels
, 49–50

, 60–73

Relationship quality
, 176

, 9

of individual variables
, 112

Respect, Openness, and Continuity model (ROC model)
, 32

Responsible consumption
, 4

Responsible consumption and production
, 182–183

Rokeach’s–Value system (RVS)
, 3

Schwarz Bayesian Criterion
, 99

Self-brand connection
, 76–79, 82–83

Self-consciousness theory
, 193

Shopping motivation
, 193

Smart cities
, 175

Social dimension
, 23

Social media influencers (SMI)
, 190

Social sustainability
, 34–35

Social values
, 3

Soil quality
, 175

Stationarity test
, 99

Structural equation model (SEM)
, 112–114

Structural model
, 200–201

, 11

Structural quality
, 174

Structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM)
, 47

setting conceptual relations and creating
, 47

, 2, 28, 35, 168–169, 176

Sustainable cities and communities
, 182

Sustainable clothing
, 5

Sustainable consumption
, 2

mediating role of sustainable consumption intention
, 6

Sustainable consumption behaviour (SCB)
, 2–3, 15

Sustainable cosmetics
, 205

Sustainable development (SD)
, 168, 170

Sustainable development
, 125

Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
, 24, 108, 124, 127, 168

evolution of
, 170–172

linkage of SDGs with quality
, 178–184

and quality
, 177

and role of FI
, 127–129

SDG 4.7
, 111

, 109

Sustainable human resource management (SHRM)
, 28, 30–34

conceptual model/framework
, 33

driving forces
, 35

economic sustainability
, 34

employees and
, 36

environmental sustainability
, 35

evolutions and angles
, 31

factors affecting
, 34

, 38–39

objective of study
, 30

organisational outcomes
, 37–38

, 36–37

, 32

social sustainability
, 34–35

systematic literature review approach
, 29–30

value creation
, 39

Sustainable tourism
, 22

Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030)
, 24–25

, 22–23

, 25

implementation progress
, 25

, 24

Systematic literature review (SLR)
, 29

Total quality management (TQM)
, 173

, 23

Transcendent approach
, 173

Triple bottom line
, 176–177

Unit root test
, 100–102

United Nations (UN)
, 24, 124, 171

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
, 125

United Nations Framework 21
, 168

United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
, 22

Utilitarian browsing
, 194

Utilitarian motivation (see Cognitive motivation)

Utilitarian products
, 79–80

, 9

Value-attitude-behaviour (VAB)
, 3–5

, 2–5

creation of SHRM
, 39

, 5

Values and lifestyle system (VALS)
, 3

Water quality
, 175

, 179

Work and economic growth
, 181

Zero Hunger
, 178–179

, 109