
Economic Development and Resilience by EU Member States

ISBN: 978-1-83797-998-1, eISBN: 978-1-83797-997-4

ISSN: 1569-3759

Publication date: 18 November 2024

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(2024), "Index", Grima, S., Romānova, I., Noja, G.G. and Dorożyński, T. (Ed.) Economic Development and Resilience by EU Member States (Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, Vol. 115), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 293-302.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Simon Grima, Inna Romānova, Graţiela Georgiana Noja and Tomasz Dorożyński


Academic researchers
, 233

Agenda-setting process
, 69

Aggregate indicators
, 32

Aggregate labour productivity in Latvia
, 91

Aggregate measure
, 181

Anglo-French model
, 251

Anti-pattern, determination of
, 185

Applied regression models
, 211

, 280

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 234, 276

Association for Financial Markets in Europe
, 131

Automation process
, 223

Automotive industry
, 147

Autonomous robots
, 207

Bank profitability
, 125

Banking industry
, 137

Banking systems of new EU member states
, 121–125

banking assets as percentage of GDP in new EU member states
, 122

ROE and ROA in banking systems
, 125

total capital adequacy in banking systems
, 124

Banks in new EU member states before and after financial crisis, lending by
, 125–130

Bibliometric analysis
, 167

of relevant scientific literature
, 12–16

Bibliometric network
, 14

Bibliometric review of scientific literature
, 167–174

Bibliometric visualization
, 14–15

Brundtland Report
, 202

, 280

, 280

Capital flows
, 24

Capital investment volumes
, 125

Capital market development in new EU countries
, 131–137

financing of non-financial corporate
, 133

non-financial corporations funding structure 2017 and 2022
, 132

progress of EU capital markets relative to key performance indicators
, 133

Capital Market Union (CMU)
, 131

Case of Latvia
, 90–93

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
, 25, 29, 60

, 106, 142, 145–146, 148, 153–155, 258

industrial development
, 143

Central counterparty clearing houses (CCPs)
, 131

Central securities depositories (CSDs)
, 131

‘Central Statistical Offices’ global approach, The
, 180

Civic Coalition (KO)
, 266

Civic Democratic Party (ODS)
, 266

Climate Action Tracker (CAT)
, 163–164

Climate change
, 166–167

, 161

Climate Law
, 164

Climate risk
, 161

Climate swaps
, 160

Cloud computing
, 207

Cohesion policy
, 49, 62

Cohesion policymakers
, 225

Comparative analysis
, 85


literature review
, 85–86

main policies for fostering productivity growth
, 93–95

productivity dynamics in 13 New EU-MS and factors contributing to productivity growth
, 86–90

structural changes and productivity
, 90–93

Comprehensive analysis
, 8

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
, 13

Contingency table
, 37

, 61

of EU-13 countries
, 56–57

process in Central and Eastern Europe
, 258–266

Correlation analysis
, 224

Correlation matrix
, 210

COVID-19 pandemic
, 8, 30, 289

Credit growth
, 261

, 280

, 96, 128, 145, 151, 154

Czech Republic, The
, 127

Data analysis methods
, 234

Degree of digitalization
, 216

Demographic processes
, 243

Demographic trends
, 232

, 183

Diagnostic variables, assigning weights to
, 184

Digital business
, 204

Digital constitutionalism
, 70

Digital economy
, 276

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)
, 275

role in analysing impact of digital policies in EU
, 71–72

Digital ecosystem
, 70

Digital health innovation ecosystems
, 205

Digital infrastructures
, 71

Digital innovativeness
, 205

Digital literacy
, 279

Digital Markets Act (DMA)
, 70

Digital platforms
, 275

Digital policies
, 74

on economic growth
, 68

in EU
, 69–71

role of DESI in analysing impact of
, 71–72

Digital public policies
, 74

Digital Services Act (DSA)
, 70

Digital skills
, 71, 276

, 279–284

Digital sovereignty
, 70

Digital technologies
, 73, 275–276

, 204

Digital transformation
, 71, 276

of businesses
, 71

of enterprises
, 206

in new EU member states
, 286–287

Digital world
, 202

, 206, 244, 274, 276

of businesses
, 204

economic growth through
, 72–74

European context and potential impact of
, 68–69

green and digital transition
, 202–206

HEIs response to
, 275–277

of industry
, 203

interaction between manufacturing digitalisation and productivity
, 220–224

and labour productivity
, 206–208

of manufacturing
, 216–219

potential impact
, 274–275

productivity and differences between EU-14 and EU-13 countries
, 211–216

of public services
, 72

research methodology and data
, 208–

research variables and summary statistics
, 210

Digitisation indicators
, 210

Document analysis
, 19

Domestic politics
, 262–263

Double-edged phenomenon
, 9

Dynamic capabilities
, 73

Dynamic digital governance
, 70

, 208, 219, 225

, 277

, 280

Economic activity support
, 234

practical research findings
, 234–243

theoretical findings
, 233–234

Economic and Monetary Unions (EMUs)
, 103

Economic crisis (2008)
, 48

Economic development
, 128

Economic disparities
, 49–54

GDP per capita adjusted by purchasing power in Euros
, 51

Economic growth
, 7, 10, 12, 15–16, 19–20

data and methodology
, 74–76

descriptive statistics
, 77

digital policies in EU
, 69–71

economic growth through digitalisation
, 72–74

empirical findings
, 76–78

European context and potential impact of digitalisation
, 68–69

literature review
, 69

modelling impact of EU digital policies on
, 74–78

regression results
, 78

role of DESI in analysing impact of digital policies in EU
, 71–72

Economic inequality
, 48

Economic integration
, 8, 10–11, 103–104

in EU
, 115

, 19

Economic intricacies
, 2

Economic openness
, 106

degree of
, 111, 115

Economic resilience
, 2

Economic sustainability
, 203

Economic theories
, 58

Economic waters

regional dynamics
, 3–4

social implications
, 3

, 276

Educational institutions
, 171

Environmental governance
, 166, 171

, 161

Erasmus+ programme
, 278

, 278

Escalator methodology
, 278

, 250

European Bank Union (EBU)
, 123

European banks
, 128

European Central Bank (ECB)
, 123, 251–252

European Commission (EC)
, 84, 144, 243

European context and potential impact of digitalisation
, 68–69

European digital policy
, 70

European economic integration
, 2, 6–8, 290

European Green Deal
, 166

European indicators
, 180

European Innovation Council (EIC)
, 68

European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS)
, 58, 93

European integration
, 19, 21

European monetary union (EMU)
, 250, 254

architecture and crises
, 255–258

European political unification process
, 250

European single market and new member states
, 104–115

exports from 2002 to 2022 for EU 13 Countries, Billion Euro
, 107

imports from 2002 to 2022 for EU 13 Countries, Billion Euro
, 108

trade openness from 2004 to 2022
, 110

European Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)
, 123

European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
, 19, 255

European Structural Funds (ESF)
, 284

European Union (EU)
, 1, 6–7, 11, 15, 84, 160, 250, 275

, 25

aerospace industry
, 150

boxplot for SIGQ
, 37

climate change risks
, 161–165

cohesion policy
, 48–49

contingency coefficients between six dimensions of governance and FDI inward stock
, 40

correlation matrix for groups of EU-13 MS
, 40

, 93, 188, 212–213

dendrogram for EU-13 MS
, 33

DESI in analysing impact of digital policies in
, 71–72

digital policies
, 69

digital policies in
, 69–71

economic disparities
, 49–54

EU 27 member states
, 173

, 49, 51

EU–13 MS, GQ and FDI inflow into
, 32–40

export potential
, 142, 154

FDI inflow to EU-13 MS
, 29–31

FDI inward stock in relation to GDP in EU-13
, 36

, 59

framework programmes
, 59

global environmental governance
, 165–167

globalisation, regional integration, and labour market inferences at level of
, 16–18

human development index
, 55

industrial strategy
, 142

, 142, 202

integration process
, 8, 11

internal market
, 105

intra-trade analysis
, 114, 116

level of innovativeness
, 58–59

level of internet access in households
, 55

literature review
, 161

mean value of SIGQ for EU-13 MS
, 34

, 145

modelling impact of EU digital policies on economic growth
, 74–78

priorities of EU industrial policy and challenges confronted by new member states
, 144–146

productivity and differences between EU-13 countries and EU-14
, 211–216

productivity and differences between EU-14 and EU-13 countries
, 211–216

ranking by SIGQ in EU-13 MS
, 33

scatterplot for SIGQ and FDI inward stock
, 36

self-reported unmet needs for medical examination
, 56

single market
, 104

social and health care disparities
, 54–58

Structural and Cohesion Funds
, 19

sustainable development
, 167

systematic and bibliometric review of scientific literature
, 167–174

European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
, 164

European Union member states (EU-MS)
, 84, 137

European Union statistics on income and living conditions (EU-SILC)
, 57, 237


, 106

labour market flow statistics
, 17

Export growth
, 101

Export orientation
, 100

Export potential of new EU countries
, 146–154

Extensive legislative programme of single market
, 105

Financial crisis (2008)
, 13, 48

lending by banks in new EU member states before and after
, 125–130

Financial globalization
, 9

Financial markets
, 121

Financial sector
, 120

banking systems of new EU member states
, 121–125

capital market development in new EU countries
, 131–137

lending by banks in new EU member states before and after financial crisis
, 125–130

Financial stability
, 267

Fiscal policy
, 251

Fit for 55 package
, 164

Food processing
, 90

Foreign direct investment (FDI)
, 9, 24, 88

FDI-driven export model
, 146

inflow into EU-13 MS
, 29–31, 32–40

Foreign investors
, 31

FDI inflow to EU-13 MS
, 29–31

GQ and FDI inflow into EU-13 MS
, 32–40

literature review
, 26–29

quality of governance based on world wide governance indicators
, 31–32

Free trade
, 115

Free Trade Agreement, The
, 102

Gauss–Markov theorem
, 211

General data protection regulation (GDPR)
, 70

General equilibrium approach
, 102

Generalised method of moment (GMM)
, 221

German model
, 251

Global environmental governance
, 165–167

Global financial crisis
, 86, 88, 127

Global Innovation Index (GII)
, 93

Global Productivity Forum (GFP)
, 84

Global trade
, 102

Global value chains (GVCs)
, 88, 146

, 6–8, 11, 21

at level of EU countries
, 16–18

, 18

systematic literature review on
, 9–12

Good governance
, 24–25, 27

, 25–27

Governance quality (GQ)
, 25

inflow into EU-13 MS
, 32–40

, 167, 171

Greenhouse gas (GHG)
, 161

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 145, 161, 234, 253, 290

per capita
, 50

Health care disparities
, 54–58

Hierarchical cluster analysis methodology
, 32

High quality liquid assets (HQLA)
, 124

Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 275

digital skills pipeline
, 279–284

and digital transformation in new EU member states
, 286–287

, 278–279

potential impact of digitalisation
, 274–275

response to digitalisation
, 275–277

resultant skills priorities and recommendations
, 284–287

Higher-level smart specialisation sector skills gaps
, 284–285

, 59

Horizon Europe
, 68

, 280

Human Development Index (HDI)
, 49, 54, 290

Ideational processes
, 69

Industrial competitiveness in new EU member states, need for new approach to
, 154–155

Industrial landscape of new EU countries
, 146–154

Industrial policy
, 144–145

Industrial robots
, 208, 219

Industrial sectors
, 51, 213–214

Industrialisation of services
, 52

, 48

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
, 56, 149, 206, 275

, 206

ICT-based information systems
, 207

, 207

Information technology (IT)
, 205, 277

, 84, 91, 93–94

Innovativeness, level of
, 58–59

Institutional dynamics
, 69

Institutional quality
, 26

, 26–27, 166

Integration process
, 10–11

Intellectual Property Action Plan
, 144

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 166

Internal market
, 104

International comparative analysis
, 59

International competitiveness
, 49

International economic integration
, 102–103

International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 86, 120, 144, 256

International trade
, 100–102, 104, 109, 111, 115–116

European single market and new member states
, 104–115

literature review
, 101–104

results of analysis of
, 104–115

Internet of things (IoT)
, 207–208

Intra-EU trade
, 104–115

Intra-trade analysis
, 111

, 87, 93, 102–103

, 25, 29

, 280

Job standardisation
, 275

Just Transition Fund
, 166

Kemp–Wan theorem
, 102

Keynesian theory
, 251

Knowledge-based economy
, 58

Labour Force Survey (LFS)
, 234

Labour market

, 19

inferences at level of EU countries
, 16–18

Labour productivity
, 206–208

Labour supply deficiencies
, 284

Law and Justice Party (PiS)
, 266

Leading industries in new EU member states

Cyprus and Malta’s strengths and weaknesses of industrial potential
, 148

exports of goods and services
, 147

industrial landscape and export potential of new EU countries
, 146–154

literature review
, 143–144

need for new approach to industrial competitiveness in new EU member states
, 154–155

priorities of EU industrial policy and challenges confronted by new member states
, 144–146

Lending by banks in new EU member states before and after financial crisis
, 125–130

Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
, 163

Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
, 124

Long-term care (LTC)
, 233

Maastricht convergence criteria
, 252–255

Maastricht parameters
, 252

Maastricht Treaty
, 251

Macro-level approach
, 92

Macroeconomic approach
, 85

Macroeconomic imbalances
, 88

, 145, 151, 153–154, 197


digitalisation of
, 216–219

, 203, 208, 223

, 280

Market capitalisation to GDP
, 134

Market economy
, 145

Medical access
, 290

Member states (MS)
, 25

Methodological framework
, 69

Monetarist counterrevolution
, 251

Monetary policy
, 252

Monetary sovereignty
, 265

Monte Carlo method
, 184

, 280

Multicriteria methods
, 181, 196

Multicriteria/multidimensional analysis method
, 181

Multidimensional approach
, 19

Multinational enterprises (MNEs)
, 29

Mundell’s theory
, 111

National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)
, 165

National health-care expenditures
, 243

National Institute of Statistics (NIS)
, 278

National Productivity Boards (NPBs)
, 84

National Strategy on Digital Agenda 2020
, 276–277

National Trade Register Office (NTRO)
, 278

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
, 163

Net-Zero Industry Act
, 165

New EU countries

capital market development in
, 131–137

industrial landscape and export potential of
, 146–154

New EU industrial strategy
, 154

New EU member states

before and after financial crisis, lending by banks in
, 125–130

banking systems of
, 121–125

need for new approach to industrial competitiveness in
, 154–155

New Legislative Framework
, 105

New member states

European single market and
, 104–115

priorities of EU industrial policy and challenges confronted by
, 144–146

Next-generation EU (NGEU)
, 255

Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE)
, 278

Non-financial corporations
, 131

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
, 32, 286

Normalisation of variables
, 184

, 186

classification of
, 186

Online job vacancies (OJV)
, 279

Open trade
, 100

Open-access Gretl program
, 220

Optimum currency area (OCA)
, 111

, 280

Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models
, 211

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 11, 84, 137, 146, 223

, 166

Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme
, 255–256

, 275

, 204

Panel econometric models
, 75

Panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE)
, 75, 77

Paris Agreement
, 161

Pattern, determination of
, 185

Personal computer (PC)
, 280

, 280

Physical climate risk
, 162

Physical risks
, 162

Pigouvian theory
, 162

‘Place-sensitive distributed development policy’
, 62

, 20

Polish banking system
, 122

Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain countries (PIGS countries)
, 50

Pragmatic policy measures
, 2


, 84

digitalisation and labour productivity
, 206–208

digitalisation of manufacturing
, 216–219

dynamics in 13 New EU-MS and factors contributing to productivity growth
, 86–90

green and digital transition
, 202–206

, 88

interaction between manufacturing digitalisation and
, 220–224

interaction between manufacturing digitalisation and productivity
, 220–224

, 84

literature review
, 85–86

main policies for fostering productivity growth
, 93–95

, 73

productivity and differences between EU-14 and EU-13 countries
, 211–216

productivity-enhancing policies
, 86

research methodology and data
, 208

research variables and summary statistics
, 210

structural changes and
, 90–93

Public Employment Services (PES)
, 283

Public finance
, 253, 265

Purchasing power standard (PPS)
, 49

, 280

Qualitative analysis
, 85

Quality of governance
, 26

based on world wide governance indicators
, 31–32

definitions of GQ indicators in WGI
, 31–32

Quality of life
, 290

assigning weights to diagnostic variables
, 184

classification of objects
, 186

, 178

construction of synthetic measure
, 185–186

description of VMCM
, 183–186

determination of pattern and anti-pattern
, 185

diagnostic variables character
, 183

in European Union
, 182

materials and methods
, 182–183

normalisation of variables
, 184

research results
, 186

research study
, 186–196

selection of variables and elimination of variables
, 183–184

Quantitative analysis
, 85

Quantitative easing (QE)
, 256

, 115

Regional economic integration, systematic literature review on globalisation and
, 9–12

Regional integration
, 11

in EU
, 104

at level of EU countries
, 16–18

Regression analysis
, 224

Regression parameter
, 57

Renewable energy
, 151

RePowerEU plan
, 164

Research, development, and innovation (RDI)
, 278

Research and development (R&D)
, 93, 208, 263, 276

Research and innovation systems (R&I systems)
, 94

Research institutes
, 171

Research methods
, 234

, 223

, 224

Robust regression with Huber iteration (RRHI)
, 75, 77

, 280

Samuelson’s analysis
, 102

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
, 59, 155, 286

, 276

, 280

, 277

, 52

Shift-share analysis
, 85, 92

, 49

Silver economy
, 233, 241, 243

Single European Act (1987)
, 104

Single market
, 104

Single Market Act
, 105

Single Market Act I
, 105

Single Market Act II
, 105

Single Market Programme
, 104

Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)
, 123

Small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
, 8, 70

Smart connected products
, 73

Smart specialization
, 284–285

SMART-Edu initiative
, 277

Social disparities
, 54–58

Social economy
, 233

Social justice theories
, 48

Solidarity economy
, 233

Sovereign debt crisis
, 255

, 280

, 280

Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)
, 257

, 184

Static effects
, 102

, 183

Subject-matter literature
, 28

, 160–161, 168, 171

Sustainable development
, 167, 202

, 203

Sustainable European Investment Plan
, 166

Sustainable manufacturing

, 202

, 203

Synthetic index of governance quality (SIGQ)
, 32, 34

Synthetic measure, construction of
, 185–186

Systematic literature review on globalisation and regional economic integration
, 9–12

Systematic review of scientific literature
, 167–174

Technological sectors
, 51

Tertiary education
, 279

Tertiary sector employment
, 52

Three-dimensional (3D) printing
, 207

Timis County
, 278–279, 283–284

Total factor productivity (TFP)
, 206

Trade balance
, 114–116

Trade in Value-Added database (TiVA database)
, 146

Trade unions
, 276

, 100

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
, 13

Transition climate risk
, 161–162

Transition risks
, 161

Transportation solutions
, 233

Treaty of Rome, The
, 104

Two-panel regression models
, 77

Unconditional basic income (UBI)
, 234

Unconventional measures
, 257

, 290

, 50, 52

Unit labour costs (ULCs)
, 88

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
, 165

Unsatisfactory institutional quality
, 29

V-Rep (Coppelia Robotics)
, 280

Value added per employee (VAemp)
, 220

Variables, normalisation of
, 184

Vector measure construction method (VMCM)
, 181–186

Visegrád Group
, 3

, 16

VOSviewer analysis tool
, 12, 14

‘Wait-and-see’ approach
, 265

Ward’s method
, 32

Web of Science
, 276

Wood processing
, 90

World Bank (WB)
, 24, 27, 86

World Health Organization (WHO), The
, 180

World Stock Exchange Federation
, 136

World Trade Organisation (WTO)
, 10, 146

World wide governance indicators, quality of governance based on
, 31–32

Worldwide Governance Index (WGI)
, 27