Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else?
ISBN: 978-1-78973-336-5, eISBN: 978-1-78973-335-8
ISSN: 1537-4661
Publication date: 8 November 2019
(2019), "Prelims", Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else? (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 25), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-ix.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Series Page
Series Editor: David A. Kinney (from 1999)
Series Editors: David A. Kinney and Katherine Brown Rosier (2004–2010)
Series Editors: David A. Kinney and Loretta E. Bass (from 2011)
Series Editor: Loretta E. Bass (from 2012)
Previous Volumes:
Volume 14: | 2011 David A. Kinney & Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Loretta E. Bass & David A. Kinney, Guest Editors |
Volume 15: | 2012 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Susan Danby & Maryanne Theobald, Guest Editors |
Volume 16: | 2013 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Sandi Kawecka Nenga & Jessica K. Taft, Guest Editors |
Volume 17: | 2014 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Paul Close, Guest Editor |
Volume 18: | 2014 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; M. Nicole Warehime, Guest Editor |
Volume 19: | 2015 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Sampson Lee Blair, Patricia Neff Claster and Samuel M. Claster, Guest Editors |
Volume 20: | 2016 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Yasemin Besen-Cassino, Guest Editor |
Volume 21: | 2016 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Maryanne Theobald, Guest Editor |
Volume 22: | 2016 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Ingrid E. Castro, Melissa Swauger & Brent Harger, Guest Editors |
Volume 23: | 2017 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Patricia Neff Claster & Sampson Lee Blair, Guest Editors |
Volume 24: | 2019 Loretta E. Bass, Series Editor; Magali Reis & Marcelo Isidório, Guest editors |
Title Page
University of Wuppertal, Germany
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
The University of Oklahoma, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-78973-336-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-335-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-337-2 (EPub)
ISSN: 1537-4661 (Series)
About the Contributors
Lars Alberth is Professor of Theories and Methods of Childhood Studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. He is a Postdoc in the Sociology Department at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany. His research interests comprise professional responses to child maltreatment, the fabrication of culture, and interactionist theories of work and organization.
Vladlena Avdeeva is Junior Research Fellow at the Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Research interests: institutional care for children, child protection systems.
Doris Bühler-Niederberger is Professor of Sociology at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. In her research she focuses on institutions and professions dealing with childhood and on age as a dimension of social structure and social order in different societies.
Myrna Dawson is Professor in Public Policy in Criminal Justice, and Director of the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence, University of Guelph, Director of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, and Co-Director of the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations.
Emily M. Douglas is Professor and Department Head of Social Science and Policy Studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, USA.
Jordan Fairbairn is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminology at King’s University College at Western University in London, Ontario. Jordan is a co-investigator with the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations and an expert panel member of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability.
Yitagesu Gebeyehu specialises in Gender based violence and has served as a Lecturer and Research Team Leader in CTE, Aysaita since 2012. He is affiliating GAGE as a qualitative researcher since 2018. He is co-author of ‘Exploring the Role of Gendered Social Norms in Shaping Adolescents’ Experience in Afar’.
Elvira Graner is habilitated (Privatdozentin) at the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University. Assignments in South Asia include heading the Heidelberg Centre South Asia in New Delhi, a one-year consultancy at UNFPA (New Delhi) and being the Deputy Director of the International Centre of Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS:MP).
Joan Hamory-Hicks is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Oklahoma. Her research primarily focuses on transitions to adulthood among youth in low income countries, and has been published in outlets such as The Quarterly Journal of Economics and The European Journal of Political Economy.
Peter Jaffe is a Psychologist and Professor in the Faculty of Education at Western University and the Academic Director of the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women & Children. He is the Co-Director of the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations.
Nicola Jones is a Principal Research Fellow at the Overseas Development Institute in London and the Director of the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) longitudinal research programme. Her research focuses on the intersection of gender, childhood and adolescence, social inclusion and social policy in the Global South.
Andreas Jud has a Chair on Child Maltreatment Epidemiology and Trends at University of Ulm, Germany, and is staff at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, School of Social Work, Lucerne, Switzerland. His research interests encompass the empirical knowledge base on agency response to child maltreatment and decision-making in child protection.
Elena Kim is an Associate Professor of Social Sciences at the American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan. Her research and areas of expertise include gender, gender violence, and institutional ethnography.
Robert van Krieken is Professor of Sociology at the University of Sydney, Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania, and Visiting Professor at University College Dublin. His research interests include criminology, childhood, and processes of civilization and decivilization.
Kerry A. Lee is a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, in the School of Social Work. Kerry’s research interest focuses on violence and social determinants of health, child maltreatment prevention, gender related issues, child and adolescent mental health services, and race and ethnic minority in child welfare.
Jamie O’Quinn is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Texas at Austin. Her work investigates gender, race, and youth sexualities.
Veronika Odinokova is a Senior Research Fellow at the Sociological Institute, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Research interests: violence prevention, sexual exploitation, research with children.
Maia Rusakova is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Research interests: prevention of sexual exploitation and human trafficking.
Danielle Sutton is a PhD Candidate in Sociology at the University of Guelph. She serves as a Senior Research Assistant at the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence and her research focuses primarily on homicide, policing, and media constructions of violence.
Peter Voll is Professor and Head of the Research Institute at the School of Social Work HES-SO Valais-Wallis. He headed the first nation-wide research project on child protection structures and processes in Switzerland. His current research projects focus on organisational structure and professional action in child and adult protection.
- Prelims
- Introduction: Children and Violence – A Blind Spot of Sociology
- Part I Perceptions and Definitions
- The Rhetorical Idiom of Unreason: On Labelling in Child Protection
- The Perpetration of Fatal Child Maltreatment: It’s the Men Who Are Bad, Right?
- The Definitions Are Legion: Academic Views and Practice Perspectives on Violence Against Children
- Putting Definitions to Work: Reflections from the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations
- Part II Institutional Reactions
- Naughty or Bad: Children and Crime
- Perceptions of Violence within Child Protection Systems in Russia: Views of Children, Parents, and Social Workers
- Part III Conditions of Change – Global, National, and Local
- Exploring the Role of Evolving Gender Norms in Shaping Adolescents’ Experiences of Violence in Pastoralist Afar, Ethiopia
- Governing childhood in India: the up-hill battle to abolish child marriage
- Child Marriage in Kyrgyzstan: Exploring Institutional Ambivalences in Constructing the “Victim”
- Child marriage and sexual violence in the United States
- Index