Academic performance
, 168, 190
Academic societies
, 38, 80
Africa comparative education societies
, 34–35
Africa Education Review
, 262
Africa for Research in Comparative Education Society (AFRICE)
, 34, 262
African Journal of Health Professions Education
, 262
African Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum
, 262
African Journal of Research in Mathematics
, 262
African Journal of Teacher Education
, 262
African Research Universities Alliance
, 260–261
Alternativa Bolivariana para América Latina y el Caribe (ALBA)
, 87
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
, 106
Americas, comparative education societies
, 35–37
Annual conferences
, 39–40
Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)
, 185
Arab scholars
, 158, 161–162
Arab World
, 157–160
colonialism and comparative education in
, 162–163
curriculum development in
, 166–168
modern practice of comparative education in
, 163–164
origin and development of comparative education in
, 161–162
program of studies for comparative education degrees in
, 168
trends and progress of comparative education in
, 164–165
Archer’s morphogenetic approach to social systems
, 18
Argentinean Society of Comparative Studies in Education (SAECE)
, 83–84, 86–87
ASEAN International Mobility for Students program (AIMS program)
, 225
ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework in Higher Education (AQAFHE)
, 225
, 158, 217
comparative education societies
, 38–41
Asia Pacific Education Review (2000)
, 219
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
, 216
Asian Higher Education
, 217
Asociación de Pedagogos de Cuba (APC)
, 111
Asociación de Pedagogos de Cuba–Sección de Educación Comparada (APC–SEC)
, 35, 37, 111–112
Association Economic Community (AEC)
, 220
Association Française pour le Développement de l’Education Comparée et des Échanges (AFDECE)
, 41, 144
Association Francophone d’Éducation Comparée (AFEC)
, 32, 144, 262
Association of Pedagogues of Cuba–Comparative Education Section (APC-EC)
, 83, 85
Association of South East Asian Nation (ASEAN)
, 214, 220
, 34, 44, 110, 166, 220, 229–233, 236–237, 239, 241, 244, 255
Australia and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES)
, 44, 229, 233, 237, 244
conference themes
, 44
, 233–234
Australian Comparative and International Education Society (ACIES)
, 44
Australian Comparative Education Society (ACES)
, 44
Bangladesh, school exclusion in
, 198–201
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
, 199
Bereday’s methodological approach
, 14, 21
Botswana Education Research Association Journal (BERA Journal)
, 262
Brazil, comparative education in
, 62, 64–65
educational public policies
, 68–69
influence of supranational relations
, 67–68
moments and cleavage points
, 73
new cycle of supranational influence
, 69–70
structure and functioning of European and North American educational systems
, 63–65
theoretical, methodological, and epistemological anchorage of comparative education
, 70–73
, 62
UNESCO influence on production of annuals and prioritizing of educational practices
, 65–67
Brazilian Comparative Education Society (SBEC)
, 35
Brazilian Society of Comparative Education (SBEC)
, 72, 83, 85
British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE)
, 42, 141, 143–144
British Journal of Educational Studies
, 143
Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES)
, 44
Bulletin in Innovation
, 31
, 7, 31, 34, 37, 93, 103–104, 107–109, 114, 166, 236, 255, 260
Canadian and InternationalEducation (see Comparative and international education (CIE))
Canon of Medicine, The
, 162
Causal-comparative research
, 169
Central Asia, CE in
comparison to reform
, 179–180
educational borrowing
, 180–181
, 177–179
knowledge production
, 176–177
potentials of growth
, 179–181
Central Europe, CE in
, 120
from beginning of twentieth century till end of World War II
, 123–126
during end of Nineteenth Century
, 120–123
from End of World War II to fall of Berlin Wall
, 127–129
from fall of Berlin Wall to present day
, 129–132
Centre for Research in International and Comparative Education (CRICE)
, 222
Centro de Políticas Comparadas de Educación (CPCE)
, 87
Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Andino (CINDA)
, 88, 96n6, 97n9
Changing Academic Profession survey (CAP survey)
, 264
Chinese Comparative Education Society (CCES)
, 38–39, 218
Chinese Comparative Education Society-Taipei (CCES-T)
, 51, 218
Classical Marxist analysis
, 22
, 251
, 251
Colonialism and comparative education in Arab World
, 162–163
Common Interests, Uncommon Goals
, 33
Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development
, 218
Comparative and international education (CIE)
, 1–2, 101–102, 115, 142, 186–187, 229
Archer’s diagnosis
, 25–26
, 21
classical Marxist analysis
, 22
Einstein’s theory of relativity
, 27
Freirean analysis of adult education
, 24
ideal education system
, 23
induction of principles
, 13
scholars and practitioners
, 7
scientific method
, 13–16
impact of secondary data analysis on comparative education
, 6–7
Social Origins of Educational Systems, The
, 17–21
Comparative and International Education Group University of Newcastle (CIEGUN)
, 241
Comparative and International Education Network (CoInEd Network)
, 241
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
, 2, 31, 46, 96n7, 102, 105–107, 115n1, 165, 175–176
annual conference
, 176
Comparative and International Education Society of Canada (CIESC)
, 31, 107–109
Comparative and International Education Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’éducation comparéeet internationale (CIESC/SCECI)
, 102
Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE)
, 143
Comparative education (CE)
, 12, 92, 122, 131, 140–141, 149, 160–161, 176
colonialism and comparative education in Arab World
, 162–163
concepts and methods
, 14
consolidation in context of Western Europe
, 143–148
on curriculum development in Arab World
, 166–168
debates in
, 16
in East Asia
, 215–218
future in Spanish Speaking Latin America
, 95–96
in Kazakhstan
, 177–179
modern practice of comparative education in Arab World
, 163–164
origin and development of comparative education in Arab World
, 161–162
program of studies for comparative education degrees in Arab World
, 168
, 203–204
, 161
research and practices
, 43
research interests of comparative educationists
, 169–170
research methods
, 169
in South East Asia
, 220
theoretical, methodological, and epistemological anchorage of
, 70–73
, 17
trends and progress of comparative education in Arab World
, 164–165
Comparative Education (magazine)
, 143
Comparative Education, Science and Technology
, 262
Comparative Education Review (CER)
, 40, 106, 138, 176, 260
Comparative education section (CES)
, 30, 42, 101–102
, 34–35
, 35–37
Asia and Middle East
, 38–41
data analysis procedures
, 33
data sources
, 32–33
, 41–44
, 44–45
partnering institutions to WCCES
, 45–46
, 46–49
theoretical framework
, 32
, 30–32
wheel of prosperity
, 47
Comparative Education Society in Europe (CESE)
, 31, 148
Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA)
, 220
Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK)
, 39, 218
Comparative Education Society of India (CESI)
, 38
Comparative Education: Some Considerations of Method (Holmes)
, 14
Comparative educationists
, 12
research interests of
, 169–170
Comparative Education–Study and Teaching (Higher)
, 179
Comparative educative education
, 160
Comparative history
, 25, 42
Comparative Method in Education (Bereday)
, 13
Comparative pedagogy
, 177–178
Comparative research
, 169
Competency-based curricula
, 192–193
Compulsory elementary education
, 82
Compulsory Primary Education (CPE)
, 199
Confucian heritage
, 215–216
Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA)
, 83
Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transitions and Equity (CREATE)
, 201
Contemporary Problems of Education in East Africa
, 257
Correlational research
, 169
Council on Comparative Education of Kazakhstan (CCEK)
, 38, 178
Critical distinctions in CE
, 186–187
Cross-national comparison
, 178
, 7, 35–37, 87, 90, 93, 102–103, 109, 111–112, 114, 231, 257
based conceptual frameworks
, 242
context of education
, 12
, 184
Curriculum development in Arab World
, 166–168
East Asia
comparative education community
, 216
international and comparative education in
, 215–218
organizations, societies, and institutions
, 218–220
East Asia Summit (EAS)
, 225
Eastern Europe, comparative education in
, 120
from beginning of twentieth century till end of World War II
, 123–126
during end of Nineteenth Century
, 120–123
from End of World War II to fall of Berlin Wall
, 127–129
from fall of Berlin Wall to present day
, 129–132
, 48
, 187
, 194
Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC)
, 66, 83, 89
Education Around the World Series
, 264
Education Comparée (magazine)
, 144
Education for All (EFA)
, 3, 188
“Education in Developing Countries” course
, 257
Education in East and Central Africa
, 264
Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA)
, 87
Education societies in Oceania
, 233
, 233–234
education for CIE in region
, 240–241
, 239–240
OCIES conferences
, 236–239
from RPEIPP to Vaka Pasifiki
, 234–235
Vaka membership and conferences
, 235–236
, 213–214
, 197
, 180–181
, 221
delivery systems
, 5
, 187
inequality in South Asia
, 190
, 185
, 216
policy issues
, 92
, 215
, 198, 205n21
, 90
, 195
program of inter-American dialogue
, 90
public policies
, 68–69
, 151
, 81, 83, 121, 129, 193–194, 250
in South Asia
, 184–185
, 82, 157–158, 164
, 166
Educational reforms
, 83, 179–180, 193
in South Asia
, 189–191
Education–Central Asia
, 8, 175
, 182
Egyptian Comparative Education and Educational Administration Society (ECEEAS)
, 34, 39, 262
Egyptian Group of Comparative Education (EGCE)
, 34
Einstein’s theory of relativity
, 27
Entire Education (Piryov)
, 124
Epic of Creation
, 158, 161
Epic of Gilgamesh
, 158, 161
“Epistemic community”
, 189
“Epistemic dominance”
, 203
Epistemological debates
, 139–140
“Essentialist education”
, 202
Ethnographic research
, 169
“Euro-American knowledge project”
, 203
Europe comparative education societies
, 41–44
European colonization
, 166
European curriculum models
, 163
European education
, 148
structure and functioning of European educational systems
, 63–65
European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP)
, 145
European Journal of Education (EJE)
, 145
Evidence-based policy developments
, 216
“Evidence-based” arguments
, 193
“Evidence-informed” policy
, 189
Experimental research
, 169
Ibero-American comparative education
, 67
Ibero-American society
, 95
Ideal education system
, 23
India, undermining public institutions and processes
, 193–196
India Ocean Comparative Education Society (IOCES)
, 38, 262
Industrial Revolution
, 158, 162, 166
Information and communication technologies (ICTs)
, 150
INNODATA “databank for educational initiatives” cooperation
, 46
Institute of International and Comparative Education (IICE)
, 40
Institute of Research on University and Education (IISUE)
, 87
, 83–88
East Asia
, 218–220
, 48
form of CE
, 131
South East Asia
, 222–225
, 80, 95
process of CIES
, 106
Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE)
, 88
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
, 74n6
International and Comparative Education Society of Malaysia (ICESM)
, 222
International Associates of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies (IAWCCES)
, 45
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
, 24–25, 132
International Association of Comparative Educators (IACE)
, 45
International Centre for Girls and Women’s Education in Africa (CIEFFA)
, 261
International Committee of Comparative Education (ICCE)
, 31
International Development Agency (IDA)
, 199
International Development Research Center (IDRC)
, 74n6
International education
, 140–141, 160
benchmarking practices
, 214
in East Asia
, 215–218
in South East Asia
, 220
International education development
, 220–221
International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives (IEJ: CP)
, 45, 239–240
International Encyclopedia of Higher Education
, 264
International Encyclopedia of National Systems of Education
, 264
International Handbook of Higher Education
, 264
International Handbook on Teacher Education Worldwide
, 264
International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
, 46
International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC)
, 87
International organizations
, 81
contribution of
, 88–90
International Review of Education
, 144
International Society for Comparative Education, Science and Technology (ISCEST)
, 262
International studies
, 262–264
International-research form of CE
, 132
, 150
gaining legitimacy process
, 190
“Internationalizing” education
, 203
Islamic education
, 166–167
Israel Comparative Education Society (ICES)
, 38
Israeli Association for Educational Research (IAER)
, 38
Italy Comparative Education Society
, 42
Madrassa (high school)
, 163–164
Management form of CE
, 131–132
Market of South (MERCOSUR)
, 83
Marxist-Leninist ideology
, 127
Mediterranean Comparative Education
, 165
Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education (MESCE)
, 34, 41, 112, 147, 165, 262
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
, 223
Mesopotamian scholars
, 158
Meta-theoretical approaches
, 140
Mexican Society of Comparative Education (SOMEC)
, 83–84, 86–87
, 7, 36, 64, 72, 82, 87–88, 90–91, 93, 102–104
Microlevel ethnographic studies
, 22
Middle East comparative education societies
, 38–41
Millennium development goals (MDGs)
, 188, 224
Ministry of Education
, 129, 131–132
Ministry of Education and Science (MoES)
, 179
Ministry of Education Human Development and Resources (MEHRD)
, 236
Missionary education
, 251
Mixed-methods approach
, 169
, 20, 23, 64, 96, 131, 151
“Multiple comparative educations”
, 94–95, 186
Observatorio Regional sobre Internacionalización y Redes en Educación Terciaria (OBIRET)
, 89
Observatorio sobre Movilidades Académicas y Científicas (OBSMAC)
, 89
CIE in
, 229
comparative education societies
, 44–45
development of CIE regionally
, 230–232
education societies in Oceania
, 233–241
OCIES & Vaka Pasifiki
, 241–244
re-/constructing CIE regionally for and in contemporary Oceania
, 232–233
Oceania Comparative and International Education Society (OCIES)
, 44, 229–230
from ANZCIES to
, 233–234
, 236–239
and Vaka Pasifiki
, 241–244
Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC)
, 66
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 25, 39, 69, 132, 139, 180, 263
Organization of American States (OAS)
, 88
Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI)
, 89
centre for research in international and comparative education
, 222–223
East Asia
, 218–220
, 48
, 223–225
South East Asia
, 222
, 176
Other Schools and Ours (Edmund King)
, 13, 16
Pacific Association of Teacher Educators (PATE)
, 235
Pacific based conceptual frameworks
, 242
Pacific Circle Consortium conferences (PCC conferences)
, 239
Pacific Education Research Foundation (PERF)
, 235
Pacific Islands Forum
, 230
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
, 231
Papers in Education and Development
, 262
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
, 231
Para uma História da Educação Latino-americana
, 67
Partnering institutions to WCCES
, 45–46
Partnership for Education Revitalization in Americas (PREAL)
, 74n6, 83, 96n6
Perspectives in Education
, 262
Phule-Ambedkerite Feminist Pedagogies
, 202
, 186, 201–202
, 189
, 180–181, 189, 191, 214
, 19
Polish Comparative Education Society (PCES)
, 43–44
Political economy of educational reform in South Asia
, 189–191
Portuguese Society of Education Sciences–Section of Comparative Education (SPCE-SEC)
, 42, 147
Post-colonial, engaging with
, 201–204
Post-structural approaches
, 244
“Privatizing” school education
, 192–193
Problems in Education (Brian Holmes)
, 13
Professional identity
, 232
Professional training hubs in comparative education
, 40
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 25, 39, 69, 75n15, 139, 180, 214, 263
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)
, 222
Promotion of Educational Reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean (PREAL)
, 66
, 157–158
attribute economic inefficiency
, 192
School exclusion
, 198–201
Science and Technology Education
, 262
Science of comparative education
, 12, 185
Scientific Council on Comparative Pedagogics (SCCP)
, 42
Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS)
, 263
Second International Science Study (SISS)
, 263
Secondary data analysis on comparative education
, 6–7
Secretariat of Pacific Community (SPC)
, 231
Section for International and Intercultural Comparative Education in the German Society for Education (SIIVEDGE)
, 42
Semi-structured interviews
, 32–33
Sezione Italiana della CESE (SICESE)
, 42, 147
Slavonic Educator (1872–1874)
, 122
cohesion risks
, 196–198
context of education
, 12
, 72
and gender exclusion
, 184
movement practices
, 202
, 19
science theory
, 187
, 68
social-cultural contexts
, 204
, 25
Social Origins of Educational Systems, The
, 17–21
Sociedad Mexicana De EducaciÓn Comparada (SOMEC)
, 35, 37, 109–111
Sociedad Uruguaya de Educación Comparada e Internacional (SUECI)
, 35
Sociedad Venezolana de Educación Comparada (SVEC)
, 35
Societies, East Asia
, 218–220
Societies South East Asia
, 222–225
Society of Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA)
, 38
Socio-political contexts
, 187
Solomon Islands National University (SINU)
, 236
South African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation
, 262
South African Journal of Childhood Education
, 262
South African Journal of Education
, 262
South Asia, CE in
, 198–201
CE and globalization
, 187–189
critical distinctions in CE
, 186–187
education in South Asia
, 184–185
engaging with post-colonial
, 201–204
, 193–196
, 196–198
political economy of educational reform in
, 189–191
Sri Lanka
, 191–193
trajectory of CE
, 185–186
South East Asia
international and comparative education in
, 220–222
organizations, societies, and institutions
, 222–225
Southern African Comparative and History of Education Society (SACHES)
, 34, 261
Southern African Review of Education
, 34, 262
Spain, comparative education in
, 145
Spanish Comparative Education Society (SEEC)
, 42
Spanish Society of Comparative Education
, 145
Spanish speaking Latin America
, 91
CE future in
, 95–96
comparative education in
, 80–83
contribution of international organizations
, 88–90
features of academic production
, 90–95
institutional basis
, 83–88
Sri Lankan education system
, 191–193
Strategic leadership models
, 47–48
Sub-Saharan Africa, comparative education in
African context
, 250–251
growth in enrolments
, 252
growth in gross education enrolment ratios
, 252
growth in numbers of higher education students
, 254
higher education and teacher education
, 252–255
international studies
, 262–264
, 262
late and forceful development of formal education
, 251–252
, 264
research and publications
, 260–261
research institutes
, 261
, 261–262
at universities
, 255–260
Supranational influence, new cycle of
, 69–70
Supranational policies within European context
, 148–149
Supranational relations
, 67–68
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
, 3, 188
Sustainable economic growth
, 180
UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO)
, 88–89
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC)
, 89
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
, 42
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
, 31, 45–46, 65, 75n17, 82, 216
influence on production of annuals and prioritizing of educational practices
, 65–67
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
, 223
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
, 45–46
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
, 74n6
“Unity of method” of sciences
, 16
Universalize Primary Education (UPE)
, 188
Universalizing basic education
, 190
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
, 87
University of Namibia
, 258
University of Swaziland
, 258
University of the South Pacific (USP)
, 231
University of Zimbabwe
, 258
University Social Responsibility (USR)
, 223
“Unmotivated” teacher
, 193
Uruguayan Society of Comparative and International Education (SUECI)
, 83, 85