Green House Gas Emissions Reporting and Management in Global Top Emitting Countries and Companies
ISBN: 978-1-80262-884-5, eISBN: 978-1-80262-883-8
ISSN: 1479-3598
Publication date: 11 July 2023
(2023), "Index", Tauringana, V. and Moses, O. (Ed.) Green House Gas Emissions Reporting and Management in Global Top Emitting Countries and Companies (Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, Vol. 11), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 159-164.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Venancio Tauringana and Olayinka Moses. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
ABS ranking scheme, 16
Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management (AEAM), 6, 22
Agency theory, 32–33
Assessment of future risk, 113–114
Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC), 16
A-ranked journals category, 18
ranking classification scheme, 18
basic panel fixed model, 62
Binary logistic regression analysis, 44–45
corporate governance variables, 45
dependent variable, 44
Block ownership, 54–55
Board independence, 88
Board interlocks (see also Women board interlocks)
CEO interlocks, 86–87
control variables, 91–93
correlation matrix and multicollinearity, 96
data and sample selection, 89–90
descriptive statistics, 93
empirical results, 93–98
hypotheses development, 86–89
independent board interlocks, 88
main results, 96–98
measurement of variables, 90
methodology, 89–93
model specification, 90–91
multiple directorships environment in India, 85
resource dependency theory, 84–86
sensitivity tests, 98
theoretical framework and hypotheses, 85–89
total board interlocks, 88–89
Board size, 52–53, 56–57, 60
BoardIndenpendence (corporate governance control variables), 40
BoardSize (corporate governance control variables), 40
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), 5, 89–90
Breusch–Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test, 106
Breusch–Pagan–Godfrey Test, 106
Brundtland Commission, The, 12
Business Strategy and the Environment’s GHG publication, 22
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 82, 128
Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), 52–53
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 31, 89–90, 108, 110–111
disclosures, 109
questionnaire, 115–116
scores, 116
Carbon emissions, 5
Carbon emissions performance (CP), 96–97
CEO interlocks, 86–87
control variables, 91–93
correlation matrix and multicollinearity, 96
data and sample selection, 89–90
descriptive statistics, 93
empirical results, 93–98
hypotheses development, 86–89
independent board interlocks, 88
main results, 96–98
measurement of variables, 90
methodology, 89–93
model specification, 90–91
multiple directorships environment in India, 85
resource dependency theory, 85–86
sensitivity tests, 98
theoretical framework and hypotheses, 85–89
total board interlocks, 88–89
women board interlocks, 87–88
Carbon management accounting (CMA), 14–15
CEOs’ interlocks (CEIL), 98–99
Chartered Association of Business Schools (ABS), 16
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 56, 82–83
interlocks, 83–84, 86–87
binary logistic regression analysis, 44–45
control variables, 40–41
data collection and methodology, 38–41
dependent variable, 39
descriptive statistics, 41
empirical results, 41–45
GHG emissions disclosures in, 29–32
government ownership in, 5
hypotheses development, 36–38
independent variables, 40
literature review and hypotheses development, 32–38
model specification, 38–39
sample selection, 38
SOE, 34, 36, 38
theoretical framework, 32–34
China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database (CSMAR), 31
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 34–35
Chinese SOEs, 31, 35–38
Climate Accountability Institute, 3
Climate change, 82, 108
control measures, 144
Companies Act, The (2013), 85, 89
Company-specific control variables, 73
Conference of Parties (COP), 5–6
Continuous variables, 118
Control variables, 40–41, 61, 76, 91, 93, 100–101, 144–145
Corporate environmental performance (CEP), 14
Corporate governance
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
mechanisms, 54
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
variables, 45, 52–53
Correlation matrix, 96
Correlation of Dependent and Independent Variables, 70
Corruption, 144
Corruption perception index (CPI), 150
COVID-19 pandemic, 108
Cyclones, 2–3, 128
Decision-making process, 34–35
in SOE, 34–35
Dependent variables (see also Independent variables), 39, 44, 60, 63, 69, 116
correlation of, 70
Developed countries, 128–129, 132–133, 145–146
determinants of GHG emissions in, 130
Developing countries, 128–129, 132–133
determinants of GHG emissions in, 130, 145
Development process, 150
Droughts, 2–3, 128
Duality (corporate governance control variables), 40
Econometric modelling, 60
Economic sustainability, 144–145
Economics-oriented decision-making process, 37
Emission Industry, 40
Empirical model, 145–146
Environmental disclosure, 111
Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), 128–129
Environmental pollution, 144
Environmental responsibilities, 30–31
Explanatory research design, 59–60
Financial slack, 40, 61, 76
Financial-sector firms, 59–60
, 40
Fixed–effects modelling technique, 62
Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML), 97
Future risk variable, 121
GenderDiversity (corporate governance control variables), 40
Generalised method of moments (GMM), 97–98
Global Climate Risk Index 2020, 82
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 13
Global warming, 52
Greenhouse gas disclosures, 30–32, 60
board size and, 56–57
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
insider ownership and, 59
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
ownership concentration and, 58–59
proportion of non-executive directors and, 57–58
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
Greenhouse gas emissions, 2, 6, 23, 30, 52, 56–57, 82, 108–109, 128
detrimental effect of, 30
disclosures, 74–75
GHG articles spread by continent, 19
GHG articles spread by country, 17–19
method and data, 16
results, 16–20
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 2, 12
contributions to special issue, 4–6
issue, 4
literature, 14
practices, 12–13
reporting initiatives, 12–13
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Gross domestic product (GDP), 6, 128
Gulf Cooperation Council, 132
Hausman’s test, 116
Heckman’s regression analysis, 98
Heteroscedasticity test, 70, 106
High-income countries, 128–129
Human-induced actions, 128
Incentives, 109
Income groups, 145
Income status, 128–129
Independent board interlocks (IBIL), 88, 100
Independent variables (see also Dependent variables), 40, 60, 70
correlation of, 70
India, 82
carbon emissions performance in, 5
multiple directorships environment in, 85
Indian Companies Act (2013), 86, 89–90
Indian public Ltd companies, 87
Industry variable, 73
Insider ownership (independent variable), 60, 75–76
and GHG disclosures, 59
Institutional theory, 111, 113
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 12
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 57
ISI-IF number, 18–19
Issue documents, 4
Jarque–Bera test for normality, 106
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), 109
Journals, 22
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 82, 128
Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), 52–53
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), 31, 89–90, 108, 110–111
disclosures, 109
questionnaire, 115–116
scores, 116
Carbon emissions, 5
Carbon emissions performance (CP), 96–97
CEO interlocks, 86–87
control variables, 91–93
correlation matrix and multicollinearity, 96
data and sample selection, 89–90
descriptive statistics, 93
empirical results, 93–98
hypotheses development, 86–89
independent board interlocks, 88
main results, 96–98
measurement of variables, 90
methodology, 89–93
model specification, 90–91
multiple directorships environment in India, 85
resource dependency theory, 85–86
sensitivity tests, 98
theoretical framework and hypotheses, 85–89
total board interlocks, 88–89
women board interlocks, 87–88
Carbon management accounting (CMA), 14–15
CEOs’ interlocks (CEIL), 98–99
Chartered Association of Business Schools (ABS), 16
Chief executive officers (CEOs), 56, 82–83
interlocks, 83–84, 86–87
binary logistic regression analysis, 44–45
control variables, 40–41
data collection and methodology, 38–41
dependent variable, 39
descriptive statistics, 41
empirical results, 41–45
GHG emissions disclosures in, 29–32
government ownership in, 5
hypotheses development, 36–38
independent variables, 40
literature review and hypotheses development, 32–38
model specification, 38–39
sample selection, 38
SOE, 34, 36, 38
theoretical framework, 32–34
China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database (CSMAR), 31
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 34–35
Chinese SOEs, 31, 35–38
Climate Accountability Institute, 3
Climate change, 82, 108
control measures, 144
Companies Act, The (2013), 85, 89
Company-specific control variables, 73
Conference of Parties (COP), 5–6
Continuous variables, 118
Control variables, 40–41, 61, 76, 91, 93, 100–101, 144–145
Corporate environmental performance (CEP), 14
Corporate governance
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
mechanisms, 54
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
variables, 45, 52–53
Correlation matrix, 96
Correlation of Dependent and Independent Variables, 70
Corruption, 144
Corruption perception index (CPI), 150
COVID-19 pandemic, 108
Cyclones, 2–3, 128
Decision-making process, 34–35
in SOE, 34–35
Dependent variables (see also Independent variables), 39, 44, 60, 63, 69, 116
correlation of, 70
Developed countries, 128–129, 132–133, 145–146
determinants of GHG emissions in, 130
Developing countries, 128–129, 132–133
determinants of GHG emissions in, 130, 145
Development process, 150
Droughts, 2–3, 128
Duality (corporate governance control variables), 40
Econometric modelling, 60
Economic sustainability, 144–145
Economics-oriented decision-making process, 37
Emission Industry, 40
Empirical model, 145–146
Environmental disclosure, 111
Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), 128–129
Environmental pollution, 144
Environmental responsibilities, 30–31
Explanatory research design, 59–60
Financial slack, 40, 61, 76
Financial-sector firms, 59–60
, 40
Fixed–effects modelling technique, 62
Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML), 97
Future risk variable, 121
GenderDiversity (corporate governance control variables), 40
Generalised method of moments (GMM), 97–98
Global Climate Risk Index 2020, 82
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 13
Global warming, 52
Greenhouse gas disclosures, 30–32, 60
board size and, 56–57
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
insider ownership and, 59
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
ownership concentration and, 58–59
proportion of non-executive directors and, 57–58
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
Greenhouse gas emissions, 2, 6, 23, 30, 52, 56–57, 82, 108–109, 128
detrimental effect of, 30
disclosures, 74–75
GHG articles spread by continent, 19
GHG articles spread by country, 17–19
method and data, 16
results, 16–20
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 2, 12
contributions to special issue, 4–6
issue, 4
literature, 14
practices, 12–13
reporting initiatives, 12–13
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Gross domestic product (GDP), 6, 128
Gulf Cooperation Council, 132
Hausman’s test, 116
Heckman’s regression analysis, 98
Heteroscedasticity test, 70, 106
High-income countries, 128–129
Human-induced actions, 128
Incentives, 109
Income groups, 145
Income status, 128–129
Independent board interlocks (IBIL), 88, 100
Independent variables (see also Dependent variables), 40, 60, 70
correlation of, 70
India, 82
carbon emissions performance in, 5
multiple directorships environment in, 85
Indian Companies Act (2013), 86, 89–90
Indian public Ltd companies, 87
Industry variable, 73
Insider ownership (independent variable), 60, 75–76
and GHG disclosures, 59
Institutional theory, 111, 113
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 12
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 57
ISI-IF number, 18–19
Issue documents, 4
Jarque–Bera test for normality, 106
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), 109
Journals, 22
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Econometric modelling, 60
Economic sustainability, 144–145
Economics-oriented decision-making process, 37
Emission Industry, 40
Empirical model, 145–146
Environmental disclosure, 111
Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC), 128–129
Environmental pollution, 144
Environmental responsibilities, 30–31
Explanatory research design, 59–60
Financial slack, 40, 61, 76
Financial-sector firms, 59–60
, 40
Fixed–effects modelling technique, 62
Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML), 97
Future risk variable, 121
GenderDiversity (corporate governance control variables), 40
Generalised method of moments (GMM), 97–98
Global Climate Risk Index 2020, 82
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 13
Global warming, 52
Greenhouse gas disclosures, 30–32, 60
board size and, 56–57
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
insider ownership and, 59
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
ownership concentration and, 58–59
proportion of non-executive directors and, 57–58
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
Greenhouse gas emissions, 2, 6, 23, 30, 52, 56–57, 82, 108–109, 128
detrimental effect of, 30
disclosures, 74–75
GHG articles spread by continent, 19
GHG articles spread by country, 17–19
method and data, 16
results, 16–20
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 2, 12
contributions to special issue, 4–6
issue, 4
literature, 14
practices, 12–13
reporting initiatives, 12–13
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Gross domestic product (GDP), 6, 128
Gulf Cooperation Council, 132
Hausman’s test, 116
Heckman’s regression analysis, 98
Heteroscedasticity test, 70, 106
High-income countries, 128–129
Human-induced actions, 128
Incentives, 109
Income groups, 145
Income status, 128–129
Independent board interlocks (IBIL), 88, 100
Independent variables (see also Dependent variables), 40, 60, 70
correlation of, 70
India, 82
carbon emissions performance in, 5
multiple directorships environment in, 85
Indian Companies Act (2013), 86, 89–90
Indian public Ltd companies, 87
Industry variable, 73
Insider ownership (independent variable), 60, 75–76
and GHG disclosures, 59
Institutional theory, 111, 113
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 12
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 57
ISI-IF number, 18–19
Issue documents, 4
Jarque–Bera test for normality, 106
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), 109
Journals, 22
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
GenderDiversity (corporate governance control variables), 40
Generalised method of moments (GMM), 97–98
Global Climate Risk Index 2020, 82
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 13
Global warming, 52
Greenhouse gas disclosures, 30–32, 60
board size and, 56–57
correlation of dependent and independent variables, 70
dependent variable, 63–69
econometric modelling, 60
hypothesis development, 56–59
independent variables, 70
insider ownership and, 59
literature review, 55–56
measurement of variables, 60–61
methodology, 59–63
multivariate results, 70–73
ownership concentration and, 58–59
proportion of non-executive directors and, 57–58
results, 63–73
review of prior studies, 56
robustness check, 73
study design and sample selection, 59–60
theoretical foundation, 55
Greenhouse gas emissions, 2, 6, 23, 30, 52, 56–57, 82, 108–109, 128
detrimental effect of, 30
disclosures, 74–75
GHG articles spread by continent, 19
GHG articles spread by country, 17–19
method and data, 16
results, 16–20
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 2, 12
contributions to special issue, 4–6
issue, 4
literature, 14
practices, 12–13
reporting initiatives, 12–13
studies on GHG reporting and disclosure research, 13–16
Gross domestic product (GDP), 6, 128
Gulf Cooperation Council, 132
Hausman’s test, 116
Heckman’s regression analysis, 98
Heteroscedasticity test, 70, 106
High-income countries, 128–129
Human-induced actions, 128
Incentives, 109
Income groups, 145
Income status, 128–129
Independent board interlocks (IBIL), 88, 100
Independent variables (see also Dependent variables), 40, 60, 70
correlation of, 70
India, 82
carbon emissions performance in, 5
multiple directorships environment in, 85
Indian Companies Act (2013), 86, 89–90
Indian public Ltd companies, 87
Industry variable, 73
Insider ownership (independent variable), 60, 75–76
and GHG disclosures, 59
Institutional theory, 111, 113
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 12
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 57
ISI-IF number, 18–19
Issue documents, 4
Jarque–Bera test for normality, 106
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), 109
Journals, 22
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Incentives, 109
Income groups, 145
Income status, 128–129
Independent board interlocks (IBIL), 88, 100
Independent variables (see also Dependent variables), 40, 60, 70
correlation of, 70
India, 82
carbon emissions performance in, 5
multiple directorships environment in, 85
Indian Companies Act (2013), 86, 89–90
Indian public Ltd companies, 87
Industry variable, 73
Insider ownership (independent variable), 60, 75–76
and GHG disclosures, 59
Institutional theory, 111, 113
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 12
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 57
ISI-IF number, 18–19
Issue documents, 4
Jarque–Bera test for normality, 106
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), 109
Journals, 22
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Key management personnel, 114
Kyoto Protocol, 82–84, 108, 112
Legitimacy theory, 32, 111
Leverage, 91, 93, 100–101
Literacy, 6, 129–130, 143–144, 150
Low-income countries, 128–129
Lower middle-income countries, 128–129
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Majoritarian electoral systems (MAJ), 15–16
Management incentives, 113
, 40
Meta–analysis of research in GHG practices, 13
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF), 82
Mixed-method approach, 19
Monetary incentives, 109, 113
Monetary rewards, 113
Multicollinearity, 70, 96
Multiple directorships environment in India, 85
Multivariate results, 70–73
National Association of Corporate Director’s guideline, The, 86
Neo-institutional theory, 32
Net-zero carbon emissions, 12
Net-zero goal (2050), 22
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 5, 54, 59–60
Non-executive directors (NEDs), 52–53, 60, 73, 75
and GHG disclosures, 57–58
proportion of, 53
Non-monetary incentives, 109, 119–120
Non-monetary rewards, 113
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
OECD, 30–31, 34–36
Ordinary least squares dummy variable model, 62
Organisation strategy, 86
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 131–132
Ownership concentration (independent variable), 60
and GHG Disclosures, 58–59
Panel data, 116
model, 145–146
Paris Agreement, 108–109, 112
Paris Climate Agreement (PCA), 5–6, 12–14, 22, 97
Paris climate change agreement
assessment of future risk, 113–114
CDP Questionnaire, 115–116
descriptive statistics, 116–121
key management personnel, 114
literature review, 110–114
management incentives, 113
Paris Agreement, 112
research approach, 116
research methodology, 114–116
results, 116–121
prior studies and hypotheses development, 112–114
theoretical framework, 110–112
Policy-oriented decision-making process, 37
Political self–interests, 31–32, 36–37
Population, 142–143
Power differentials, 33–34
in SOEs, 37–38
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Qualitative articles, 22
Quantitative articles, 22
Quantitative data, 69
Ramsey’s RESET test for linearity, 106
Recognition, 113, 119–120
Regression model, 73
Research approach, 116
Resource dependency theory, 84–86
ROA, 40
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Sargan test, 97
SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (SEBI LODR), 85
Second-order autocorrelation test, 97
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), 85
Sensitivity tests, 98
Social determinants of greenhouse gas emissions
control variables, 144–145
corruption, 144
data and sample, 145
descriptive statistics, 146–147
empirical model and variables, 145–146
hypotheses development, 142–145
literacy, 143–144
literature review, 130–133
methodology, 145–146
multivariate results, 147–148
population, 142–143
results, 146–151
urbanisation, 142
Sociopolitical theories of voluntary disclosure, 111
Sound corporate governance mechanisms, 55
South African Department of Environmental Affairs, The (South African DEA), 110–111
Stakeholder theory, 32, 55–57, 111
Stakeholder–agency theory, 32–34, 36–38
Stakeholders, 32–33, 53, 75–76
State-owned enterprises (SOEs), 30–31, 34, 36, 38, 40
Static model of panel data, 62
Study models, 62–63
Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG13), 13–14
Top emitters, 2–3
environmental management practices of, 4
Top GHG emitting countries, 156–158
Total board interlocks (TBIL), 88–89, 100
Total disclosure index score, 60
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 19
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), 12
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The (UNFCCC), 82, 108
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), 12
United States, 52, 54–55
GHG disclosures in, 5
Upper-middle income countries, 128–129
Urbanisation, 131–133, 142
Variables, 39, 62–63, 145–146
control variables, 61
dependent variable, 60
independent variables, 60
measurement of, 60–61, 90
Variance inflation factors (VIFs), 96
Voluntary disclosure, 110
practices, 111
sociopolitical theories of, 111
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
Wald test, 97
Women board interlocks (WEIL), 83–84, 87–88, 99–100
World Bank, The, 145
World Commission on Environment and Development, 12
World Health Organisation, 30
World Meteorological Organisation, 12
- Prelims
- Greenhouse Gas Reporting and Management in Top Emitting Countries and Companies
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Research in Top-Ranked Journals: A Meta-Analysis
- Impact of State Ownership on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosures in China
- Corporate Governance and Greenhouse Gas Disclosures: Evidence From the United States
- Board Interlocks and Carbon Emissions Performance: Empirical Evidence From India
- The Impact of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and Other Factors on Climate Change Disclosure in South Africa
- Social Determinants of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Top 100 Developed and Developing Emitting Countries
- Index