Academic disciplines
, 15, 26, 71
Academy of Management Journal
, 269, 271
Action, hierarchical sensing
, 127–128
Adaptive cognitive processes
, 170
Administrative Behavior
, 1
Advances in Strategic Management
, 267, 269
Agent-based simulation
, 226
Agentic capacities of strategists
adaptive cognitive processes
, 170
managerial and organizational cognition
, 169
strategic cognition research
, 169
temporal action capacities
, 170
Alliance partner choice
, 92
Alliances and acquisitions
, 224
Analogical reasoning
, 74, 175
Analytical organizational process
, 149
Anticipatory thinking
, 175
Anti-competitive behaviors and competitors
, 251
Anti-intellectual culture
, 159
Apple’s CEO-centric organizational structure
, 125
Artificial intelligence
, 140–141, 199
and human decision-making
, 141
Attentional engagement
, 173
Authority, representations
, 85
behavioral data
, 233–234
individual participants’ search patterns over time
, 233–234
participants choices
, 233–234
experimental procedure
, 232–233
exploration and exploitation
, 223–230
, 230–232
self-reported data
Linguistic Word Inquiry Count (LIWC)
, 235–237
qualitative analysis software NVivo
, 234
quotes related to exploitation and exploration
, 235–236
selective codes, coding map
, 235
verbal reports
, 237–238
Behavioral and economic rationality
, 161
Behavioral approach and organizations
, 182
Behavioral decision research
, 159
Behavioral decision theory
, 42
unified prescriptive theory
, 199
Behavioral economics
, 27, 47, 103
Behavioral game theory
, 61
Behavioral hopes, strategic management
, 59–63
Behaviorally incomplete, business strategies
, 158
Behavioral pathologies
, 156
Behavioral perspective on strategic management
behavioral hopes
, 59–63
empirical realities
, 53
, 52–53, 62–63
perspectives on
, 54–57
plural in methodology
, 53, 61–62
(re)behavioralize aspects
, 51–52
trends in literature
, 57–59
two-way street learning
, 53–54, 60–61
Behavioral rationality
action and decision implementation
, 154–155
behavioral pathologies
, 156
business strategy
, 156
, 156
decoupling of decisions and actions
, 155
economic rationality
, 154–155, 157
impulsive force of decision
, 156–157
impulsive power
, 156–157
knowing-doing gap
, 155
, 163
realized strategies
, 155
substitutes for strategy
, 155
Behavioral social sciences
, 16, 52–53, 55, 217
Behavioral strategy
, 51–52, 54, 57–59
agentic perspective
, 168–177
, 19
decoupling in
, 43
, 15
dividing lines
, 25
economic rationality in
, 152–154
emerging meaning of
, 25
future of
, 18–19
interdisciplinary approach
, 47–48
large tent version
, 25, 31–33
, 103–104
midsize tent version
, 24–31
non-academic stakeholders
, 48
organizational adaptation
, 75
organizational foundations of
, 79–87
as quasidisciplines
, 15–16
rapid learning
, 75
, 45–48
small tent version of
, 24–26
social category
, 42
strategy prescription and
, 197–206
, 24
trends in literature for
, 57–59
Behavioral Strategy Interest Group
, 24–25, 43–44
Behavioral strategy scholars
, 42
Behavioral theory of organizations
, 16
Behavioral Theory of the Firm, A
, 1, 92
Behavioral variation
in choice process
, 81–82
in goals
, 80–81
multiple rationalities
, 82
in representations
, 81
Behaviors of duopolies
, 250
Biased attributions and perceptions
, 256–257
“Big Five,” model of personality
, 27
Bounded rationality
, 140–141, 182
, 92
in human intelligence
, 141
Boussoiset Souchon-Neuvesel (BSN)
, 252–254
Business strategies
behavioral rationality
, 156
romantics and mercenaries
, 157–158
Capital One in credit card financing
, 213–215
Carnegie School tradition
, 72
Carnegie tradition
, 42, 44–45, 47
“Case for Behavioral Strategy, The”
, 4
Cause effect linkages
, 29–30
Choice process, behavioral variation in
, 81–82
, 153–156
giving direction
, 96
Cognitive biases
, 160
economic rationality
, 152–154
Cognitive capabilities
, 168
Cognitive neuroscience
, 44
Cognitive rationality
, 160
Cognitive representations
, 81
Cognitive schema
, 27, 29–30, 44
Collective intelligence
, 75
Communitarian perspective of firm
, 182–183
four illustrations
, 184–187
praxis, character, and competence
, 187–190
Competency traps
, 4, 184, 190
Competitive endeavors
, 201
, 105
Complete rationality
, 159–160
Complex signal detection system
, 124–125, 128
, 143
, 142
computational complexity
, 142
consumer utility
, 143
firm profit maximization
, 143
human and managerial cognition as
, 145
human computation for TSP
, 145–146
, 143–145
managers and organizations
, 142
quantum computers
, 141
Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP)
, 142–143
well-structured problems
, 142
Computational complexity
, 140, 142
and artificial intelligence
, 140
, 143–145
organizational intractability
, 147–148
Computational modeling
, 53
Computerized “black box” trading system
, 111
Conservatism vs. liberalism
, 32
“Context of discovery”
, 161
“Context of justification”
, 161
Conventional dichotomies
, 162
Cost-conscious retailers
, 184
Cultural values, beliefs, and objectives
, 46
“Curse of dimensionality”
, 73
Damage-assessment routine
, 182–184
Decision-maker (DM)
, 124–128
cognitive schema
, 29
and decision-influencers
, 28
economic rationality
, 153
simulations configuration
, 128
, 59
behavioral rationality
, 156
change in dynamic environments
, 134–135
cognitive antecedents
, 27
, 29–30
hierarchical sensing
, 124–129
, 61
Decision rationality
, 159, 163
Decomposability and hierarchical categorization
, 202
in behavioral strategy
, 43
of decisions and actions
, 155
Degree of dependence
, 109
Degree of heterogeneity
, 31
Delays in sensing
, 128, 130–133
an environmental shock
, 136
in organizational structures
, 132–133
, 105–107, 111–112
, 103
“Deliberation vertex” phenomena
, 107
Deliberative behavior
, 103
Design capacity of organizations
, 75
Detection rates, simulations configuration
, 128
“Deviations from rationality”
, 24
“Dewey Triangle”
, 103, 106
Directed search
broad search
, 94
cognition giving direction
, 96
environment giving direction
, 97
low performance
, 93
multiple goals giving direction
, 94–95
myopic search
, 94
power giving direction
, 95–96
Distorted probabilities
, 255–256
Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ)
, 215–216
Dynamic capabilities
, 184
, 113
Dynamic programming problem
, 73
Economically incomplete, business strategies
, 158
Economic and behavioral rationality
, 158
Economic rationality
, 154–155, 157
behavioral rationality
, 154
in behavioral strategy
, 153–154
cognitive biases
, 153–154
company’s “economic strategy”
, 153
, 153
individual preferences
, 153
normative economic rationality
, 153
spectrum of
, 154
in strategic management
, 153
Economics of imperfect competition, The
, 250
Embryonic academic fields
, 24
Emergent strategies
, 251–252
, 62–63, 210–211
Environment giving direction
, 97
Epistemological assumptions
, 182
Evolutionary fitness
, 191
Executive psychology
, 28, 30, 33
Exogenous uncertainty
, 105
, 227, 231, 233
See also Exploration and exploitation
Exploration and exploitation
, 19–20
agent-based simulation
, 226
alliances and acquisitions
, 224
, 223
behavioral measure of
, 227–228
behavioral strategy and
, 19
binary activities
, 227
code behaviors or actions
, 226
consistency or flexibility
, 223
knowledge gains
, 223
limited resources
, 228–229
managerial serendipity
, 230
, 224
minimal information
, 229
, 224–226
organizational factors
, 224
rugged landscape
, 229
two ends of continuum
, 230
valid feedback
, 229
Identity-driven conception of appropriateness
, 185
Ill-defined situations
, 185
, 168–169, 174–176
Imitation, environment giving direction
, 97
Implementation problem
, 72
“Impulsive force” of decision
, 156–157
“Impulsive power”
, 156–157
Individual-level differences
, 28
Individual reproductive success
, 84–85
Industrial economics
, 251
Industrial organizational economics
, 15
Influencing, mechanisms for
, 83
Information flow
, 134–135, 136
Information processing
, 182
Ingroup/outgroup dynamics
, 42
Integration, strategic management
, 46
Intellectual ancestors
, 201
Intellectual history
, 14, 18
Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency
, 62
Intelligent economic behavior
, 14
, 52–53, 62–63
Interdisciplinary linkages
, 62–63
Intergroup dynamics
, 44–45
Interpretation, sensing
, 127
Intertemporal linkages
, 72
Intractability, computational complexity
, 143–145
Intraorganizational power and politics theory
, 33
Intrapersonal phenomena
, 43
Irresponsible leadership
, 188
Large tent conception
conservatism vs. liberalism
, 32
culture and
, 32
multicase study design
, 33
organizational culture
, 32
political processes implications
, 33
“social approval assets”
, 32–33
strategic decision-making
, 32
strategic management scholars
, 32
See also Midsize tent conception; Small tent conception
Legitimate behavioral strategy
, 18
Limited resources, exploration and exploitation
, 228
Linguistic Word Inquiry Count (LIWC)
, 235–237
“Logic of appropriateness”
, 82
Long-term abstract properties
, 249
“Magnet strategy”
, 215–216
Management replacement
, 96
Managerial and organizational cognition
, 169
Managerial cognition
, 168
, 96
, 96
Managerial dynamic capabilities
, 173
Managerial intelligence
, 140
Managerial sensemaking
, 172
Managerial serendipity
, 230
, 14
cognitive filters of
, 172
Mercenary strategies
, 160
Mergers and acquisitions
, 92
“Meta” strategy problem
, 73–74
Methodological individualism
, 182
, 103–104
exploration and exploitation
, 224
Mid-range theories
consumer behavior
, 202
decomposability and hierarchical categorization
, 202
individual psychology
, 202
near decomposability
, 201
population ecology research
, 202–203
top management behavior
, 202
Midsize tent conception
academic discipline
, 26
decision-makers and decision-influencers
, 28
decision-making, cognitive antecedents
, 27
differences in
, 27–28
executives’ behaviors
, 28
focal decision-making
, 29–30
heterogeneous organizational outcomes
, 26
, 27
personal attributes
, 28
strategic management theory
, 26
substantial meta-analytic evidence
, 28
top management teams (TMTs)
, 30–31
upper echelons theory
, 28
See also Large tent conception; Small tent conception
Military decision-making
, 61
Military organizations
, 61
Military strategy and writings
, 54
Moneyball in Major League Baseball
, 211–213
Multicase study design
, 33
Multidisciplinary heritage
, 62
Multiple goals giving direction
, 94–95
Multiple rationalities, behavioral variation
, 82
, 4, 75
managerial experience
, 96
source of
, 96
Optimistic expectations
, 257
Optimizing hyper-rationality
, 3
Organizational adaptation
, 75, 92
Organizational behavior
, 46
Organizational control and ideologies
, 257
Organizational culture
, 32
Organizational dynamic capabilities
, 173
Organizational foundations
behavioral phenomena, diversity of
, 80–82
behavior of interest
, 86–87
organization design and individual behavior
, 83–86
“Organizational Foundations of Behavioral Strategy, The”
, 7
Organizational intractability
, 140
computational complexity and
, 147–148
, 147
rational analytical technologies
, 147
strategic planning
, 147–148
Organizational learning
, 216
and adaptation
, 75, 92
Organizational liberalism
, 32
Organizational members, sensing
, 124
Organizational politics
, 43
Organizational sensing
, 7, 112
IBM paradox
, 113–115
, 103–104
organizations and strategy
, 107–109
, 107–113
strategizing behavior as black box
, 104–107
Organizational strategies
, 59
Organizational structures
, 85, 135
simulations configuration
, 128
Organization design and individual behavior
, 84–85
mechanisms for influencing
, 83
, 83–84
, 85–86
Organization intelligence
, 140
Organizations and markets, structure and processes inherent in
, 203–204
Organization’s strategizing behavior
, 108
Organization studies
and behavioral strategy
, 18
, 17
quasidiscipline of
, 17
unity and exchange
, 17
Outgroup homogeneity effect
, 44
Rational analytical decision processes
, 140
“Realized strategies”
, 155
(Re)behavioralize aspects, strategic management
, 51–52
Re-enacting the past
anticipatory thinking
, 175
attentional engagement
, 173
design thinking
, 176
fluid intelligence
, 173
framing and reframing processes
, 175
, 172–173
imaginative agency
, 174
iterational dimension
, 171
knowledge schemas
, 171
managerial dynamic capabilities
, 173
managerial sensemaking
, 172
managers, cognitive filters of
, 172
organizational dynamic capabilities
, 173
practical-evaluative agency
, 174
practical-evaluative element, conceptualization
, 173
, 171
schematic-information processing
, 176
upper echelons
, 171
Representations, behavioral variation in
, 81
Resource-based view (RBV)
, 3, 198
Return on assets (ROA)
, 92–93
Reward structure, mental model
, 72–73
, 92
ambiguity, behavioral measure of
, 231–232
conceptual models of
, 230–231
decision-making task
, 231
, 231
, 230–231
Romantics and mercenaries
anti-intellectual culture
, 159
behavioral decision research
, 159
behaviorally incomplete, business strategies
, 158
business strategies
, 157–158
cognitive biases
, 160
complete rationality
, 159
decision rationality
, 159
economically incomplete, business strategies
, 158
economic and behavioral rationality
, 158
“substitutes for enthusiasm”
, 158
Romantic strategies
, 160–161
Rugged landscape, exploration and exploitation
, 230
Schematic-information processing
, 176
Schweitzer, Albert
, 151–152
Selective attention
, 27, 29
Selective codes, coding map
, 235
, 127–128
Apple’s CEO-centric organizational structure
, 125
complex signal detection system
, 124–125
decision-maker (DM)
, 124–128
delay in
, 130–133
, 133–134
, 127
“just noticeable difference”
, 135
organizational members
, 124
, 126–127
, 129–130
symmetric hierarchy
, 124
See also Hierarchical sensing
computerized “black box” trading system
, 111
cost-benefit balance
, 108, 110
degree of dependence
, 109
in dynamic capabilities framework
, 113
electromagnetic spectrum
, 107–108
external sensors
, 110
general-purpose effector system
, 111
general-purpose sensors
, 109, 111
human sensory capacities
, 108
internal sensors
, 110
investments in
, 110–111
organizational sensing
, 112
organization’s strategizing behavior
, 108
photographic techniques
, 108
“problemistic search”
, 111–112
quasidurable structures
, 109
, 111
specialized sensors
, 111
special-purpose sensors
, 109–110
top management
, 112–113
ShadowBox training
, 260–261
Simon, Herbert
, 51–62, 141
Simonian behavioral ideas
, 62
Simon-style bounded rationality
, 82
Simulations configuration
complex signal detection system
, 128
decision-maker (DM)
, 128
delays in sensing
, 128
detection rates
, 128
organizational structures
, 128
parameters in
, 128–129
Sloan Management Review
, 206
Slow-moving variables
, 102
Small tent conception
, 24–26
See also Large tent conception; Midsize tent conception
“Social approval assets”
, 32–33
Social psychological and organizational theory
, 42
Social psychological biases
, 46–47
Social psychology
, 30, 43
Social value orientation
, 27
Sociopolitical mechanisms (symbolic management)
, 46
Span of decision-makers
, 125–127
Special-purpose sensors
, 109–110
Spontaneous re-engineering
, 183–184, 189
“Stage-setting” moves
, 72
Standards of excellence
, 185
State variables of organization
, 102
Static knowledge structures
, 29
Stereotype heuristic
, 212
Strategic behavior, human prehistory
, 54
Strategic cognition research
, 169
“Strategic decision comprehensiveness”
, 153
Strategic decision-making
, 32, 59
in business
, 60
Strategic deliberation
, 105
Strategic factor market
, 210
Strategic leadership
and corporate governance
, 47
, 42
Strategic management
behavioral hopes
, 59–63
economic rationality in
, 153
empirically driven
, 59–60
empirical realities
, 53
, 52–53, 62–63
perspectives on
, 54–57
plural methodology
, 53, 61–62
prescription in
, 200–201
, 79
(re)behavioralize aspects
, 51–52
trends in literature
, 57–59
two-way street learning
, 53–54, 59–61
Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)
, 5, 24, 42, 268
Strategic management scholars
, 32
Strategic Management Society (SMS)
, 24–25
Annual Conference
, 42
Strategic management theory
, 26
Strategic organization
, 75
Strategic risk-taking. See Risk-taking
contemporary ideas
evolutionary explanation
, 249
industrial economics
, 251–252
industrial explanation
, 249
realistic theory
, 250–251
resource-based explanation
, 249
simple abstractions to interpret complex realities
, 249–250
, 254–255
future-perfect framing
, 257–258
long-term abstract properties
, 249
psychological issues
biased attributions and perceptions
, 256–257
distorted probabilities
, 255–256
efforts in face of uncertainty
, 256
organizational control and ideologies
, 257
, 258–261
societal forces and technologies
, 248
Strategizing behavior
, 102
deliberative process
, 102
information structures
, 102–103
internal functional differentiation
, 102
Strategy and organizations
, 54
Strategy formulation
, 72
, 72
strategy problems
, 72
Strategy-making process
, 73
Strategy prescription
, 197–206
Strategy scholarship
, 91–92
Structure-conduct performance paradigm
, 268
Structuring, organization design and individual behavior
, 85–86
Substantial meta-analytic evidence
, 28
Substitutes for enthusiasm
, 158
“Substitutes for strategy”
, 155
Superior profitability
, 209–217
Capital One in credit card financing
, 213–215
Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ)
, 215–216
Five Force framework
, 210–211
Moneyball in Major League Baseball
, 211–213
superior behavioral
, 210
Superstitious learning
, 4
Symbolic management
, 42, 46–48
, 48
Symmetric hierarchy, sensing
, 124