Rapid structural transformations
, 139
Redistributive transfer system (Finanzausgleich)
, 157
Regional GDP estimation for Switzerland
, 137–138
Regional inequality in Switzerland
, 147
, 142–143
bell-shaped curve
, 162–164
bell-shaped evolution with micro regions and convergence with large regions
, 148
decomposition of Alpine region’s productivity gap
, 158–160
decomposition of GDP per worker differentials
, 191–197
diffusion across large regions
, 153–154
diffusion within labor market basins
, 154–155
, 138–140
fine-grained geographical level
, 136–137
heuristic model
, 144–146
, 156
in international comparison
, 147–148
with labor market basins
, 150
with large regions
, 149
manufacturing and services
, 143–144
methods and data for estimating
, 141
micro regional inequality within labor market basins
, 152
with micro regions
, 151
multiple core regions
, 153
regional GDP estimation for Switzerland
, 137–138
regional value added estimation in agriculture
, 178–183
regional value added estimation in manufacturing
, 183–191
resource attraction
, 155–156
sectoral structure, productivity, and comparative advantage
, 157
structure, productivity, and comparative advantage in micro regions
, 160–162
territorial subdivisions
, 140, 170–178
Regional labor productivity
, 143
Regional value added estimation
agricultural employment
, 183
in agriculture
, 178
chaining procedure
, 184
, 190
in manufacturing
, 183
national value added by agricultural subsector
, 179
period 1 (1860–1888)
, 185
period 2 (1888–1941)
, 186, 187–189
period 3 (1941–1990)
, 186, 189, 190
period 4 (2001–2008)
, 191
, 178
regional data on animal husbandry
, 179–180
regional data on land use
, 180–183
rental apartments
, 186–190
splicing between periods 2 and 3
, 191
Regional wage differentials
, 141
Relative GDP per capita of region
, 191
Relatório da Secretaria de Agricultura (RSA)
, 5–6