ISBN: 978-1-83982-799-0, eISBN: 978-1-83982-798-3
ISSN: 0275-4959
Publication date: 28 September 2020
(2020), "Prelims", Kronenfeld, J.J. (Ed.) Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities (Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Vol. 38), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities
Series Title Page
Research in the Sociology of Health Care
Series Editor: Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld
Recently published volumes:
Volume 37: | Underserved and Socially Disadvantaged Groups and Linkages with Health and Health Care Differentials, 2019 |
Volume 36: | Gender, Women's Health Concerns and Other Social Factors in Health and Health Care, 2018 |
Volume 35: | Health and Health Care Concerns Among Women and Racial and Ethnic Minorities, 2017 |
Volume 34: | Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care, 2016 |
Volume 33: | Education, Social Factors, and Health Beliefs in Health and Health Care Services, 2015 |
Volume 32: | Technology, Communication, Disparities and Government Options in Health and Health Care Services, 2014 |
Volume 31: | Social Determinants, Health Disparities and Linkages to Health and Health Care, 2013 |
Volume 30: | Issues in Health and Health Care Related to Race/Ethnicity, Immigration, SES and Gender, 2012 |
Volume 29: | Access to Care and Factors that Impact Access, Patients as Partners in Care and Changing Roles of Health Providers, 2011 |
Volume 28: | The Impact of Demographics on Health and Healthcare: Race, Ethnicity, and Other Social Factors, 2010 |
Volume 27: | Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care, 2009 |
Volume 26: | Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns: Impacts on Patients, Providers, and Policy, 2008 |
Volume 25: | Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health: Concerns Of Patients, Providers and Insurers, 2007 |
Volume 24: | Access, Quality and Satisfaction With Care: Concerns Of Patients, Providers and Insurers, 2007 |
Volume 23: | Health Care Services, Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Underserved Populations, 2005 |
Volume 22: | Chronic Care, Health Care Systems and Services Integration, 2004 |
Volume 21: | Reorganizing Health Care Delivery Systems: Problems of Managed Care and Other Models of Health Care Delivery, 2003 |
Volume 20: | Social Inequalities, Health and Health Care Delivery, 2002 |
Volume 19: | Changing Consumers and Changing Technology in Health Care and Health Care Delivery, 2001 |
Title Page
Research in the Sociology of Health Care Volume 38
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities
Edited by
Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld
Arizona State University, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83982-799-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-798-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-800-3 (Epub)
ISSN: 0275-4959 (Series)
List of Figures
Figure 1. | Predicted Probabilities of Reporting “Excellent/Very Good” and “Poor” Health, by Ethnic Origin and Levels of Interpersonal Discrimination. |
Figure 1. | Modified Stress Process Model. |
Figure 1. | Black RHC Medicare Patient ER Use Compared to the Reference Group (White) in R4, 2010–2012. |
Figure 2. | Dual Eligible Medicare Patient ER Use Compared to Medicare Only Patients in R4, 2010–2012. |
Figure 1. | Study Participation Diagram. |
Figure 2. | Relationship of the Family Caregiver With Their Older Kin. |
Figure 1. | AIDS-related Mortality and Infection in India. |
Figure 2. | AIDS-related Events in Jharkhand. |
Figure 3. | Survival Functions and Clinical Indicators. (a) Treatment status and survival function. (b) Gender and survival function. (c) WHO clinical stage and survival function. (d) BMI and survival function. (e) Functional status and survival functions. (f) CD 4 counts and survival functions. |
List of Tables
Table 1. | Mean Difference among Asian Americans on Selected Variables, by Ethnic Origin. |
Table 2. | Coefficients from Ordered Logistic Regressions Predicting Self-reported Health among Asian Americans. |
Table 1. | Means and Standard Deviations for Each Variable by Racial/Ethnic Group (CILS Wave 2). |
Table 2. | Regression of Depressive Symptomatology (logged) by Racial/Ethnic, Perceived Discrimination, and Controls (N = 1,092); CILS Wave 2 1995. |
Table 1. | Prevalence of Diagnosed Diabetes, by Age among Persons Registered to Use Services at 14 Service Units, Fiscal Year 2010. |
Table 2. | Prevalence of Comorbidities by Age and Sex, among Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes, Fiscal Year 2010. |
Table 3. | Utilization and Cost of Services per Person by Sex, among Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes, Fiscal Year 2010. |
Table 1. | Multilevel Model Results on ER Utilization as Related to the Independent Variable Groupings for Each of the Three (3) Years of Observation. |
Table 1. | Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Estimates. |
Table 2. | Ordinary Least Squares Regression of White Fragility Domains on Gender. |
Table 3. | Ordinary Least Squares Regression of White Fragility Domains on Parental Education. |
Table 4. | Ordinary Least Squares Regression of White Fragility Domains on Parental Socioeconomic Status. |
Table 1. | Descriptive Statistics of Incarcerated Women at the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center, 2011 (N = 336). |
Table 2. | Multivariate Analysis Results of Individual-level Characteristics, Family Stability, and Ace Scores among Incarcerated Women at the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center, 2011 (N = 336). |
Table 3. | Multivariate Analysis Results of Individual-level Characteristics, Family Stability, SDOH, and ACE Scores among Incarcerated Women at the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center, 2011 (N = 336). |
Table 1. | Descriptive Statistics of Variables. |
Table 2. | Ordered Logistic Regression Results. |
Table 3. | Predicted Probabilities for Patient Safety Scores and Surgical Admission Rate. |
Table 1. | Variables and Operational Indicators. |
Table 2. | Bivariate Analyses (Estimates of Fixed Effects) before and after Controlling for GDP. |
Table 3. | Multivariate Analysis (Estimates of Fixed Effects) in the Most Complete Model. |
Table 4. | Comparing Statistical Significance and Direction of Potential Predictors of HCS throughout Bivariate and Multivariate Analyses. |
Table 1. | Profile of Family Caregivers (N = 154). |
Table 2. | Age of the Older People Whose Family Caregivers Were Interviewed (N = 154). |
Table 3. | Disease Profile of Older People Whose Family Caregivers Were Interviewed (N = 154). |
Table 4. | Challenges Faced by Family Caregivers in Providing Older Care in Campus (N = 154). |
Table 5. | Community Support in the Academic Campus (N = 154). |
Table 6. | Categories of Older People Residing in the Campus and Their Entitlement to Access Campus Hospital. |
Table 7. | Year-wise Data of Older People Referred from the Campus Hospital to City Hospital. |
Table 1. | Sociodemographic Profile of Persons Who Died of AIDS. |
Table 2. | Clinical Profile of Persons Died of AIDS. |
Table 3. | Univariate and Multivariate Cox Regression Analysis of Factors Affecting Survival Duration of Persons Died of AIDS. |
Table 4. | AIDS-related Comorbidities. |
Table 5. | The Length of the Survival Period (Kaplan–Meier Method). |
About the Authors
Annika Y. Anderson, PhD, MA, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology where she teaches classes on deviant behavior, criminology, and race and ethnic relations. She received her BA in Public Relations from Pennsylvania State University and her MA and PhD in Sociology from Washington State University.
Dr Roksana Badruddoja, PhD, MBA, is a mother and a Associate Professor of Sociology and Women and Gender Studies. She is the author of Eyes of the Storms: The Voices of South Asian-American Women, the editor of New Maternalisms: Tales of Motherwork, and a contributor of Good Girls Marry Doctors: South Asian Daughters in Obedience and Rebellion.
Dr Matt Thomas Bagwell, PhD, MPA, is an Assistant Professor in the Public Administration Division at Tarleton State University. He has worked extensively in public health policy and research; his current interests include broadly public policy analysis, budgeting, ethics, organizational theories, human resource management, public health, and administrative leadership.
Dr Sangeeta Das Bhattacharya MD, MPH, is working in the area of evidence-based health policies, internal medicine, pediatrics, HIV/AIDS, and college mental health programs, and global health. She is a professor in the School of Medical Science and Technology, IIT Kharagpur. Prof Bhattacharya is an alumnus of John Hopkins University and authored several research papers in international journals.
Tulika Bhattacharyya is a Sociologist, Psychologist, and Gerontologist by training. She has been interested in understanding the distinctive contributions institutions of higher education can make in responding to the interests and needs of the aging population, especially in the context of research poor countries.
Dr Debolina Chatterjee is Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Development, J.D. Birla Institute, Kolkata, affiliated to Jadavpur University. Her research interests are in prison studies, sociology of health and illness, gender and ageing.
Prof. Suhita Chopra Chatterjee teaches Sociology of Ageing and Gerontechnology at IIT Kharagpur. Recently she published a book titled Death and Dying in India: Ageing and End-of-Life Care of the Elderly. She is a life-long writer and has a uniquely wry voice that glows through her writings.
Claudia Chaufan, MD, PhD, is Associate Professor of Health Policy and Global Health and Director of the Graduate Program in Health at York University, Canada. Prof Chaufan's background spans clinical medicine, sociology, comparative political economy, and philosophy. She teaches about and conducts research on health issues in relation to capitalist globalization, medicalization, language/power/discourse, and the scholarship of teaching and learning; has published widely; is board member and reviewer of refereed journals; and a long-time supporter of grassroots organizations opposing imperialism and war.
Patricia Drentea, PhD, is professor of sociology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her recent book, Families and Aging (Rowman & Littlefield) examines how social trends in families in the US will affect the aging experience. She has published widely in areas of family, gender, race and mental health.
Kelsey E. Gonzalez is a PhD student in the School of Sociology at the University of Arizona. Her research focuses on quantitative methodology, the social determinants of physical and mental health and illness, racial and panethnic identities, and discrimination.
Nicole Henley, PhD, MBA, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Science and Human Ecology. She received her PhD in Health Services from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research focuses on social determinants of health and access to health care for vulnerable populations.
Terrence D. Hill is an Associate Professor in the School of Sociology and a Scientific Member of the Arizona Center on Aging at the University of Arizona. His research examines the social distribution of health and health-relevant behaviors.
Kimberly R. Huyser, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Her research seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the social conditions that undermine health and to identify the cultural and social resources leveraged by racial and ethnic groups in the United States.
Fabrice Julien, MPH, MA, is a doctoral candidate in Medical Sociology at The University of Alabama at Birmingham. His research interests include immigrant health, adolescent mental health, race and discrimination, global health, aging, and social stratification and mobility. Julien is currently funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ).
Maureen Walsh Koricke, PhD, is Assistant Professor in Health Administration and Director of the Master of Health Administration Program at Queens University of Charlotte. Her research focuses on patient safety and quality improvement in health care delivery.
Rajeev Kumar, MSW, MPhil, PhD, completed his doctoral research on HIV/AIDS availing UGC Senior Research Fellowship from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India). Dr Kumar is an alumnus of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, and Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi (India). He is a mental health professional and published several research papers in reputed international books and journals on mental health, community health, and gender rights.
Jessica L. Liddell, MSW/MPH, is a PhD candidate in Social Work at the University of Tulane. Her research focuses on sexual and reproductive health, reproductive justice issues, making health services more responsive to community needs and input, and harm reduction service models.
Andrew H. Mannheimer is a Lecturer in Sociology at Clemson University. His research interests are education, culture, and race and ethnicity. His work examines the ways social institutions reproduce racial and ethnic inequalities. Recently he won the Phil Prince Award for Innovation in Teaching.
Spero M. Manson, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Psychiatry and directs the Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health which includes 10 national centers engaging with 250 Native communities. He is widely acknowledged as one of the nation's leading authorities on Indian and Native health.
Adrienne N. Milner is a Senior Lecturer in the College of Health and Life Sciences and a member of the Institute of Environment, Health and Societies at Brunel University London. Her research addresses issues of health equity in terms of race and ethnicity and sex and gender.
Joan O'Connell, PhD, is a Health Economist at the Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health at the Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado. She is Director of the Indian Health Service Improving Health Care Delivery Data Project; data from this project were analyzed in this study.
Hyunsu Oh is a PhD candidate in Sociology at University of California, Merced. His research broadly examines experiences of Asian immigrants and their descendants in various areas, including education, health, and the labor market. He is the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Graduate Student Paper Award, Pacific Sociological Association.
Jennifer Rockell, PhD in Human Nutrition, University of Otago, is a Lead Health Data Analyst with Telligen, Inc. Her work examines Medicare care transitions, chronic disease management, behavioral health, and vulnerable populations. For 10 years, her research informed health care policy and service delivery for American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Teresa L. Scheid is a Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on the organization and delivery of health care services with the majority of her research focused on mental health. She is senior editor of The Handbook for the Study of Mental Health (Cambridge University Press) and the author of numerous publications including peer-reviewed journal articles and books.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Singh, MD, is a Professor in the Department of Medicine, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi (India). As a Nodal Officer of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) Centre of RIMS, Dr Singh supervises the therapeutic management of persons infected with HIV/AIDS. Dr Singh has published several research papers in journals of national and international fame.
Damodar Suar, PhD, is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (India). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Psychological Studies (Springer). His research focuses on leadership, business ethics, cognition, post-disaster trauma, and HIV/AIDS. He has authored over 125 scientific/professional articles, 17 book chapters, one book, and co-edited four books.
Dr Thomas T. H. Wan, PhD, MHS, is a Professor of Public Affairs, Health Management and Informatics, and Medical Education at University of Central Florida. His extensive research expertise includes health care informatics, health systems analysis and evaluation, long-term care, artificial intelligence applications in health care, and clinical health services research.
Charlton Wilson, MD, is a Consultant and Physician Executive who has extensive leadership experience in medicine, public health, and health policy with an emphasis on the populations served by Medicare, Medicaid, and the Indian Health Service programs.
List of Contributors
Annika Y. Anderson | Department of Sociology, California State University, San Bernardino, USA |
Roksana Badruddoja | Department of Sociology and Women and Gender Studies Program, Manhattan College, USA |
Matt T. Bagwell | Division of Public Administration, Tarleton State University, USA |
Sangeeta Das Bhattacharya | School of Medical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India |
Tulika Bhattacharyya | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India |
Debolina Chatterjee | Department of Human Development, J. D. Birla Institute, India |
Suhita Chopra Chatterjee | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India |
Claudia Chaufan | School of Health Policy and Management, York University, USA |
Patricia Drentea | Department of Sociology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Kelsey E. Gonzalez | School of Sociology, The University of Arizona, USA |
Nicole Henley | Department of Health Science and Human Ecology, California State University, San Bernardino, USA |
Terrence D. Hill | School of Sociology, The University of Arizona, USA |
Kimberly R. Huyser | Department of Sociology, The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Fabrice Stanley Julien | Department of Sociology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Maureen Walsh Koricke | Blair College of Health, Queens University of Charlotte, USA |
Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld | Arizona State University, USA |
Rajeev Kumar | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India |
Jessica L. Liddell | School of Social Work, Tulane University, USA |
Andrew H. Mannheimer | Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice, Clemson University, USA |
Spero M. Manson | Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health, University of Colorado, USA |
Adrienne N. Milner | College of Health and Life Sciences, Brunel University London, UK |
Joan O'Connell | Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado, USA |
Hyunsu Oh | Department of Sociology, University of California, USA |
Jennifer Rockell | Telligen, Inc., USA |
Teresa L. Scheid | Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA |
Sanjay Kumar Singh | Department of Medicine, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, India |
Damodar Suar | Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India |
Thomas T. H. Wan | Department of Health Management and Informatics Doctoral Program in Public Affairs College of Community Innovation and Education, University of Central Florida, USA |
Charlton Wilson | Consultant, Mercy Care, Phoenix, AZ, USA |
- Prelims
- Part 1 Race and Ethnicity in the US Context
- Chapter 1 The Impact of Racial Discrimination on Health Disparities among Asian Americans
- Chapter 2 Mental Health Disparities in Children of Caribbean Immigrants: How Racial/Ethnic Self-identification Informs the Association between Perceived Discrimination and Depressive Symptomatology
- Chapter 3 Healthcare Utilization, Diabetes Prevalence, and Comorbidities: Examining Sex Differences among American Indian and Alaska Native Peoples
- Chapter 4 ER Use among Older Adult RHC Medicare Beneficiaries in the Southeastern United States
- Chapter 5 Barriers to Healthcare Access for a Native American Tribe in the Gulf Coast Region of the United States
- Part 2 Gender
- Chapter 6 Hyperemesis Gravidarum: What to Expect when You are Expecting…Not!
- Chapter 7 Social Status and White Fragility: Gender and Socioeconomic Variations
- Chapter 8 The Intersection of Social Determinants of Health and Adverse Childhood Experiences for Incarcerated Women in San Bernardino County
- Part 3 Hospitals and Health-care Spending
- Chapter 9 Coercive Conformity: Does Mandated Reporting of Hospital Errors Improve Patient Safety?
- Chapter 10 It's the Politics, Stupid: Why More “Skin in the Game” Will Not Help Control US Healthcare Spending
- Part 4 Research from India
- Chapter 11 Exploring the Experiences of Family Caregivers of Older People in Residential Academic Campus of Higher Education in India
- Chapter 12 Why do AIDS Sufferers on Antiretroviral Therapy Die Early?—Evidence from Jharkhand in India
- Index