Senior editorial board
ISBN: 978-1-78350-829-7, eISBN: 978-1-78350-830-3
ISSN: 0198-8719
Publication date: 24 June 2014
(2014), "Senior editorial board", The United States in Decline (Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 26), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. ix.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Ronald Aminzade
University of Minnesota
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
Duke University
Michael Burawoy
University of California-Berkeley
Nitsan Chorev
Brown University
John Coatsworth
Columbia University
Diane E. Davis
Harvard University
Susan Eckstein
Boston University
Peter Evans
University of California-Berkeley
Nora Hamilton
University of Southern California
Eiko Ikegami
New School University Graduate Faculty
Howard Kimeldorf
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Florencia Mallon
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jill Quadagno
Florida State University
Ian Roxborough
Stony Brook University
Michael Schwartz
Stony Brook University
George Steinmetz
University of Michigan
John D. Stephens
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Maurice Zeitlin
University of California-Los Angeles
Sharon Zukin
City University of New York
- The United States in decline
- Political power and social theory
- The United States in decline
- Copyright Page
- List of contributors
- Senior editorial board
- Student editorial board
- Editorial statement
- Series editor’s introduction
- Introduction: The United States in decline?
- Can the U.S. sustain its global position? Dynamism and stagnation in the U.S. institutional model
- Cold war and China in the (un)making of the global dollar standard
- Capital accumulation and the rise of finance
- The flailing hegemon: Managing U.S. military decline
- Elite fragmentation and the decline of the United States
- From consensus to paralysis in the United States, 1960–2010
- Convergence-2, or the fate of other superpower