, 4, 7, 64, 69, 73
, 64
endogeneity of money
, 76
historical background
, 65–69
intent of monetary policy
, 69–70
Abe, Shinzo
, 4
administration’s re-election
, 64
monetary policy
, 70
effectiveness of
, 70–76
state/imperatives of
, 161–162
without dispossession
, 202
A Critical Review of China’s Reform
, 9
ADCs. See Advanced Countries (ADCs)
Administrative model
, 247
Advanced Countries (ADCs)
, 28, 31
countries and regions
, 29
nonexploitation case
, 30
transition of economic growth rate
, 68
Agricultural policy, fundamental reforms of
, 167
American super-power
, 194
Analysis of Situations
, 190
, 211
Anti-democratic machine
, 264
Anti-WTO protest in 2005
, 272
APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
, 208
A Petty Bourgeoisie Manifesto
, 239
Arrighi’s claim
, 201, 202
Artificially constructed
, 263
, 134–139, 143–148, 149
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
, 214
Asian Migrant Centre (AMC)
, 271
Asian Migration Coordination Body (AMCB)
, 270
Asian Monetary Fund (AMF)
, 209
Asia-Pacific free trade accumulation strategy
, 146
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
, 211
of constant returns to scale
, 287–289
of zero pure profit
, 289
ATKI (Association of Indonesian Domestic Workers)
, 270
Australian-based corporations
, 142
Australian institutions
, 151
Australia’s Immigration Restriction Act of 1901
, 262
, 258
accumulation in Japanese economy
, 40
, 115
intensive industries
, 88
wage-labor relationship
, 4
Capitalism, reproduction of
, 254
, 152
, 107, 108, 199, 262
labor markets
, 258
Capital productivity
, 92
capacity utilization and cyclical component of
, 94
, 93
, 92–97
Capital-using technologies
, 95
Capital, value composition of
, 115
CCP. See Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Central banking functions (CSC)
, 168
Chemical terrorism in the Tokyo subway system
, 48
, 31, 186
, 186
, 9
basic input-output table
, 111
capitalist class
, 187
coastal cities
, 255
DVCs labor
, 31
, 213
, 217
, 107
, 119
extraordinary economic growth
, 199
, 212
imperialist rivals
, 202–217
integration, into global capitalist economy
, 142
international political economy
, 188
national wealth
, 160
reform (See Reform in China)
relative autonomy
, 202–217
, 196–202
socialist economy
, 110
state-socialist economy
, 107, 108, 110
supervisory labor
, 110
transnational capital
, 134
WTO accession
, 215
China-Japanese tension
, 216
China Labour Bulletin
, 173
China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)
, 152
China’s Chongqing Municipality
, 227
Chinese campaigns, against crimes
, 235
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
, 162, 179
depoliticization strategy
, 163
labor system
, 164
, 166, 167
Chinese economy
, 1, 7, 8, 106–109, 116, 118–120
from Marxian perspective
, 109
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
, 262
Chinese investment in Brazil
, 213
Chinese media system
, 142, 143
Chinese Outward FDI
, 211, 213
Chinese own-country labor
, 34
Chinese Revolution
, 196, 200
Chinese state policymakers
, 143
Chinese working class
, 255
Chongqing administration
, 232
Chongqing development of
after Bo Xilai
, 242–244
Chongqing incident
, 237, 238, 242, 248
left wing, implications of
, 248–249
Chongqing model
, 10, 228–231, 235, 240, 247
government-owned enterprises
, 234–236
household registration reform
, 232–233, 247–248
land certificates
, 247
, 231–232
, 238–242, 247
mass coverage
, 237–238
public housing program
, 233–234
public-land leasing system
, 234–236, 248
red ideological campaign
, 236–237
significance of
, 244–248
Chongqing’s investment, in public housing
, 233
Chongqing’s Municipal government
, 234
commission for state-owned assets
, 245
Chongqing’s public rental housing
, 245
Chongqing Statistics Bureau
, 243
, 259–264, 263
from below
, 254
Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC)
, 263
Colonial development
, 257
Commercial citizenship
, 266
Commercial housing developers
, 233
, 16
, 21
, 21
, 21
Communist Party of China (CPC)
, 228, 236, 237, 243
Communist Party Secretary of Chongqing
, 244
Communities of value
, 263
Competitive advantage
, 257
Constant returns to scale
, 301
Consumption of fixed capital (CFC)
, 29
Contemporary capitalism
, 259
Contemporary Marxist accounts, paradoxes of
, 186–188
Contender states
, 195–197
Contribution analysis
, 32
Cost-cutting strategies
, 96
Cost-efficient and profitable
, 173
Countries/regions, definitions of
, 28
Cultural Revolution
, 108, 166, 176, 235, 238, 240
Cumulative interest-bearing debt burden
, 43
East Asia
miracle economy
, 82
role of TCC
, 143
socioeconomic system
, 10
US leadership
, 199
East Asian development
, 257
East Asian production networks
, 10
Economic bubble burst
, 67
Economic catch-up, based on market economy
, 1
Economic development
Germany’s and Japan’s
, 198
Economic field, outline of reform
, 167
Economic fluctuations
, 66
Economic growth
, 40, 87
output expansion function
, 40
Economic profit, of neoclassical theory
, 295
Economic reforms
, 229, 239, 248
Economic survey, short-term
, 49
Efficiency first, equity second
, 242
Empirical analysis
, 46, 47
business sentiments, straightforward observation of survey
, 47–49
instability of confidence
, 49–51
recursive VAR model
, 51–57
Empirical studies, international input-output tables
, 27–34
contribution analysis
, 32–34
conversion rate for country’s labor
, 28
, 28–29
, 28
global labor value, wage basket composition
, 29–32
international input-output tables
, 27
Employees’ compensation
, 111
Employment Permit System (EPS)
, 256, 273, 274, 276
Employment Security Law
, 3
Endogenous capital-using technical
, 93
Enrichment of certain groups of people
, 160
Enterprises ownership, restructuring of
, 172
Epistemological framework
, 140
Equate Sraffa with Marx
, 287
Equitable wealth distribution
, 242
Ethnographic research
, 150
European capitalist economies
, 258
European integration
, 208
European Monetary System (EMS)
, 207
European Monetary Union
, 209
Exogenous capital-saving technical
, 93
Expected inflation rate
, 72
, 17–21, 290–292, 291, 301
in global economy
, 24–27
of global labor
, 27
rate of
, 30
Exporting the Chinese Model
, 229
Factory of the world
, 179
Faculty of Law at Peking University (FLPU)
, 235
Far East Overseas Nepalese Association (FEONA)
, 270
Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions in Hong Kong (FADWU)
, 272
Female migrant domestic workers
, 256
FIE. See Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIE)
Fifteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China
, 113
Filipino Domestic Helpers General Union
, 271
Filipino Migrant Workers Union (FMWU)
, 271
Financial administration
, 3
Financial instability
, 40
, 40, 56
Financial institutions
, 48, 70
Financial speculation
, 148
Fixed capital
, 16
formation, world share
, 205
Flexible fiscal policy
, 64
FOE (Foreign-Owned Enterprises)
, 201
Foreign Industrial Trainee Program (FITP)
, 255, 256, 273
Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIE)
, 201
Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC)
, 211
Fukushima nuclear plant disaster
, 4
Fully realised hegemony
, 195
Fundamental historical events
, 192
Fundamental Marxian Theorem
, 16, 17, 19, 21, 30
, 74, 242–243, 246
, 107
relative price of capital goods
, 95
, 28
, 114
, 7
non-financial enterprise sector
, 119
per capita
, 204
response of
, 55
Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model
, 49
Geopolitical autonomy
, 188–197
economic development
, 202
imperialist rivals
, 202–217
profitability crisis
, 206
Global Assembly Lines
, 136
Global capital accumulation
, 7
Global capital investment
, 150
Global capitalism
, 135, 137, 146–149, 148, 152, 154, 264
contradictions and crisis of
, 1
, 137, 140–145, 147, 149
Global capitalist integration
, 139
Global competitiveness
, 145
Global economy
, 6, 21–27, 146–148
exploitation in
, 24–27
labor coefficient vector
, 22
labor value
, 22–24
profit’s existence
, 23
wage differences, among countries
, 21
Global financial power
, 201
, 134–136, 141, 144, 147, 148, 151
from below
, 141
of capital
, 148
, 21
Globalizing politicians
, 141
Globally standardized labor regimes
, 146
Global political economy
, 135, 154
Global system, crisis-prone
, 134
Government debt, to GDP
, 66
Government-owned enterprises
, 234
Government-proposed wage
, 271
Gramsci’s classical Marxist approach
, 188
Granger-causality test
, 91
Granger-cause labor productivity
, 91
Great Depression of 1930s
, 197
Great East Japan Earthquake
, 4
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
, 10
Great Hanshin Earthquake
, 48
Great Leap Forward movement
, 112
Gross rate of profit (GRP)
, 116
Gross vs. net rate of profit
, 116
Groups of powerful individuals
, 160
Growth-distribution schedule (GDS)
, 83, 85
analytical framework
, 84–85
Guangdong model
, 245, 246
Hawkins-Simon condition
, 18, 19, 24–27
Hegemonic world order
, 189
, 187–202, 207–210, 217
China’s expansion and its initial bid
, 210–214
Gramsci’s concept of
, 188
relative geopolitical autonomy
, 188–197
contender states, rise of
, 196–197
elements of Gramsci’s conception
, 190–192
international level and relative geopolitical autonomy
, 192–195
United States
continuity and crisis
, 187
difficulties in countering
, 214–217
signal crisis
, 189
vs. China’s relative geopolitical autonomy
, 197–202
Historical materialism
, 135
Hong Kong
, 255
democratization movement
, 271
domestic labor movement organizations
, 270
migrant domestic workers
, 269, 272
migrant workers
, 268, 269, 273
minimum wage of HKD32.5
, 269
mobile labor
, 256
neoliberal globalization
, 272
, 271
SAR government
, 272
, 271
, 256
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU)
, 272
Household Responsibility System
, 202
Hundred thousand dollar question
, 288
Imaginary experiment
, 289
IMF. See International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Immigration Act of 1882
, 262
Immigration Act of 1924
, 262
Impulse responses
, 54, 55
foreign domestic workers
, 268
Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU)
, 271
Industrial Trainee System
, 273
Input–output (IO) tables
, 16, 20, 21, 27, 29
, 17
labor value in international IO framework
, 16
single country
, 16, 21
studies (See Empirical studies)
Instability of confidence
, 6, 40–47, 41, 49–51, 49–52, 54–57, 55
Interest-bearing debt burden
, 40, 41, 43–45, 59
Interest-payment burden
, 43
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
, 139
, 1
imposed structural adjustment
, 86
International political economy
, 188
Investment demand
, 41, 45
, 31
imperialist rivals
, 202–217
Japanese bubble economy
, 40
Japanese economy
, 4, 6, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 78, 79
financial structure
, 40
, 40
Japanese government bonds
, 4
Japanese journalists
, 237
Japanese wage basket, Chinese labor embodied
, 31
Japan’s economy
, 67, 73
economic development
, 202
economic policy
, 68
economic stagnation
, 64
Japan’s inflation-adjusted economic growth
, 65
Japan’s laborers’ wage commodity
, 17
Japan’s torrent-like exports
, 66
Japan’s trade surplus
, 66
Johansen’s cointegration test
, 53, 54
Joint Committee for Migrants in Korea (JCMK)
, 273, 274
Macro-dynamics, in East Asia
, 2–8
Maoist model of state capitalism
, 165
Maoist party leaders
, 166
Maoist social relations
, 161
Mao’s Cultural Revolution
, 228
Marx-biased technical change (MBTC)
, 7, 85, 86, 92
Marxian alternative, for East Asia
, 10–11
Marxian macro-dynamics
, 1
Marxian variables
, 111
for transitioning economy
, 106–110
Marxist perspectives
, 161
Marxist political economy
, 9
of migration
, 265, 266
Marx’s analysis
of relative surplus value production
, 194
Marx’s Capital
, 184, 185, 188
Marx’s Preface to the Critique of Political Economy (MEW)
, 190
Material conditions for socialism
, 164
Material Product System (MPS)
, 108
, 290–292, 291, 297, 302
definition of
, 292
, 292
Migrant domestic workers
, 269
Migrant labor
, 254, 268, 275, 279
subversive agency
, 265–268
, 267
acts of subversion
, 267
, 267
Migrant Trade Union (MTU)
, 275–277
Migrant workers
, 176, 270, 271, 279
, 269
growth of
, 118
, 274, 277
social unrest and radicalization
, 180
Ministry for the Development of Urban and Rural Housing
, 245
Ministry of Employment and Labor
, 86
Ministry of Finance’s Financial Statement Statistics of Corporations by Industry
, 71
Mission for Filipino Migrant Workers (MFMW)
, 270
Mixed property relations
, 202
Mobile labor
, 254–259, 256
Monetary policy
, 70, 203
aims of
, 70
, 69
, 64
Money demand function
, 42
, 231
government’s revenue
, 234
National borders modernization
, 260
National Congress of CPC
, 248
National Development and Reform Commission
, 248
National economic growth
, 160
National industrialization
, 258
National Intelligence Report (NIC)
, 186
National personality
, 192
National prosperity
, 160, 179
Nature-like market discipline
, 160
Neoclassical economics
, 7
Neoclassical endogenous growth theory
, 93
Neo-Gramscian analyses
, 187
Neoliberal globalization
, 254, 255, 258, 272
Neoliberal structural reforms
, 68
Net rate of profit, decomposition of
, 116–118
Network for Critical Studies of Global Capitalism (NCSGC)
, 137
NGO, Hong Kong-based
, 271
Nominal disposal income
, 75
Non-bank financial institutions
, 168
Non-capitalist market economy
, 187
Nonperforming loans
, 3, 40
Non-profit institutions
, 109
Non-Western rising states
, 186
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
, 136, 198, 208
Race-based categories
, 262
Rate of real economic growth
, 65
Rate of surplus value (RSV)
, 106, 111, 112
in China
, 106
contribution of
, 117
decomposition of
, 117
net rate of profit
, 117
and profitability
, 107
Real exports, growth rate of
, 74
Real GDP, growth rate of
, 72
Real private consumption, growth rate of
, 73
Real private investment, growth rate of
, 74
Real wages
, 75
, 41
, 92
relationship between technical change
, 88–92
time series of
, 89
Reconfiguring sovereignty
, 137
Recursive VAR
, 40, 47, 49, 51, 53, 54
, 47, 53
, 47, 49, 51–57
Red Songs
, 242
, 236
Reform in China
, 160–164
first phase of reform
, 167–171
governing strategy
, 179–181
, 160
second phase of reform
, 171–179
Regional economic organizations
, 208
Relative geopolitical autonomy
, 188
Rest of the world (RoW)
, 28
Revival of the Cultural revolution
, 236
Revolution against Capital
, 190
Routh-Hurwitz conditions
, 46
RSV. See Rate of surplus value (RSV)
Rural migrant workers, into cities
, 175–176
Rural underemployed population
, 113
Russian Revolution
, 200, 261
Samwoo Precision Industry Union
, 276
Self-employed sector
, 110
Seongseo Industrial Park Trade Union
, 274
Seoul-Gyeongi Equal Trade Union in 2001
, 274
Social classes
, 134, 137, 139, 141
Socialist consciousness
, 166
Socialist market economy
, 202
Socialist Transformation
, 107
Social movement citizenship
, 11, 254, 268
democracy against capitalism
, 268–279
Socioeconomic policies
, 162
Socioeconomic system, in East Asia
, 10
Solow’s misreading of Sraffa
, 295–297
Solow's response
, 287–293
South China Sea
, 214, 216
South Korea
, 254, 255
, 255
international migrant population
, 255
migrant workers
, 268, 273, 275
mobile labor
, 255, 256
Special Economic Zones
, 246
Sprague-Silgado reviews
, 8
Sraffa, general equilibrium framework
, 289–290
Sraffa’s rate of profits
, 289
State capitalism
, 162, 202
State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
, 161, 178, 179
State-owned specialized banks (SOBs)
, 168
Stochastic simulations
, 57
Structural change
, 40, 51, 56, 57
Sturm und Drang hegemony
, 197
Subversive migration
, 261
Supervisory labor
in China’s state-socialist economy
, 110
, 111
Surplus value (SV)
, 110, 112
conversion rate
, 26
SV. See Surplus value (SV)
Taiwanese transnational capital
, 143
TCC. See Transnational capitalist class (TCC)
Technical change
historical directions
, 85–88
Thailand, foreign domestic workers
, 268
Thai Migrant Workers Union
, 271
Thai Regional Alliance in Hong Kong
, 270
The Chongqing Model revisited
, 239
The economy as a whole
, 291
Township and village enterprises (TVEs)
, 164, 168, 173, 179, 202
, 175
Transmission mechanisms
, 70
Transnational capital
, 199
agricultural exports
, 152
Chinese fractions
, 138
Transnational capitalism
, 147
state/hegemony, in East Asia
, 8–9
Transnational capitalist class (TCC)
, 134, 138, 145–146, 148
activities of
, 138
, 139
, 141
Transnational capitalist processes
, 8
Transnational corporations (TNCs)
, 135
Transnational dynamics
, 149–150
Transnational financial institutions
, 135
Transnational global capitalism
, 8
Transnationally oriented elites
, 151–152
Transnational-oriented capitalists
, 139
Transnational processes
, 134
Transnational production capital
, 149
Transnational social
, 137
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
, 64, 70, 138, 216
TVEs. See Township and village enterprises (TVEs)