Learning commons reference collections in ARL libraries
This paper aims to explore the changing role of the reference collection in learning commons at Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries.
A 15-question survey was sent to managers at academic research libraries with membership in the ARL. Respondents were asked about their learning commons and reference collections. To increase the sample size, the researchers conducted phone interviews with a random sample of individuals from the same target population, utilizing the same questions and generated additional results.
Most respondents had or were planning learning commons for their libraries. The role of reference collections varied. Of those who had retained a print reference collection, the majority believed them to be little-used. The researchers believe this may signal an end to a formerly cherished idea: the primacy of the reference collection within a library learning space.
Research limitations/implications
This study involved a random sample of public service managers at North American ARL academic libraries. While the sample is believed to be representative of the broader population, findings may not be generalizable to all ARL libraries or to other academic libraries.
Many papers have been written about information or learning commons spaces and their distinctive elements. Others have discussed the changing role of reference collections. This paper is unique in examining the changing role of the reference collection within learning commons spaces.
Pierard, C. and Bordeianu, S. (2016), "Learning commons reference collections in ARL libraries", Reference Services Review, Vol. 44 No. 3, pp. 411-430. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-02-2016-0014
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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