(2013), "NanoKTN release general findings from Graphene Industrial Consultations Workshops Consultation workshops held to obtain industry opinion on the commercial future of grapheme", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 42 No. 6.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
NanoKTN release general findings from Graphene Industrial Consultations Workshops Consultation workshops held to obtain industry opinion on the commercial future of grapheme
Article Type: Industry news From: Pigment & Resin Technology, Volume 42, Issue 6
The Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN –, one of the UKs primary knowledge-based networks for Micro and Nanotechnologies, is pleased to announce general findings from two separate industrial consultation workshops held earlier in the year, one considering applications for “structural and bulk” graphene applications, organised in conjunction with the Chemistry Innovation and Materials KTNs, and the other considering electrical and electronic (e.g. “2-D materials”) applications, held in partnership with the ESP and Materials KTNs. The NanoKTN has been communicating these findings at the Graphene Commercialisation and Applications Global Industry and Academia Collaboration Summit, taking place in London this week.
Graphene, a nanomaterial based on a single sheet of carbon atoms, has created a lot of interest across many industrial sectors, from electronics to energy, transport to healthcare. The consultation workshops were held to obtain industry opinion on the commercial future of graphene, to gain an understanding for the market size and potential commercial applications of graphene in these spaces, and to discuss how long it will take to achieve the commercialisation of these potential applications. The NanoKTN also wanted to gain an understanding of what the barriers to commercialisation are most likely to be and to make recommendations on how these barriers can be surmounted or circumnavigated.
General findings from the electrical and electronic application workshop confirmed that graphene is a significant material and enabling technology for future UK wealth creation in manufacture. Industrial feedback at the event suggested that electronic graphene will address a different market and supply chain when compared to that of “bulk” graphene. Bulk graphene manufacture and use has a wide range of potential high value applications, whereas “2-D materials” (i.e. not just graphene) will be a significant future area for electronic applications.
The UK has a strong legacy in the development of manufacturing plant and metrology and characterisation systems for the semiconductor industry. This should be specifically recognised and nurtured for the emerging graphene market. There are many SMEs in the UK (and in EU) that provide deposition and measurement equipment and materials to the semiconductor industry.
The development, equipment manufacturing and supply chain in the UK for graphene enabled applications is starting to thrive, especially the process/deposition equipment manufacturers. But the key challenge for electronics applications is the urgent need for good quality material to be produced of a consistent and repeatable quality which can be up-scaled in terms of volume while maintaining reproducibly low electrical resistance (Ω2).
A range of timescales for application commercialisation were presented for time to market – with short term goals indicated at between two and five years whereas longer term goals looked at 15 years. Discussions confirmed that the UK needs to target applications that can be ready taken up by UK industry and UK-based companies, for economic return-on-investment to the country within the next five years or so.
Dissemination of information was also seen to be key to the rapid adoption of best practice and new knowledge with funding holders actively tasked to disseminate early stage results to accelerate the programmes.
There is also a need to identify industrial champions at an early stage who have the ability to inspire the community generally. In particular, industry partners should be encouraged, financially and otherwise to collaborate, partner or guide early stage feasibility studies normally confined to a single entity.
The “bulk” graphene workshop demonstrated that the UK has some significant strengths upon which to build including: impressive facilities such as the National Graphene Institute and High Value Manufacturing Catapult, an established academic base, production of commercial bulk graphene already in progress, and a significant end-user customer base covering diverse industries such as aerospace and transport, energy, food packaging and water, health and environment.
Key UK weaknesses in “bulk” graphene applications included a need for greater investment to compete with other countries, and the need for improved coordination and networking. Key opportunities in “bulk” graphene however, include formulation and processing expertise as well as equipment, manufacture of added-value products. Key threats were identified as patent blocking and over-emphasis on funding of academic study rather than process and product development.
Key recommendations in the “bulk” graphene area included: the need for a coordination mechanism for funded research to maximise integration of academic with industrial studies; funding of demonstrator programmes with an emphasis on formulation, processing and large-scale batch manufacture and application, to facilitate networking between stakeholders and promote supply chain development and cross-market exploitation; to promote development of measurement and standards, and to promote and integrate international collaboration and commercial exploitation mechanisms.
Alec Reader, Director at the NanoKTN comments, “The UK is recognised as having a unique position in the graphene sector and it is essential that any policies seek to maintain UK leadership position in the materials research. It is imperative that the innovation supply chain in graphene technologies be strengthened to provide a ready source of new products and services for investors and exploitation industries”.
“However, converting an emerging technology such as graphene into commercial benefit is not a trivial task with early development work being costly and an initial low pay-back until the technology takes off. The NanoKTN plays a vital role working within emerging technology sectors to remove barriers to growth and help stimulate the investment needed to enhance success in these exciting technology areas. We will be working closely with partners in industry, academia and government to commercialise graphene and gain competitive advantage for UK companies and create wealth and jobs”.
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