
Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 4 November 2013



(2013), "Publications", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 42 No. 6.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Conferences, training and publications From: Pigment & Resin Technology, Volume 42, Issue 6

Protective material: analysis of the global market for expandable polystyrene by Ceresana

Global demand development for expandable polystyrene (EPS) in the construction and packaging industries will slow down, but continues. Important factors are the recovery of the construction sector after the financial and economic crisis in 2008/2009, state-funded programs to improve energy efficiency, and increasing wealth and population in emerging countries.

Average growth rates of 4.8 per cent p.a. that have been generated in the previous eight years are unlikely to be reached again, but the international market research institute Ceresana nevertheless expects consumption to increase at an AAGR of 3.8 per cent in the next eight years. An expected market volume of more than US$15 billion in 2020 shows that the market for EPS is well worth a closer examination.

Growth motor Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific already is the most important consumer of EPS worldwide, accounting for about 54 per cent of global demand, followed by Western and Eastern Europe. Distribution of market shares is likely to change notably in the upcoming eight year period. Market analysts at Ceresana forecast Asian-Pacific countries to continue to gain shares of the global EPS market, mostly at the expense of saturated industrialized countries in Western Europe and North America. Developing and emerging countries, on the other hand, can capitalize on an increasing per capita consumption of packaging materials and other EPS-based products. The by far most important growth motor on the international market is China.

Changes in regional demand will also have an effect on the production structure of manufacturers. “Current EPS capacities of more than 10 million tonnes will be expanded by over 1 million tonnes until 2010”, explains Oliver Kutsch, CEO of Ceresana. Almost 43 per cent of these new capacities will be created in Asia-Pacific.

Regional differences

This most comprehensive report worldwide analyzes how the utilization of EPS will develop on individual markets. Due to its technical properties such as low weight, rigidity, and formability, this material can be used in a wide range of different applications. It may be used as heat insulation, cold and sound insulation, in the packaging industry or in the manufacturing of recreational and sports products.

One of the major application areas is the construction sector that accounted for more than 61 per cent of total demand in 2012. European countries in particular record a widespread use of EPS in the construction sector, as a range of state-funded programs target at improving energy efficiency. All around the world, EPS-based products are used in the construction of new residential building and in the refurbishment of old buildings. Even on saturated markets, this can create growth impulses because EPS consumption in the construction sector is expected to increase by 4.1 per cent per year.

Packaging made from EPS that is, for example, used to transport fresh fish or electronic goods, account for more than a third of global demand. Especially in Asia-Pacific and South America EPS products are accounting for a significant share of total demand.

Other EPS-based products include recreational goods such as helmets, cores for surfboards, life jackets or foam cups for hot beverages. A particularly large consumption volume in this segment is recorded in North America, last but not least due to a comparatively high consumption of foam cups. EPS is also used in child safety seats, casting molds, and horticultural applications. Taken together, all these applications accounted for about 4 per cent of global demand.

The study in brief

Chapter 1 is a description and analysis of the global EPS market. It provides in-depth analyses on demand, production, and capacities as well as revenue and price development. It also offers a comprehensive overview over development expected for individual countries and regions as well as global market dynamics.

Chapter 2 offers a detailed analysis of the EPS market in the 15 major countries. Data on demand, revenues, production, producers of EPS as well as import and export is provided. Demand is analyzed split by the application areas packaging, construction, and other applications.

Chapter 3 analyzes the use of EPS as insulation material in the form of blocks or sheets, as packaging for fresh produce or electronic goods as well as in other applications. Data on demand development is split by Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa. Also, consumption figures for specific regions are given.

Chapter 4 provides a useful list of producers that manufacture EPS, clearly arranged according to contact details, turnover, profit, product range, production sites, profile summary, product-specific information, and capacities. Extensive profiles are provided for 58 manufacturers, including Loyal Group, Wuxi Xingda Group, BASF SE, Ineos Group, Ming Dih Group Corporation, and Sunpor Kunststoff GmbH.

For further details please visit:

NanoKTN publishes 2013 Directory of UK Nanotechnology Health, Safety and Environment Centres of Excellence

The Nanotechnology Knowledge Transfer Network (NanoKTN –, one of the UK’s primary knowledge-based networks for micro and nanotechnologies, is pleased to announce the availability of its free 2013 version of the UK Nanotechnology Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Directory. Now in its fourth year, the NanoKTN’s UK HSE Directory has grown in content and value with the total number of entries now standing at 54, covering a wide range of organisations and individuals having expertise in topics ranging from toxicity testing through to regulation and standards.

Dr Barry Park, Theme Manager at the NanoKTN commented, “Each UK organisation or individual is contacted annually for updates and this year, as in previous years, we have added new organisations to reflect the growing expertise across the UK. Contact details are provided as part of each entry and the experts featured will be very pleased to work with anyone to answer questions or collaborate on nanotechnology based projects.”

The directory aims to assist both researchers and industry to find the most appropriate advice for work undertaken in the field. The comprehensive range of organisations in the Directory includes UK Government (and agencies), research institutes and networks that have a declared public interest in this area. The range of services listed covers basic toxicology research, measurement and characterisation through to product testing and waste monitoring. The 2013 UK Nanotechnology HSE Directory can be found here. (Please note that access is restricted to NanoKTN members only, so you will need to login or register as a member – for free – first.) Established by the Technology Strategy Board, the NanoKTN is managed by Centre for Process Innovation Ltd, a leading technology development and consulting company.

Energy efficiency and comfort with the help of PUR: Ceresana publishes the first complete analysis of the polyurethanes and isocyanates market

Polyurethane (PUR) is a versatile, durable plastic. As forecasts published in the latest of Ceresana’s studies show, global demand for PUR will continue to rise during the next couple of years. Important reasons are far-reaching global trends such as increasing mobility, climate change, demographic changes, scarcities of resources, urbanization, and a growing middle class in emerging countries. PUR prices are comparatively low and the material is highly popular, given its propitious properties such as longevity, versatility, and dimensional stability.

Increased consumption thanks to energy efficiency

All around the globe, energy efficiency is becoming more and more important in buildings, vehicles, and electric devices, which will lead to an increasing use of PUR as insulating material. The international market research institute forecasts global demand for PUR to rise by, on average, 4.5 per cent per year. “Our research revealed that revenues generated on the global market for PUR are likely to increase to more than US$80 billion”, explains Oliver Kutsch, CEO of Ceresana. For the first time, all market participants are able to get a complete overview over all relevant data and facts as well as background information. Besides PUR, the study also contains separate analyses regarding the two preliminary products methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI).

Growth motor Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific already is the prime market, accounting for about 44 per cent of global demand, followed by North America and Western Europe. Ceresana forecasts the focus of PUR demand to continue to shift towards Asia-Pacific, at the expense of saturated industrialized markets in Western Europe and North America. Demand in emerging countries, on the other hand, is profiting from a continuous increase of wealth. The by far most important growth motor on the international market is China.

Considerable increases in capacity

In order to satisfy the rising demand for PUR, production capacities have to be expanded considerably – especially so in Asia-Pacific. In total, global isocyanate capacity, currently amounting to 8.8 million tonnes, will increase by more than 3 million tonnes by 2020. Over 81 per cent of these new capacities will be created in Asia-Pacific. As the study explains in detail, especially the development of new PUR-based materials for an increasing number of applications is necessitating a significant increase of production capacity.

Prime market construction

Due to its range of advantageous properties, PUR is suitable for a broad range of applications: building insulation, cooling and refrigerating units, furniture and bedding, shoes, vehicles, varnishes, coatings, adhesives, binders, and rubber. But also the segments sports and leisure as well as electronics and electrics are reporting a rising demand for polyurethanes. A major consumer of PUR is the construction industry, as a range of state-funded programs target at improving energy efficiency. All around the world, PUR-based products are used in the construction of new residential buildings and in the refurbishment of older structures. Even on saturated markets, this can provide growth impulses.

The study in brief

Chapter 1 offers a description and analysis of the global PUR market. Demand, revenues, and production volume are explained in detail. Additionally, data on demand for MDI and TDI as well as existing and future production capacity is provided. This report provides a comprehensive overview over development expected for individual countries and regions as well as global market dynamics.

Chapter 2 examines the 13 largest countries of the market more closely. Detailed information is given regarding demand, revenues, production, trade, and demand for isocyanates. Demand for PUR, MDI, and TDI is analyzed in great detail, split by the application areas furniture/bedding, construction, industrial goods, transportation, and other applications.

Chapter 3 offers analyses of individual applications areas for PUR, e.g. the use as insulating material in form of blocks or sheets. Data on demand development, split by Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Africa as well as consumption figures for specific regions will be given.

Chapter 4 constitutes a useful list of producers that manufacture MDI and TDI, clearly arranged according to contact details, turnover, profit, product range, production sites, profile summary, product-specific information as well as existing and future capacities at individual production sites. Extensive profiles of 23 manufacturers are provided, for example BASF, Bayer, Dow Chemical, Huntsman International, Nippon Polyurethane, Wanhua-BorsodChem, and Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes.

For further information please visit:

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