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Proximate and mineral composition of some selected coldwater fishes of upland Himalaya

Debajit Sarma, M. S. Akhtar, Partha Das, Puspita Das, Ganesh Gadiya, Neetu Shahi, A. Ciji

Nutrition & Food Science

ISSN: 0034-6659

Article publication date: 10 November 2014




The present study aims to determine the proximate and mineral composition of important coldwater food fishes in the North Eastern Indian upland region to assess their nutritional quality.


The paper is of original work and the analyses were performed using AOAC (1990). Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and determined by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test using SPSS (Version 19).


Crude protein levels ranged from 16-20 per cent, crude fat (CF) 9.60-1.54 per cent and ash 3.5-0.99 per cent. Moisture content was in the range of 71-78 per cent. The lowest moisture content was observed in Semiplotus semiplotus and highest in Labeo dero. Sodium, potassium and calcium content ranged from 92-309, 692-1435, 467-2021 mg/100g, respectively. Maximum concentration of potassium was found in Labeo dero followed by Labeo pangusia. Selenium was most abundant in L. dero, Labeo dyocheilus, Sanguina sanguine, Barilius bendelisis, Garra mullya, L. pangusia and Neolissochilus hexagonolepis. The maximum level of iron was evidenced in Tor tor.


The results obtained revealed that all the ten studied fishes are rich sources of nutrients including protein, macro and micro-minerals, which will be a healthy addition to human diet and will act as a ready reference for the nutritionists and other stakeholders.



The authors are grateful to the Director, Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal-263136, Nainital, Uttarakhand, India for providing facilities for successfully carrying out the work.


Sarma, D., Akhtar, M.S., Das, P., Das, P., Gadiya, G., Shahi, N. and Ciji, A. (2014), "Proximate and mineral composition of some selected coldwater fishes of upland Himalaya", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 44 No. 6, pp. 554-561.



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