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Inter-firm collaborations to make or to buy innovation: Evidence from the rubber and plastics cluster in Uruguay

Pablo Galaso, Adrián Rodríguez Miranda, Santiago Picasso

Management Research

ISSN: 1536-5433

Article publication date: 25 September 2019

Issue publication date: 16 October 2019




This paper aims to analyze the relationship between inter-firm collaboration network and the type of innovation strategies that can be followed by firms: buy or make innovation. In particular, the authors seek to analyze which are the network topologies that facilitate firms following a buy innovation strategy compared to those network properties that encourage internal R&D activities.


The authors use data from a fieldwork with face-to-face interviews applied to managing directors of firms in the rubber and plastic cluster of Uruguay. Subsequently, they combine social network analysis with regression techniques to determine how inter-firm networks can influence different types of innovation activities.


The authors find that degree centrality facilitates a buy innovation strategy, while betweenness centrality is positively associated with making innovation. Thus, having many direct links with other firms and organizations is relevant to buy innovation. However, indirect links that allow the firm to occupy a strategic position in the network are crucial to develop in-house innovation strategies.

Research limitations/implications

The results offer an advance in the explanation of the incidence of the cluster network structure on the firms innovation strategies; however, they should be contrasted with similar analysis in others clusters and complemented with in depth case studies on the mechanisms behind these phenomena.

Practical implications

These findings have practical implications for business innovation strategy. One factor that should be taken into account is the way in which firms interact with other actors in the cluster. On the one hand, firms can decide to establish and maintain many direct collaboration links, which may contribute to buy innovation. On the other hand, they can follow a more strategic and selective collaboration strategy to make innovation, a strategy that carefully studies not only its direct collaborations, but also what the potential indirect connections would be.

Social implications

These findings have policy implications regarding industry support organizations. The findings show that such organizations contribute significantly to the overall connectivity and cohesion of networks. This fact allows some firms to register high levels of betweenness centrality, and therefore, organizations can be an interesting instrument to support firms aiming to follow a make innovation strategy.


This study contributes to the literature that analyzes how inter-firm collaboration networks can influence innovation. In line with previous research, results verify that centrality is positively associated with innovation. However, the main contribution of this research is to provide evidence on different ways in which inter-firm networks are related to different innovation strategies (make or buy). In addition, the authors contribute to the understanding of collaboration dynamics and innovation activities in inter-firm interactions within a typical case of a low-tech cluster created under the so-called state-led industrialization model in Latin America.


Este artículo busca estudiar la relación entre las redes de colaboración entre empresas y las diferentes estrategias de innovación. En concreto, se centra en la clásica distinción entre comprar la innovación o desarrollarla en el seno de la empresa.


El artículo estudia el clúster del caucho y plástico de Uruguay, situado en el área metropolitana de Montevideo y Canelones. Los datos se obtuvieron de un trabajo de campo, con 118 entrevistas cara a cara a gerentes de empresas del clúster. Se combinan técnicas de análisis de redes sociales con regresiones logísticas para estimar cómo la posición en la red influye sobre las estrategias de innovación.


Los resultados prueban que la red tiene efectos diferenciados en las estrategias de innovación: mientras que la centralidad de grado (tener muchas conexiones) facilita que las empresas compren innovación, la centralidad de intermediación (ocupar una posición estratégica en la red) está positivamente asociada con el desarrollo de innovación dentro de la empresa.


El artículo realiza una contribución relevante a la literatura sobre redes de innovación al aclarar la relación entre diferentes formas de colaboración en red y distintas estrategias de innovación. Además, resulta de especial interés su estudio de la innovación y las interacciones entre empresas en un caso típico de industria de baja tecnología, creada bajo el llamado modelo de industrialización dirigido por el estado.

Palabras clave

Análisis de redes sociales, Innovación, Industrias de baja tecnología, Clúster industrial, Caucho y plástico, Uruguay


O objetivo deste artigo é estudar como as redes de colaboração entre empresas estão relacionadas a diferentes estratégias de inovação seguidas pelas empresas. Em particular, concentra-se na chamada distinção entre comprar e fazer inovação.


O artigo estuda o cluster industrial de borracha e plásticos do Uruguai, localizado nas regiões metropolitanas de Montevidéu e Canelones. Os dados foram obtidos a partir do trabalho de campo, através de 118 entrevistas face-a-face aplicadas a diretores executivos de empresas. Ele combina análise de redes sociais com técnicas de regressão logística para determinar como a posição nas redes de colaboração influencia as estratégias de inovação.


Os resultados provam que a rede tem efeitos diferentes pelo tipo de estratégia de inovação: a centralidade dos graus das firmas (isto é, ter muitos links diretos) facilita a compra de inovações externas, enquanto a centralidade entre as posições (estando localizada em uma posição estratégica na rede) é positivamente associado com a inovação dentro da empresa.


O artigo fornece uma contribuição relevante para a literatura sobre redes de inovação, elucidando a relação entre diferentes formas de colaboração e diferentes estratégias de inovação. Além disso, faz uma contribuição especial, concentrando-se em inovações e interações entre firmas dentro de um caso típico de uma indústria de baixa tecnologia criada sob o chamado modelo de industrialização liderado pelo Estado.


Análise de redes sociais, Inovação, Indústrias de baixa tecnologia, Cluster industrial, Borracha e plásticos, Uruguai



The authors acknowledge financial support from TTI’s Opportunity Fund, Think Tank Initiative (International Development Research Centre, Canada) and from Fondo Sectorial de Equidad Territorial, 2017 (Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, Uruguay).


Galaso, P., Rodríguez Miranda, A. and Picasso, S. (2019), "Inter-firm collaborations to make or to buy innovation: Evidence from the rubber and plastics cluster in Uruguay", Management Research, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 404-425.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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