The impact of education on the transition from university students to entrepreneurs: a theory of planned behaviour perspective
Entrepreneurship represents a complex decision-making process capable of influencing the conditions of a socio-economic system. For this reason, stimulating entrepreneurship is a topic that has always fascinated scholars and attracted the attention of public policy makers. This study, from the perspective of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), aims to contribute to the analysis of entrepreneurial intention (EI) in university students. Factors such as entrepreneurship education (EE), mediation of personal attitude (PA), perceived behavioural control (PBC), EI, regulatory support (RS) and opportunity recognition (OR) for university students.
Research data was collected using a questionnaire, and a cross-sectional sample was selected from senior business and engineering students who are most likely to participate in entrepreneurial activities. The survey was conducted in the Delhi NCR region. 240 students were interviewed. Partial least square structural equation modelling using SmartPLS-4 was used to test the explanatory and predictive power of the proposed model.
The results of this study offer interesting contributions to the academic debate. First, EE has a significant impact on PA, PBC and entrepreneurial intentionality. Second, PBC, recognition of opportunities and EI have a significant impact on entrepreneurial education. Finally, PA and PBC significantly mediate the “entrepreneurial education – entrepreneurial intention” relationship.
Interesting elements of originality are offered by this study. First, entrepreneurship is studied as a decision-making process influenced by intentions and not behaviours. Second, the authors limited the efforts to unraveling the effect of the five variables on the formation of EI. Finally, the large size of the sample allows the authors to obtain significant results, directing future studies to other territorial contexts. Additionally, incorporating some control variables, such as gender and family background, would explore the relationship between the model variables more meaningfully.
Gera, N., Vesperi, W., Rohatgi, S. and Jain, N. (2024), "The impact of education on the transition from university students to entrepreneurs: a theory of planned behaviour perspective", Management Decision, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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