(2013), "List of reviewers", Journal of Children's Services, Vol. 8 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
List of reviewers
Article Type: List of reviewers From: Journal of Children's Services, Volume 8, Issue 4.
The editors and publishers would like to thank the following experts who have kindly reviewed articles for Volume 8 of the Journal of Children's Services:
Jo Aldridge
Jane Barlow
David Berridge
Vashti Berry
James Blewett
Susannah Bowyer
Roger Bullock
Karen Clarke
Emma Crewe
Christopher Clulow
Paul Croll
Naomi Eisenstadt
Nick Frost
Tracy Gladstone
Carlos Gutiérrez-García
Steve Higgins
Neil Humphrey
Sonia Jackson
Bill Jordan
Andreas Kapardis
Caroline Leeson
Minna Lehtonen
Helen Masson
Franzisca Meinck
Margareta Ostman
Jonathan Scourfield
Jeremy Segrott
Sarah Stewart-Brown
Katherine Weare
David Westlake