A case study for predicting the success possibility of supply chain practices implementation using AHP approach
The purpose of this paper is to predict the success possibility of supply chain practices (SCPs) implementation based on ten selected SCPs using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
A case study was conducted, and for the same, data were collected from two organizations. The data collected from both the organizations were analyzed using AHP. The pair-wise comparisons of SCPs (usually, alternatives and attributes) are established using a scale indicating the strength with which one SCP dominates another with respect to higher-level SCPs. This scaling process then translated into priority weights. Once the priority weights of the elements/determinants of the module have been calculated, the presence of the corresponding element in the organization was evaluated. An evaluation rating of these elements multiplied by the established priority weights have determined the prediction weight for each SCP.
The application of this procedure is described for the institutionalization module and can be similarly extended to the other SCPs/SCM implementation modules. By establishing the prediction weight for each module, the organizations will be able to evaluate the strength of the corresponding factors present before embarking on the SCPs. The organization can identify and create awareness of the essential elements in the SCPs implementation process and identify the actions necessary before implementing SCPs. The AHP can be a useful guide in the decision-making process of SCPs implementation, especially for medium- and large-scale organizations.
Research limitations/implications
The priority weights are subjective and assigned as per the judgment of SCM managers from both the organizations. Further, the priority weights can be obtained from more industry experts through a questionnaire. Second, in this model, only ten practices are taken into consideration for successful SCPs implementation; more practices may be included in future research.
Practical implications
The methodological approach presented can be a useful guide in the decision-making process of SCPs implementation in an organization. The outcome will aid practitioners to know the SCPs and benchmark the organizations on the basis of the methodological research conducted. Again, this model can simply act as a possible research model and the data can act as an example that can be utilized for other studies.
This is the first kind of study which identified ten SCPs and further deployed AHP approach to see the success possibility of combined SCPs that influence the SCM implementation in an organization.
Gorane, S. and Kant, R. (2016), "A case study for predicting the success possibility of supply chain practices implementation using AHP approach", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 137-151. https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-05-2014-0098
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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