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Comparing job applicant deception in asynchronous vs synchronous video interviews, with and without AI-assisted assessments

Hung-Yue Suen, Kuo-En Hung

Information Technology & People

ISSN: 0959-3845

Article publication date: 13 December 2023




Asynchronous Video Interviews (AVIs) incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-assisted assessment has become popular as a pre-employment screening method. The extent to which applicants engage in deceptive impression management (IM) behaviors during these interviews remains uncertain. Furthermore, the accuracy of human detection in identifying such deceptive IM behaviors is limited. This study seeks to explore differences in deceptive IM behaviors by applicants across video interview modes (AVIs vs Synchronous Video Interviews (SVIs)) and the use of AI-assisted assessment (AI vs non-AI). The study also investigates if video interview modes affect human interviewers' ability to detect deceptive IM behaviors.


The authors conducted a field study with four conditions based on two critical factors: the synchrony of video interviews (AVI vs SVI) and the presence of AI-assisted assessment (AI vs Non-AI): Non-AI-assisted AVIs, AI-assisted AVIs, Non-AI-assisted SVIs and AI-assisted SVIs. The study involved 144 pairs of interviewees and interviewers/assessors. To assess applicants' deceptive IM behaviors, the authors employed a combination of interviewee self-reports and interviewer perceptions.


The results indicate that AVIs elicited fewer instances of deceptive IM behaviors across all dimensions when compared to SVIs. Furthermore, using AI-assisted assessment in both video interview modes resulted in less extensive image creation than non-AI settings. However, the study revealed that human interviewers had difficulties detecting deceptive IM behaviors regardless of the mode used, except for extensive faking in AVIs.


The study is the first to address the call for research on the impact of video interview modes and AI on interviewee faking and interviewer accuracy. This research enhances the authors’ understanding of the practical implications associated with the use of different video interview modes and AI algorithms in the pre-employment screening process. The study contributes to the existing literature by refining the theoretical model of faking likelihood in employment interviews according to media richness theory and the model of volitional rating behavior based on expectancy theory in the context of AVIs and AI-assisted assessment.



The authors extend their gratitude to Ching-Fang Nien and Yi-Chi Yao for their invaluable assistance in collecting the data for this research.

Funding: This study was funded by the National Science Council (NSC) in Taiwan (R.O.C.) (Nos. 110-2511-H-003-044-MY2 and 112-2410-H-003-102-MY2).


Suen, H.-Y. and Hung, K.-E. (2023), "Comparing job applicant deception in asynchronous vs synchronous video interviews, with and without AI-assisted assessments", Information Technology & People, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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