Correia, J.A.F.O. and Zhu, S.-P. (2021), "Editorial: Message from the new editors-in-chief", International Journal of Structural Integrity, Vol. 12 No. 5, p. 669.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited
On assuming the editor-in-chief role since August of 2021, it is pleasing to note that the International Journal of Structural Integrity (IJSI) is moving into a new phase of its development, towards a growing reputation and standing as a distinctive international journal. Thanks in large part to the passion and vision of the previous editor, also the founding editor, Chris Rodopoulos, IJSI has grown significantly over the past ten years, enhancing its role as a forum for cutting-edge research in the area of damage tolerance design and structural integrity. On behalf of the community, we would like to sincerely thank Chris and the entire editorial team whose service to the journal has made this possible. At the same time, we would also like to thank Emerald journals’ manager Summer Wang for her ongoing assistance with the journal and with the editor transition. Bruno Pedrosa has been added to the team in the role of editorial assistant, and we expect to invite a few new associate editors to the board in the near future.
Our main goals for IJSI in the coming years, firstly, we hope to raise its profile within the community, ensuring its status as the leading destination for top research in damage tolerance design and structural integrity; Then, maintain the quality of our reviews, while improving the response time to the authors, and decreasing the variance of time that papers remain in the system; Finally, increase the number of high-quality results appearing in IJSI. To this end, the editorial team intends to play an active role in soliciting the most exciting new research in the field.
The growing tide of industrialization, computerization and digitalization has brought about new challenges to structural integrity research, which not only adds fresh elements to the traditional topics of structural durability, reliability, safety, damage tolerance, etc., but also causes the emergence of cutting edge themes of nanomaterials, structural health evaluating and monitoring, multiscale problems, etc. As a professional society journal, IJSI can play an invaluable archival role, and we hope to guide it in promoting the highest-quality scholarship in the years to come, and the preferred platform for the publication of original structural integrity contributions. We look forward to working with all constituents to serve our authors, reviewers and readers for the bright future of IJSI.