Project managers' ability to explore and exploit predictive and iterative best practices

Carl Marnewick, Annlizé L. Marnewick

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

ISSN: 1753-8378

Open Access. Article publication date: 29 June 2023

Issue publication date: 18 December 2023




Project managers face decisions every day and those decisions result in an “either or” situation. This is also true when it comes to the choice of a project management approach, i.e. predictive versus iterative. A case is made in this article that project managers should be ambidextrous and apply practices that are beneficial to the project, irrespective of the origin of the practices.


This study is based on a questionnaire focussing on six themes. The results of 290 projects were analysed using ANOVA and boxplots to test for skewness and variances.


Based on the analysis of 117 practices, most of these projects could be classified as either hybrid or iterative projects. The results indicate that irrespective of the classification of the projects or the industry, projects are managed using a hybrid approach, with a tendency to incorporate more iterative practices than predictive practices.


This article contributes to the current debate on which approach is the best given certain circumstances.



Marnewick, C. and Marnewick, A.L. (2023), "Project managers' ability to explore and exploit predictive and iterative best practices", International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Vol. 16 No. 8, pp. 126-151.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Carl Marnewick and Annlizé L. Marnewick


Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Capitalism versus Communism. East versus West. Predictive project management versus iterative project management. The world is full of examples where the choice is between two supposedly opposing alternatives. When it comes to project management, the choice is between predictive project management (e.g. waterfall) or iterative project management (e.g. agile). But do we need to make a choice? The focus of this article is the practices that practitioners are incorporating both from a predictive and a hybrid approach.

Practitioners as well as academia are realising that both approaches do have good qualities. Practitioners from a more traditional environment, such as construction and engineering, perceive iterative approaches as being applicable only to IT with no relevance to traditional environments. On the other hand, practitioners from an IT or software environment perceive agile as “sexy” and maintain that it should be the way to manage all projects. Each project is unique, and the project approach needs to use the existing capabilities as best as possible, but project managers need to explore what can be done in that project to suit the specific context as best as possible.

Traditional project management approaches follow a fixed sequence of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closure to manage projects. The emphasis is on linear processes, documentation, upfront planning and prioritisation. Traditional project management approaches utilise practices such as long-term planning and risk management during project implementations (). These practices have changed over the last couple of years through the incorporation of agile practices that provide flexibility to respond to change when required (; ). The combination of traditional and agile project management practices has resulted in various hybrid approaches (; ; ). The jury is still out on whether future project management approaches will be more agile or a combination of traditional and agile approaches, resulting in a hybrid approach.

What is evident is that project management practices are fluctuating between predictive and iterative approaches. To support this fluctuation, changes in the following project management areas are suggested: (1) project management practices (), (2) project team collaboration (; ), (3) project team practices (), (4) leadership styles (; ) as well as (5) team reflection and learning (; ). To deal with this fluctuation, project managers need to be ambidextrous. Ambidexterity is about exploiting existing capabilities as best as possible with the ability to also explore new capabilities (). The following research problem is posed: project members do not know the extent of ambidexterity required to follow a hybrid project management approach. Given this problem, three research questions are derived:


What is a hybrid project management approach?


What level of ambidexterity is required to explore and exploit best practices associated with a hybrid project management approach?


What practices are associated with a hybrid project management approach?

This article addresses this research problem, identifying potential practices that can be implemented either in a predictive or an iterative way. This is quantitatively validated by 290 practitioners placing 117 practices across five themes.

The results indicate that irrespective of the classification of the projects or the industry, projects are managed using a hybrid approach, with a tendency to incorporate more iterative practices than predictive project management practices. This indicates a level of ambidexterity. This article contributes to the current debate on which approach is the best given certain circumstances. It also provides guidelines to project managers and teams on the practices that should be employed to assist with the fluctuation between traditional and agile project management. Managing projects is still rooted in predictive project management, but iterative practices are being incorporated to ensure the success of projects.

This paper is organised as follows: In the hybrid approach to project management is viewed through the lens of ambidexterity. details the research methodology, including the derivation of the data collection instrument from literature. is a discussion of the data collection. The paper concludes with a discussion of the results.

2. Literature review

The focusses on what constitutes a hybrid project management approach. This is answered in the next section where a hybrid approach is contextualised in relation to predictive and iterative approaches.

2.1 Hybrid approach to project management

Predictive and iterative approaches to implement a project are the two most popular approaches. Predictive approaches are the typical “waterfall’ approach, and the iterative approach is based on the Agile Manifesto. Predictive approaches follow a fixed sequence of initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and closure to manage projects. The emphasis is on linear processes, documentation, upfront planning and prioritisation. Predictive approaches utilise practices such as long-term planning and risk management during project implementations (). Within the iterative (agile) approach, the process is transparent and promotes regular inspection and adaptation in small and iterative intervals ().

Predictive approaches have changed over the last couple of years through the incorporation of agile practices that provide flexibility to respond to change when required (; ). This combination of predictive and iterative project management approaches has resulted in various hybrid approaches (; ; ). One of these approaches is the Agile-Stage-Gate hybrid model () where manufacturers are integrating agile elements of development processes into their existing gating systems. are of the opinion that this model is not suitable for innovation projects despite its advantages. This is attributed to the model being too linear and rigid. The model does not allow for proactive changes during the development phases.

distinguish between an approach, a methodology and a practice. A project management approach is the highest level of abstraction used when describing how a project will be designed and governed, for example, predictive or iterative approaches. A methodology is more prescriptive and granular than an approach and provides project managers with detailed operational guidance on how to manage a project. A project management practice can then be defined as a technique or procedure used to manage an aspect of a methodology within a project. In essence, the hybrid approach then combines methodologies and practices from more than one project management approach (; ). The rationale of combining multiple approaches is to reap the benefits of each approach. Therefore, a hybrid approach is based on the unique strengths of both predictive and iterative approaches, as well as eliminating their weaknesses ().

There is a prevalence of hybrid project management approaches and this is an emerging topic for research (). One such topic is the impact of a hybrid approach on the performance of the project itself.

The focusses on the level of ambidexterity required to explore and exploit best practices associated with a hybrid project management approach. Dealing with a hybrid project management approach requires insights from the project manager and project teams involved. Project managers need to be equipped to deal with the tensions between predictive and iterative approaches and can look at the issue through the lens of ambidexterity.

2.2 Ambidexterity and project management

Ambidextrous people can use their right and left hands equally well. Within the context of business, ambidexterity implies that supposedly opposing processes or views can be implemented equally well to the benefit of the organisation. The concept of ambidexterity within organisations was first introduced by the seminal work of . Two opposing concepts (exploitation and exploration) are necessary for the survival of the organisation. Exploitation focusses on the ability to exploit “current capabilities and assets in a profitable way,” whereas exploration focusses on “new technologies, markets, and customers to capture existing as well as new opportunities” (). Various attributes have been assigned to exploration and exploitation. originally defined exploration as “search, variation, risk taking, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery, innovation,” whereas exploitation includes terms such as “refinement, choice, production, efficiency, selection, implementation, execution.” The results of exploitation are more certain, closer in time and close to the locus of action. This is in opposition to the results of exploration, which are less certain, further away in time and more distant from the locus of time (; ; ).

Just as a person requires both hands to function optimally, organisations need to harmonise and reconcile these two opposing concepts (). highlight that academia has wrestled with the challenge to balance the concepts of exploitation and exploration. support this view, mentioning that the detailed processes of achieving ambidexterity are far from clear. suggest that exploitation and exploration should be investigated “how they might vary within and between contexts or co-exist within an organisational setting.”

Organisations need to adopt ambidexterity as it is a prerequisite for performance and longevity (). Although the benefits of organisational ambidexterity have been highlighted, little is known on how to achieve it in practice ().

The activities associated with exploration and exploitation are distinctly different and compete for finite organisational resources (; ). This creates a challenge as to where and when to allocate resources, as both exploration and exploitation are essential for any organisation. Exploration and exploitation can be perceived as conflicting modes and should be reconciled through various modes (). For this specific reason, various modes of ambidexterity are defined (; ; ; ; ; ):

  1. Structural ambidexterity is characterised by the concurrent exploitation and exploration undertaken by different business units or departments. This is achieved through the separation of exploitation and exploration into different departments or groups.

  2. Contextual ambidexterity resolves the tension between exploration and exploitation by suggesting that these activities are maintained simultaneously at any given organisational level.

  3. Temporal or sequential ambidexterity balances exploitation and exploration actions by pursuing them successively. They co-exist in the same department but at different points in time and the department switches between exploration and exploitation.

have a different perspective and are of the opinion that exploration and exploitation are on a continuum and not a choice between two discrete options. This perspective is in line with stating that true ambidexterity is only achieved through balancing exploration and exploitation actions. The conclusion is that exploration and exploitation are interrelated and can enable each other. Organisations need to engage with both exploration and exploitation to achieve their objectives ().

explain that a predictive approach such as waterfall to implement projects leans towards exploitation due its stability and known processes. On the other hand, iterative approaches are explorative due to the dynamic and unpredictable requirements. This supports the view of who suggests that project approaches should be divided into the traditional approach (predictive) and the flexible approach (iterative). did not purport that one approach is better than the other, but that a flexible approach should be sought. provides evidence that a project using Scrum as a methodology alternated between explorative and exploitative practices. In light of this, suggest that contextual ambidexterity should be deployed at project level as it “highlights the simultaneous pursuit of the opposite tensions of exploration and exploitation within and across units of analysis.”

Changes in the following project management areas are required to support the fluctuation between exploitation and exploration.

  1. To accelerate project delivery, predictive project management approaches need to incorporate iterative practices to support the required changes in organisations (; ; ; ). This implies that organisations should embrace contextual ambidexterity. As noted by , agility is the project team's ability to quickly change the project plan as a response to customer or stakeholder needs, market or technology demands in order to achieve better project and product performance in an innovative and dynamic project environment. The definition by of agility includes two factors: (1) the capacity to respond to change the project plan (delivery frequency) and (2) the involvement of customers during the project process. To achieve agility, management processes need to align resources with the business needs and adjust the cycle times of delivery to support the need (). Compared to predictive project management approaches (exploitation) that utilise long-term delivery planning, the focus is on short and flexible planning (exploration) (). For project management practices and environment to become explorative, a project planning approach must support change and shorter delivery times. An environment conducive to responding to change over following a plan needs to be cultivated. This is achieved if the team members are collocated (). Additionally, customer and project team interaction changes from a static environment to a dynamic one. This is in line with the Agile Manifesto, which indicates that the focus should be on customer collaboration and not contract negotiation.

  2. For the project team to respond to these changes, the development of team collaboration is essential (). Open and collaborative discussions are core activities within an iterative environment (). The real-time informal collaboration removes communication barriers and empowers teams (). Collaborative problem-solving practices within project teams that also encourage team members to help each other are a major driving force to accelerate project delivery (). As reported by , if there is no deliberate effort to create collaboration among team members, these team members could end up not communicating optimally with each other and the sharing of knowledge could be at risk.

  3. When it comes to predictive project team practices, the project manager assigns various tasks to each individual team member. These tasks are interdependent, they are the organised activities that lead to achieving the project goal and are traditionally displayed in a schedule (; ). This approach can prevent collaboration if it is not deliberately facilitated. In contrast to predictive approaches, iterative approaches allow for hierarchical project team practices to transition from manager driven to team member driven where the team members assign tasks themselves (; ). This transition to the self-definition of roles and responsibilities results in an authorised team, which has a positive impact on performance delivery and enables team member collaboration (; ).

  4. This shift from hierarchical team structures to self-organising teams impacts project leadership practices. In a hierarchical structure, there are rigid reporting lines (; ). These hierarchical reporting lines reduce team autonomy (). Decision-making up and down the hierarchy is slow, which does not support fast responses – a requirement in a dynamic environment. A dynamic environment that embraces change must be flexible, and flexibility is achieved when a project team has the autonomy to make decisions (). With iterative approaches, much more autonomy is given to project teams with a dynamic structure which empowers teams (). The empowerment of project teams is highlighted as a practice that enables project acceleration (). With the removal of a hierarchical structure within autonomous teams, communication can be open and inclusive among the team members and with the stakeholders ().

  5. The removal of the hierarchical structure also implies that the traditional command-and-control leadership is transitioning to a servant–leadership facilitation (). This enables the project teams to be responsible for their own decisions, and there is no need to get approval from the hierarchical structures or management (). The decision-making time is reduced significantly but with an added responsibility on the team members (). With this added responsibility, the project team can only become a performing team if reflection is embedded in the team's daily work; this will enable growth (). The contribution to project success when learning-based project reviews are conducted is highlighted as one of the important roles leaders within the team should adopt ().

Both predictive and iterative project management approaches have practices that contribute to the successful management of a project. The decision is no longer an “either or” decision but rather which practices can be used to optimally manage the project. This leads to conflict within the project manager, as project managers are typically trained and experienced in one or the other approach to utilise a practice from the other approach borders on sacrilege. This is where the project manager and the team should illustrate contextual ambidexterity and apply practices that are best for the management of the project.

3. Research methodology

To answer the (What practices are associated with a hybrid project management approach?), the literature was searched for differences between predictive and iterative approaches in terms of (1) project management practices, (2) project team collaboration, (3) project team practices, (4) leadership styles, and (5) team reflection and learning. The identified differences were converted into a questionnaire.

The questionnaire consisted of a biographical section and six themes. Theme 1 consisted of 11 questions and focussed on current project management practices and the environment itself. Theme 2 (team collaboration) consisted of 41 questions and covered aspects such as change and uncertainty management, the processes, the project manager and collaboration practices. Theme 3 focussed on the project team's practices and consisted of 23 questions. Theme 4 focussed on aspects of leadership such as structure and reporting lines, autonomy and decision-making, as well as changes to the scope of the deliverable. This theme consisted of 29 questions. Theme 5 focussed on how project teams reflect and learn and consisted of 13 questions. Each of the themes was measured using a Likert scale, with 1 indicating a more predictive project management approach and 5 indicating a more iterative approach.

lists the various themes and associated identified literature used to construct the questionnaire.

A quantitative approach was adopted to scientifically determine the dominant project management approach within South African organisations. The unit of analysis was people involved in the management of projects within an organisation. Non-purposive sampling was used to select the respondents as they were part of the specific predefined group. A total of 290 valid responses were received. The purpose was to determine the position of each theme in relation to the predictive or iterative project management approach. Most of the respondents (61.2%) were team members (28.4%), project managers (19.1%) or project team leaders (13.7%).

The questionnaire was tested for reliability by means of Cronbach's alpha, as seen in . An overall alpha value of 0.956 resulted from the analysis and indicates that there was internal consistency. Theme 1's results should be interpreted with caution as the alpha value indicates poor internal validity.

4. Data analysis

The 290 respondents were spread across 12 industry sectors, with the majority (27.3%) in the financial services sector (). The other three sectors that were well represented in this study were the building and construction (12.2%), ICT (12.9%) and public administration (16.2%) sectors.

indicates the distribution of the approaches used to implement projects and provides some insight into the changing project landscape. Half of the organisations surveyed adopted a hybrid approach, with only 20.9% of the organisations using a predictive approach.

The public administration sector is the sector that still relies the most on a predictive approach to implement projects. The financial services and ICT sectors are the two sectors that have embraced agile the most; 65% of the respondents from the construction and engineering sector indicated that they also followed a hybrid approach.

4.1 Theme 1 (PM practices and environment)

Theme 1 focussed on the practices and the environment within which projects are implemented. and provide a synopsis of this theme and some interesting observations can be made. Of the nine practices, only one (virtual work) is moderately skewed towards predictive practices. By implication, it means that within predictive and hybrid approaches, team members adopted virtual working, irrespective of the approach.

It can be concluded for this theme that the respondents chose practices that suited either a hybrid approach or an iterative approach. The fact that the results relate to a hybrid approach implies that contextual ambidexterity is the mode to deal with conflict.

Theme 2 focusses on the practices associated with project team collaboration.

4.2 Theme 2 (project team collaboration)

This theme constitutes four sections: (1) how team collaboration practices influence change and uncertainty, (2) how project management processes influence team collaboration, (3) the influence of the project manager on team collaboration and (4) the influence of the identified collaboration practices.

In contrast with theme 1, none of the items in theme 2 lean towards a predictive approach. The items in this theme suggest either a hybrid approach or an iterative approach. When it comes to the management of change and uncertainty, four items lean towards an iterative approach. Two of these items are counter-intuitive to an iterative approach as they focus on a fully defined project before the start of the project and the continuous tracking of the triple constraint. The other two items focus on quickly adapting to change and customer feedback, which relates to agile principles. The remainder of the items all suggest a hybrid approach as per and . The second section focusses on the effectiveness of the project management processes in use. One practice (alignment of resources with the business strategy) was classified as an iterative practice. The other items are either hybrid or iterative practices.

The third section focusses on the project manager or scrum master's role in choosing the appropriate practices. The respondents agreed that the project managers choose practices that are inclusive of hybrid/iterative approaches. Collaboration is essential if a team wants to respond to change (). The collaboration practices in all support a hybrid or iterative approach.

It is evident from the results that contextual ambidexterity is applied to deal with the conflict between the exploitative practices of predictive approaches and the explorative practices of iterative approaches. Project managers do see the value of incorporating practices from both approaches.

4.3 Theme 3 (project team practices)

The focus of this theme is on various team practices. These practices reflect both predictive and iterative practices. There are 23 practices within this theme and the distribution of each practice is displayed in .

provides a summary of the level of skewness of each practice. This theme shows 13 highly skewed practices (iterative); this is 56% of the practices. Five principles are moderately skewed towards iterative practices. Project managers are seeing the benefits of continuously involving team members and customers. This has resulted in the adoption of more iterative practices.

This theme can be summarised as a theme that is highly iterative in nature and the project teams adopted iterative principles to manage their activities.

4.4 Theme 4 (leadership)

The focus of this theme is the leadership style that is exhibited by project managers and managers in general. The leadership style influences the type of approach used in managing projects (; ; ). This theme is divided into (1) the structure of the organisation and the associated reporting lines, (2) the project manager's influence over the team and (3) the level of autonomy and decision-making delegated to team members. Refer to .

The negative skewness of the structure and reporting lines practices indicates a tendency towards a hybrid approach. This indicates that although the structure and reporting lines incorporate aspects such as self-organising teams and the continuous inclusion of the customer, there are still predictive practices such as a rigid hierarchy and the definition of tasks by the project manager. The second theme focus on team practices and negative skewness indicates a tendency towards an iterative approach.

Seventeen practices are part of autonomy and decision-making, and the practices can be classified as hybrid with a strong tendency towards an iterative approach. This implies a strong level of team autonomy, and decisions are made by the team. The skewness of each practice is indicated in .

4.5 Theme 5 (team reflection and learning)

The last theme focusses on the team's ability to reflect and learn. Teams should be able to reflect and learn from their mistakes if they want to become better. The boxplots in highlight that the practices are classified as either hybrid or hybrid with a strong iterative approach. The boxplots also indicate high levels of variance.

The analysis as presented in indicates a level of maturity of the team. The teams incorporate aspects such as lessons learnt and are improving practices.

provides a summary overview of each theme or sub-theme. Theme 1 and sub-theme 4 (structure and reporting lines) have a wide variance, indicating practices from predictive as well as iterative approaches. The other themes and sub-themes are more centralised, indicating a more focussed hybrid approach.

In general, the results indicate a tendency towards a hybrid approach, with some practices skewing towards an iterative approach. Only one practice (working virtually) was moderately skewed towards a predictive approach. It can be concluded that project managers apply contextual ambidexterity to deal with the tension between predictive and iterative approaches. They apply the practices that are best suited to the situation.

Based on the results of , it can be said that, due to the large number of respondents selecting either hybrid or iterative as their project classification, the results are biased towards a hybrid or iterative approach. For that reason, ANOVA was done.


Levene's test was done to test for the homogeneity of variances, and three practices had a significance level of less than 0.05, that is, collocation, online work and location meetings. Variances for these three were not equal, and they were excluded from the rest of the analysis. The following null hypothesis was formulated:


The practice level for each of the practices across the three approaches is equal.

For this article, only the practices where the F-scores have p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05 are displayed in . The ANOVA results show that the F-scores have p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05 for the following Theme 1 practices: agile, traditional and virtual work. This indicates that there is a significant difference between the practices of the various approaches. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected for the following practices: iterative, predictive and virtual work.

Regarding Theme 2, 8 of the 31 practices have F-scores with p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05. Four of these practices deal directly with change management. This implies that change is managed differently between predictive, hybrid and iterative approaches. The other four practices deal with alignment planning. The alignment of (1) resources with the strategy and (2) project management with other management processes is done differently between predictive, hybrid and iterative approaches. This is also applicable to how cycle times are adjusted and the development of stable short-term and flexible long-term plans by the project manager.

Theme 3 consists of 23 practices, only 5 of which have F-scores with p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05. These 5 practices all relate to the involvement of the team in decision-making and the direction of the project. The results highlight a more predictive approach to these practices where the project manager determines the project strategy, that is, a more command-and-control style (refer to ).

Theme 4 consists of 27 practices, 9 (33%) of which have F-scores with p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05. When it comes to the sub-theme of structure and reporting lines, 4 of the 7 practices show significant differences between the various approaches. These practices focus on the hierarchy of the project as well as the management and autonomy of the team. Some projects portray a more command-and-control structure (predictive approach), whereas other projects portray a more servant–leadership structure (iterative approach). All three practices from the Team sub-theme show significant differences between the various approaches. This correlates with the practices of the sub-theme Structure and reporting lines where teams are managed in command-and-control style (predictive approach) versus a more servant–leadership style (iterative approach). Only two practices from the autonomy and decision-making sub-theme show significant differences between the various approaches. These two practices are contradictory as one practice is that the team makes the decisions and the other that the project manager influences project decisions.

Theme 5 consists of 13 practices and 8 of these practices show significant differences between the various approaches. The essence is that an iterative approach is conducive to lessons learnt and reflection as highlighted by the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. Predictive approaches, on the other hand, encourage lessons learnt at the end of the project and little or no reflection takes place.

The ANOVA results in show that the F-scores have p-values (Sig.) less than 0.05 for some of the practices. This indicates that there is a significant difference between the practices of the various approaches. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected for the practices listed in .

5. Discussion

The results paint a mixed picture where the practices range from predictive project management approaches to iterative project management approaches. This is illustrated in . The upper and lower limits were calculated using the standard deviations for each theme. The first observation is that, irrespective of the approach, the application of practices is broad, indicating that organisations fluctuate between predictive and iterative practices. This results in contextual ambidexterity where decisions are made on what is best for the project. It also confirms observation that exploration and exploitation is a continuum. A second observation is that organisations lean more towards a hybrid and/or iterative approach than a more predictive approach.

This answers the . A hybrid approach explores and exploits practices from predictive and iterative approaches. The extent of this exploration and exploitation depends on the environment and the type of project. The results support the works of , and that a combination of predictive and iterative project management approaches resulted in a hybrid approach. The application of practices is on a continuum and project managers need to decide which practices is best at a specific point in time, thus the call for ambidexterity.

Theme 1 focusses on collaboration and the type of working environment. The results highlight that organisations followed very much a hybrid approach and that they did not see the value of practices such as collocation, the location of meetings and collaboration enforced by collocation. Organisations were also still experimenting with concepts such as online and virtual work where virtual work was leaning towards exploration. The ANOVA results also highlight that there is a difference in how the practice of virtual work was addressed.

Theme 2 consists of four sub-themes. Change and uncertainty are part and parcel of any project (; ) but are dealt differently in predictive and iterative approaches. The results highlight that organisations embraced change and uncertainty and dealt with these concepts in a more explorative way. Saying that, the ANOVA results do indicate that there is a difference between the approaches regarding harnessing change, the acceptance of uncertainty, the acceptance of change and the way forced changes by the customer are dealt with. These four practices are iterative and support the principle of embracing change but are not that easily executed in industries where a more predictive approach is required.

The results from Theme 3 indicate that teams were self-organising and allowed to make their own decisions. The teams were built to achieve a specific goal and were not just put together based on the people available.

The overall focus of Theme 4 is on the leadership of the project manager. Again, there is not much difference between the three project classifications. When it comes to structure and reporting lines, mixed results are portrayed. Two-thirds of the respondents indicated that rigid hierarchies were in place and that the project managers still defined the tasks. These practices do not allow for quick decision-making and negatively influence the transition to an agile project environment. Irrespective of a rigid hierarchy, the respondents indicated that the teams did experience high levels of autonomy and decision-making. Again, these conflicting results can be attributed to the fact that organisations were still in the transition phase.

Reflection and learning are important aspects of an iterative project management approach. The results indicate that teams were reflecting and learning, irrespective of the project classification. Lessons learnt is a specific process that is followed within traditional project management and forms part of the project integration management knowledge area (). Various authors highlight the benefits of lessons learnt in construction projects () as well as in an iterative environment ().

In response to the , project managers need to exhibit a high level of ambidexterity. Thirty-three practices are unique to either the predictive or iterative approach. This resembles 28.2% of the 117 identified practices. The remainder of the practices (84 or 71.8%) requires ambidexterity.

posed the question which practices are applied in a hybrid approach. identified the 84 applicable practices. The level at which these practices are applied, is highly dependent on the level of exploration or exploitation, that is, ambidexterity.

6. Conclusion

“Either or” no longer applies to project management, and organisations need to adopt contextual ambidexterity. This approach is needed to incorporate the best of both worlds (predictive and iterative) into one project management approach, that is, hybrid. This study empirically investigated which approach is favoured. To achieve this, five themes were identified: (1) project management practices, (2) project team collaboration, (3) project team practices, (4) leadership styles, and (5) team reflection and learning.

Based on the analysis of 290 respondents, it can be concluded that most of the organisations followed a hybrid approach, thus applying contextual ambidexterity. This is irrespective of the industry sector or the organisation's own classification of the approach that it followed. All five themes apply practices that span predictive and iterative project management approaches. The direct result is that organisations adopted a hybrid approach where the best of two worlds was incorporated.

Organisations that indicated that they implemented iterative practices had practices that are associated with predictive project management approaches. The opposite is also true. The conclusion can be made that organisations will employ project management practices that are applicable to a specific scenario and project and that the pendulum will swing between predictive and iterative project management approaches. The impact on project managers is also enormous. They should be able to determine the best approach to implement a project and should therefore have adequate knowledge and skills to support their decisions. This indicates that project managers must be ambidextrous. It also has an impact on the training of project managers. All project managers should be trained in predictive as well as iterative project management approaches. This will broaden their horizons to be more ambidextrous and choose the practices that are applicable to a certain project in a certain environment.

This article's theoretical contribution supports the view of other researchers (; ) that ambidexterity is a requirement for managing projects. Contextual ambidexterity is the preferred mode to manage hybrid projects. This article also filled the gap identified by on how to achieve ambidexterity in practice.

From a practical perspective, project managers are provided with 84 practices that can be explored or exploited to achieve the purpose of the project. There is no prescription of which practices should be used and to what extent. It is up to the project managers to make this decision. Project managers also need to realise that a hybrid approach to managing projects is here to stay. This will impact their skills and competencies. The training and education of project managers should include hybrid project management irrespective of the discipline.

This research opens various avenues for future research. Research can be done on a simulation model that can be used to determine which approach and practices are the best, given a certain situation and/or scenario. Various attributes can be used as input for such a model and machine learning can be utilised in this instance. Research into the role of the organisation's culture and structures on the adoption of a project management approach should also be conducted. An approach is often forced into an organisation without considering the culture and structures in place. This creates challenges and the focus should be on how best to incorporate certain approaches given the organisation's environment.

Project managers should be ambidextrous and be able to strike a balance between the adoption of predictive and iterative practices.


Industry sector

Figure 1

Industry sector

Theme 1 – Project management practices and environment

Figure 2

Theme 1 – Project management practices and environment

Boxplots of project team collaboration

Figure 3

Boxplots of project team collaboration

Theme 3 – Project team practices

Figure 4

Theme 3 – Project team practices

Boxplots of Theme 4 practices

Figure 5

Boxplots of Theme 4 practices

Boxplots for Theme 5 (team reflection and learning)

Figure 6

Boxplots for Theme 5 (team reflection and learning)

Overview of themes

Figure 7

Overview of themes

Application of predictive and iterative practices

Figure 8

Application of predictive and iterative practices

Questionnaire themes and associated literature

Project management practices and environment
Project approachesThe typical project approaches utilised in the practitioners' environmentDetermine if the practitioners utilise more predictive project management or more iterative project management
Team locationThe extent to which the core team works in the same locationHow the location of core team members affects responsiveness to change by facilitating communication, meetings, ability to overcome challenges, solve problems and make decisions ()
Project interactionThe extent of interaction between the team and customerHow often the team and customer interact to discuss project topics ()
Delivery environmentProject environment is set up for shorter delivery cyclesHow often the team can do incremental deliveries to reduce uncertainty (; ; )
Project team collaboration
Communication media preferencesCommunication media preferencesDetermine the communication media typically utilised
Uncertainty managementThe level of acceptance of uncertainty and response to change compared to following a predefined planThe team's ability to accept change and uncertainty ()
Project process ability to respond to changeManagement processes in place to enable changeProject management process designed to execute strategy, exercise capability and enable change when required ()
Project manager's ability to respond to changeFour roles a project manager needs to fulfil to respond to uncertaintyAbility to develop collaboration, integrate planning and enable learning, prevent disruptions and maintain momentum ()
Collaboration practicesCollaborative problem- solving environmentCollaborative problem-solving ()
Project team practices
Team practicesManager-driven, manager-assisted, team-drivenDetermine the team approach; manager- driven, manager-assisted, team-driven ()
Team buildingDeliberate effort to build the teamThe team is deliberately built and not just put together ()
Team structureReporting lines of the project teamQuestions are derived from team management ()
Team managementProject team communication and decision-makingQuestions are derived from team management ()
AutonomyDecision-making responsibility in project teamQuestions are derived from team management ()
ManagementDriving-adopting-empoweringDetermine the management approach - driving-adopting-empowering ()
Decision-makingTime taken to make decisionsDecision-making time ()
Team reflection and learning
LearningTeam learning processThe process through which the team gains or creates knowledge ()
Lessons learnt processLessons learnt integration in project phasesAccess, update and use of lessons learnt integrated in project management process ()
Reflective practiceLearning integration in project teamReflective practices, limited-focussed-embedded ()

Source(s): Authors own creation

Cronbach's alpha results

ThemesCronbachNo. of itemsInternal consistency
Theme 1: Project management practices and environment0.5789Poor
Theme 2: Project team collaboration0.93631Excellent
Theme 3: Project team practices0.92723Excellent
Theme 4: Leadership0.89027Good
Theme 5: Team reflection and learning0.92113Excellent
Theme 6: Challenges0.84919Good

Source(s): Authors own creation

Cross-tabulation between project classification and industry

PM approach
Building and construction8422
Wholesale and retail4313
Logistic services416
Financial services83039
Legal services010
HR services211
ICT and communication services41023
Public administration20619
Education and training4113

Source(s): Authors own creation

Skewness of Theme 1 practices

PracticesSkewnessInterpretationApproach focus
Agile practices−0.173SymmetricalHybrid
Traditional practices−0.311SymmetricalHybrid
Online work−0.412SymmetricalHybrid
Virtual work0.592Moderately skewedPredictive <-> Hybrid
Location F2F−0.149SymmetricalHybrid
Location meetings−0.235SymmetricalHybrid
Location collaborations−0.299SymmetricalHybrid
Partial results−0.384SymmetricalHybrid

Source(s): Authors own creation

Skewness of Theme 2 practices

PracticesSkewnessInterpretationApproach focus
Changes harnessed−0.093SymmetricalHybrid
Project defined−0.557Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Control parameters−0.518Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Uncertainty acceptance−0.045SymmetricalHybrid
Change mechanisms−0.514Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Incremental changes−0.287SymmetricalHybrid
Perfectly defined−0.252SymmetricalHybrid
Customer changes0.049SymmetricalHybrid
Change acceptance−0.277SymmetricalHybrid
Learning from changes−0.454SymmetricalHybrid
Customer feedback−0.865Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Process strategic alignment−1.067Highly skewedIterative
Process continuous improvement−0.601Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Process alignment−0.679Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Process effectiveness−0.455SymmetricalHybrid
Process variety of inputs−0.650Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Cycle time adjustment−0.476SymmetricalHybrid
Simplicity−0.528Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Transparent processes−0.666Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM selects right people−0.744Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM instils trust−0.627Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM short- and long-term plans−0.432SymmetricalHybrid
PM learning-based reviews−0.413SymmetricalHybrid
PM proactive problem management−0.676Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM hands-on engagement−0.631Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM F2F communication−0.658Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM walk-the-floor−0.363SymmetricalHybrid
Communication barriers−0.093SymmetricalHybrid
Collaborative problem-solving−0.557Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Visualisation−0.518Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Safe zone−0.045SymmetricalHybrid

Source(s): Authors own creation

Skewness of Theme 3 practices

PracticesSkewnessInterpretationApproach focus
Delegation of tasks−0.958Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Team exclusion−0.356SymmetricalHybrid
Customer collaboration−1.263Highly skewedIterative
Team implements tasks−1.175Highly skewedIterative
Self-assignment of tasks−0.072SymmetricalHybrid
Practices are team driven−0.673Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Project goals participation−0.604Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Action planning involvement−1.078Highly skewedIterative
Project goal clarification−1.543Highly skewedIterative
Timely feedback−1.161Highly skewedIterative
Encourage to meet−1.072Highly skewedIterative
Frank discussions−0.479SymmetricalHybrid
Communication skills training−0.640Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Sharing of feelings−0.391SymmetricalHybrid
Roles are clearly defined−1.223Highly skewedIterative
Shared responsibilities−1.283Highly skewedIterative
Familiarity of project goals−1.152Highly skewedIterative
Team involvement with problem identification−1.123Highly skewedIterative
Team involvement with idea generation−1.082Highly skewedIterative
Team involvement with problem-solving−1.091Highly skewedIterative
Team involvement with action plan implementation−1.318Highly skewedIterative
Team involvement with action plan evaluation−0.971Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative

Source(s): Authors own creation

Skewness of Theme 4 practices

PracticesSkewnessInterpretationApproach focus
Rigid hierarchy−0.360SymmetricalHybrid
Tasks defined by PMs−0.456SymmetricalHybrid
Reduction of team autonomy−0.111SymmetricalHybrid
Customer exclusion0.297SymmetricalHybrid
Flat hierarchy0.269SymmetricalHybrid
Multi-disciplinary and self-organised team−0.430SymmetricalHybrid
Customer inclusion−0.292SymmetricalHybrid
PM exercises flexibility−0.559Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Regular meetings with project participants−0.856Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Meetings facilitate communication and decision-making−1.054Highly skewedIterative
Assignees determine task execution−0.910Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Effort considers time and complexity−1.163Highly skewedIterative
High-risk tasks require additional testing time−0.971Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM drives customer collaboration−0.932Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM is problem-solver−0.539Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Management approach focusses on encouragement−0.725Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM motivates team−0.935Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM plays supporting role−0.625Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM expects team autonomy−0.675Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM is unseen force that guides team−0.582Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM absence does not stall decision-making−0.532Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM encourages team−0.813Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM informs team about progress and changes−0.770Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
PM practises subtle authority−0.657Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Team-customer collaborations−0.464Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Decisions are continuously adapted−1.028Highly skewedIterative
PM influences project decisions−0.579Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative

Source(s): Authors own creation

Skewness of Theme 5 practices

PracticesSkewnessInterpretationApproach focus
Teams incorporate lessons learnt−0.747Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Teams receive outside information−0.410SymmetricalHybrid
Team experience and performance−0.840Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Previous lessons learnt accessible−0.714Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Logs created to capture lessons learnt−0.548Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Processes facilitate lessons learnt−0.481SymmetricalHybrid
Incorporation of previous lessons learnt−0.794Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Team members utilise learning opportunities−0.776Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Review of improved practices−0.724Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Reflection by team−0.424SymmetricalHybrid
Post-project reviews part of control−0.654Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Audit trails−0.588Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative
Information storage and retrieval supported by technology−0.744Moderately skewedHybrid  → Iterative

Source(s): Authors own creation

ANOVA results

Sum of squaresdfMean squareFSig
THEME 1 (PM practices and environment)
Agile practicesBetween Groups131.764265.88265.8810.000
Within Groups273.0042731.000
Traditional practicesBetween Groups26.208213.1049.7700.000
Within Groups368.8422751.341
Virtual workBetween Groups21.892210.9465.4500.005
Within Groups546.2892722.008
THEME 2 (Project team collaboration)
Changes harnessedBetween Groups13.80826.9044.8270.009
Within Groups393.3712751.430
Uncertainty acceptanceBetween Groups13.67026.8355.5510.004
Within Groups338.6032751.231
Customer changesBetween Groups9.07724.5383.5470.030
Within Groups351.8912751.280
Change acceptanceBetween Groups6.53823.2693.2660.040
Within Groups275.2782751.001
Alignment of resources with strategyBetween Groups8.24424.1223.7430.025
Within Groups302.8352751.101
Alignment of PM and other management processesBetween Groups11.78225.8915.2170.006
Within Groups310.5482751.129
Cycle time adjustment to fit market rhythmBetween Groups9.13624.5683.1860.043
Within Groups394.3492751.434
PM develops stable short- and flexible long-term plansBetween Groups9.11824.5594.0710.018
Within Groups307.9762751.120
THEME 3 (Project team practices)
Self-assignment of tasksBetween Groups14.53127.2655.5640.004
Within Groups357.7722741.306
Practices are team drivenBetween Groups13.84226.9215.4850.005
Within Groups345.7392741.262
Project goals participationBetween Groups16.22128.1105.8990.003
Within Groups376.7042741.375
Team involvement with problem identificationBetween Groups9.56424.7825.5910.004
Within Groups235.1882750.855
Team involvement with action plan evaluationBetween Groups9.49824.7495.1100.007
Within Groups255.5382750.929
THEME 4 (Leadership)
Reduction of team autonomyBetween Groups23.111211.5557.0560.001
Within Groups450.3712751.638
Customer exclusionBetween Groups12.36726.1834.0270.019
Within Groups422.2132751.535
Flat hierarchyBetween Groups24.940212.4707.2830.001
Within Groups470.8772751.712
Multi-disciplinary and self-organised teamBetween Groups10.45125.2265.0800.007
Within Groups282.8722751.029
PM exercises flexibilityBetween Groups16.05328.0266.3150.002
Within Groups349.5442751.271
Regular meetings with project participants to confirm target schedulesBetween Groups6.64623.3233.4350.034
Within Groups266.0632750.968
Meetings facilitate communication and decision-makingBetween Groups6.45923.2303.6410.027
Within Groups243.9332750.887
PM absence does not stall decision-makingBetween Groups15.89127.9466.2430.002
Within Groups350.0222751.273
PM influences project decisionsBetween Groups8.40424.2023.6490.027
Within Groups316.6902751.152
THEME 5 (Team reflection and learning)
Teams incorporate lessons learntBetween Groups12.18126.0905.8950.003
Within Groups284.1212751.033
Teams receive outside informationBetween Groups12.31126.1555.4820.005
Within Groups308.7542751.123
Team experience and performanceBetween Groups17.62828.8148.5340.000
Within Groups284.0162751.033
Previous lessons learnt accessibleBetween Groups9.90224.9513.4810.032
Within Groups391.1912751.423
Logs created to capture lessons learntBetween Groups11.38225.6914.4590.012
Within Groups350.9532751.276
Processes facilitate lessons learntBetween Groups11.14125.5715.0290.007
Within Groups304.6182751.108
Reflection by teamBetween Groups9.32924.6653.8920.022
Within Groups329.5492751.198
Audit trailsBetween Groups9.60624.8034.2800.015
Within Groups308.6142751.122

Source(s): Authors own creation


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Corresponding author

Carl Marnewick can be contacted at:

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