Guest editorial

Elena Popkova (Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd, Russia)

International Journal of Educational Management

ISSN: 0951-354X

Article publication date: 9 January 2017



Popkova, E. (2017), "Guest editorial", International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 2-2.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017, Emerald Publishing Limited

The problem of organization and development of education, including higher education, has been a top-priority issue in all countries at all times, regardless of their political, economic, and religious situation. Modern stage of development of educational sphere is characterized by massive implementation of informational and telecommunication technologies into activities of all members of educational process. Informatization is one of the main factors that make education improve. Sense and methods of training improve, role of teacher changes – and a teacher turn from translator of knowledge into organizer of students’ activities for acquisition of new knowledge and skills. A significant means of informatization is private educational informational resources published in the internet.

Topicality of this special issue is determined by the fact that information it provides not only reflects the current state of university education but stimulates exchange of experience, determination of existing problems, and finding solutions for them through constructive dialog between scientists and students.

The topic of this special issue has not been viewed in detail in the scientific sphere. This special issue is to stimulate consolidation of theoretical and practical recommendations for creation, development, and use of private educational resources for increase of effectiveness of university education.

The aim of this special issue is to raise the effectiveness of university education by means of use of private educational resources.

The use of these resources creates additional possibilities for perception, consideration, and fixation of knowledge with students, development of creative, theoretical, and modular and reflexive thinking, and formation of operational thinking which ensures selection of optimal solutions.

These aims are achieved through recommendations for creation and development of private educational internet sites which, in their turn, are catalogs of resources; service and instrumentarium computer software means; electronic versions of paper materials; electronic teaching means and methods of measurement of studying results; resources containing news information, announcements and means for communication of educational process members.

The main topics of this special issue are as follows:

  1. study of factors which stimulate increase of effectiveness of university education;

  2. use of private educational resources: closing the gap between study and practice;

  3. perspectives of increase of effectiveness of university education: use of private educational resources;

  4. determinants of effectiveness of university education;

  5. Russian system of university education: issues of effectiveness;

  6. provision of effectiveness of university education under the conditions of market economy;

  7. role of employers in formation of educational resources; and

  8. training programs of transnational corporations as foundation for formation of private educational resources.

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