Integrating and assessing information competencies in a gateway course
Information competency instruction is an essential component of the strategic mission of Fletcher Library at Arizona State University West. Instuction programs include drop‐in basic skills classes, course‐integrated instruction taught by subject librarians, and an online tutorial currently under development. From summer 1999 through summer 2000, faculty members and subject librarian for the Integrative Studies Program collaborated to integrate information competency instruction and assessment into the program’s gateway course. Two sessions were developed and taught by the librarian. A prelimanry assessment programms developed to evaluate student outcomes and to serve as the foundation of a future programmatic assessment program. This paper reports on the resulting sessions, the assessment, modifications made as a result of the information gathered and its place in the development of programmatic competencies.
D’Angelo, B.J. (2001), "Integrating and assessing information competencies in a gateway course", Reference Services Review, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp. 282-293.
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