The iterative theory‐building process: rationale, principles and evaluation
Many methodology sources suggest that a researcher should in advance frame the research project and make a choice among these options and should subsequently stick to his or her frame and choice. In this article a different, more natural, research trajectory design is presented which is labelled the “iterative theory‐building process”. The main feature of this approach is that research questions may be changed over time based on material collected and that research strategies, data collection and analysis methods and tactics should fit the (changing) research questions and process phases. The rationale of this “iterative theory‐building process” is explained and the strategies that can be chosen from the research trajectory design are further discussed.
Kerssens‐van Drongelen, I. (2001), "The iterative theory‐building process: rationale, principles and evaluation", Management Decision, Vol. 39 No. 7, pp. 503-512.
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