A Comparative Study of Advertising in Canada, the United Kingdom and Turkey
Presents the results of a small‐scale cross‐national study undertaken to compare the characteristics of advertising practices in Canada, the UK and Turkey. Investigates the extent to which managers use advertising developed for one country in another, looking at the similarities and differences in the media mix among the three countries. Gives examples of advertising material for identical products that required changes due to differences in culture, usage, selling patterns and market development. Concludes that in planning and preparing advertising programmes the same decisions regarding message, media and cost are made in all three countries. Reveals, however, that differences in number and type of media and culture and environment require that advertisements be tailored to the specific audience.
Kaynak, E. and Mitchel, L.A. (1981), "A Comparative Study of Advertising in Canada, the United Kingdom and Turkey", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000004866
Copyright © 1981, MCB UP Limited