Female‐headed Single Parent Families: Comparisons with Dual Parent Households on Restaurant and Convenience Food Usage
The proportion of traditional family households with two parents has been steadily declining, in large part due to an increase in the female‐headed single parent family – the largest growing family type. Reports on a study to test hypotheses that differences exist between female‐headed single parent families′ and two parent families′ food purchasing patterns. Examines the frequency of use of convenience foods and restaurants and restaurant spending levels, to determine if there are differences between the two family types. Reveals that similar purchasing patterns exist between the household structures and suggests potential marketing implications of this finding.
Ahuja, R.D. and Walker, M. (1994), "Female‐headed Single Parent Families: Comparisons with Dual Parent Households on Restaurant and Convenience Food Usage", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 41-54. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000003990
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