“See You Again Next Week?” : The Pimlico Connection Student Tutoring Scheme
Suggests that student tutoring may provide a partial solution to the high attrition rate in education plus training for 16‐18‐year‐olds in Britain. Focuses on the Pimlico Connection – a student tutoring scheme initiated by Imperial College, London in 1975 – in which students act as volunteer tutors in local primary and secondary schools. Evaluates the scheme, in which 1,300 volunteer students assisted nearly 15,000 school pupils, and concludes that, with appropriate commercial backing, effective management and willing participants, student tutoring has great potential for raising schoolchildren′s aspirations.
Hughes, J. (1994), "“See You Again Next Week?” : The Pimlico Connection Student Tutoring Scheme", Education + Training, Vol. 36 No. 1, pp. 4-9. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000003865
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