Women's Attitudes to Slimming and Slimming Foods
With approximately 60 per cent of the adult female population in the UK (14.2 million women) slimming either seriously or as a token gesture, a survey of the attitudes of 200 women to slimming and slimming foods was conducted between October and December 1991 by either face‐to‐face interview or questionnaire in several East Midlands towns in England. Responses to questions were obtained on reasons for weight loss, whether medical advice was sought, how many calories gave steady weight loss, whether dieting took place at certain times of the year, whether women were satisfied with weight loss achieved, and reasons for dissatisfaction with weight loss. Further studies on attitudes to foods used in dieting were measured, in particular the use of “meal replacements”. Using rating scales the various meal replacements were categorized on the basis of cost, nutritional quality, ease of preparation, taste, satiety, variety and overall satisfaction. The study has shown the profile of the “typical” female dieter and her concerns about the foods available to help her “slim” effectively.
Neale, R.J., Tilston, C.H., Gregson, K. and Lancaster, S. (1992), "Women's Attitudes to Slimming and Slimming Foods", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 92 No. 6, pp. 4-7. https://doi.org/10.1108/EUM0000000000967
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