Promoting Lifelong Learning Through Education Partnership: Part One
It has never been more important for schools and employers to work together. Indeed, collaboration between education and industry is one of the great success stories of the 1980s in Britain, with more active partnerships than ever before. The background to partnership suggests a variety of motives amongst employers, including a concern to protect future manpower supply. However, the emerging vision of lifelong learning provides a new focus for educaton partnership activity that is being pioneered by the Rover Group, Britain′s largest motor manufacturer. The company has introduced a number of distinctive approaches to supporting the work‐related curriculum including Partnership Centres at its major plants and school‐based facilities, the so‐called “Rover rooms”, in the surrounding catchment areas. Quality in work experience has been a major concern for the Rover Group and, in addition to the company′s annual award scheme, initiatives such as learning agreements for pupils have been introduced to raise standards and ensure the quality of learning outcomes.
Berkeley, J. (1991), "Promoting Lifelong Learning Through Education Partnership: Part One", Education + Training, Vol. 33 No. 6.
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