The role of senior management in developing and achieving a successful enterprise education programme?
The New Zealand Ministry of Education identified that teachers need to be confident they have the support of their school management team before they embrace twenty-first century teaching and learning in enterprise education (Ministry of Education, 2013b). The purpose of this paper is to outline an interpretive case study which investigated the views held by the management of a New Zealand secondary school, well known for enterprise education.
The study used semi-structured interviews to investigate what aspects were deemed important by senior management and whether they saw themselves as pivotal in the success of enterprise education.
The management team believed their role to be pivotal and that nine aspects were necessary for a successful enterprise programme.
It is anticipated that the results from this interpretive case study will assist others in their planning, development and success of future quality enterprise education programmes.
Lee, K., Hebaishi, G. and Hope, J. (2015), "The role of senior management in developing and achieving a successful enterprise education programme?", Education + Training, Vol. 57 No. 7, pp. 791-811.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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