Affective and normative forces between HCHRM and turnover intention in China
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the affective and normative mechanisms linking high-commitment human resource management (HCHRM) to employee turnover intention. Accordingly, the authors hypothesize that positive affect and group job satisfaction mediate the relationship between HCHRM and turnover intention.
Based on a sample of 471 employees and their supervisors from 53 assembly lines in China, the hypotheses were tested with hierarchical linear modeling.
The results suggested that both positive affect and group job satisfaction significantly mediated the negative relationship between HCHRM and turnover intention. Moreover, the indirect effect of HCHRM on turnover intention via group job satisfaction was larger than that via positive affect.
Practical implications
In the Chinese context, HCHRM practices are effective in reducing turnover intention of the first-line employees on assembly lines. Organizations should show concerns for front-line workers’ positive affect and group job satisfaction to reduce their turnover intention.
The present research contributes to the extant literatures by uncovering the affective and normative mechanisms of the HCHRM-turnover intention association.
This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos 71402127; 71372125), 2014-2015 International Scholar Exchange Fellowship program of Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and Soft Science Research Project of Hubei Science and Technology Support Program (No. 2015BDF082).
Lu, X., Tu, Y., Li, Y. and Ho, C.-C. (2016), "Affective and normative forces between HCHRM and turnover intention in China", Employee Relations, Vol. 38 No. 5, pp. 741-754.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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