Oh, what happiness! Finding joy and purpose through work
The aim of this paper is reaffirming the real purpose of studying, working, and acquiring a decent lifestyle, which is happiness.
This paper includes reflections on workshops with professionals, coaching insights, and literature review.
Attaining happiness is not necessarily dependent on our employer but on our perception of our work. If our mind is at ease, and our outlook is positive, our work can be joy, and we can tread our personal path of happiness.
Practical implications
May serve as a source of self-reflection to readers and potential reconsideration of the reasons behind their professional performance: while earning money is important to pay the bills and care for our families, we owe it to ourselves to be happy while doing it. Finding contentment in our work is the critical step to enjoying it and, thus, being happy doing it.
Social implications
Individuals who focus on acquiring and maintaining their own happiness will be more likely to also exude positive energy to others, thus elevating the chances of these others to pursue happiness as well.
This is a call for refocusing on the true purpose of all our actions. While it is actually rather simple, we seem to keep losing focus and digress into converting means into ends, while disregarding the real end of all our actions, which is happiness.
Marques, J.F. (2017), "Oh, what happiness! Finding joy and purpose through work", Development and Learning in Organizations, Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1108/DLO-11-2016-0108
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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