ISBN: 978-0-08-044662-2, eISBN: 978-0-08-046401-5
Publication date: 11 August 2006
(2006), "Prelims", Stopher, P. and Stecher, C. (Ed.) Travel Survey Methods, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xv.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Travel Survey Methods
Title Page
Travel Survey Methods
Quality and Future Directions
Edited by
Peter Stopher
The University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Cheryl Stecher
Franklin Hill Group, Santa Monica, USA
United Kingdom — North America — Japan
India — Malaysia — China
Copyright Page
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Copyright © 2006 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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ISBN: 978-0-08-046401-5
This book is a new chapter in the ISCTSC’s continuing focus on maintaining and improving the quality of data collection in transport surveys. The papers extend discourse on broad topic areas that have been addressed by the ISCTSC in previous gatherings, update us on travel survey initiatives currently under way in many countries, and provide a glimpse into the future in the form of changing contexts, new topics, new technologies, and new standards. However, what these papers really tell us is that there are many ways to improve the quality of transport surveys; too many to be covered in a single book or conference proceedings. There is no set of absolute standards that, if observed, will automatically ensure the quality of a particular research effort or product. However, there are general (and generally measurable) guidelines for high-quality research that are widely appreciated in the ISCTSC community and beyond.
As we pick up the baton as ISCTSC chairs, reading this book reminds us of the importance of the fundamentals of good survey design. No survey fully satisfies the theoretical ideals of scientific inquiry. Every survey represents a collection of compromises between the ideal and the possible. For us, the primary goal of the ISCTSC is to help the international community of transport survey researchers arrive at the best possible compromises by facilitating communication among those conducting transport survey research, opening new lines of communication with those conducting related research in different disciplines, and extending information dissemination about survey practice and methods research. Perfect transport surveys may never be possible, but good surveys can and should be done.
We would like to thank the authors who participated in this volume, particularly those of you who are long-standing contributors to ISCTSC programs. We look forward to working with you over the next several years and commit to stimulating and expanding the ISCTSC roles in collaboration and dissemination. We would particularly like to acknowledge the solid foundation that has been provided for our upcoming tenure by Peter Stopher, Cheryl Stecher, and Peter Jones, and all the Chairpersons of the previous International Conferences on Transport Survey Methods. We would also like to thank Chester Wilmot for his unwavering behind-the-scenes support as Secretary/Treasurer of ISCTSC. We thank them for their diligence in support of the goal of transport survey quality, and hope to carry on that tradition.
Johanna Zmud
Tony Richardson
It is hoped that this book will move the practice of Travel Surveys forward again, as a follow on to the earlier book Transport Survey Quality and Innovation (Stopher and Jones, 2003a), published three years ago. It is the goal of this book to make further progress in establishing ways in which the quality of transport surveys can be assessed and improved, as well as to set out some future directions for research in improving travel survey methods. Since the earlier book was published, a significant research effort has drawn to its conclusion, sponsored by the US National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), through the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering in the US. This research effort was aimed at establishing standardised procedures for personal travel surveys in the US, and the work accomplished in that research forms the basis of the second chapter of this book, which was also used as a keynote paper in the 7th International Conference on Travel Survey Methods, held in Costa Rica in August 2004.
This book is not a conference proceedings. However, the various chapters of the book have been developed from papers that were a part of the 7th International Conference on Travel Survey Methods. All of the papers written for and as a consequence of the conference were reviewed by three referees. Only those papers that achieved the highest ratings from the referees were selected for inclusion in this book. Prior to the conference, a call for abstracts yielded a total of more than forty abstracts. Following a review of all the abstracts, twenty three papers were eventually selected for inclusion in the conference. Seventeen resource papers were commissioned. Following review of these and modification by the authors, sixteen were included in the conference. Three keynote papers were also commissioned, and all three were included in the conference, following extensive reviews of each. Thus, in the conference itself, forty two papers were presented either to plenary sessions or to workshops. Of these, twenty two were selected for revision and inclusion in this book. In addition, the chairs of the fifteen workshops were asked to write papers that summarised the deliberations of those workshops and that could be included as chapters of this book. These papers were also reviewed before being included. Final versions of most of the chapters were completed in May-June of 2005, almost a year after the conference was held.
Goals of this Book
The goals of this book are twofold. First, this book seeks to extend the discussions of the Costa Rica Conference and its two predecessor conferences on the topic of survey quality. Second, it sets out to create a research agenda for travel surveys for the coming years, recognising where some of the most critical areas are for future developments and innovations. To set the stage for these goals, the first chapter of the book presents an overview of travel surveys in South and Central America. The second chapter offers a series of proposals for possible standards and guidelines that could be considered for adoption on a national or global basis.
In the area of survey quality, discussions began with the 5th International Conference on Transport Surveys: Raising the Standard in 1997, held in Germany. While that conference raised many issues relating to survey quality, no consensus was reached on measures of quality, nor the applicability of those measures to the global transport survey community. The debate continued in 2001 in the 6th International Conference on Transport Survey Quality and Innovation that was held in South Africa. While the sixth conference began with a more concrete list of possible areas of standardisation, it was noted that ‘Few recommendations of specific standards emerged from the conference, although many of the proposals for standards…appear to be supported by various workshops’ (Stopher and Jones, 2003b). In the meantime in the US, a research project was undertaken under the funding of the NCHRP to develop standardised procedures for personal travel surveys, as noted above. The list of possible areas for global standards that was put before the 2001 Conference came from the early work on this project. For the 2004 conference, the set of proposed standards, detailed in chapter 2 of this book (Stopher et al., 2006), was developed from the findings of this research project and put forward as a starting point for consideration.
Chapters 3 to 18 cover this area of survey quality, standards, and guidelines. The chapters address various broad areas of survey design and implementation. The six broad areas covered by this part of the book are:
Survey Design;
Sample Design;
Instrument Design;
Survey Implementation;
Processing, Analysing, and Archiving Survey Data; and
Quality Assessment.
With respect to a research agenda, the International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences (ISCTSC) developed a list of topic areas that appear to be among the most pressing research areas for the continued development of travel surveys in the beginning of the 21st century, to assist in the guidance of transport policy and investment in the next few years. A subset of topic areas were selected for the conference to consider. Each area was described in a one-paragraph synopsis, and the workshops in the 7th International Conference were asked to consider these topics and to develop a research agenda for these areas. Chapters 19 to 37 cover these topics, which are:
Stated Preference (SP) surveys;
Panel surveys;
Freight surveys;
Investment Quality surveys;
Process data;
New technologies (not web based);
New technologies (web based);
Emergency events surveys; and
Simulated travel survey data.
Several of these topics have not appeared before in one of these conferences, while others have appeared frequently but often without resulting in a clear forward direction. This is particularly the case with the area of freight data, which, like freight modelling, appears to suffer from some considerable lack of clear direction within the profession. New topics to this conference include those of panel surveys, investment quality surveys, emergency events surveys, and simulated travel survey data.
The final chapter of this book consists of a summary of the conference and of the chapters of this book, and is intended to provide a quick overview of the overarching conclusions that can be drawn from the various chapters of this book. The final chapter also provides one paragraph descriptions of each of the workshops, which readers may find to be a useful starting point for selecting those portions of this book to read. In addition, the reader will find it helpful to refer to the previous books in this series (Stopher and Jones, 2000; Stopher and Jones, 2003a), to gain the greatest benefit from the material herein.
Cheryl Stecher
Peter Stopher
January, 2006
The chapters in this book were originally prepared either for or as a result of a conference that was held in Costa Rica in August 2004. That conference was conceived and directed by the ISCTSC, under the co-chairmanship of Cheryl Stecher and Peter Stopher. The ISCTSC was set up in 1997 to ‘…organise periodic international conferences dealing with research subjects relevant to the conduct of transport surveys that support planning, policy, modelling, monitoring, and related issues for urban, rural, regional, intercity, and international person, vehicle, and commodity movements’. The ISCTSC was assisted in organising the local arrangements and logistics by a Local Organising Committee in the US and Costa Rica, under the co-chairmanship of Carlos Arce and Carlos Contreras Montoya. The conference co-chairs would like to acknowledge the hard work put in by these two committees, the members of which are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
Members of the International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences for the Costa Rica Conference
Name | Affiliation | Country |
Carlos Arce | NuStats | USA |
Patrick Bonnel | ENTPE | France |
Werner Brög | Socialdata, GmbH | Germany |
Carlos Contreras Montoya | Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes | Costa Rica |
Lee Geisbrecht | Bureau of Transportation Statistics, USDOT | USA |
Peter Jones | UCL | UK |
Ryuichi Kitamura | Kyoto University | Japan |
Martin Lee-Gosselin | University of Laval | Canada |
Jean-Loup Madre | INRETS | France |
Arnim Meyburg | Cornell University | USA |
Elaine Murakami | US Department of Transportation, FHWA | USA |
Juan de Dios Ortúzar | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Chile |
Tom Palmerlee | Transportation Research Board | USA |
Alan Pisarski | Consultant | USA |
Tony Richardson | The Urban Transport Institute | Australia |
Gerd Sammer | Universitat für Bodenkultur | Austria |
Cheryl Stecher (co-chair) | The Franklin Hill Group | USA |
Peter Stopher (co-chair) | The University of Sydney | Australia |
Orlando Strambi | Escola Politecnica da Universidade Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Harry Timmermans | Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands |
Mary Lynn Tischer | Virginia Department of Transportation | USA |
Klaas van Zyl | Stewart Scott | South Africa |
Manfred Wermuth | Technische Universitat Braunschweig | Germany |
Chester Wilmot (Secretary) | Louisiana State University | USA |
Members of the Local Organising Committee for the Costa Rica Conference
EName | EAffiliation | ECountry |
Carlos Arce (co-chair) | NuStats | USA |
Carlos Contreras Montoya (co-chair) | Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes | Costa Rica |
Rafael Chan Jaen | Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes | Costa Rica |
Jose Manuel Hernandez Monge | Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes | Costa Rica |
Minor Rodriguez Barrantes | Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes | Costa Rica |
Juan de Dios Ortúzar | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | Chile |
Juan Carlos Soto Vindas | Eurobus, SA | Costa Rica |
Orlando Strambi | Escola Politecnica daUniversidade Sao Paulo | Brazil |
Olman Vargas Zeledon | Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos | Costa Rica |
We would also like to acknowledge the workshop chairs and rapporteurs, who contributed substantially to the success of the conference as well as contributing to chapters in this book and to the refereeing process for various chapters. We would also like to acknowledge Andrea Hernandez Torres and Adriana Hernandez Torres of the University of Costa Rica and Olman Vargas Benavides and Samanta Solorio Murillo of the Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos who assisted the LOC and staffed the conference registration desk throughout the conference.
We are also grateful to the following organisations that provided financial support and sponsorships for the conference, without which this book would not exist:
The US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration;
AVV Transport Research Centre, Dutch Ministry of Transport;
NuStats of Texas;
Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transporte, Costa Rica;
Colegio Federado de Ingenieros y Arquitectos, Costa Rica;
Morpace, Inc. of Michigan;
Resource Systems Group, Inc. of Vermont; and
Eurobus, S.A. of Costa Rica.
The sponsorship of these organisations enabled a number of scholarships to be awarded to delegates, primarily from South and Central America, but also to Africa, the latter also using funds that were generated by the previous conference held in South Africa in 2000. None of these delegates would have been able to attend without this assistance. Their presence in the conference enriched the conference discussions greatly, and has also contributed to the dissemination of good practice in travel surveys in a number of countries.
We would also like to acknowledge the assistance provided by Carmen Stopher in reading and checking the manuscript for this book. Her help has been invaluable. We would also like to thank the publishers, Elsevier Science, and especially Chris Pringle, for their encouragement and support of this venture.
Dedication - Patricia van der Reis
This book is dedicated to the memory of Patricia van der Reis, who died unexpectedly in October 2005. Pat had been associated with the International Travel Survey Conferences for more than twenty years. During this time, she made major contributions to the profession, as well as providing strong representation of the African subcontinent in this international setting. In the Second International Conference on New Survey Methods, held at Hungerford Hill in Australia in September 1983, Pat contributed a chapter on ‘The transferability of rating scale techniques to transport research in a developing country’1, which drew the attention of the conference delegates to special issues in asking people in Africa to use rating scales to assess aspects of transport service. At the Third International Conference on Survey Methods in Transportation, held in Washington, D.C. in January 1990, Pat chaired one of the workshops on the topic of New Technologies in Surveys, where the primary new technologies seen then as applying to transport surveys were lap-top computers, use of computer assisted telephone interviewing, audio and video taping, and the potential for obtaining data from vehicle on-board computers.
The next in this series of conferences that Pat attended was the Fifth International Conference that was held in Eibsee, Germany in May, 1997. In this conference, Pat presented a landmark paper on issues of illiteracy and semi-literacy in travel surveys2, as well as contributing to the two workshops she attended during the conference. When it became apparent that there would be further conferences in this series, Pat proposed that the next conference should be held on the African continent and volunteered herself as the chair of the Local Organising Committee. Over the next three years, she worked tirelessly to ensure that the conference that would be held in 2001 in the Kruger Park in South Africa would be an even greater success than its predecessors. She formed a Local Organising Committee, helped obtain local sponsorship funds, organised the location of the conference, and assisted in a vast number of ways to ensure that conference participants would have a rewarding and also enjoyable conference. For many of those who attended, this was their first visit to Africa, and Pat made it a memorable one for all those who attended. She also worked extremely hard to ensure that various professionals from all over sub-Saharan Africa would have an opportunity to attend the conference. She did this both by finding ways to publicise the conference and also in helping to find funds that could be used to provide scholarships for those who would otherwise be unable to attend. In total, of 106 delegates to the conference, forty one were from thirteen African countries, with the remaining delegates coming from Europe, the US, Australia, Japan, and South America. This afforded these African delegates an opportunity to interact with an international group that they would rarely have the opportunity to meet. Pat also arranged for a keynote address from a prominent survey specialist in Africa, which added immeasurably to the success of the conference and to setting an appropriate stage for the balance of the conference. Notwithstanding all of the work involved in organising the conference, Pat still found the time to contribute, with her friend and colleague Marina Lombard, an important resource paper on multi-cultural and multi-language transport surveys3. Pat took part in the deliberations of the two series of workshops, while also continuing to ensure that the conference ran smoothly and that all delegates’ needs were met.
After the conference was over, it was decided by the International Steering Committee to purchase fifty copies of the resulting conference book and to distribute these to delegates and universities in sub-Saharan Africa. Again, Pat provided addresses of many universities in Africa, to which books were subsequently sent, as well as ensuring that all delegates from Africa received a copy of the book.
The next conference in the series was held in Costa Rica. Pat assisted from the outset, first by documenting carefully what she had done as Local Organising Committee chair and sharing this with the incoming Local Organising Committee chair, and then in accepting a role as a workshop chair of the workshop on Survey Implementation Standards and Guidelines. In her inimitable fashion, she was one of the first workshop chairs to submit her workshop report, which appears as a chapter in this book4, as well as getting reviews done promptly of the papers in her workshop and providing recommendations to the editors.
Pat will be remembered by the many international delegates to these various conferences as a gentle, self-effacing, and highly professional contributor. She showed remarkable ability in the area of travel survey design and implementation and led the way in innovations to allow such surveys to be done in the very different contexts to be found in Africa, from where most travel survey techniques have been developed in Western Europe and North America. Pat contributed in more ways than most of us are probably aware, not only in innovation in travel surveys, but also in championing the development of her fellow Africans and assisting the international community of transport and travel survey professionals.
On a personal note, I had the privilege to work with Pat in the organising of the past three conferences. I came to depend upon her in many ways. She was always responsive, providing replies to questions and solutions to problems more rapidly than any of us had a right to expect. She was extraordinarily diligent in all that she took on to do, and was always cheerful in the execution of whatever task was before her. I also had the pleasure of getting to know Pat personally, and enjoyed enormously a trek into Kruger Park with Pat and her husband Gunther, where we saw many fabulous sightings of African wildlife. We also spent pleasant African evenings talking in the moonlight, and planning the conference, and talking of other matters of mutual interest.
Pat’s presence in and contribution to her profession and to these conferences will be greatly missed.
Peter Stopher
Sydney, Australia
Van der Reis, P. (1985). The transferability of rating scale techniques to transport research in a developing country. In New Survey Methods in Transport, (Ampt, E.S., Richardson, A.J., and Brög, W. eds), 273–287, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Van der Reis, P. (2000). Transportation surveys among illiterate and semiliterate households in South Africa. In: Transport Surveys: Raising the Standard, III-G/1–11, Transportation Research Circular E-C008, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Van der Reis, P. and M. Lombard (2003). Multi-cultural and multi-language transport surveys, with special reference to the African experience. In: Transport Survey Quality and Innovation, (P. Stopher and P. Jones eds), 191–208, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Van der Reis, P. and A.S. Harvey (2006). Survey implementation. In: Travel Survey Methods - Quality and Future Directions, (P. Stopher and C.C. Stecher eds), 213–222, Elsevier Science, Oxford.
- Prelims
- 1 Travel Survey Methods in Latin America
- 2 Household Travel Surveys: Proposed Standards and Guidelines
- 3 Survey Design: The Past, the Present and the Future
- 4 Survey Design
- 5 Sample Design and Total Survey Error
- 6 Sample Design
- 7 Instrument Design: Decisions and Procedures
- 8 Instrument Design Standards and Guidelines
- 9 Scheduling Considerations in Household Travel Surveys
- 10 Proxy Respondents in Household Travel Surveys
- 11 Survey Implementation
- 12 The Metropolitan Travel Survey Archive: A Case Study in Archiving
- 13 Processing, Analysis, and Archiving of Travel Survey Data
- 14 Processing, Analysing, and Archiving Standards and Guidelines
- 15 Quality Assessment
- 16 Possible Explanations for an Increasing Share of No-Trip Respondents
- 17 Quality Assessment
- 18 Handling Individual Specific Availability of Alternatives in Stated Choice Experiments
- 19 Stated Preference Surveys: An Assessment
- 20 Panel Surveys
- 21 Moving Panel Surveys from Concept to Implementation
- 22 Energy Consumption Estimation with a Shipper and Transport Chain Survey
- 23 Goods and Business Traffic in Germany
- 24 Issues Related to Freight Transport Data Collection
- 25 In Search of the Value of Time: From South Africa to India
- 26 Investment-Grade Surveys
- 27 Process Data for Understanding and Modelling Travel Behaviour
- 28 Collection and Analysis of Behavioural Process Data: Challenges and Opportunities
- 29 Applications of New Technologies in Travel Surveys
- 30 Using Combined GPS and GSM Tracking Information for Interactive Electronic Questionnaires
- 31 Non-Web Technologies
- 32 Characteristics of Web Based Surveys and Applications in Travel Research
- 33 New Technology: Web-Based
- 34 Data Collection Related to Emergency Events
- 35 Emerging Issues in Emergency Event Transport
- 36 Simulating Household Travel Survey Data
- 37 Using Microsimulation to Generate Activity-Travel Patterns Under Conditions of Insufficient Data
- 38 Transport Survey Standards and Futures
- Glossary of Abbreviations