The Philosophy of Transhumanism
ISBN: 978-1-83982-625-2, eISBN: 978-1-83982-622-1
Publication date: 11 May 2020
Ross, B. (2020), "Index", The Philosophy of Transhumanism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 185-190.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Benjamin Ross
Abolitionism, 42, 116, 170
Aging, 75–76, 79, 91–92
immortality. See Immortality
metaphysical concerns. See Metaphysical concerns
ontology. See Ontologization
social-political concerns. See Social-political concerns
Automated warehouses, 28
Automation technology. See also Enhancement, 4, 7, 33
Autonomy, 17, 29–31, 59
Biochemical algorithms, 85
Beyond Therapy
, 89, 92–93
bio-economic assets, 22
definition, 18
enhancement technologies, 20
extended life-spans, 89
Factor X, 19–20, 124
human dignity, 18, 36
ontologization, 24–25
repugnance, 23
social-political dangers, 170
suffering, 117
technological rationality, 24
Bio-economic assets, 22
Buddhist philosophy
commonsense view, 150
comparative analysis, 147
consciousness, 152
cyborg enhancement, 162
Cyborg Buddha Project (CBP), 148, 153–154, 158–159, 162
ego, 165
emptiness, 149, 156–158, 161, 165
enlightenment, 161
Maitreya Buddha, 159–160
, 165–166
personal identity, 150
, 156
pregnancy, 156–157
samsara, 165
self-creation, 154
skandha theory, 148
suffering, 149, 151
Categorical desires, 96
Contemporary transhumanist institutions
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 68
converging technologies (CT), 68
cryonics, 62
cryopreservation, 63
DARPA, 68–69
extropianism, 63
Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), 66
Internet of Things (IoT), 69–70
National Science Foundation (NSF), 68–69
Singularity University (SU), 67
Transhumanist Declaration, 64–65
unified theory, 66
virtual assistant, 69
World Transhumanist Association (WTA), 64
CRISPR Cas9, 7
Cultural imagination. See also Science fiction, 38, 53, 169
Cyborg Buddha Project (CBP), 148, 153–154, 158–159, 162
Cyborg values
cultural movement, 137
Cyborg Foundation, 139
definition, 136
desire, 139
eyeborg, 137
functions, 140
instinct of revenge, 142
senstronaut, 139
sources, 141
Data-driven approach, 83–84
Dataism, 84–85, 88–89
Dehumanization, 18, 22, 23, 36
Desire analysis, 35, 172–174
Amazon’s algorithms, 28
Amazon’s warehouse model, 28
automated warehouses, 28
automation technology, 26–27, 33
autonomy, 29
definition, 25
dehumanization, 36
enlightenment, 32–33
instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
metaphysical danger, 32
morphological freedom, 30–31
opioid addiction, 32
and replacement, 34
robotics-driven automation, 30
secular humanism, 33
socialpolitical dangers, 31
social safety net programs, 32
technological unemployment, 29
Enlightenment, 32–33
Epistemological certainty, 95, 168
accelerationism, 13
consciousness, 15
defined, 13
morphological freedom, 16–17
natural transhumanism, 13
perpetual progress, 16
prometheanism, 14
self-actualization, 17
Human dignity, 18
Humanity 1.0 and 2.0, 8
aging, 75–76, 79
death, 79–80
Methuselarity, 77
singularity, 77
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77
toleration, 78
Implicit ideology, 3, 25, 70, 75, 140, 154
Instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
Metaphysical concerns, 32
atomic age, 91–92
categorical desires, 96
definition, 92
epistemological certainty, 95
human experience, 94
lifespan extension, 92, 96
ontological uncertainty, 95
understanding of being, social practices, 92–93
Methuselarity, 77, 97
Modern philosophy
bioconservatives, 55
Cosmism, 53
Enlightenment, 52
human-designed humanity, 53
human intelligence, 52
humanism’s methods, 49
proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
rationalism, 51
Morphological freedom, 30–31
Mythic/religious precursors
forgetting of finitude, 48
memory theater, 47
proto-philosophy, 45
spiritual machines, 48
technai, 44
technological herb, 46
trade-offs, 45
transcendent technological capacity, 44
Nietzsche’s philosophy
cyborg values. See Cyborg values
definition, 127
proto-transhumanism. See Proto-transhumanism
transhumanist philosophy, 128
value revaluation. See Value revaluation
Ontologization, 24–25
biochemical algorithms, 85
data-driven approach, 83–84
dataism, 84–85, 88–89
life sciences, 85
patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39, 81–83, 87
technical glitches, 80–81
Theseus Ship, 88
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 86
Opioid addiction, 32
Overpopulation, 67, 91
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Categorical desires, 96
Contemporary transhumanist institutions
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 68
converging technologies (CT), 68
cryonics, 62
cryopreservation, 63
DARPA, 68–69
extropianism, 63
Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET), 66
Internet of Things (IoT), 69–70
National Science Foundation (NSF), 68–69
Singularity University (SU), 67
Transhumanist Declaration, 64–65
unified theory, 66
virtual assistant, 69
World Transhumanist Association (WTA), 64
CRISPR Cas9, 7
Cultural imagination. See also Science fiction, 38, 53, 169
Cyborg Buddha Project (CBP), 148, 153–154, 158–159, 162
Cyborg values
cultural movement, 137
Cyborg Foundation, 139
definition, 136
desire, 139
eyeborg, 137
functions, 140
instinct of revenge, 142
senstronaut, 139
sources, 141
Data-driven approach, 83–84
Dataism, 84–85, 88–89
Dehumanization, 18, 22, 23, 36
Desire analysis, 35, 172–174
Amazon’s algorithms, 28
Amazon’s warehouse model, 28
automated warehouses, 28
automation technology, 26–27, 33
autonomy, 29
definition, 25
dehumanization, 36
enlightenment, 32–33
instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
metaphysical danger, 32
morphological freedom, 30–31
opioid addiction, 32
and replacement, 34
robotics-driven automation, 30
secular humanism, 33
socialpolitical dangers, 31
social safety net programs, 32
technological unemployment, 29
Enlightenment, 32–33
Epistemological certainty, 95, 168
accelerationism, 13
consciousness, 15
defined, 13
morphological freedom, 16–17
natural transhumanism, 13
perpetual progress, 16
prometheanism, 14
self-actualization, 17
Human dignity, 18
Humanity 1.0 and 2.0, 8
aging, 75–76, 79
death, 79–80
Methuselarity, 77
singularity, 77
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77
toleration, 78
Implicit ideology, 3, 25, 70, 75, 140, 154
Instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
Metaphysical concerns, 32
atomic age, 91–92
categorical desires, 96
definition, 92
epistemological certainty, 95
human experience, 94
lifespan extension, 92, 96
ontological uncertainty, 95
understanding of being, social practices, 92–93
Methuselarity, 77, 97
Modern philosophy
bioconservatives, 55
Cosmism, 53
Enlightenment, 52
human-designed humanity, 53
human intelligence, 52
humanism’s methods, 49
proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
rationalism, 51
Morphological freedom, 30–31
Mythic/religious precursors
forgetting of finitude, 48
memory theater, 47
proto-philosophy, 45
spiritual machines, 48
technai, 44
technological herb, 46
trade-offs, 45
transcendent technological capacity, 44
Nietzsche’s philosophy
cyborg values. See Cyborg values
definition, 127
proto-transhumanism. See Proto-transhumanism
transhumanist philosophy, 128
value revaluation. See Value revaluation
Ontologization, 24–25
biochemical algorithms, 85
data-driven approach, 83–84
dataism, 84–85, 88–89
life sciences, 85
patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39, 81–83, 87
technical glitches, 80–81
Theseus Ship, 88
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 86
Opioid addiction, 32
Overpopulation, 67, 91
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Amazon’s algorithms, 28
Amazon’s warehouse model, 28
automated warehouses, 28
automation technology, 26–27, 33
autonomy, 29
definition, 25
dehumanization, 36
enlightenment, 32–33
instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
metaphysical danger, 32
morphological freedom, 30–31
opioid addiction, 32
and replacement, 34
robotics-driven automation, 30
secular humanism, 33
socialpolitical dangers, 31
social safety net programs, 32
technological unemployment, 29
Enlightenment, 32–33
Epistemological certainty, 95, 168
accelerationism, 13
consciousness, 15
defined, 13
morphological freedom, 16–17
natural transhumanism, 13
perpetual progress, 16
prometheanism, 14
self-actualization, 17
Human dignity, 18
Humanity 1.0 and 2.0, 8
aging, 75–76, 79
death, 79–80
Methuselarity, 77
singularity, 77
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77
toleration, 78
Implicit ideology, 3, 25, 70, 75, 140, 154
Instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
Metaphysical concerns, 32
atomic age, 91–92
categorical desires, 96
definition, 92
epistemological certainty, 95
human experience, 94
lifespan extension, 92, 96
ontological uncertainty, 95
understanding of being, social practices, 92–93
Methuselarity, 77, 97
Modern philosophy
bioconservatives, 55
Cosmism, 53
Enlightenment, 52
human-designed humanity, 53
human intelligence, 52
humanism’s methods, 49
proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
rationalism, 51
Morphological freedom, 30–31
Mythic/religious precursors
forgetting of finitude, 48
memory theater, 47
proto-philosophy, 45
spiritual machines, 48
technai, 44
technological herb, 46
trade-offs, 45
transcendent technological capacity, 44
Nietzsche’s philosophy
cyborg values. See Cyborg values
definition, 127
proto-transhumanism. See Proto-transhumanism
transhumanist philosophy, 128
value revaluation. See Value revaluation
Ontologization, 24–25
biochemical algorithms, 85
data-driven approach, 83–84
dataism, 84–85, 88–89
life sciences, 85
patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39, 81–83, 87
technical glitches, 80–81
Theseus Ship, 88
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 86
Opioid addiction, 32
Overpopulation, 67, 91
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
aging, 75–76, 79
death, 79–80
Methuselarity, 77
singularity, 77
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77
toleration, 78
Implicit ideology, 3, 25, 70, 75, 140, 154
Instrumental theory of technology, 25–26
Metaphysical concerns, 32
atomic age, 91–92
categorical desires, 96
definition, 92
epistemological certainty, 95
human experience, 94
lifespan extension, 92, 96
ontological uncertainty, 95
understanding of being, social practices, 92–93
Methuselarity, 77, 97
Modern philosophy
bioconservatives, 55
Cosmism, 53
Enlightenment, 52
human-designed humanity, 53
human intelligence, 52
humanism’s methods, 49
proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
rationalism, 51
Morphological freedom, 30–31
Mythic/religious precursors
forgetting of finitude, 48
memory theater, 47
proto-philosophy, 45
spiritual machines, 48
technai, 44
technological herb, 46
trade-offs, 45
transcendent technological capacity, 44
Nietzsche’s philosophy
cyborg values. See Cyborg values
definition, 127
proto-transhumanism. See Proto-transhumanism
transhumanist philosophy, 128
value revaluation. See Value revaluation
Ontologization, 24–25
biochemical algorithms, 85
data-driven approach, 83–84
dataism, 84–85, 88–89
life sciences, 85
patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39, 81–83, 87
technical glitches, 80–81
Theseus Ship, 88
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 86
Opioid addiction, 32
Overpopulation, 67, 91
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Nietzsche’s philosophy
cyborg values. See Cyborg values
definition, 127
proto-transhumanism. See Proto-transhumanism
transhumanist philosophy, 128
value revaluation. See Value revaluation
Ontologization, 24–25
biochemical algorithms, 85
data-driven approach, 83–84
dataism, 84–85, 88–89
life sciences, 85
patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39, 81–83, 87
technical glitches, 80–81
Theseus Ship, 88
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 86
Opioid addiction, 32
Overpopulation, 67, 91
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Patternism, 85–86, 88–89
Posthumanism, 6–13, 132–133, 135, 168
Proto-transhumanism, 50, 53
christianity, 132
ideals condemnation, 131
last human being concept, 133–134
overhuman nature, 128–130
posthuman, 132–133, 135
value orientation, 130
Quantified Self (QS) movement, 84–85
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Repugnance, 23
Robotics-driven automation, 30
Science fiction, 1, 38, 41, 55
Altered Carbon
, 59–60
Cryonics program, 62
cultural imaginary, 57
cyberspace, 58–59
The Matrix
, 56
, 59
simulation hypothesis, 57
space operas, 61
Secular humanism, 33
Singularity, 77, 107–110, 114–115
Social-political concerns, 31
overpopulation, 91
social aspiration, 89
social structures mirrors pattern, 90
trailing edge, humanity, 90
Social safety net programs, 32
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 76–77, 81–83, 87
Suffering. See also Buddhist philosophy, 115–119
abnormal brain chemistry, 121
bioconservatives’ reliance, 124
business manager approach, 121–122
depression, 121
elimination, 121, 123
mental illness, 121
motivating factor, 127–128
ordinary suffering, 121
pain-killing drugs, 123
physical pain, 120
Superintelligence, 39–40
artificial general intelligence (AGI), 101–102, 104
artificial intelligence (AI), 40
brain–computer interfaces, 40
cognitivism, 103
consciousness, 112
definition, 101
emergence theory, 113–114
Factor X, 105
faith-based arguments, 108–109
general intelligence, 101
humanoid, Sophia the Robot, 110–111
machine learning, 102
mind upload, 40
mortal/immortal, 107
simulation theology, 114
singularity. See also Singularity, 41
spiritual machines, 108
technium, 109
transparent coping, 104–105
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
biochemical engineering, 39
nanotechnology, 39
Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation, 38–39
Super well-being
abolitionism, 42
emotions, 118–119
experience machine, 120
genetic engineering, 41
gradients of well-being, 119–120
hedonic engineering, 116, 119
human flourishing, 42
physical suffering, 42
psychological distress, 42
suffering. See Suffering
wireheading, 116
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Technium, 36
Technological rationality, 24
Technological unemployment, 29
Theseus Ship, 88
Trailing edge of humanity, 90
Understanding of being, 92–93
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
Value revaluation
digital immortality, 144
enhancements, 146
mendaciousness of millennia, 143
real vs. apparent world, 143
self sovereignty, 145
transcendent aspects, 142
Whole Body Interdiction of Telomeres (WILT), 82
Whole Brain Emulation (WBE), 40, 86, 103–104
- Prelims
- Introduction
- 1 Redesigning Humans
- 2 Engaging with Transhumanism
- 3 Living “Forever”: Transhumanism and Mortality
- 4 “Unlimited” Intelligence and Well-being
- 5 The Role of the Philosopher in Transhumanism
- 6 Transhumanism and Buddhist Philosophy: Two Approaches to Suffering
- Conclusion: Contesting and Considering Transhumanism
- References
- Index