Entrepreneurs’ Creative Responses to Institutional Challenges
ISBN: 978-1-83909-545-0, eISBN: 978-1-83909-542-9
Publication date: 28 May 2020
Eijdenberg, E.L. and Thompson, N. (2020), "References", Entrepreneurs’ Creative Responses to Institutional Challenges, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 83-110.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- 1 Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Challenging Institutional Contexts
- 2 Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa: Tanzania and Zambia Country Profiles
- 3 The Need for Insiders' Views
- 4 Institutional Constraints and Enablers of Sustainability Practices by Entrepreneurs in Tanzania and Zambia
- 5 Concluding Discussion
- References
- Index